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Posts posted by feyofthefellwood

  1. The beeswax note in this reminds me of Lights of Men's Lives, although they are noticeably different scents. LML is lighter, with a tinge of honey and vanilla, while Young Edith is sweeter because of the gardenia, and muskier because of the leather and paper. The beeswax is definitely the star of both scents, though. This perfume smells a little sharp and odd when wet, but becomes creamy and soft once dry. The books and leather become more defined during the dry stage, with an almost smoky edge from the beeswax. This has grown on me. A calming, cozy, yet elegant scent that I think will be lovely for bedtime.

  2. One of my favorite aquatics, which I tend to be picky about, and one of my favorite gardenia perfumes so far. It makes me feel like a water nymph. This really smells like a pond covered in water lilies, to my nose, and the ginger gives the water a bit of sparkle. The florals are a little sharp at first but gentle down very quickly. I have always loved the poem this scent is inspired by, and I think this lives up to its namesake.

  3. I wish my skin was not so finicky with jasmine, which smells different on me depending on my hormonal cycle. When I tried this last week, it was an intriguing vanilla/creamy heady floral; but when I tried it the other day, it was . . . wet dog. 😥 Will have to be careful about when I put it on. I love the concept of this one, jasmine is just not a friend to my chemistry.


    Edit: a year later, I'm enjoying my decant more than I thought I would. The florals are less sharp now, and when it dries down over time, it ends up smelling like this gorgeous jasmine-rose candy. Debating whether I'll need more than my decant.

  4. 2019 version. Wet, the evergreen and minty note (eucalyptus?) are strong and slightly medicinal to my nose. The scent becomes much sweeter as it dries, to a pleasant fir and birch forest with just a hint of cold from the mint. I like this, but it reminds me a bit of Ranger, which I probably like slightly better.

  5. Quote

    Her scent is one that travels through the eons: the Irish moss, yarrow, and hawthorn of the Iron Age Britons, ancient Rome’s omphacium and honey, myrrh and calamus from Egypt, the frankincense and damask roses of the Florentine Renaissance, white sandalwood from the Far East, Moroccan saffron and rose water, and a swirl of incense from the souks.


    Wow, I really like this! It isn't as sweet as Morocco (which is one of my favorite scents) but I adore Eve's spiciness and well-blended quality. And it has so many scents in it I love: moss, yarrow (which I used to crush and make "potions" with as a kid because I liked the smell haha), rose, incense, saffron . . . Unf. May have to procure a bottle if my decant won't be enough. 

  6. Quote

    Pale amber and ambergris, gossamer vanilla, moonflower, and white tobacco petals.


    Scent is a weird thing. Something about Zorya P gives me butterflies in my stomach, it's so beautiful. As others have said, this scent is delicate and ethereal. The moonflower gives it dreaminess, the vanilla and amber give it sweetness, and the ambergris and tobacco flower ground it and give it an otherworldly edge. I'm really glad I took a chance on a blind bottle---I'd been a bit wary after Zorya's comparisons to Lyonesse (which I like okay, but the ambergris and elemi amp on me and make it sort of lemony-salty? anyway). Zorya is much sweeter and vanillic in comparison, at least from my perspective.


    ETA: Funny story - my teenaged sister (not other sister who loves BPAL) is always saying perfume smells like old ladies . . . Well, the other day when I was visiting she came over and sniffled my bottle of Zorya P. Then put some on. Then put some more on. Smelled her wrists a lot. She then asked me for the link to the webpage and ordered it the next morning. :D

  7. Oh my gosh, I am in love with this! Morocco is one of my top favorite scents and I feel so blessed that it's a GC hair gloss. I have waist-length hair of mixed strand thickness, but it's kind of medium fine overall, I guess? Because of that, I didn't know whether hair gloss would make it look greasy, but it does not at all! Just shiny and gorgeously fragrant. I am so happy with this; the ends of my hair tend to get really dry in winter and summer, and although I do regular oil treatments to battle split ends, I think using hair gloss as a leave-in will further help it from drying out so much (in addition to the aesthetic wonderment). :)

  8. My sister let me sample this one, and I liked it much more than I expected. Where I grew up, the forest was mostly juniper and pinyon pine, and the juniper in this really gives me a nostalgia trip. It's fresh and woodsy and realistic. I agree that this one leans a bit manly, but it's very pleasant and would probably be fun to layer.

  9. This is very sweet and pretty. I love the pear, although I think that what gives this a soapy edge when combined with the flowers. I don't mind the "clean" smell, however, as it doesn't burn my nose or get overpowering.

  10. I'm in love. 😍 Inez is kind of like a cross between two of my favorite scents, Morocco (carnation, red sandalwood, vanilla) and Vasilissa (amber, myrrh). It doesn't have Morocco's throw or long-lasting-ness (as far as I can tell so far, anyway), but I think it will make for a lovely skin-scent.

  11. This is my favorite lavender I've tried so far. 💜 Although it starts out sharp and herbal, it dries down into something more delicate and subtly sweet with the violet. The oudh really does smell a little like chocolate, too, though it's faint. This will be a good nighttime blend.

  12. I have not tried Whip yet, so take this with a heavy grain of salt! (Hopefully someone with more experience can weigh in too). But so far, the most realistic, non-powdery rose I've tried is The Rose. Persephone was also non-powdery; I think the pomegranate keeps it grounded. I have also seen people speak highly of the LE Yules Rose Red and Peacock Queen, but I have not tried those myself.


    All of the ones I've listed are very rose-forward though, so if you want the rose mixed with other scents, they might not be the best choices. :)

  13. I love dryads (one of my favorite songs is Erutan's "The Willow Maid" :D), so I've been wanting to try this scent for a while. I definitely got the wintergreen version, which is kind of a cute scent, in its way. I don't get much floral, but there is a woodsy spiciness beneath all the mint. I prefer this sweeter mint to the one in Yggdrasil. This probably won't be a scent I reach for much, but given it's discontinued, that's probably a good thing.

  14. Alice is subtle, sweet, and pleasant. Weirdly, I get a blueberry muffins scent association, although I can smell the honey, milk, and rose when I look for them. All the notes are very well-balanced, although as a carnation lover, I wish I got a bit more carnation.

  15. Monk

    This one is low-key gorgeous---simple yet clear and bright. I could definitely see it being a helpful scent for studying, meditating, or any activity that requires mental focus. My mom liked it so much that I gifted it to her, though if she hadn't taken such a liking to it I'd definitely have kept it. ☺️

  16. I really enjoy this one, though it reminds me strongly of Snake Oil (minus the darker spices, plus a fruitier spice). It almost gives me a coconut milk vibe? I got this as a present for one of my sisters, but will likely have to get some for myself eventually.

  17. When first applied, this brings to mind pink roses. Then the carnation and tea balance the sweetness with subtle spiciness and lemon. On the dry down, the lemon in the tea combined with the carnation spice, for some weird reason, makes my brain think it's smelling curry sometimes. 😅 Despite this, I still enjoy the scent, however.

  18. I previously had no idea what moonflower smelled like and figured this was a good scent to try to determine that. It's fairly strong when I first put it on, with an almost indolic quality reminiscent of jasmine. But that quickly morphed into this sort of melon-y floral scent that is very pretty. I think the orris grounds it a little, but can't really pick it out. I will definitely hold on to my decant and try out Zorya P at some point in the future for more moonflower goodness. 

  19. The only apple scents I've tried so far are Poisoned Apple (A perfect, lovely, gleaming red apple whose sweetness masks a swirl of narcotic opium, oleander, and hemlock) and Les Bijoux (Skin musk and honey, blood-red rose, orange blossom, white peach, red apple, frankincense and myrrh). Les Bijoux is definitely very sweet on me (the honey and orange blossom), but Poisoned Apple miiight be a good one to try? It starts off tartly sweet but the herbal notes mellow it out as it dries down.
