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Posts posted by feyofthefellwood

  1. Sampled my sister's decant; wow, I really like this. And I didn't expect to be wowed; I guess it just shows me that I like the smell of tobacco and frankincense more than I thought. It reminds me a little of Vision of the Courtesan with the tobacco/frank combo (though this is sharper and Vision creamier) and Anne Bonny, though they only share frankincense. I'm getting an almost earthy/cedary/tree bark smell from this for some reason, but I love it. I think the tonka adds a bit of depth and sweetness. Will probably have to get some of my own. 

  2. To me, this smells just like fruit-flavored cereal, creamy whole milk, vanilla, and a few fresh, tart strawberries. The milk note is different from the one in Milk Moon; I don't get any sourness from it at all. I'm not usually a huge gourmand person, but I am really enjoying this. It has pretty good throw and longevity.

  3. At first, this is all herbal honey on my skin, like heavily honeyed chamomile tea. As it dries, the nicotiana turns this into a really lovely perfumed honey; the tobacco note is very reminiscent of the tobacco flower in Zorya P. I think I might amp it a little, since I definitely get more tobacco flower smell than any sense of powdery honey. Combined with the herbal notes, it makes the scent almost bitter, but in an elegant way. Since I love honey and Zorya P, this one is a winner.

  4. I always worry about jasmine, which usually goes bad on me, but this is one of those rare lovely blends where it behaves on my skin. I don't detect it much, honestly. I mostly just get an impression of a field of wildflowers from this - pollen and petals, dustily sweet. It reminds me a bit of the Bluebonnet SN for some reason. Gorgeous. 

  5. I blind bottled this hoping I would love it, and it turns out it was a good investment. The honey note is sweet, but light and almost effervescent. The fruit notes are really well blended, and although the blackberry is stronger at first, it melds with the citrus notes as it dries down, making the scent brighter and less syrup-sweet. The scent, at least fresh from the mail, seems to sit fairly close to the skin, so it's less in your face than some honey scents. I do wish I got more of the gruit/herbs and spices, but maybe those will emerge more as the oil ages. I can kind of detect them once the scent has dried down if I look for them, but overall this is more mild and sweet than spicy or boozy, to my nose. Not an animalic honey. This might overtake Lady Una as my favorite honey-centric BPAL, but time will tell. 


    If I smelled mead like this, I'd drink it. :)

  6. This is the spiciest honey scent I've tried so far and I'm here for it. I love all the listed notes, although as another reviewer mentioned I notice a ginger scent here - maybe it's the mixture of carnation and cardamom, or maybe it's an unlisted note - but with the creamy honey in the background, yum. I do wish I got a little more cardamom, but maybe my nose is mistaking it for ginger. For a perfume with such a serene name, this scent seems fierce to me; warm, but assertive. It's honey with a sharp sting. 

  7. I can see why this one is so popular! It's all creamy cinnamon and honeysuckle deepened by incense. There is an almost vanilla aspect to it that reminds me of Snake Oil and Dragon's Milk. I do wish it had more throw and staying power, but at least I can apply it to my hair (and, maybe someday, a scent locket). I will definitely be getting a bottle of this when I can.

  8. I tend to amp red musk, which goes bitter on my skin without some sweeter note counterpoints, so the mentions of this being a sweeter blend, along with the favorable comparisons to Abalone Vulva, sparked my curiosity. And this really is beautiful - a more playful and sultry mermaid. The red musk stays silky and light on my skin without going bitter, and the amber is more creamy than powdery. Gorgeous. 

  9. I'm not usually one for citrus-y scents, but I like this one more than I expected. The yuzu is bright and cheery, with an almost peach-like undertone beneath the tart citrus. The cedar grounds the fruit, although the combination does strike me as unusual for some reason. An interesting, pleasant scent overall.

  10. I usually have a hard time with jasmine, but I don't really notice it here, other than it must be giving extra oomph to the honeysuckle. And this is a *gorgeous* honeysuckle, heady with the jasmine, creamy with the milk. This has a lot of throw, so I have to apply sparingly, but overall it's one of the best honeysuckle scents I've tried. A bottle may be in my future if I use up my decant. 

  11. This reminds me of mint chocolate chip ice cream; it's such a lovely ratio of vanilla and mint. I don't really pick out the pistachio, but I suspect it may be giving this scent its dense, creamy texture and keeping the mint from being sharp.

  12. I've been on a bit of a fuzzy/cozy/wool scent kick recently and thought I'd see if people have any recommendations in that vein. I love Rendezvous Behind the Rice Straws and also like Cozy Pumpkin Sweater and Cafe Au Lait and a Wool Blanket. I'm really interested in Two Sheep and Two Goats, as well. Are there any I'm overlooking? 

  13. This is probably the sweetest, most sugary rose scent I've tried so far. The honey reminds me of the honey musk note in Lady Una at first, with the rose being faint. As it dries, the rose---which is soft instead of bold---peeks out and the sugar crystallizes over the honey. It's like rose and honey cotton candy. It's probably too sweet overall for my tastes, but I'm glad I got to sample my sister's bottle. 

  14. I've heard this compared to Snow White, a favorite of mine, so knew I had to try it. At first, it's a blast of cherry ish almond, then it fades into a light milk and honey skin scent. There's a whiff of coldness that does remind me of Snow White, which is really interesting since I have no idea what note gives it that quality. Almost like mint?? It doesn't have much throw, but I like how ethereal it is. Anyway, it's super pretty and if I use my imp quickly, a bottle may be in order at some point. 

  15. Who knew that red musk and pine would go so well together? I really like this combo! I get the metallic smell as it dries, but don't detect the leather much at this point. I'm hoping this will get stronger with age. Although I don't think I'd wear it enough to get a bottle, I will enjoy the decant when I need something dark and foresty. 

  16. I love yarrow and knew I had to sample this one just based on that note alone. I agree that this smells like a forest floor! Mossy, with lush ferns and a soft carpet of dark evergreen needles. It's a cool, deep, sweetly green scent. My skin kind of eats it up, unfortunately, but since I just got it out of the mail, I'll have to see if the staying power improves with rest/age. I adore this.

  17. There's definitely something citrusy in this, blended with the amber and sweet, carrot-seed snow note (for those of you who like/dislike this snow note). It's much sweeter and less cold than I expected. I like it, but wish I smelled the amber more, to ground the scent with something more resinous.

  18. To me, the honey note in this is nearly identical to the honey musk in Lady Una (which I love). So, honey musk + dandelions and wildflowers. Gorgeous. This scent is less sweet and more green than Lady Una, but they are definitely sister scents. The dandelions fade as it dries, but I still get whiffs of them every now and then. The wildflowers are sweet and lightly floral. Mostly, though, my skin seems to like bringing out the honey musk type note.

  19. This is sweeter than I expected (I'm starting to think I amp tobacco a bit), but very elegant. After the initial blast of vanillic, sweet tobacco, the rice milk is the main feature. And like the rice milk in Rendezvous With Her Lover Behind the Rice Straws, the rice milk note here is creamy, lightly sweet, and vanilla-musky. These two scents have my favorite rice milk note I've tried so far, hands down. The tobacco leaf gives the scent an intriguing, non-foodie edge that I agree is similar to the tobacco flower note in Zorya P. I don't notice the frankincense so much, but I'd assume it's what keeps this scent from being too sweet. Maybe it also helps with the floating scent cloud I'm getting in terms of throw.


    Overall, this is lovely and I'm glad the glowing reviews got me to try it. Tobacco, rice milk, and even vanilla fans should definitely give this one a whirl.
