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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by feyofthefellwood

  1. I know I've tried a previous version of this but can't remember how it compares to this year's . . . Anyway, this one is gorgeous. The green and woody notes are gentle and the dry-down is a creamy beeswax vanilla that reminds me a little of Snow White for some reason. I'd definitely call it more of a vanilla beeswax than a honey one. 

  2. To my nose, this is more gourmand-smelling than floral or aquatic, but I know the floral notes are adding to its complexity. At first, the honey dust dominates the scent. While I don't mind this note, it's also not one I gravitate towards. However, as the scent wears the other notes peek out. Next I get some saltiness, which turns the honey into a salted caramel kind of scent. The grapefruit is tart; the florals stay very tame (at least on me). I think the cerulean musk and amber keep this from going too far into the food direction and generally give the scent a "sparkly" feel (similar to Awake, if you've tried it), but they aren't easy for me to pinpoint on their own.


    As the scent warms on the skin there's a bit of a "toasty" note I'm guessing is the choya nakh? But it's pretty subtle. I dig it. As for the ambergris, I can tell it's adding to the backbone of the scent and just adding to the prettiness as it wears over time. It's more perfumey at this stage. 


    This scent lasts a long time on me and in its final stage smells like cotton candy. It's a very interesting scent overall with a lot of fun changes as it wears . . . just beware the initial honey dust blast if that isn't your favorite note. A lovely mermaid treasure of a perfume. 🧜‍♀️ 

  3. I have so many rose scents that I almost skipped this one, but I love it and will probably have to upgrade to a bottle. It's the greenest, most forest-y rose scent I've tried. It smells like layers of green all deepening to emerald. I think it's the lime, pine, and juniper combination my nose is so enamored with. 

  4. This has a similar soft, earthy yet ethereal vibe as my beloved Neutral Tones. The ambergris with the woody notes is a gorgeous combination. Throw is pretty quiet, so this is definitely more of a cozy your-skin-but-better type of scent. I love using this as a sleep scent, so it's a definite backup bottle contender. 

  5. This is beautiful. Red musk can overpower a blend on me, but here, the (non-foody) vanilla and porcelain win on the dry down. I love the porcelain note. I agree the (lighter) red musk and violet combo is similar to that in Random Brothel, which I also love. I'll definitely be upgrading my decant to a bottle in the future. 

  6. I'm usually kind of ambivalent about melon scents, but this one sounded really appetizing. And it is! The honeydew note is spot on and dominates at first, and complements the whipped cream really well (the cream note smells like vanilla cream, to my nose). The sponge cake becomes more prominent on the dry down. In the end, the scent becomes something of a vanilla musk on my skin, and lasts for quite a long time. 

  7. BPAL ambergris is my favorite ambergris, so I had to get this one. I was preparing myself for this to be a jasmine heavy scent where the ambergris got lost, but this is a total win on the ambergris front. It's absolutely gorgeous with the tart green notes. The white musk and jasmine give this some floral headiness, but the ambergris is really the star, to my nose. I absolutely love this. 

  8. I initially passed on this because I thought it would be a cinnabomb, but the reviews swayed me. To me at least, the cinnamon is mild and well behaved. The molasses is sweet but not overly so, and the "glowing amber" note is, to my nose, the same gorgeous glowing amber in Vintage Ghost Mold. Overall, quite lovely and come-hither. 

  9. This is one of those scents I really love and feel I can't do justice to in a review. It's gentle and earthy, like an herb garden drying in the sun after a light rain. Even though the notes are completely different, it reminds me of Summer Rain, another of my favorites. 

  10. Though this does not smell exactly like The Girl or Ava, it's definitely in that same cold white amber + delicate florals and vanilla category. No strong jasmine here. Tomie has a slight woody aspect due to the sandalwood, but remains airy and delicate. It's a lovely, wearable perfume to me and I splurged on a backup bottle.

  11. BPAL has a couple different snow notes. The "Snow White" snow note (which is the one used in TKSnow) is kind of like a cold floral vanilla, but has also been compared to coconut, almond, scotch tape, and chilled flowers. It's my favorite of the snow notes and I find it difficult to describe.


    The other snow note I'm familiar with is the "slushy snow" note. This one is more minty/piney and my enjoyment of it depends on what it's blended with (I like it with vanilla mostly). It's in most of the snowy forest type scents and it's in Marshmallow Snow.


    There might be other BPAL snow notes I'm not familiar with, though. It can be impossible to know which snow note is used in a scent until you smell it (if there aren't reviews).

  12. Lush, candied rose wine with hints of dark resins. The rose and wine notes are more prevalent to me than the resins or spices (though I definitely notice the dragon's blood, which I love). I saw someone on FB describe this like a rose-flavored jolly rancher and that description is quite apt to me. 

  13. 2023 restocked version. I like this even more than I thought I would. It's quite similar to Dorian IMO, but it smells much more green at first. I think the jasmine leaf and white musk make it a bit sharper, though the jasmine note never goes into super floral territory. It opens with stronger bergamot and some mossiness, but the dry down is a similar sugary vanilla tea. To me, it's a "colder" Dorian. For some reason the dry down also reminds me of my beloved Grey Columns, and even though I'm not sure why it does, that makes me happy. 

  14. I've been enjoying this ever since it arrived. It's of course similar to Like a Girl, but more bright and sugared. To me, it smells like creamy soft vanilla with a hefty dose of sugar and pine-y frankincense. Very unisex/genderfluid, IMO. It makes me feel confident and pretty, and it lasts a long time. 

  15. When I first got this from the Lab a couple years ago, I found it kind of sharp and discordant. But dayuum, aging has done it wonders. It's still a bold scent, with the blood musk and vetiver, but the dry down is so sexy. Animalic, fuzzy, but with a gorgeous syrupy vanilla'd red musk. I don't find the Snake Oil super recognizable in this unless I look for it, but I think it's what gives this a lot of its sweet slinkiness. After 12 hours or so I can still smell it on my skin, and in this stage it reminds me a bit of the light, sweet red musk of Random Brothel (which is a very good thing). 

  16. To me, this is kind of like the lovechild of Abalone Vulva and Dragon's Milk. I love this sugared cream note (though be aware I am a huge cream/milk note fan), which reminds me of whipped cream. The pink lotus is a sweet, watery floral that gives me an aquatic feeling without really being aquatic. Very pretty. 

  17. This is one of my favorite TALs and I'm surprised I'm the only reviewer so far (I should have reviewed sooner, but when I love something a lot, can be difficult to find what to say . . . so I'm keeping it simple). Scent-wise it's light, pretty, and unobtrusive; the florals don't overwhelm. Ethereal and silvery like its namesake. I love willow as a note and the vanilla makes everything harmonize really well. I feel calmer and more grounded when I wear this, more able to go with the flow and manage stressful situations. 

  18. I love the Lab's amber-focused scents and this is no exception. I definitely detect labdanum at first. There's also a sweet, vanillic amber note that isn't as high-pitched as white amber, and a hint of almost-spice? IMO this is similar to The Lion but softer, less spicy, and more "golden brown" than pure gold. There's also a cashmere quality to this, like a soft scarf or blanket you'd wrap up in on a chilly day (with a warm spiced chai beside). Very cozy; very purring cat.

  19. The gorgeous osmanthus/vanilla combo reminds me of Like the Very Gods, though this is simpler. The osmanthus is so pretty and cheerful, with an almost peachy smell at times. I think the benzoin is adding a nice sweet resin to the base, but it's not that strong. The only downside to this scent is that it doesn't have a lot of throw or longevity, though I'm hopeful that the vanilla and benzoin will gain a little oomph with age. 

  20. I'm sure I'll be reaching for this a lot. It's smooth, creamy, and lightly sweet, with just a hint of golden musk (one of my favorite musks!), mallow, and amber. Pretty and inoffensive, so I think it will be a great work scent. (Also, I unintentionally layered this with Cat at the Table, and it's a great combination). 

  21. Reposting this from the testing thread. Enagismata is really smooth and pretty, light and creamy. The goat milk and wine give it a little tang, the myrrh is elegant, and the honey is mild and sweet. It's almost in a similar scent family to Dragon's Milk and Cockaigne IMO, but far less sugared than both, less foody than Cockaigne, less incensey than Dragon's Milk. And at least fresh from the mail, it has less throw than those scents. Be aware I have a fondness for goat milk notes and if that isn't your thing, this blend will probably *not* change your mind!


    Now I wish I could afford all the Greek funerary scents. 

  22. I think Fleece Skeleton Onesie is a great choice for this! Although Zorya P (Pale amber and ambergris, gossamer vanilla, moonflower, and white tobacco petals) doesn't have a porcelain note, it was very close to Pediophobia when I compared the two. It's a nice dreamy, perfumey vanilla. I'm not sure if it's in stock at the moment, but it usually isn't too hard to find on the market if it isn't. I might also recommend Snow White (A chilly , bright perfume: flurries of virgin snow, crisp winter wind and the faintest breath of night-blooming flowers) or one of its variations; it's a lovely "cold" scent that isn't minty. 

  23. I think this is the most spicy BPAL I've tried yet! I can almost feel the heat in my throat on a deep sniff. Sweet, dry, spicy goodness. It really smells like an olfactory conflagration; very fire element coded. The patchouli is, to my nose, the same sweet patch as in Silky Bat. I wouldn't recommend to those sensitive to cinnamon, but this is really lovely if you like spice! 


    Edit: the dry-down almost gives me a gorgeous dry tobacco note association; not sure if that's because of something in the blend or my brain associating the clove with Clove Cigarette? Either way, yum.
