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Everything posted by Threemoons

  1. Threemoons

    Cacao, Palo Santo, and Copal

    Had originally posted in wrong topic -- yes, there's also a Cacao, Copal, and Palo Santo! Review pending as it wears on me but yes, it IS different! OK, so have worn this for two days now and I have to say, it IS in fact different than Cacao, Copal, and Palo Santo! Let this one rest a while and it's amazing. In the bottle: Really sweet cacao, almost like an expensive piece of milk chocolate. On, wet: The copal steps up after a few minutes and takes the gourmand edge off of the cacao somewhat, but it's still somewhat foodie. After a long drydown, the palo santo peeks out from behind everything. Think of it like layers of paint that wear down; cacao on top, the copal coming up behind, and the palo santo is the base of it all. The winning player for me here is actually the palo santo, because the faint woodiness of it does come through eventually and adds a whole other dimension to the blend.
  2. Threemoons

    You're a Daisy If You Have

    Yowza, leather CITY on this one--totally not what I expected but I love it! In the bottle: Strong, cool blast of leather, with a teeny bit of resin? Getting some black leather in the bottle. On, wet: Opens up into a much more suede-ey brown leather/horse tackle/hardware store leather tool belts thing. Stays VERY strongly like that, with almost no other notes, for quite some time, as in several hours. I am not a horse person but I grew up around carpenters/cabinetmakers and I know what those raw leather tool belts/shop aprons smell like, and I've been around horses a little, and it smells pretty much the same as tack. Anyway, after many hours, I start to get a bit of resinous creosote which I guess is the gunpowder mixing with sage. After a few MORE hours, I finally get the "flowers" part of the story, but we're talking 12 hours for the suede/leather to sit the bleep down and stop hogging the mike. Also let me note that this lasts for a VERY long time, and has a LONG STRONG throw -- sitting at my desk all day, I got up and went out to pick up my laundry and when I got back home my entire work room smelled like I had washed the floors with the stuff! So, if you are a suede/leather fan, especially a brown suede fan, this is your jam. I could see femme-ing it up any floral of choice (I bet this would rock with any rose scent), or incense it up with an incense blend, or even just go nuts and go Total Freaking Leather and blend it with other leather things. I bet it would also be awesome with Snake Oil, almost like an even more pervy Snake Skin. Enjoy!
  3. Threemoons

    Belonging to the Darkness

    Got a bottle of this and B.T.D. 2 ages ago, finally opened up yesterday and today. Loving it. In the bottle...something almost like roasted peanut patchouli if there is such a thing? On, wet: The patchouli really starts to unfold, along with the other notes which dance on its surface. Mostly getting jasmine/oudh-like funk and a hint of bitterness in with the patchouli. Drydown: After a few hours, the moss note really starts to come out, and I'm left with a deep, dry, funky almost woodlike patchouli on my skin. Lasts a long time but not a whole lot of throw. May try layering this with BTD2 later today.
  4. Threemoons

    Womb Furie

    Delightful aged Womb Furie from 2010!! Took a late shower before voting and had just reorganized my boxen, and this caught my eye. WONDERFUL on. Thick thick mellow honey and the smoooooooothest Snake Oil ever with a bit of vanilla peeking through. This was one of my first eBay scores and so worth it.
  5. Threemoons

    Purple Jelly Dildo

    OK, so this is such a fun one! In the bottle, it's an explosion of real deal, deep purple Welch's Grape Soda from my childhood days -- every bodega sold it, and it was my favorite. On, wet; The sweet grape soda explosion continues, with a few other berry notes popping in--there are the tiniest hints of currant and maybe some other sweet berry....almost like the Lab's blackberry note but not quite? Drydown - Is Grape Soda Skin Musk a Thing? Because that is what I am left with -- a very hot-weather friendly almost floral skin musk, with more hits of that grape and the ghost of a few sweet berries. Low throw after drydown, and medium wear. I just wish the Grape Explosion lasted longer!
  6. Threemoons

    Midnight Bonfire

    Finally cracked open the 2020 issue of this scent, been wearing it for the past 2 days. In the bottle: A strong dark floral, covered in fresh smoldering ashes. On, wet: Smoldering damp leaves and some kind of sweet smoke -- all of the notes really blend together on this one, no one particular thing really stands out. Drydown: Wet, smoky, sweet smoldering bonfire remnants with a bit of incense - almost like someone lit some incense during a bonfire on a wet, damp day. I'm not normally a fan of the Lab's dead leaves note, but here, it blends nicely with everything else and makes for a most unusual smoky floral/incense scent.
  7. Threemoons

    Cacao, Black Leather, and Incense

    Had high hopes for this one and it did not disappoint In the bottle: A strong blast of bitter cacao and wet leather. On, wet: Uh, yeah, still bitter cacao and wet leather, with the tiniest bit of smoke in the background. Drydown: Long, slow drydown. End result is damp black leather--think a wet new leather jacket after getting soaked in a rainstorm--followed by bitter cacao. Not really getting a whole lot of incense here. This is a damp sort of scent, with a few pokes of maybe incense sweetness in the background on me. On me, anyway, the leather develops to front and center with the cacao close behind.
  8. Threemoons

    Stung By the Cock Tree in Hell

    Ok, been wearing this 3 days in a row during a heat wave, so I think I am really getting to know this! Love it. I was a bit afraid of the oudh, but my fear was unfounded. In the bottle: Toasted wood and...sweet roasted peanuts/popcorn? WEIRD. On, wet: The red pepper jumps to the front of the line VERY quickly, along with a very "fuzzy" iteration of the Lab's mushroom note. Long gradual drydown; the rest of the notes sort of smooth together to make this kind of "Northwestern temperate forest" musky woodsy sort of thing. The oudh behaves itself very well here, and actually for once stays in the background and plays nice on me--as I have noted before, on me, oudh plays out as either "ME TOTAL SEX GODDESS" or "ugh, who forgot to clean the cat box for our 17 cats after a week?" The fact that it doesn't jump off of my skin one way or another is remarkable; if you are woods and oudh-curious, this one is for you!
  9. Threemoons

    Penis Penetrating a Vagina in a Pickle Barrel

    Over the past few seasons, I have become all about the Lab's citrus variations, and I love all of the lemon permutations especially, so getting this blind was a no-brainer. In the bottle: A mini-mosaic of All Things Lemon - sharp lemon zest, lemon leaf, lemon juice, and sweet lemon drop candy. On, wet: The sharpest edges of the lemon notes smooth down a bit once on the skin, and some of the other notes start to peek out, especially the white tea note which is tinged with a bit of the fresh ginger note. It takes a while to dry down and develop, but when it does, a delicate veil of sheer white musk settles on top of everything else and holds it all into place very nicely. Getting a tiny hit of spice in the background also, like the bass note of a distant radio playing a few blocks down -- it's there but part of the overall blend. Super duper nice. No regrets over spending a moronic amount of money on Shungas this year; they are always so complex and well-thought out!
  10. Threemoons

    Blacklight Reactive Wizard Poster

    First of all, I fess up to having gotten ALL of the Blacklight Reactive Posters that went up recently. I still am trying to pin down what the Lab's cannabis/hemp accord is...it is sort of like fresh sticky weed, but not overwhelmingly so--if you are wearing this during a traffic stop, the cops won't ask to search your car. In the bottle: A big blast of the hemp accord On, wet: The incense starts to open up really nicely and quickly. I'm getting a traditional cheapo head shop incense, but in a good way--almost like a lighter version of Nag Champa. Drydown - settles down fairly quickly into a nice, dry incense smoke with a bit of a sweet edge, with the hemp accord weaving in and out. Medium throw and wear.
  11. Threemoons

    A Humorous Jest

    I bought this the second I saw the words "blueberry musk." Imagine my surprise when I opened it this AM--after a few days' rest from the mail--and got a STRONG vinegar smell in the bottle. As in true fruit vinegar, very sour. I took my chances, thinking that maybe it was just bottle-tight, and I was right. In the bottle: Room temperature was strong fruit vinegar, but after going out and having the bottle in my pocket, it's a lot more blueberry juice. On, wet: Blueberries with a sort of...skin musk? Hard to put a finger on it, blueberries definitely front and center with something else that's a bit sweet and floral but with something non-fruit and non-floral but very clean. Drydown: Many hours later, I still have that blueberry thing going on, with a bit sweeter floral and musk thing. This one is all about the blueberry front and center, backed up by skin musk of some sort. Not really getting the individual floral notes; it's more of a solid form scent ie not a morpher on me. This one is key if you are fans of the Lab's blueberry scent but don't want another gourmand!
  12. Threemoons


    OK this is a Must Have if you like the Lab's darker/earthier patch/resin notes. In the bottle: Not playing around here; this is all dark musk, patch, and tarry sweet incense. On, wet: The sweeter notes of the sweet patch, cypress, nd benzoin come out to play. Drydown: Long, slow morpher, on me at least. Takes several hours to fully develop; lands on me as a dark, funky, inky patch with a small hit of incense sweetness. Sits close to the skin so low throw after initial drydown, but long morphy weartime!
  13. Threemoons

    Stainless Steel Dildo

    This is such a fun one. In the bottle: Fizzy, fruity aldehyde; reminds me of Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel a little bit, for fans of that. On, wet: Getting a combo of a bit of sharp herbal notes and a tiny hint of...grape? Dries down to stay very close to the skin, low throw...getting a sheer light aldehyde with pops of stainless steel almost. Very low throw and alas short wear length, OTOH this would make a great scent for a very hot day when you don't want to sweat out clouds of heavy stuff. Very pretty actually, in a sophisticated way.
  14. Threemoons


    This is so gorgeous and calming. I wind up with a rose and resinous wood blend mix, which may be the "medicinal" part that some people get with this. Also getting little bursts of citrusy resins. Wore it yesterday by itself; layered with Citrine HG today for an extra bright boost.
  15. Utterly gorgeous sexy rose with an amazing spicy floral musk. Stays on forever and gets better and better as the day goes on. Wore it yesterday by itself; woke up today and it still smelled amazing. Re-applied today and layered with Snow White. Really nice.
  16. Threemoons

    Black Ice Sleeper

    Getting "Frostbitten" and Black Ice vibes here on this one, bigtime. In the bottle: I immediately read this as a sort of Frostbitten darkish apple. On, wet: Opens up to a somewhat sweeter fresh pressed apple juice note, along with a few more fruit hits, wrapped up in a kind of dark herby note, almost like my ancient bottle of Black Ice. Drydown: I'm left with a mix of dark almost bitter herbs -- but not too strong --with a sort of deep resonant fruit juice note under it. Definitely some kind of halfway point between Frostbitten notes and Black Ice, with some fruit. Low throw on me, medium wear length.
  17. Threemoons

    Honeysuckle & Wisteria

    Is exactly what it sounds like and is absolutely gorgeous. Long wear, medium throw.
  18. Threemoons

    Don’t Lick It

    Okay, I realize that this may be a matter of skin chemistry, but if anyone is still jonesing for a bottle of the original Snowblind, this comes pretty darn close! I have a bunch of previous year's Lick It iterations, and this one has a lot more vanilla and powdered sugar in it. In the bottle: Freshly-unwrapped old-timey candy cane. On, wet: Yes, these ARE the Starlight Mints that used to be sold in the bulk candy section of supermarkets. But then...quickly dries down to a really lovely minty vanilla frosting sort of thing? Like what you would get on a really high end fancy peppermint cupcake at a super fancy place that has crushed candy canes sprinkled on top/in the filling. So nice!
  19. Threemoons

    Sugar Skull

    Haven't opened my Sugar Skull 2021 yet, but I reached for 2020 today after doing some box reorganization. Add me to the list of folks who are wondering if the formulation is being gradually tweaked. See my review above for my ancient bottle of 2004. This is a totally different thing; a lot darker and deeper. In the bottle: Molasses and sweet, fruity tobacco, almost like the flavored/cherry tobaccos that they sell in old-timey tobacco shops (NOT the modern artificial crappy ones or vape juice). On, wet: Brown sugars and almost burnt sugar, like deep caramel, and with that lingering note of a freshly opened package of fruity tobacco. Also almost getting a hint of maple sugar. Drydown: Yep, still sticky pipe tobacco, caramel, and molasses. Not what I was expecting but I like it!
  20. Threemoons

    Wasteland World

    So glad that I was able to score a bottle of this! It's very much in line with the other steampunky offerings by the Lab. In the bottle: Getting something like the old creosote-treated railroad ties, and a hint of motor oil. On, wet: The motor oil note really opens up, along with a quick blast of leather. Drydown: Not really getting a lot of the promised botanicals; but I DO get a lovely perfect blend of leather, machine shop oil, and a bit of that creosote and dust thing. Really liking it! It really nails the "grease" note!
  21. Threemoons

    Execute Confession Module

    Finally getting around to reviewing this one! I am a total sucker for ALL of the BPAL "musk" notes, but black musk is one of my faves so of course I had to get this. In the bottle: Strong black pepper with a very faint hit of something vaguely sweet/floral. On, wet: The black pepper heats up almost immediately, as does the white musk, which really does weave and clash with the black musk. Faint whiffs of the clove, which is great, because I tend to over-amp clove sometimes depending on the blend. Right after opening up, the white musk floats to the top a bit more. Drydown: This settles in closer to the skin than I thought it would; as noted I can amp clove as well as black musk. In a very odd way this reminds me of a Lace; getting a tiny bit of that herbal note in there somewhere; maybe the white musk? If this were a Lace I would call it "Black and White Houndstooth Trimming Lace." It's this interplay of fresh notes and heavy notes. Low throw.
  22. I was a little worried about the geranium in this one when I bought it blind, as that note can sometimes go kind of bitter/funky on me. Not to worry! In the bottle: Peach and pom juice, with a bit of something herbal in the background. On, wet: A kind of warm, woody note steps up a bit -- maybe the black musk? It also elevates and amps up the peach note. Drydown: I'm left with sun-warmed peaches with a kind of spicy herby musk blend behind it. The peaches stay front and center in this one, which is what I was aiming for. I have to say, the whole "peaches" line that this is from has been outstanding.
  23. Threemoons


    Wow, wasn't sure what to expect of this one which is why I got it. How to describe this one? Imagine a New Year's Eve party with the adults in one room, the kids in the other, and cleanup afterwards. In the bottle: Something like cocoa powder and kid's punch of grape soda and gingerale. On, wet: A bit more of a spicy note and woody note comes up, along with a teeny hit of tobacco. Dry: Dark woody note with lingering hits of soda/champagne punch, some kind of background spice, and a tiny hit of burnt cocoa powder. Really says "after the party."
  24. Threemoons


    This reminds me of Snake Skin but with something extra. In the bottle: Getting a blast of extra-sweet Snake Oil with some kind of red fruit, almost. On, wet: The sweet smoke/incense note bursts forth FAST and leaves a slight whiff of white florals in its wake...to be followed by a slowly developing deep, dry dark leather smeared with Snake Oil. The final drydown version on me is a gorgeous sophisticated leather thing; very glad I got a backup. Think of a less "fetish club" version of Snake Skin that's more about the dry leather. SO nice on.
  25. Threemoons

    Marshmallows, Gumdrops, and Peppermint Canes

    If you want even more peppermint, seek out any and all of the Lick It variations -- all strong peppermint all the time! Oh MY am I glad I got this. I was on the fence at first because I really didn't need another peppermint-centric scent, nor did I want another gourmand that was heavy on the cloves. This gorgeous blend is NEITHER on me. In the bottle: Very soft peppermint and anise, with only the slightest bit of spice. Very bottle-tight. Once I put it on, the magic really starts. On, wet: Total old-timey candy shop vibes! When I was a little girl growing up, Mom would make the most amazing gingerbread houses and we'd go to this one old school candy shop to get the candy ribbons and other stuff to decorate it with. This reminds me of that shop. On, wet, the peppermint really calms down to more of a peppermint creme, and more of a Marshmallow Peep note and Easter Basket jellybean and gumdrop note creeps up. This all dries down to a really pleasant, close-to-the-skin, gently sweet candyshop thing; getting vibes along the lines of those different-flavored after dinner puffy cream candies that have a stripe of some kind of flavor in the middle, mixed with aforementioned Peeps, spicy gumdrops, and jellybeans. The peppermint pretty much melts into the background and only comes forth as a creme note.