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Posts posted by artisjok

  1. Thick cherry almond cola, layered over a decadent powdery base, I’m thinking myrrh and maybe some labdanum with a musk. Skin musk makes sense, yet with the darker resins it’s not as sweet clean on me as usual. The almond holds on for the entire wear length, impressive. Black Phoenix isn’t a scent I’d really want to wear, mostly because the powder is so strong on me, and I don’t often want to smell like almonds. Huge throw & wear length. 

  2. Bloodlust began heavy, dragons blood incense and red musk broiling over a woodsy patchouli and spiked with vetiver and cinnamon. The fierce red blend slowly lessens in strength, melding into a warm sexy musk embrace of patchouli vetiver, sprinkled with cinnamon, until the last note standing is a grassy vetiver, haunted by musk.
    Not too bad... 


    update: tested again today, the dragon’s blood starts out super cherry-like today, and lingers fruitily with red musk, until patch shoves them both aside and ascends it throne, only to be assassinated in the end by reigning champion vetiver. 

  3. 2014 version of Luperci is smooth musky patchouli and honey, with some smooth wood and plush moss. This is a masculine scent that feels really embracing and capable.

    Wearing this makes me want to bake wheat bread in an oven fueled by wood chopped down on my early morning walk.
    Classical music plays while I pet my cat and ponder how contact with nature effects my emotional responses to everyday stresses (or some other such connected contemplation), waiting for the timer to ding. 

    I stir some honey into my tea.

    The sun moves leisurely advances across the the table. 
    Tail curls in the space below chair. 
    A sigh of contentment. 

  4. One arm is delicious cozy patchouli, snuggled by musk and smoothed by amber. The other arm is a sharper patchouli, cut through with bergamot and shivered by cypress (a touch of amber lurks in the distance). Such a funny experience, and it happens every time I try it, at least for the past few days.
    Even more interesting, the drydown made me so confident that it was benzoin dominant over patchouli base, before I knew the notes. Of course, it must be the amber because there’s no benzoin. By this stage it gives me a similar peace of mind that I Am Tired of Tears and Laughter (favorite bedtime scent), though not as beloved as that one. I’m glad I have this bottle though, and can save my darling sleep scent a bit.

    I do love patchouli, and sharper herbal scents often hit the mark for me, especially with musk & amber present. Winter Stars is a win for me. The difference between my arms intrigues me and makes me think of the diverse energies beaming down from the multitude of stars. 

    Edit: oops! Forgot to mention the herbal lavender is present in most of the experience until the “benzoin” phase. Yummy. 

  5. I wish my experience of White Rabbit was similar to torischroeder9!

    In the initial wet phase I can detect the tea and the linen, then it’s all up linen hill from there. Fresh, a bit soapy, maybe some cream, yet not as enjoyable as The Sea Foams Milk. If I want to smell like laundry, I know where to go. In the last stage of wear the linen does back off and the tea is there with maybe a shred of ginger, not spicy at all though. Takes a while to get there and isn’t much throw by then anyway....

    Maybe if I can try an aged imp, it’ll be different ratio of notes. For now, I’m letting this white rabbit hop away. 

  6. I’m not a big fan of skin musk, yet this was alright for about the first half hour, a musky honey with tart apple, hint of peach, and maybe a dab of resin underneath. Unfortunately, if turned to powdery fruit candy after the first phase. Didn’t notice the rose, and don’t know if I was smelling the orange blossom & just lumped it in with peach in my mind.... (I only remembered a few notes while testing.)

    Not my thing, but it’s a lighter sexy summer scent for those how like fruity or (skin) musky honey scents! 

  7. Al Azif is a sweet cedar-y incense on me. Very rounded and smooth. I definitely get some sandalwood, too, and maybe some amber. I agree the sweetness could be maple or almond, though it’s subtle enough to make it hard to decipher. I also think my imp is pretty aged. 
    Comforting to smell, yet no throw on me so I have to huff my wrist to get any. 

  8. Strong sandalwood, befitting the name Little Wooden Doll. The sandalwood is lightly perfumed by rose, a gentle rose, maybe because it’s really the amber that is perfumed. I don’t get a very obvious amber note until late in the wear, as the powdery smooth wood dominates so much. The rose slowly merges more and more into the wood through the wear, until I can’t pick it out too well. 
    It’s a very pretty, girlie sandalwood scent, true to the theme, I even get a soft sense of melancholy.


  9. Iago, man, Iago is a masculine man. This leather is the type that I don’t really enjoy. Not sure if it’s because of the other notes, but it’s too... aquatic in a sense. Not actually aquatic, but in a way it’s a strong leather that is like the dark depths of the ocean. Very much a cologne vibe, and way too far on the masculine side for me. Nothing to warm it up, nothing to whisper in my ear, just an imposing force breathing down on my neck. 
    This would pair well with the Strong in His Entreaty hair gloss. Now that I’m looking at that, it might be the combo of this leather & vetiver that makes such a masculine cologne scent. *shrugs* 

  10. I’ve got a bottle of Devil’s Night 2009 and a decant of 2011.

    ~2009 is a cinnamon-y musk, that gets boozied up and spiced down on the drydown. It’s got some sweetness, and I could imagine something like a touch of leather in it. This could be those bonfires... yes, now I’m sure it’s smoke. 
    ~2011 begins with some dead leaves and a candy sweet booze, it dries down to more of a sugary musk with a splash of beer. None of the smokiness I get from 2009.

    I’m glad my bottle is of 2009, as it works better on me.

    Both of them give off the sexy aloof vibe to me, and I like wearing it at night when I’m feeling a bit rebellious or metal :wwolf:haha. Or when I want something sexy, yet subtle. It does fit cool weather and Halloween vibe more than any other season. 
    I’m hoping to try 2016 sometime, as it sounds delicious! 

  11. Plunder is a cacophony of nose-tickling cinnamon spice! There’s a bit of complexity from the other spices, though not much. It does seem to sweeten slightly as it dries down, and it becomes kind of musky and dusty in the end. I’m assuming that’s thanks to the sandalwood. 
    Overall, it’s just too much cinnamon for me, and the dry down isn’t very appealing to me. Maybe I can later with a stronger black tea and see what happens. For now, it’s just not a scent for me! 

  12. Galvanic Goggles is strongly metallic and cologne in the wet phase. The musk quickly takes its place, a lighter musk, akin to golden more than white though. The tobacco flower is like a light hint of tobacco, I don’t have much familiarity with the flower. The balsam comes in and the whole combo becomes a bit chewy and musky and I’m really enjoying it. The metallic notes are still present, and they serve to fancy up the smoother notes and bring a bit of brightness.
    It’s more of a masculine-leaning scent, and feels rich, like money rich. I might keep the imp specifically for business meeting type experiences, as a scent totem for my self worth. (I deserve money. I AM money!)

  13. Waltzing Matilda has such a weird wet phase. It starts out really gourmand, kind of nutty, then it quickly shifts into an almost spicy note. It’s reminiscent of a bell pepper, yet not. Must be the earthy note mentioned by others...
    In the drydown it totally transforms into a perfumey dry vanilla with a bit of fig. I like it. Even in its wet phase, I’m compelled to keep sniffing my arm to figure out what is going on. I like a scent that keeps me interested. 

  14. I’ve been craving some good figgy scents, so I was excited to try Measurement of the Soul. 
    I am getting primarily cedarwood and white sage, yet there’s a bit of sweet fig bringing a bit of balance to the outdoorsy feel. The ti leaf is apparent while wet, it blends into the sage quickly. The fig does gain some over the other notes with wear, yet the throw is dramatically reduced by this stage I can’t enjoy it as much as desired. 
    I’ve been enjoying some fresh scents recently, and this is definitely one to slather when I want to surround myself in a clean aura. 

  15. A creamy salty fresh scent, an aquatic that doesn’t go straight to sharp soap... so grateful they exist! 
    The Sea Foams Milk is delightful in its freshness. The milk does seem a bit vanilla-touched, especially in the drydown. There’s a mid-point where the aquatic takes over, and I got worried. Thankfully, the creaminess comes drifting back in with the tide and resumes it’s soothing effect. 
    I definitely want to keep this imp for those hot sticky Summer days, where showering doesn’t seem to have any effect. This sea foam will. It will remind me of blue water and the calming tunes of the waves. 

  16. When I pulled out the Queen from my bag of imps today, I was not feeling almond. Color me surprised when I decided to go ahead and slather, I’m enjoying her immensely! With all those fabulous attributes, how could I not.... 

    The honey and spices kept the almond from being too... almond. Ahaha, yes. It’s almost like a gourmand Morocco, with the spices, just not as creamy/powdery on me. The almonds don’t go cherry on me, and they actually linger a long time, unusual for the note in my experience. 
    Definitely befitting such a smart queen figure, for it totally roped me into loving an almond experience when I was feeling so adverse to it. Glad I took the plunge.

    I’m remembering back in my early BPAL days, this was a favorite of my imps (forgotten amongst the avalanche of scent experience), and I see why! Keeper, keep her~ 

  17. Bits of Birnam Wood is yuuuuummy. Sometimes, apple can be too high-pitched, shampoo/perfumey, especially as the primary note. Here I’m getting that perfumey note, yet it pairs so well with the mashed & wood notes that make an almost caramel-esque effect. It’s like eating baked apples under an apple tree while wearing an apple perfume. Truly a combo of all the apple goods. 
    I’m glad the reviews convinced me to get a decant, and I’ll be treasuring it this Summer when I want to smell delicious. 
    Oh, and it lasts a good while with some throw. A total win for my scent-thirsty skin! 

  18. Okay, so I know Masquerade is patch/orange blossom, but, sniffing blind, I totally though I was smelling the perfume version of Hedonism BO (it’s ylang ylang with the patch there, + citrus & myrrh). Makes sense, and I recommend the pair to anyone who loves heady florals and rich & woodsy, not funky, patchouli. 
    Orange blossom and patchouli takes turns leading the scent on my skin, and I never really get ambergris, yet the carnation’s spice peeks out in the later drydown. 
    I don’t think I’ll keep this imp, yet I’m glad to know it exists, in the case I get really into sultry floral blends. 

  19. Blood Amber claws it’s way into my nostrils, a screaming dragon studded with flowers, almost soapy as dragon’s blood can be on me. It’s high pitched and fierce for the first 30 min. Then, amber shows up and winds it’s way around the dragon, petting it’s head and diluting the screaming rage with some resinous powder. There’s a transition here that is too powdery for my liking, yet the notes end up balancing. They come to terms with each other and I’m left with an enticing feminine incense. It’s surprising me how I love this final stage, comparing to loud wet stage. 


  20. I’m getting a musk (I’m thinking it’s the “vegetal” like in Inferior Vena Cava), sandalwood, a light dusting of cinnamon or cassia, and a dab of patchouli from my Server Gremlin. There must be some other resin in there, yet I’m not sure what. I could see a smooth oudh. In the very beginning, there’s a greenish feel to the scent, but it gives way quickly to the other deeper notes. I don’t get any ozone or much zing, though I would believe ginger now that I’m sniffing the late drydown. 

    I vaguely remember frimping an imp of this at one time, and I’m glad I got another to try. It’s fabulous! Definitely in my wheelhouse of favorite note combos. 

  21. Raccoon Moon is a treat, bright citrusy snow and evergreen swirling together. I think the osmanthus  this is contributing some fruity tartness, from my experience of Sanctus (it’s the only scent where I’ve been able to distinguish the note).There’s a smear of dirt/woods gently supporting, not at all strong. The drydown is more of a soft white floral cozied by the musk, though a hint of the brightness still touches the edges. 
    I took a chance on a bottle, since I’ve been loving the snow note recently and my birthday was day after Full Moon. Totally worth it, and totally unique among my collection! 

  22. Manhattan swings in with GRAPEFRUIT and white tea, then the lemon peel steps in for grapefruit after a few minutes. The amber seeps in quietly, and I notice the leather’s subtle presence. I’m realizing the orchid has been blooming all along, too. Everything is so well blended, apart from high tea & lemon notes, that I’m having difficulty prying their characters apart. The teakwood must be present, since I think “Is there wood?,” and I swear I notice wood when I didn’t before. I just thought, “ I guess mint is the only one I don’t smell (or imagine).” Yep, now I think I smell mint. Ahaha
    The combo of brightness with orchid and the darker notes is compelling. The way they blend so seamlessly has my nose glued to wrist. Definitely upscale and could be totally sexy in the right outfit. Manhattan is one of my favorite GC scents, and I recently got a friend hooked on it. I’m starting to find orchid is a favorite floral. 

  23. Magus is a cedar forward scent, though sweetened by frankincense and softened by sandalwood. I’m not familiar with the scent of the other two, yet internet links galangal to ginger, and I can sense a sweet sparkle similar to ginger.
    It does have a certain magical feeling, like a wooden room, smooth with age and infused with all the essence of spells and secrets devised within it. 

    I’m enjoying the sweet cedar tone a lot. If it works well on my partner, my magician, it’s bottle worthy.

  24. Brown Jenkin is dry, sweet, and cozy, and I’m so happy to have it slathered. I’m not sure how much of the dry is sandalwood and how much is orris, yet it works really well with the coconut. The nuzzling is definitely that musk, which is probably what really makes this scent for me (love a snuggle musk). The incense only slightly peeks out later in the drydown for me, well entwined with the others.

    I don’t really go for coconut scents, but the Lab sure knows how to spin them to my liking. Maybe it’s only a mental construction I hold onto tightly, and in reality I love smelling like coconut... :eek: Curious, indeed. 
    Definitely keeping imp. I’d totally bottle this furry baby. 

  25. Fae is the lightest peach scent I’ve tried. It’s Slightly sweet, a bit powdery cozy from the musk/oakmoss combo, not high-pitched at all for me. I’m pretty sure the heliotrope is coming through a bit, yet not really getting bergamot. The musk is the most prevailing note, though the peach lingers longer than I expected.
    I can see this being the scent of a fairy princess figure, yet I would hope for a wilder, more sparkling yet deeper scent for the Fae. An enjoyable though, pretty and feminine.

    I’ll probably send it to a new home, as it’s not my personal style. 
