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Posts posted by artisjok

  1. Strong black leather dries down to a slightly sweetened leather. I’m thinking the wildflowers are the sweetness I’m picking up on. While I am a leather lover, I really want those other notes to come come through! 

    I’ll let it rest a while and give it another spin then... 


    Update: I’m definitely getting the desert plants  sage & chaparral now, especially in the dry down. It’s a dry, silver-edged green scent over leather that softens with wear. A grey gunpowder smoke drifts lightly by as the coolness of night settles into the parched ground. Surprisingly, it feels incredibly “me”. 

  2. Creamy and dry, regal and comforting, Eve spans great distances and remains intimately near. The white sandalwood is the strongest on me, with soft myrrh and hints of rose and dusty green shades. When I wear Eve, I feel like I could cozy up to my partner next to a fire, or meet an influential leader at a banquet, or be strolling alone at dusk along a quiet path.

    From what I remember of Morocco, it’s definitely similar, yet there’s more earthiness and complexity.

    Not one of my top favorites, yet it’s appropriate for many occasions and draws to mind ancestral feelings and mystical lands that I’m pleased to have a bottle. If I went on a backpacking adventure over a great distance or time period, this is the scent I would take with me. 

  3. I got a decant or Hellboy beard oil in a swap, and have been using it when my hair ends are feeling especially crisp. Surprisingly effective and not greasy at all. 

    Scent-wise, I was also surprised. The bourbon must be making a sweetness, almost fruity, that I totally did not expect to get. A warm golden tobacco scent, dipped in bourbon syrup, and laced with smoke and ash. I’d probably be okay with a heavier scent, but I’m sure that on a beard, it’s perfect by being a bit lighter. Pairs well with a lot of my Autumn cozy scents. 

  4. Hallow-e’en (2017 version) starts out rough on me. A mix of sharp dead leaves and green-yet-rotting leaves sprinkled with dirt to my nose. It lessens it’s effect maybe 10 min later to make way for honeyed fig. And it’s so gorgeous and unique when they all combine. I am glad the honey and fig come out to sweeten and smooth the jarring leaf combo on my skin. I like it more with every wear and it last longer than most scents on me. Puts me in a mood. Welcome October. 


    Today, I layered it with Mouse Circus, and it’s like sauntering down a cool leaf-strewn lane, rummaging through a bag of treats. Atmospheric yumminess. 

  5. I inherited torischroeder9’s 2012 bottle~


    This is thick romance. Darkly powdery, floral, slightly sweet.. the musk is dominating on me. It makes me think of of clandestine meetings in the park between a high class woman and her lover. Steamy nights and soft words. 

    The brighter note of tea doesn’t show, nor do I detect the clove, yet I didn’t apply a full amount this test. At this point, the black musk makes it too powdery for me to fully enjoy. I still need to do a real full wear to make sure I’m not missing out on the other notes. I think the brighter tea and frankincense would lighten the experience and make it more my style. Plus, a little zing from clove would be quite welcome in such heavy love vibes. 



  6. My Tiger is a sweet stunner.

    Imagine a yin yang sphere, composed of lavender, not sharp in the slightest, and patchouli, so smooth never funky.

    Now, wrap that sphere in a coating of thick cozy amber, glowing like a coal with its warmth.

    Then, to top off the delicacy, roll the ball in bright crunchy sugar crystals. 

    There you have it. A sleep blend to cuddle you softly. To remind you that everything is going to be alright. To satisfy that late night sweet tooth  :lol:


    I love My Tiger. My little ones have been working on their growling and prowling skills lately, and it makes me so happy to have a blend that comes from another mother with a fierce little. 

    It’s a blend that feels acceptable for a young one to wear, as well as a great wind-down scent for anyone who loves some sweetness. :heart:

  7. First introduction to Captain was indeed leather, yet there was some intricacy, almost spice upon application.

    Quickly, those intricacies flee behind the big bold personality of leather. Tackle shop, boot store, strong yet supple, carry-you-across-the-land-flung-over-his-shoulder leather.

    On the dry down, some of the vanilla or sassafras sweetness peeks around the corner. I also start to notice that the cedar is contributing the manliness of the leather, a wooden frame keeping everything ridged.

    Softened with wear the scent becomes more of a cozy leather chair, full of memories and stories of adventure in the Wild West. Still center of attention, yet willing to share the stage a bit. 


    As a fan of leather scents, this is just at the edge of what I enjoy and too much. I feel like aging will bring out the supporting notes more, as they get comfy in the relationship, and I’ll enjoy it a lot more. 

  8. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, how’d you get in my hair?! I can’t shake the similarity.... with a bloop of amber, and I could maybe see how pumpkin is there... mostly I’m feeling a youthful sweet Autumn foody scent. Perfect for watching cartoons, then going on a chilly walk through the falling leaves with your posse.

  9. King Pursued by a Unicorn is lovely, and surprisingly (or maybe expectedly?, with the two characters) strong.

    A blast of thick pine sap and maybe some oak (I haven’t gotten too familiar with the oak note to untangle it.), cozied by ever elegant and scrumptious white amber (okay, maybe golden, yet it reads as white to my nose). The amber slowly climbs to be the strongest contender, yet I never lose the hint of fresh sappiness. 

    One of the few blends that I have to be careful how much I initially applied, due to overwhelming throw. I’m thrilled it lasts so long on my skin! 

    Viscous elegance, a sun-dappled forest love. 


  10. I bought Cool It to assist me in keeping my head when my babies are having a fit and I’m getting too emotionally involved, or when I’m more irritable than I want to be (basically when I miss my nap time:lol:). It’s great, as long as I remember to use it in the moment of crisis.

    Yesterday, one of the beans was screaming and I was at my wits end to keep from screaming, too. Then walked over to my TAL stash, swiped some of this beauty on my temples. Amazingly, we both calmed down almost immediately. (Bless you, Beth!)


    The scent for for me is primarily frankincense laced with lavender, a dab of peppermint, and later I think I notice the chamomile. The jasmine isn’t obvious to me, though I had forgotten it was in the blend, so I might be more attentive to it next use. 

  11. A Tattooed Woman... starts out strong on the soap. Guess you gotta get the grime of the night out of the skin somehow. 

    Dry down is smooth, smoldering red musk & leather. A touch of wood. A dark and dry scent. Subtle, though. 


    This is the scent of that mysterious loner biker on the road. You’re lucky to be saved by her. (Obviously, she’s a a heroine.) Heck, you’re lucky if you get punched by her. Only way she sticks around longer than it takes to pitch you at the nearest rest stop is if you buy her a shot of mezcal. Then, it’s back on the black river. The clouds are rolling in heavy, yet the heat thickens in the air. All that’s left of her presence is the sense of loneliness. She’s one with the wind and belongs to no man. 

  12. I just got my hands on a half bottle of The Pancake Bell! I’ve been lovin’ my decant and glad to upgrade before cooler weather.  

    A yummy gingerbread and honey scent sprinkled with nuts and a mug of ale nearby. It somehow morphs into a delicious pancake scent after the spices meander off.

    Great longevity, too! :yum:


    Edit: I just looked up daryole and it’s a custard dessert. I can totally pick up the creaminess in the dry down. 

  13. This Imperious Three-Headed Dragon is quite reminiscent of Luna Azul 2018, but darker, syrupier. I’m getting strong black amber and sweet berries up front, then the jasmine kicks in and there’s a dance between these notes that is held by the black musk around the edges. It’s not until later in the drydown that I really detect licorice (just a hint), and I realize it lends some of the deep sweetness to the berries.

    Luna Azul is one of the few berry scents I really enjoy, and this is more complex and last longer in its darker way. LA often turns a little powdery or fades more quickly than I wish. I’ll be on the lookout for anyone who wishes to swap a bottle! 

  14. Definitely evocative of a smoky bonfire in the night. The smoldering jasmine comes in with a blast, and then the petals must have all burned up. Sweet jasmine disappears into the starry sky. I can sense the patchouli’s woodiness keeping the clouds of smoke grounded slightly. I feel the sage and pine lightly edging the smoke, like a sensation of cool night air on my back. This is all about showcasing the burnt elements. 


    Every time I try this one, I decide that it’s just not for me, just such intense smoke. An hour later I’m swooning. It’s softened and the complexities peek out more and waft around me making me wish for cold walks in the late winter night.... a deeply contemplative mood emerges. I don’t want to let go. 

  15. Quitely creeping into the castle window, the book theif tiptoes across the library in the dark shadows of night. Moonlight streams through the open window, gleaming across the spines of thick leather-bound books. She moves cat-like along sculpted shelving, knowing exactly where her target resides. The dark blue cover is covered in occult symbols. She runs nimble fingertips lightly along the edges of the thick soft pages and inhales deeply their sweet scent, encapsulated between dense leather. It seems to be whispering for the girl to unleash its secrets, promising power. An unearthly chill runs down her spine. Knowing better than to give into the lure of opening the volume without proper preparations, she tucks it into her cloak and retreats back to the window ledge. With one last glance into the gloom of the library, the thief vanishes back into the night air like a phantom. 


    The Maniscript is full of imagery, full of forbidden knowledge and dark purpose. A story unfolds in each sniff. I’m enamored. 


  16. With all the fall/Weenie-stalking hype, I decided to wear Bunraku Theater to get me in the mood for changing seasons (despite being from the opposite season of Lupers :lol:)


    This beauty is a comforting beeswax & hay-heavy scent with lumps of pumpkin interwoven. The tobacco gives it more of a perfume-y tone, a kind of upscale cozy. Sometimes, tobacco really turn me off of a scent, it’s a perfect touch here (aging probably helps!). The hops brings something like a sliver of floral, making it seem more Luper appropriate than I first thought. Definitely works super well for fall cravings, though! Lasts longer than a lot of my scents, slowly fading to a final primarily-beeswax stage. I’m so snuggle-worthy right now. 

    I am loving Bunraku, and can see myself reaching for it often when everyone gets even more pumpkin crazed. I’m pairing it with Eight-Maids-a-Milking HG next time.... :wub3:


  17. I, like Lucchesa, get more fruit than spice from Black Cherry Apricot Glogg, both cherry and apricot and some of the orange peeel are apparent on my skin. There’s a hint of spice, a bit of myrrh, yet surprisingly I’m missing booze on my skin. I must have absorbed it all ;)  lol 

    In my hair, on the other hand, it’s fruity booze city! 

    I’m making myself oatmeal and really wishing this scent was a topping instead of perfume....

    Glad to have tried it, and might use up my decant, but no need to search for more. (Phew!)

  18. On 8/29/2018 at 1:17 PM, monocainsheresy said:

    Any recommendations for scents similar to Lush's Karma or Rose Jam? Preferably GC

    Donno if you’ve gotten a chance to try out Rapture Pig, but it’s pretty spot on :D 

    On 8/29/2018 at 1:17 PM, monocainsheresy said:

    Any recommendations for scents similar to Lush's Karma or Rose Jam? Preferably GC

    Donno if you’ve gotten a chance to try out Rapture Pig, but it’s pretty spot on :D 

    On 8/29/2018 at 1:17 PM, monocainsheresy said:

    Any recommendations for scents similar to Lush's Karma or Rose Jam? Preferably GC

    Donno if you’ve gotten a chance to try out Rapture Pig, but it’s pretty spot on :D 

  19. They Shut Me Up is a beautiful scent, yet I’m having such a weird connection with it...

    I swear it smells like sunscreen when I smell the scent without trying to pick out any notes. 

    When I am focused on the particulars, I smell the bourbon vanilla and a pale fresh floral, not sharp, dewy. (Honestly don’t know what osmanthus or mallow flower smell like. They must both be delicate sweeties.) The sandalwood is definitely present, though not speaking up, rather entwining through. I don’t pick out the frankincense, and I would love for it to strengthen. There’s a chewiness to the scent and an unexplained summertime at the beach flashback sensation. I can’t decide what my emotions are telling me on this one. Pretty, though! 

  20. For me, Quarte starts out strong with lush red rose, slightly dusted with cacao. I love this phase. The drydown is mostly smooth, subtle cacao with barely any rose. Sometimes, my skin eats up rose. If it had stayed the dominate note, I would have to hunt down a bottle! As it is, I’ll just enjoy the decant. Maybe try and extend the rose with with lotioned skin.

  21. Upon application, Nebulaphobia is strong frankincense slightly swirled with the ambergris. I may get a hint of the cade, but don’t think it’s contributing much.

    Unfortunately, it just goes straight to powder. Sweet powdery fog..... I mean, it’s a bit suffocating (over-application?), so it works with the theme. This scent is not for my skin chem. Bummer. 
