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Everything posted by Lucchesa

  1. Lucchesa

    Smells to Work Out To - 30 Day Challenge

    Happy Thanksgiving, fragrant witchy workout friends!!!! Yesterday I wore Illustrated Woman and walked to the natural foods store with my little pull cart for my last minute Thanksgiving needs (including nabbing the penultimate can of organic evaporated milk). Then I got an impromptu invite for tea on my friend's porch and biked to her house (a hard 20-minute bike ride there, an easy 15 minute bike ride home). Today I put on Coiled Serpent and did an online yoga class with my local studio, one of my favorite teachers. It goes so well with yoga! I got sweaty (which brought out an interesting musk effect in Coiled Serpent) so I showered afterwards and now am wearing Pumpkin Spice Silkybat HG and Pumpkin Queen in the hopes that they will bless my pie baking.
  2. Lucchesa

    Smells to Work Out To - 30 Day Challenge

    Hi, everyone! @Madame Mew, did you decide to work out or to eat pizza? Yesterday I wore Tombeur, which I hadn’t worn in ages. So cozy and sexy! I walked to the drug store and back, not even three miles, but I had a talk to finish so I couldn’t do more. Tombeur held up beautifully. This morning I gave my talk, which was on Beatrix Potter, so I wore Mole from the Wind in the Willows scents, which was as close as I could get (actually, she raised sheep, so I could have gone with Two Sheep and Two Goats but I didn’t think of it). Mole did not last on me at all so I may be deaccessioning it soon. I’ll pick something else and go for a walk after dinner.
  3. Lucchesa

    Smells to Work Out To - 30 Day Challenge

    Hello, workout friends! Today I wore Falling Leaf Moon which is gorgeous! I walked around Green Lake, about 50 minutes all told.
  4. Lucchesa


    I was just gifted a decant of Blessing Summer 2014. It is definitely heavy on the rose geranium, a note I tend to amp, and I believe there is frankincense as well as the sandalwood alterosen mentions. It's not the sort of thing I generally wear, so I'm going to keep this for its ritual purpose of healing and blessing new endeavors. There is a sense of psychological uplift when I sniff the wand of the decant!
  5. Lucchesa


    I honestly didn't expect Bakeneko to work as well as it is. I love the black tea note but it's fugitive on me; same with tangerine. And cherry blossom is iffy. But amber musk sounded so good. And this is a terrific comfort scent, like Market Spice tea in a handmade mug with a wrapping of amber and gentle musk. I'm not getting cherry blossom at all. It doesn't last super long on me, but I've happily reapplied twice today, I'm enjoying it so much on this dreary, rainy day. (Also, there's a cat on the label.)
  6. Lucchesa

    Smells to Work Out To - 30 Day Challenge

    Hi, everyone!!! Thanks, @Amazonia, for calling me back to the fold! I have been doing at least 20 minutes of something most days, though obviously I haven't remembered to check in. Or more honestly, I think to check in at night, but it's too late and I need to go to bed. A few days ago I hurt my shoulder in a yoga class -- doing what I'm still not sure, it just kind of pinged in the middle of nothing special, but it was weird and wrong for a couple of days. Then I had a really stressful weekend with three new or partially new lectures in three days, Saturday-Monday. Sunday I had to actually go to the venue and record live, to an audience of one (and an auditorium full of paper cutouts, which were surprisingly effective in fooling me into thinking I had listeners), and when I finally got home (it's a ferry ride away) it was just getting dark but I had so much nervous energy I went for a walk/jog. I don't jog anymore because it hurts my knee. But I did three 3-minute intervals of jogging, and on the third one, as I rounded a corner in my neighborhood, I tripped and went sprawling on the sidewalk. I nursed my hurt for a moment then picked myself up, did the rest of the interval and walked home, but my right palm is all torn up. And sure enough, within an hour my knee was hurting badly. I'm such an idiot. I had used Earth bath oil as after shower moisturizer that morning but forgot to get any perfume on (it was going to be #Occupy). Today it's supposed to rain all day, decreasing to showers in the evening, so I might go for a walk tonight. But I'll have to do yoga or something before that. I'm testing A Dead Death and Bakeneko, and I'm actually surprised at how well the latter is working on me.
  7. Lucchesa

    Life, the Sculptor, Moulds Unceasingly

    I admit I misread the description, because I was hoping for the scent of clay. Mitti and tulsi are new notes to me, and I was curious to try them, but they are not reacting well to my skin. At first they are astringent, then merely sharp, and they overpower the sandalwood. I think this would be a lovely atmo, but it's not working on me as a perfume.
  8. Lucchesa

    Western Bonneted Bat

    Delicious! Sweet tobacco, chewy butterscotch, not too foodie. A wonderful addition to scents like Pumpkin Tobacco and Gingerbread Tobacco.
  9. Lucchesa

    Civil Twilight

    Civil Twilight is a lovely spring/summer blend. It's mainly sweet peach on me with amber and honeysuckle. The lemon blossom isn't appreciable when it's wet but comes out in drydown, a kind of creamy lemon-adjacent note. Soft, feminine, very pretty.
  10. Lucchesa


    My grandmother had this rose dusting powder in her bathroom, in a pink box with a ribbon. This smells uncannily like it.
  11. Lucchesa

    Vampire Lace

    Ugh, Vampire Lace wet is all stinky fecal oudh on me. And it stays that way for a good half hour. An hour after application it's beginning to be bearable, with red musk and tobacco and vanilla lilies appreciable under the animalic agarwood. And at this point I really don't care what kind of beauty this turns into. I will not go through that opening again.
  12. Lucchesa

    I want to smell like a wizard...

    @biggest_ghost Oh, yes. You want Dee. Here's the full scent description: John Dee: master of science, alchemy and magic, Hermetic philosopher in the schools of Rosicrucian Christian Mysticism and Platonic-Pythagorean doctrine, and Queen Elizabeth’s astrologer, advisor, cryptologist and spy. With Edward Kelly, he created a field of study and work in Angelic Evocation, and isolated the Angelic language: Enochian. His scent is soft English leather, rosewood and tonka with a hint of incense, parchment and soft woods. Or if you want to smell like an alchemist, there's Brimstone. Or Incantation is kind of dark wizardy. The Black Tower definitely has some of that "summoning the spirits of the dead" vibe, and Scholar's Tower for more theoretical wizardry. And if you want to smell like a wizard who's been consorting with broomstick-riding witches in forest orgies, Diese Dumpfen Pfaffenchristen or any of the Walpurgisnacht scents might be an excellent choice. That's all I can think of right now but I'm sure there are more. Don't despair!
  13. Lucchesa

    A Demon and Her Unholy Basketball

    This is a delight! Lovely warm sugary pumpkin melded with fruity red musk. I'm not getting brimstone, and I was hoping for that note to balance the fruitiness somewhat, and maybe it will develop with some aging, but I don't really care because the red musk isn't walking off with this one. I get killer throw, which although unusual for my skin chemistry can happen with red musk, but it's usually all red musk and instead I get the musk and the warm pumpkin and sugar notes too, and it's really an upbeat scent. And a safe-for-work red musk. I applied around 6 last night and can still smell it this morning.
  14. Lucchesa

    Étienne De Boray Oak

    I forgot about the honey, so I was surprised when Etienne de Boray had a foodie element to it. Manuka must be a honey that works particularly well on me, one of the warm golden ones. This is a radiant scent. I get just a whisper of lavender at the beginning, and no one note is prominent here, it all blends together to create the impression of sitting under a tree in the sunlight, bark, soil, leaves, moss, dust motes bright in the air. I can't make out pine needles so don't avoid this if you dislike evergreen notes because they're very faint here. I wore this for a hard workout and it did go through a wonky stage, exactly what feyofthefellwood describes as the honey getting funky between wet and dry -- I'll have to try it again without sweat to see if it still happens on me. Nevertheless, just lovely.
  15. Lucchesa

    Visions of Autumn II

    Visions II is definitely dominated by the rose geranium. The balsam is apparent in the decant but largely absent on my skin; I get less leather, patch and opoponax than I wanted and far more violet leaf, violet being a nemesis of mine. I do like geranium but I was hoping for more of the supporting players.
  16. Lucchesa


    This goes on exactly as the name and inspiration suggest, in an aggressive strike of pine pitch and metal. Teak can smell like caramel on my skin, but I'm not getting that at all. I wore this for a hard workout and it held up beautifully to sweat and movement. Afterwards -- about 90 minutes after application -- it has softened considerably. Now it's lovely soft pine, a bit of sweet tobacco, and a hint of metal. I've been buying a lot of evergreen scents lately, but I may need more of this.
  17. Lucchesa

    Smells to Work Out To - 30 Day Challenge

    Yesterday WOSOTD: Hope and Fear Set Free. Wore it for the 45-minute online yoga. Which was OK, not great. Today it's raining again. We should get a break this evening. So I googled best fun workout videos and came up with Kukuwa Fitness. Did a very sweaty 45 minute dance and sculpt video in my bedroom. The sound quality wasn't great in parts but the energy was amazing. Testing Etienne de Boray and Thunk. The latter held up better to the workout than the former. I want to thank you guys for the inspiration to do this! Before @VetchVesper's challenge, I had worked out with an online instructor maybe once the whole pandemic. Now that it's the rainy season, I need to shift gear from the walking, and you all are fantastic spirit guides!
  18. Lucchesa

    Looking for Beeswax Recommendations That Don't Have Honey

    Seconding No. 93 Engine, thirding V'al Ha Nissim, and adding The Writing on the Slate from 2017 Yules: beeswax candles, chalk, and dust. And I can't wait to try Endless Corridors! I'm assuming you've tried The Lights of Men's Lives and it reads as honey? If not, it's one of my very favorite GCs and certainly worth adding an imp to your next lab order to see if it works on you: The wax and smoke of millions upon millions of candles illuminating the walls of Death’s shadowy cave: some tall, straight, and strong, blazing with the fire of life, others dim and guttering.
  19. Lucchesa

    Harvest Moon 2020

    I amp grape and wine notes, so sadly on me Harvest Moon 2020 smells like mulled Manischewitz and fruitcake, with some buttery pumpkin also apparent. No dead leaves, no evergreens, herbs or woodsmoke. I'm sure this decant will find a better home.
  20. Lucchesa

    Smells to Work Out To - 30 Day Challenge

    Hugs right back at you! And you, @Amazonia. I wish I had thought of doing a ritual or anything like that. Instead, just dealing with my own anxiety. I'm sorry I've been MIA these past few days, but I have been in action. We had three stunning days of perfect fall weather, brilliant sunshine, vivid colors, so I got out each day. Saturday I wore Samhain and walked to the rose garden to meet three friends -- it's our coronavirus hangout instead of happy hour. A little over 5 miles round trip. Sunday I wore Dia de los Muertos and took Abby on a morning walk in gorgeous Carkeek Park, 2.5 miles, then in the afternoon I played ping pong at the outdoor tables in Greenwood Park. This was suggested by my neurologist as good for warding off dementia, and my very overweight friend Judy said that she used to be a ping pong champion and would love to play with me. I was skeptical, but damn if she isn't a better player than I am despite her two knee replacements. Monday Dia de los Muertos again -- it's too floral to be a usual scent for me, but I enjoy it and always wear it Nov 1-2. Abby and I met a friend and walked in Ravenna Park. So my step count was great for a few days. Yesterday it was pouring rain -- the spectacular weather has come to an end. I just wore a comfort scent, Pumpkin Tobacco. But I'll be trucking out all my hope scents in the days to come. I did a 60-minute live power yoga class on Insight Timer. I didn't love the instructor -- he kept making rhymes, which is irritating -- but it was hard and I'm sore this morning. In the late afternoon we caught a brief rainless window and my son and I walked Abby to Green Lake to drop off his ballot, his first vote. And now we wait. There's a 45-minute self care yoga on Insight Timer at 9, so I'll probably do that. Courage!!!
  21. Lucchesa


    Loaf was the Lilith I was most excited about because it's like nothing else I have worn. It starts out with a lot of rye and caraway, then added to that is the fresh-baked bread, not too sweet, and then a salty butter note. I'm not sure I can smell any rosemary. It has no throw on me (which is not unusual for my skin chemistry) but is an oddly comforting skin scent and may indeed be bottle worthy.
  22. Lucchesa

    Smells to Work Out To - 30 Day Challenge

    Dang, @Amazonia, that is a hard workout!!! Congrats on inspiring your husband!!! Today I walked to the farther away post office and then to the little tea shop a few blocks farther down, about 5.5 miles round trip. They had restocked some of the teas I was interested in trying (Pirate King and Kaboom), and I needed some lapsang souchong, too. I was sweaty by the time I got to the post office. I tested some Liliths this morning but for my walk they had faded so I put on Samhain. Which I love. It's still going strong. Every time I put it on, I wonder why I don't wear it more of the year.
  23. Lucchesa

    Our Little Crypt Ghoul

    On me, the apple cider note in Our Little Crypt Ghoul takes over. It's a very nice apple , reminiscent of the apple note in Samhain, but I was hoping for more of the dirt and sage and especially squirreltail. I get apple cider against a grassy backdrop. I'm going to keep the decant around a while to see if the other notes develop. If you love fresh scents and apple, you need to try this.
  24. Lucchesa

    Shadows and Light

    The main note I am getting from Shadows and Light is smoke. It combines with the white musk and lavender to make this a little higher-pitched blend than I usually wear. I was hoping the cognac would balance out the other notes, but I'm not getting any appreciable cognac at all. This has great staying power for a scent that just arrived in yesterday's mail.
  25. Lucchesa

    Smells to Work Out To - 30 Day Challenge

    @Amazonia 7 x 7. Very auspicious. Also, I’m a few years older than you are. @VetchVesper Nice work! I don’t remember that about the Addams Family — I’ll have to watch some episodes. Yesterday I put on Dead Leaves and Maple Sap from last year’s marvelous leaf pile and did a 30 minute “power yoga” video on YouTube. Not sure what about it constituted power yoga, but it was a fast flow. I was supposed to bike to a friend’s in the afternoon, a hard 20-minute ride there, an easy coast home, but she wasn’t feeling well, so I didn’t do anything. I was going to test my Liliths that came yesterday, but DL & Maple Sap lasted and lasted. So good. I’m sore today from the yoga. This morning I played tennis and got sweaty. Which you can do playing tennis even if you’re terrible. I was death matching All Head, All Spine and Western Diamondback at a forumite’s request, so it was a leather and snake oil day. Tomorrow, Liliths!