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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by PersimmonSeeds

  1. Those are awesome suggestions!! Thanks Celestia and vetch, I will definitely hunt down some imps and decants of those!


    You suggested some awesome stuff Celestia, so don't worry! I absolutely must have VILF.

    I'm not sure if it's the red musk but I have been drawn to it because I truly think that's what is smelling so good on me. It's the only thing in the perfume I can't place, so it has to be the musk!

    I have yet to try The Bow & Crown of Conquest, but now I HAVE to.


    JoyLeaf - Have you given Crowley a try yet? Infernal musk, red patchouli, lilac cologne, mahogany, lemon rind, oakmoss, leather, and vanilla husk.

    The musk, leather, and patchouli really are beautiful in it!

  2. Gracklebait: The allspice might be the cause of that? I have a few decants of different years and they all cause the same red welts on me. They are angrier when I apply it after sweating or showering. I usually don't complain because I knew before I even tried it that it would do that due to the spices in it and me having rather sensitive skin. I believe some ground allspice has cinnamon in it, which cinnamon does do this to me too, but I don't know if the lab uses just the dried allspice or emulates a ground allspice usually used in Samhain baked goods or incenses?

  3. So my top 5 keeps getting switched around but the ones I am wearing constantly as of late are:


    *These three dry down on me very similarly. Something in these seems to be drawing me in and I am wondering if it's red musk? I know its not listed in morocco or bright red dildo but Morocco has a musk note in it and several reviews for bright red dildo seem to say they smell red musk? I just cannot place why these 3 smell SO GOOD AND SO SIMILAR on me in the end!*

    Bright Red Dildo

    The Instructional Manual


    -- The other two I can't stop wearing:


    Mutant Hot Rodders from Hell High

  4. Have a safe trip Em!


    And I see what you mean about a decorated journal being more useful! I have decorated a few planners that look similar to books before too. I don't like the idea of a ringed notebook though. Comes off extremely grade-schoolish, so hopefully it would be more like the good old fashioned BOOK notebook or diary if you know what I mean?

  5. I realize I am posting again but my sister borrowed one of my atmosphere sprays for her room and had a reaction to it. It was mild but she is complaining about her nose, constantly sneezing and anywhere the fabric that has the spray lingering on it is making her break out in hives and itch like crazy.

    It was Lucy in Darkness that did this to her. My family has sensitive skin but she has never really reacted like this to something other than Gain Detergent(which my entire family cannot use).

    The only thing that I can think of that she probably hasn't come in contact with before would be the garlic flowers?

  6. Recently I received a purchase from Ralenth with goodies in it! She included a 'Mystery' imp that I think said it was bpal? Maybe? That or just a mystery all in all lol

    To me BPAL has a pretty distinct smell and it seems like it probably was a bpal oil(I'll have to check the label again).


    I would love to know what this might be!

    It smells EXACTLY like shoving your nose into a trick or treat bag filled with a mish mosh of all kinds of candies and goodies. First sniff I almost thought it was Giljagaur! Then upon further huffing it reminded me a bit of my yummy and cozy The Inn goblin squirt!

    I cannot even begin to pick out notes in it! I'm not that good, I just know it smells really delicious!

    Any ideas?

    I've never had the pleasure of smelling the SN: Last Year's Stale Candy Corn but this is how I would imagine it!

  7. I had to fly in when Bluebell was mentioned! While Bluebell didn't WOW me, I LOVE Hyacinth!

    I have to highly recommend Egle - Its a really fresh floral with Hyacinth! It's honestly everything I expected Bluebell to be!

    Sea of Glass is a bit more citrusy and slightly aquatic but there is extremely reminiscent of fresh Hyacinth!

    Another could be either of the Whirling Wind Moons. 2009 especially. It doesn't come off as immediately 'blue' as Bluebell but is very similar! I have Whirling Wind Moon 2013 and love it, the addition of ginger gives it a crispness similar to that in Bluebell. It just adds a slight sourness to when wet(which could just be my skin.)


    I cant help you on Vaara. I've only had the pleasure of smelling it on others.

  8. I would love to be part of a book swap! I saw some in the past but I was too late to join.

    I was considering holding my own but I don't think I am experienced enough, plus I wouldn't be the most reliable to hold it, I believe. (I never know what my body is going to do for now)


    An idea that came to mind(this may have been done before?): It would be really neat if we could hold a swap where we take old(or new!) books and decorate them (though still leaving them readable) in our own personal way.

    I used to paint the edges and random pages of books when I was younger as gifts for family members and friends, who loved them! If I could get them to drag them out I could take pictures as reference.

    I used to paint a lot until college beat it out of me :/

    With illness setting on and me having more time on my hands while recovering, I have been thinking about taking it up again. You don't have to be insanely talented, it is just fun and you can use your own take on 'decorating' a book!

    Thoughts? It seems like so much fun to me. We can pair people up based on their love for certain genres :)

  9. SimplySyra - I love you for that Undertale list!! They're all so perfect!


    What about Papyrus? His many.... condiments (I think about the marinara sauce a lot....) and weeaboo things that he dabs behind his nonexistent ears would prove to be an interesting scent lol

    Maybe one of the Shojo Beat perfumes lol


    Has anyone done a Pacific Rim themed suggestion list already?

  10. Lizzie- Maybe it's just my skin (I pull patchouli and rose) but Fredric could be pretty close? I love Fredric(I don't go a few days without wearing it) and when I received a decant of The painted Rose atmo I was more than happy with it because of the similarity!

    There are obvious differences, Fredric is: a reluctant seaman’s chypre sloshed with a mix of bay rum, patchouli, amber musk, dark woods, tea rose, and red currant. On me I do get the Bay Rum but it's pretty tame, the red currant and tea rose really blend well and the patchouli leaves a beautiful dry down!

    But to me at least, it smells pretty similar! If you can hunt down a partial or decant it might be worth a try. It's more feminine than you might think. Don't let the bay rum scare you off!


    This is just my experience! I hope you find something that fills your need! :)

  11. I am still pretty shocked I got my hands on this.

    I never thought I would own a Monster Bait at all!

    After testing this a few times I have to say it is easily in my top 10!

    It just smells SO GOOD ON ME. Like please, everyone sniff me!

    I have never gotten so many compliments on a bpal blend before (it got more than even The Bride!)


    That said, I think this did so well on my skin because it contains patchouli.

    I can't attest whether patchouli haters will outright despise this or not because my skin usually pulls patch and does great things to it. I gloat I know, but I just can't help it. My skin chemistry turns patchouli into something delicious!

    I've never had anyone comment that it was 'smelly' or unpleasant.

    The butterscotch, apricot, caramel, and brown sugar all compliment each other divinely! It's mouth watering... I'm not great at pinpointing notes, but everything is this is so self exclamatory and well blended!

    This isn't an extremely desserty blend, I don't feel like I am overloaded with sugar at any point. The hazelnut does remind me of the creamer I use in my coffee, though. Not that that's a bad thing!! The apricot seems to give all the sugary things an earthiness, but doesn't make things extremely fruity. You go apricot!

    The wood(I want to say cedar but I'm not getting 'gerbil/hamster cage like others have. Its a slightly warm cedar if anything) stays mostly in the background, it and the patchouli really makes it kind of dry and spicy, especially at the dry down! I see people thinking this is a sweet, masculine blend(maybe that's just my skin though). To me everything is unisex, so I don't like slapping labels on anything.

    In the dry down its a dry patchouli with a slight sweetness hanging on. I am so in love...

  12. Thank you everyone for the suggestions! I have decants/imps of some I think might be very suitable for their tastes(Sophie- I have imps of both of those! What a cute idea! ;) ) I wish I still had my imp of rogue, but I think I will be able to replace it.

    So I think I might go with the suggestion of imp packs, maybe some that will invoke good memories! Obviously I'm trying to combine all of these good suggestions as best I can lol


    I do feel like The Bride would be hard to let go, I've never smelled anything like it. I could decant a bit for her in the least. I have no idea if she'll like it, so to give her my entire bottle could indeed end up being a mistake :/

  13. I have a wedding to go to on June 11th and the bride is a very dear child hood friend. She is just as weird as me!


    I have been eyeing my precious bottle of The Bride and thinking about giving it to her along side of her painfully normal 'adult' gift from her registry.

    I love The Bride but I am thinking of giving it to her. I'm a little wary of the idea because I'm not even sure she'll like it.


    And then, I would want to give her groom a bottle of something to go along with it.


    I am pretty late in looking into this idea(I've been in and out of the hospital.) so I may not do it at all :(


    I actually thought of hunting a bottle of Elf and Rogue down here on the forums to give to her and her groom respectfully. I obviously don't have time to order them from the lab.


    Suggestions? Thoughts?

    (sorry if this is a double post mods! I couldn't find anything that worked for me but I could have missed it!)

  14. I have that same issue with cinnamon, Arcy! I usually but a perfume base (like unscented lotion or for strange women base) to keep it from touching my skin and it has helped with scents like Harlot and wrath!


    I tested two more oils with frankincense notes (arcana and dark rosaleen) and I really didn't see a reaction. Not even any tingling so I'm pretty weirded out. I may shoot the lab a message and see if there is anything in Hope and fear to be safe. I find it hard to even touch the bottle because of how badly it stung.



    Another I am suddenly having a reaction to: recently i spritzed my favorite cardigan with The Lady in Black Atmosphere spray. I smelled amazing but I guess i sprayed too much because around my neck and where my sleeves touched my face i have broken out in hives....?

  15. I was recently looking at imps I had just received with some bptp/bpal orders in the past few months to sell them here. I picked up an imp of Euphrosyne I had never even opened before to sniff it and make sure it wasn't something I wanted to keep and it's like as I was wiggling the cap the top part peeled off leaving the actual little wand inside and a small ring left on the top of the vial? (sort of similar to what happened to AernJardos I guess). I don't have anything to transfer it to so I don't know what to do with it. I'd hate to just trash it.

  16. I have a bottle of do the dancing maidens sleep and it is gorgeous! It's very much a fresh hyacinth and honeysuckle scent on me. It's probably one of my absolutely favorite floral bpal scents!

    I don't know what asphodel smells like, but I presume that fresh, white floral is it?

    Either way, the hyacinth in this is absolutely delicious!


    I never thought of those two, auspicious q, I'll have to track down some decants/imps!

  17. I will definitely be hunting for ALL of these! They all sound so delicious!


    Especially Hagsgate and Karme, wow!!! Oh gods I needs them both so badly now.


    I think I might have a decant of Theme in Yellow I got as a frimp from someone on livejournal! I'll have to give it a try, I had no idea what it was!


    Squirting cucumber is gorgeous, it's on my list to get a full bottle of in the near future!


    Thanks everyone, I am about blow up the forums hunting decants of these down!


    Keep em coming!

  18. I didn't see any in my skimming that satisfied me so I'm making this topic. Hope that's ok.


    As the title suggests, I want to smell like vegetables.


    Namely Green Bell Peppers. I don't think there is anything bpal that has that as a note, unfortunately.


    Maybe it's a little weird but I really love the smell of cutting into fresh-from-the-garden vegetables and want to wear the scent without having to actually cut up all of my precious veggies.


    I currently smell like green bell peppers after cutting a ton up to bring with me as a snack to work. I would LOVE to smell like this forever.


    I also love the smell of tomatoes, SQUASHES ( <3 ), cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, spinach( greens as well as herbs in general), peppers of all kinds, etc.


    I want something straight fresh vegetables, as well as something nitty gritty dirty, earthy vegetables!


    Any suggestions?


    (I'll take non bp suggestions as well, just pm me)
