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Everything posted by roseus

  1. roseus

    The Witch Queen

    This is amazing. Much softer and lighter than I had imagined, but in a good way. The red musk is thin and fruity here, melding with the plum and incense to make a mysterious wall of magical incense. The florals (I can particularly pick out tuberose) and beeswax make it very ethereal. Definitely purple-toned. As it dries the beeswax, incense, and musk come out more and the florals fade a bit. This is in incense I feel could be office appropriate in a relaxed setting as the flowers and beeswax keep it from being too heavy and intense.
  2. roseus


    Sweet, syrupy floral straight on. I got plumeria but none is listed in the notes and I wonder if it is just the combination of florals. As it dries it is easier the distinguish them, the humid orchid stands out the most on me, with a little heady jasmine and sweet daffodil underneath. The plum is quite faint on me, just adding a sweet juiciness. The white musk is light and clean, giving a breezy vibe to the whole thing.
  3. roseus


    Evil incarnate. Revel in your dark side with this romantically cruel scent. Contains red patchouli and vetivert.  With patchouli scorning me and my general dislike of vetiver I was expecting to hate this. And sniffing the wand I was jarred by intense, smoky vetiver. Though as I sniffed the vetiver seemed a bit grassier. I could detect smooth earthy patchouli underneath. On my skin the patchouli remained true, and the vetiver while still green and smoky was not as sharp and intense as usual. It's gritty and dark. I don't hate it, but it is still definitely not my thing. But hopefully this is a sign that patch and I have smoothed things over.
  4. roseus

    Pure Applesauce

    The first time testing this the initial scent in the bottle and on my skin made my brain scream apple juice, I think it is something about the distinct sweetness of the red apple paired with the honey. On further tests I more distinctly get the honey in the initial sniff. Very sweet but not cloying, the honey has enough depth and I think the tea and tobacco help ground it though I cannot detect them at first. On my skin the apple gets much brighter and a little tart, more green apple-y. I almost get a sense of apple blossom in the background. The tea starts to come out, not anise-y but a very true warm, faintly woody scent. As it further dries I get sweet, dry tobacco. They mingle fairly equally for sometime this one has very good staying power and throw on me. At the very end I am left with mostly tea and tobacco and just the faintest hint of apple.
  5. roseus

    'Second Skin' Scents

    I would say soft musks such as skin musk or white musk especially when paired with resins like amber and frankincense tend to read as "skin scents" to me. Ambegris, soft sandalwoods, and very light honeys can too. Neutral and Good from the RPG series are good places to start I think. Though not GC Like A Girl l looks like it would fit the bill too though I haven't tried it.
  6. roseus

    Snow Scents!

    The snow note that I think best matches what you're describing (from what I've tried) is the 2016 Art of Winter scent Tres Riches Heures du duc de Berry . To me it is very crisp and cool but not minty.
  7. roseus

    True Love

    In the bottle, coconut and the wispy, fluffy lavender are made murky by the smokiness of cade. On my skin this is very coconut forward, a distinctly creamy coconut. Quite different from Daybreak in that aspect. I get faint touches of creamy jasmine and a bit of brightness from the lemongrass. As it dries I get that smoky cade again, just faintly around the edges. Hypnotic and snuggly.
  8. roseus

    Feeding The Dead

    (2018) I am in LOVE. Sweet almond cakes (not the cherryish almond, warm nutty almond!) I get sweet vanilla but not in intense buttercream way. I swear I also get some white chocolate. The beer is really more of just a warm wheatiness. The incense keeps this from being super foody, the way the incense in All Souls keeps in from being Eat Me. The cake+incense combination is just magical.
  9. roseus

    Pumpkin Dust

    Sweet, almost waxy pumpkin. Deep warm honey. Definitely getting a peachy vibe, too. Kinda of musky, maybe peach musk? Maybe honey musk? As it dries the fruitiness backs off and I get more pumpkin and deep honey. Not as dry/powdery as I expected but I am very happy with it.
  10. roseus

    A Group of Pale Courtiers

    Very gentle. The musk starts off quite vegetal, mossy in cool, clean way rather than foresty. As it dries it stays quite clean, and powdery (in a good way). As it dries it is less distinctly mossy, but clean, musky, and fresh. I never get rose specifically, but there is a gentle floral element. If I sniff deeply I get a bit of bright lime. But no note stands out, it is very seamless and subtle. Polished and mysterious. This a very office appropriate blend.
  11. roseus

    Recs for my next order- sweet and spiced?

    Gonna second The Eternal Queen, Morocco, Shub, and Luke bc those are all absolutely gorgeous and complex. I'm going to also suggest Queen Alice- lighter on the spice than some of the others but a layered ruby fruit and apple cider with a bit of spice. Worth looking at.
  12. roseus

    A Grateful Heart Hair Gloss

    A soft tea rose sandalwood, sweet with vanilla, golden honey, and sugar cane. In love! This is a soft pink rose spun sugar. Airy and sweet, but not tooth-achingly so. This is different than Razors in a Doll's House, it is softer and lacks the cognac note (which pushed it a little sharp and green for me).
  13. roseus

    Queen Alice

    With my recent found love of apple/cider scents I have no idea how this escaped my notice. On the wand I get spiced cider and deep ruby fruits. It's sparkling and jewel red. On skin this is a deep and regal cider. It reminds me of a pomegranate cider I had last autumn. The amber adds a warm perfumey-ness and elevates the scent.
  14. roseus

    White Pumpkin Extrait Hair Gloss

    Creamy, sugared vanilla and pumpkin is what I get. Simple and perfect.
  15. roseus

    Lilith's Hair Gloss

    Echoing the TKO vibes with this one. It has that dry, fluffiness of TKO but I find this a little sweeter and softer (zero herbal/astringent edges that sometimes come with lavender) with the vanilla. Soft cleanness from the white musk, and maybe a green tinge from the hops? I can't quite pin my nose on that note. A lovely lavender blend, glad I finally got my thorns on it!
  16. roseus


    Thick, sweet incense on the wand. Green herbal edges, with a green, sharp coolness of an evergreen or something. On my skin this thins out considerably, no longer thick and sweet but translucent and floral, almost soapy. Pleasant, but not where I thought this would go.
  17. Throwing my 2 cents in as well! I too am a lover of Morocco. It feels comforting and exciting, I've been wearing it for years and never tire of it. It's a classic must-try. 51 is a summer favorite of mine its eerie and refreshing and we don't see too much green musk or guava so I'd say it's pretty unique!
  18. roseus

    Luke 10:25-37

    The spicy clove sends me straight to Yuletide thoughts initially and I tested this multiple times but didn't feel right until a cool, cloudy day. Dry on me the clove is much less intense and mixes with the saffron for a less distinctly festive spice, I agree with sunreon that this smells expensive. To me its not necessarily like a snooty expensive, but just grand and golden. The amber is just fantastic in this one. Perfect for chilly days.
  19. roseus

    The Squishy Cushions

    In the bottle and wet I get a very intense, damp oudh. This with the heady jasmine reminded me strongly of The Head initially. As it dries the oudh softens, giving a less intense but deep woody base. The rest of the notes are like rich velvet over the top, though difficult to pick out. I had a bottle of Versailles a long time ago and for some reason this seems to be its dark counterpart to my memory of it, decadent and rich but not bold and bright in the way Versailles was. The jasmine is softer and less heady and mingles darkly with the rose, while the benzoin and musk blur all the edges.
  20. roseus

    Hydesville Atmosphere Spray

    Just twenty-three years ago yesterday the youngest daughter of John D. Fox, residing in a haunted house in Hydesville, Wayne county N.Y., made the interesting discovery that she could receive communications from the other world through the medium of raps upon tables, doors, chair-legs, wooden walls, and other timbered articles. On the night of March 31, 1848, the family were kept awake by the incessant rat-tat of unseen knuckles upon the floors and walls of the rooms in which they slept. Little Kate, then only ten years old, was in a merry mood. While her elders were shivering and shaking with fear, she took it into her head that with her fingers and toes she could raise as much racket as the ghosts, and began forthwith. At first the mysterious noises were silenced, but in a minute or two the invisible rappers responded to every snap of the child’s fingers. Kate was not slow to improve her opportunity to experiment. “If they will rap when I snap,” she said to her terrified sisters, “why won’t they count as we do at school at the call of the teacher?” “Now,” said she, “count 1, 2, 3, 4, as I do,“ striking her hands together. Four distinct raps were given in response. – Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester NY, April 3, 1871 Tea rose and teak, and black tea with a drop of cream. The teak and black tea are most prominent in this blend. They blend very well creating a base of light, smooth wood. The roses are very subtle, and I would say they have a dried quality, rather than fresh and bold. I might get a hint of cream if I search, but it's not very prominent and probably helps to keep the blend from going too dry. Perfect scent for your Victorian parlor or library!
  21. roseus


    I get mostly gauzy, fluffy, ephemeral vanilla musk with just a tinge of sweet, creamy tuberose.
  22. roseus

    The Forest of the Empress

    I goth this for my guy but I'm loving it on myself too! Mostly I get sweet fir, sappy and cool smelling (without being minty). There is a little herbal cypress peaking out and I distinctly get some cedar grounding it. A beautiful forest scent without the snow notes that often accompany them. My head feels cleared, like breathing fresh mountain air.
  23. roseus

    The Eternal Queen

    Despite the heady white florals and the regal, queenly vibe a good word for this blend is sheer. It has substance without being heavy or intense. The florals are everything you want from these tropical blooms: sweet, creamy, waxy. They are balanced by the skin warmth of ambergris, and the vanilla and musk. Gorgeous, romantic blend.
  24. roseus

    Romans 13:8

    This started out as a syrupy cherry-almond, and I was very sad. But luckily the almond softened and all the cherry tones disappeared very quickly. This ended up being something similar to what I hoped OLLA Eve would be (I didn't get any rose). I get prominently a dark, velvety rose with a bit of fruitiness that I think is the fig since I do not get that note distinctly. The cardamom is light and adds a mysterious spice and melds well with the warmth of the almond. The whole blend is darkened and deepened by the oudh, which adds a nice woody-incense without being heavy. Edit: as this has settled the rose has strengthened a little and so has the fig. Bold juicy fig that blends perfectly with the rose, the throw is quite gorgeous.
  25. roseus

    Psalm 82:2-4

    This is a very rich, deep scent on me. The musk starts out sparkling and silvery reminding me of classic, sophisticated perfumes. However as it wears it becomes more about the vanilla and benzoin and becomes thick, resinous, and golden. Something about the warmth and depth reminds me of ambergris. It's soft and cozy and to me this is the BPAL equivalent of cashmere.