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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Failmingo

  1. Our latest collaboration with Century Guild is a perfume that’s only accessible via their Kickstarter project reviving this 1893 artwork by Georges de Feure. FRIENDS OF THE DEVIL IN THE FLESH “Skin musk and white tea shadowed by smoked lilac, white tobacco petals, vanilla husk, elemi, and incense dust.”
  2. Craving new hair gloss options? We’ve brewed up something special for Ritualcravt, using scents previously crafted for them as perfumes. Exclusively available via their store and website! 🖤 https://www.ritualcravt.com/product-category/beauty/ RITUALCRAVT "A complex perfume devoted to Hekate, our shop’s matron deity. Formulated and poured by cult-favourite perfumer Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, this scent is genderless, earthy, and addictive. Notes of plants sacred to Her include: black patchouli, teakwood, white sandalwood, saffron crocus, tobacco leaf, aconite accord, ambrette seed, musk seed, Dittany of Crete, and yew." HEKATE'S GARDEN "Notes of honeyed patchouli root, tobacco absolute, saffron crocus, teakwood, and burnt cypress."
  3. Failmingo

    Roe v. Wade Fundraiser Perfumes

    Cross-posted from the forum! Hi all, as one might have hoped (or even expected) we have risen to the dark occasion of recent events with a new set of perfumes fundraising for the National Network of Abortion Funds: https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/activism/sorores-genita-nocte-aigles-kharities/ As humble Lab psychopomp, I have two requests for you. The first relates to helping us get the word out: these are the kinds of products we're barred from paying to boost on social media, which means we can only reach a TINY amount of new people about them. Whatever and however you're able to share, we vastly appreciate the help! Word of mouth remains our most reliable strategy, and for perfumes raising funds for such an urgent cause, we really want to sell the shit out of these. As per usual, everything above the cost of production is donated -- and we have preemptively donated ahead of this launch, because administrative doors just slammed shut in needy people's faces all around the country, and funds are needed now. The second request relates to the social media posts we DO manage to make: we've been monitoring our abortion-related posts to make sure any gross comments are deleted, but sometimes a wave hits while we're asleep or otherwise distracted. If you see anything like this that you think deserves urgent attention, I welcome you to email or DM me so I can go block/delete etc.: tom@blackphoenixalchemylab.com. There's so much hate and filth and jeering out there already, I would prefer to keep our posts free of that particular kind of unpleasantness, as satisfying as it may be to clap back at these miserable jerks. Thanks immensely! I know Elizabeth worked very hard on these scents, both artistically and in the introduction which explains as simply and clearly as possible why we're so desperate for everyone to care and take action. It's been a difficult few days but we are here, and 'fuming, and grateful to know how much encouragement we can count on the community in difficult times. TB
  4. Failmingo

    Important News: BPAL's New Home

    We just sent this out in the email. Wanted to make sure it was posted here too! It's been so difficult holding in this BIG NEWS, but it's officially time to inform the public: later in 2022, BPAL will be departing from our Los Angeles home and transplanting to the wonderful city of Philadelphia, where we'll be expanding into a larger facility. This will serve as a fresh start for us in so many ways, after 20 years of proudly establishing ourselves in our native city. In addition to the new friends and local culture that await us, we hope this change will afford even greater opportunities for growth as a small business and artistic presence. We've organized the upcoming move in a way that shouldn't disrupt our regular business too much, and will definitely keep you updated as events unfold. That's part one of the BIG NEWS. Part two relates to how you can help us fulfill this prophecy: as we're cleaning up shop in the months ahead, we'll be selling off all kinds of prototypes, backstock, fuck-ups, one-offs, and other rare items. Basically everything in the Lab! This will lighten our load considerably, as well as helping to fund the big cross-country move. More on this soon! While we can't answer every question about our BIG NEWS just yet, please trust that we'll do our best to anticipate the needs and concerns of our community and remain in communication as everything unfolds. We're especially grateful to our local friends and customers, who have been so generous with their support over the past two decades — which is why it hurts so much to say that for now, it seems unlikely that we'll be able to host another gathering at the Lab between now and our departure date. Each time we've gotten to a point where this seemed within reach, another plague-wave crashed over our city and sent us back to square one. This, combined with the challenges of entertaining at a facility that's being actively dismantled, could keep us from hosting a proper farewell. But we promise to explore other options earnestly in the months to come! In the meantime, we ask that you direct any inquiries related to our BIG NEWS to tom@blackphoenixalchemylab.com, instead of writing to Customer Service or directly to our chieftains on social media. There's already so much labor happening behind the scenes to accomplish everything described above, in addition to keeping up with our normal production demands. We're excited to take everyone along with us (in spirit, at the very least!) on this exciting new adventure, and thank you in advance for your patience and well-wishes as we attempt the difficult, hopeful, heart-breaking work that lies ahead.
  5. Thanks for waiting! EVERYTHING is lumped in here: https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/may-june-2022/ That includes three (!) Lunacy scents, plus Menage, snapshots of May, two Labors of the Month, two TAL blends, and a special mini-collection inspired by Poe's "The Sleeper." Whew!
  6. Failmingo

    Latest Lunacy Down Dates

    Hear ye, hear ye! A week or so after our Frog Moon/Strawberry Moon DOUBLE LUNACY launch, we're gonna bid farewell to any of the following December/January Lunacy items which are still in stock: https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/december-2021-january-2022/ So update your shopping lists accordingly! 🍓🐸
  7. Failmingo


    Well friends, it’s that time once again. ☠️ Due to an outbreak within our ranks, the Lab is currently operating at a VERY limited capacity, causing production and shipping to slow to a trickle as a handful of people attempt to do EVERYTHING. We ask at this time that you grant us extra consideration as you wait for orders or replies to your Customer Service queries. We are truly doing our best, but our safety and the health of our employees is our top priority; if you can possibly wait a little longer before reaching out to us, we’d be very grateful to have that pressure eased as we pick our footing through this (sadly quite common) dilemma. At this time no one is in any great danger, but we have to take every precaution before welcoming out staff back to the Lab. We appreciate your support and understanding even during these frustrating conditions. Stay safe, kids! 😷
  8. The latest Twilight Alchemy Lab / Sphere + Sundry collaboration has launched, honoring Jupiter's conjunction to Fomalhaut, star of magic and mystery. It's worth noting that some previous TAL/S+S releases are still available on their site, so do go poking around: https://sphereandsundry.com/ The latest batch of ritual oil blends: SPLASH! SILENCE AGAIN "An oil for spiritual development and enhancing understanding of the diving. It quiets the mind, promotes the serenity necessary for introspection and contemplation, and grants power through enlightenment." THE FISHES’ EYES ARE WITH TEARS "This oil was crafted to assist in developing intuition tempered by wisdom and softened by compassion, and aids in healing the psychic wounds, trauma, and grief that hinder us in finding our joy. It is an oil of spiritual health and renewal, restoration and rejuvenation, and a glimmer of hope in the darkness." THE PHOSPHORESCENT FIRES IN THE FAR MIST "The Phosphorescent Fires in the Far Mist is an oil of inspiration in the arts, and was crafted as a catalyst in the creation of divine art and poetry – celestial, infernal, and terrestrial." A DEWDROP WORLD "A Dewdrop World assists with dreamwork, enabling clear messages and symbols to emerge without disrupting rest. This oil deepens your insight, and facilitates divination by clearing perception and assisting in the wise interpretation of auguries and symbols. In addition, this oil helps confer honor and dignity that comes with wisdom and being a good counselor, supports developing intuition, and aids in making wise life choices."
  9. Failmingo

    Happy Friday The Lunateenth!

    Lunacy is here, featuring BLACKBERRY MOON, a series of artworks that inexplicably make our beloved perfumer think of April, a new Twilight Alchemy Lab blend for focusing outrage into action, a cavalcade of new Menage blends, and a new Labors of The Month perfume benefiting the National Network of Abortion Funds. And of course, it's Friday the 13th, so you definitely get a fresh helping of 13! (Don't forget, this means there are only a couple weeks left to get last year's 'Weenies...) https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/april-2022 https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/limited-edition/13-perfume-oil-5/ 13 "I’ve had it with this timeline, so I’m invoking the sweetest of the sweet: white sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar cane, rose sugar, amber rock sugar, coconut sugar, pink spun sugar, wildflower honey, Manuka honey, blackstrap molasses, date paste, agave nectar, and red benzoin slathered over a base of smoked cacao. This might not reverse anyone’s bad luck or right the countless wrongs in the world, but at the very least, this scent is a surefire momentary mood lifter."
  10. Oh boy, I have been caught slacking -- still haven't formally notified folks about the new Haute Macabre scent, CLOAK: https://hautemacabre.com/products/cloak-by-black-phoenix-alchemy-lab "A black velvet swirl of inky musk, sweet patchouli, opium tar accord, cypress, frankincense, red benzoin, and tonka with vervain, poppy petals, frankincense tears, and bracken." Hm, should probably add a joke. Don't go bracken my heart! There ya go.
  11. Failmingo

    Two New Laces Tomorrow!

    Lace chasers! The following two perfumes will go live exclusively at Dark Delicacies — both online and at their Burbank shop — tomorrow at 12 noon Pacific time: https://www.darkdel.com/ 🤍 SUGARED LACE “A shimmering web of dry, decadent strands of sugar cascading over a delicate white cognac, bourbon vanilla, white tobacco, coconut husk, and champaca petals.” 🖤 WITCHES LACE “Fair is foul and foul is fair: deep, spicy chestnut bundles of tobacco leaf, sleek red benzoin, smoked amber, tatters of green cognac, opium tar smears, withered mephitic petals, and globs of thick, sweet aged patchouli.”
  12. Here they be! https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/limited-edition/blacklight-reactive-posters/ We managed to film a lil 15 Minutes video ahead of the release, so it's already out there:
  13. Failmingo

    Coming Soon: 4/20 Perfumes

    Are you ready for the ultimate high art experience? On 4/20 we’ll be releasing five new hand-blended, limited edition fragrances inspired by classic head shop decor — each copiously blessed with the Lab’s signature weed accord. The perfumes cannot get you goofed up (don’t try!) but we hope these sensual, multi-dimensional scentscapes will set the stage for many curious adventures. $28 apiece. [Please note that BPAL’s in-house printer ink is not super UV reactive. 😩 It’s conceptual, just go with it! However, the first 50 bottles of each scent will be accented with UV paint by hand thanks to our trusty goblins.] Scent descriptions below. Many thanks to John Herndon for the fab flash-style label artworks! 🤡 https://www.instagram.com/agrapedope/ https://www.instagram.com/johnherndontattoos BLACKLIGHT REACTIVE ALICE POSTER "'I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, sir' said Alice, 'because I'm not myself, you see.' 'I don't see,' said the Caterpillar. 'I'm afraid I can't put it more clearly,' Alice replied very politely, 'for I can't understand it myself to begin with.'" Girl, we know the feeling. Black and red currant tarts, opium tar accord, roses painted both white and red, clove-soaked carnation petals, a squeeze of grapefruit, and a whole lot of weed. BLACKLIGHT REACTIVE CLOWN POSTER Does this perfume smell funny to you? Strawberry greasepaint, candyfloss, squished roses, and cannabis accord. BLACKLIGHT REACTIVE GRIM REAPER POSTER No need to fear this lean, green, soul-harvesting machine wrapped in a voluminous cloak of glossy black patchouli, scorched cedar, gleaming leather, inky musk, charcoal, black champaca petals, and cannabis accord with a scythe-sharp slash of eucalyptus leaf. BLACKLIGHT REACTIVE WIZARD POSTER Orbn't you glad we included this colorful tribute to “high” fantasy? Hemp flowers swirled in billows of incense smoke. BLACKLIGHT REACTIVE WOLF POSTER Eyes blazing, muzzle foaming, stomach growling — just as nature intended! A hot, feral blast of musk and weed smoke plunging through a mist-dappled twilit forest.
  14. Whew, Beth really went above and beyond on the March Lunacy stuff -- in addition to the regular 2022 offerings there's a new painting series, and also four more perfumes added to the Ukraine fundraiser. Honk honk, Noisy Goose Moon FTW! https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/March-2022 https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/activism/fundraiser-for-ukraine/
  15. Just FYI (and as previously mentioned in the Luper email announcement) these will all be taken down a week from today, March 16th: https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/august-2021/ https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/lilith-2021/
  16. Such are the world’s problems that we could release a new fundraiser perfume every day and still fail to reach every worthy cause. However, this weekend we crafted two new scents to help Ukrainians in crisis, and two more to address the LGBTQ calamity unfolding in Texas. Links below, and on our site you’ll find more resources and places to donate. All profits from the following two blends will be split between United Help Ukraine, who are providing medical supplies and humanitarian aid, and World Central Kitchen: https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/activism/fundraiser-for-ukraine/ 🌻 NIGHTINGALE "The national bird of Ukraine. A lovely and powerful song translated into scent: toasted bourbon vanilla, sweet oats and honey, cardamom, and cream." 🌻 SUNYASHNIKI "The sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine, a symbol of the life-affirming power of the sun that has, in recent days, become a fierce symbol of determination and resistance. This is a scent as bright as the vibrant petals of the sunflower, and as warm and joyous as the sun: flaxen amber, golden musk, neroli, lemon leaf and rind, frankincense, and sweet cedar." All profits from these two — inspired by a poem of Kahlil Gibran’s — will raise funds for Lambda Legal: https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/activism/on-children/ 🖤 AND THOUGH THEY ARE WITH YOU YET THEY BELONG NOT TO YOU “A gentle vanilla sandalwood blend, serene but mighty.” 🖤 YOU MAY HOUSE THEIR BODIES BUT NOT THEIR SOULS “A woody, deep patchouli with bourbon vanilla, rich amber, and soft golden skin musk.” Our hearts are with all those directly affected by all these monstrous events, and we hope our small efforts will be part of a huge wave of support in weeks to come.
  17. Failmingo

    Lupercalia Rides Again! 🫀

    We made it across the finish line! All of this year's Lupers can be found here: https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/lupercalia-2022/ https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/novel-ideas-for-secret-amusements-2022
  18. Failmingo

    New Sphere + Sundry Launch

    Twilight Alchemy Lab consecrated five new oils for this release: https://sphereandsundry.com/offerings/venus-aerial-delight-bpals/ APHRODITE’S HARVEST "Both an attraction oil and an oil of good fortune, Aphrodite’s Harvest confers riches through beauty and the arts, removes scarcity and fear of scarcity, and grants an abundance of sensuous boons. This oil can also be used to draw in lovers and opportunities for exposure and advancement in the arts." HER EYES THAT WERE FULL OF SHINING "This is an oil that amplifies and enhances beauty and sensuality while rekindling libido. This oil is used to bolster self-confidence, rekindle your love of your own body, and to help you find comfort and pleasure in, with, and through your body." LAUGHTER LOVING "An oil for kindness and affection, for rekindling joy and pleasure, and for learning how to laugh again, especially when your heart has been cold and silent for too long." THE CLOAK OF APHRODITE "Though this is an oil of sensuality and sensual delight, it is also an oil of the arts: creating art, appreciating art, embracing art. This oil amplifies personal beauty in all forms, and amplifies the power of the arts to sustain us, resolve conflict, and educate us. It is an oil that enhances the power of art to create a sense of harmony, concord, and community."' A DISTANT SONG "This oil was inspired by a poem that reflects an aspect of Venus’ dance with Spica: A Distant Song by John Gould Fletcher. This oil assists in healing emotional wounds caused by fear, pain or resentment. It helps enable people to be more loving and more receptive to love."
  19. Failmingo

    New! Lunacy! Stuffs!

    Lupers are coming soon... but in the meantime, please enjoy our attempt at consistent and timely Lunacy releases! https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/february-2022/ ++ LABORS OF THE MONTHS By thys fyre I warme my handys; And with my spade I delfe my landys. Here I sette my thynge to springe; And here I here the fowles singe. I am as lyght as byrde in bowe; And I wede my corne well I-now. With my sythe my mede I mawe; And here I shere my corne full lowe. With my flayll I erne my brede; And here I sawe my whete so rede. At Martynesmasse I kylle my swine; And at Cristesmasse I drynke redde wyne. The Labors of the Months are cycles of life represented in Medieval and Renaissance art that illustrate appropriate pastoral activities of the time period. Sometimes the Labors are synched with astronomy and astrology, and the labors themselves differ region by region. For our in-house labor of the month, we will be featuring a dedicated charity scent in addition to those found in our Activism series. January’s charity is Feeding America, the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States, and February’s charity is NARAL. Art in this series from the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. AND WITH MY SPADE I DELFE MY LANDYS On winter’s day, some chop wood, some prune the garden, some go to market, and others warm themselves by the fire. A scent of budding life bursting through sleet and frost: snow-capped golden amber with snowdrop, winter gardenia, hellebore, and iris. Proceeds from the sale of this scent benefit NARAL, who fights for reproductive rights, supports paid parental leave, and lobbies against pregnancy discrimination: https://www.prochoiceamerica.org/ ++ A LITTLE LUNACY BONEY MOON In the stark darkness of February, food is so scarce that some are forced to chew bones and make marrow soup for nourishment. It is a time when we honor our ancestors with fasting, solemn ritual, and reflection on the triumphs and accomplishments of those who have passed before us. White sandalwood, dry cedar, white musk, ambergris accord, and radiant, crisp lunar herbs. ++ MÉNAGE À TROIS MILK, BURNT HONEY, AND AMBRETTE SEED STRAWBERRIES, RED MUSK, AND MAY ROSE BROWN SUGAR, CREAM, AND EARL GREY TEA SUGAR, POPPY TAR, AND RED CURRANT BLACK APPLE, WHITE MUSK, AND CHAMPAGNE GRAPE VANILLA BEAN, MARSHMALLOW, AND BENZOIN ++ TAL UT AMERIS, AMABILIS ESTO A love oil built to foster kindness and serenity that enables you to better cultivate compassion, gentleness, and empathy while drawing forth the compassion, gentleness, and empathy of those around you. This oil soothes nerves, irritation, and anxiety, fosters peace, and sweetens friendships. This oil contains three rose absolutes, honey absolute, carnation, strawberry fruit compound, sweet orange, angelica root, motherwort, lavender bud, red sandalwood, and benzoin.
  20. The latest Kickstarter project by Century Guild is outta control, and we're so happy to be a part of it! BERLIN GIRLS 1925 is a selection of rare Art Deco illustrations from the Weimar Republic, presenting over sixty original artworks from the Century Guild museum archive in a limited edition hardcover book. And we've made an accompanying perfume: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/centuryguild/berlin-girls-rare-1920s-german-art-deco-pin-up-illustrations BERLIN GIRLS 1925 "White amber and vanilla fougere with a touch of coconut, white plum, jasmine sambac, and toasted white almond, and a thin, dry exhale of white tobacco."
  21. Failmingo

    Mugs Are Back

    OMG MUGS! A limited quantity of mugs has been unearthed: https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/oddments/black-phoenix-coffee-mug/
  22. Good news! Not only are we back on schedule with our customary Lunar New Year scent, but it's accompanied by a mini-release celebrating the release of Darla Teagarden's art book ALTARS: https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/collaborations/darla-teagarden-altars https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/beloved-favorites/water-tiger-perfume-oil/ WATER TIGER A new year’s blessing! Peony, China’s national flower, with bamboo for flexibility, plum blossom for perseverance, courage, and hope, tangerine for wealth, orange for happiness, lychee for household peace, pine resin for constancy, golden kumquat for prosperity, King mandarin for good fortune, cypress for longevity, sticky rice cakes for abundance and hopes for a rich, sweet life, and a splash of blazing red of dragon’s blood to help you scare away the rampaging Nian. Art by Zhang Shanzi (張善孖)
  23. Failmingo

    Lunacy is Lunacy-ing!

    Gonna go ahead and share this while I'm drafting the formal Lunacy announcement. Note that we have included TWO different candles, in very limited quantities! When they're out, they're out -- but we'll be expanding these options soon, so consider it a test run. Also, those who look forward to shirts should know we've been prevented from offering the latest designs at this time. We intend to make good on it later! Updates coming soon. https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/december-2021-january-2022
  24. Hey everyone, here's your notification that following the upcoming (date TBD) Lunacy release, the 2021 installment of The Fool's Journey dedicated to The Hierophant will be dropping from the site, along all the with the following Lunacy items from last summer: RED MANGO & GREEN TEA POMEGRANATE & JUNIPER POMELO & WHITE MUSK RED CURRANT & CACAO TONKA BEAN & PINK PEPPER RADIANT ABUNDANCE THUNDER MOON
  25. Failmingo

    Sugar Plum Villain

    I only just got my hands on a bottle of this. And I wish I had classic Villain on hand to compare it to -- "A classic Victorian men’s cologne: a lavender fougere, with hints of lilac, lime, and citrus musk." It's amazing to me how the introduction of plum to these citrus notes creates quite a mellow fruity blend, the kind that would be hard to tease apart if I didn't have the list of notes in front of me. In the bottle the sweet and tart clash a little bit, but on the skin they mingle and play well together. The floral and fougere give it a bit of elegance and impart a pleasant springtime feel, almost reminding me of the lab's cherry blossom note. With a little wear I start to get these green grassy, fern-y, woody wisps that give me the sense of strolling through a very well-kept garden. I'm happy to report that the fruit notes, while gentle, still keep some of that initial tartness. A couple hours later it's soft and kinda breathy-sweet, almost like a kid's stuffed toy smell, if that makes any sense. So I'd say the sugar plum element definitely dials back the villainy a bit! Even a villain can take holidays off.