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Everything posted by Failmingo

  1. Failmingo

    Happy New Year from BPAL!

    Hallo hallo, we have gone ahead and done something rather rash and reckless: we just launched a little NYE perfume series inspired by weird old cards! And ALSO added a Strawberry Buttercream Sufganiyot scent to the Yules (as we originally intended to). Happy New Year from our strange little workaholic family, may these provide some fond winter jollies during the cold months ahead. https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/new-years-creepers-oddments https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/yule-2022/strawberry-buttercream-sufganiyot-perfume-oil/
  2. Failmingo

    YULE/WINTER 2022 Is Here

    WE DID IT! https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/yule-2022/ Here's everything the update contains: ❄️ Yule General Catalog • Old friends, new friends! ❄️ Carved Wooden Holiday Village • A series of woody fragrances to be enjoyed and rearranged year after year ❄️ Cranberry Bog • It turns out you can teach an old bog new tricks! ❄️ Creepo Yuletide Greetings • Perfumes inspired by a series of strange old greeting cards that we'd love to send and receive ❄️ Snow On Snow, Snow On Snow • BPAL's classic SNOW WHITE fragrance casts a frosty spell over a series of General Catalog scents ❄️ The Cake Boys • A special yuletide sponsorship scent for these NYC pals, a troupe of drag kings and alternative queer & trans performers • https://www.cakeboykings.com/ ❄️ Santa Doesn't Need Your Help • A fragrance crafted to accompany the entertaining new Christmas storybook by Kevin Maher and Joe Dator ❄️ Yule Hair Gloss • Gloss your hairs!
  3. I'm not JUST here to tease you with glimpses of the Yule update (which we're hard at work on!), but to help pace expectations related to holiday shopping. As in the past few years, there's basically NO guarantee that we can ship these brand new scents in time for Christmas. The world is chaos, the postal system is slammed, and the new facility is operating with a decidedly NON-ginormous skeleton crew. If you really, really want gifty 'fumes to arrive in time for Christmas, you basically have two options. Firstly, you can order now, TODAY, from the vast array of amazing options that are already in stock on our website. Yeah, I know, boringgggggggg, but still. That is the safest path to order fulfillment ahead of Dec. 25th, and we greatly appreciate the business. The second option is more of a wish and a prayer, and that involves including a note IN THE COMMENTS OF YOUR ORDER that it's a gift and you really need it by Christmas, and we'll do our best (still no promises!) to prioritize it. No, these two options aren't mutually exclusive. Also, the second option won't really work if people are grinchy and use that trick to hasten their regular orders for themselves, will it? So there's a bit of an honor system thing going on, and others' Christmas dreams are likely to count on you (YES, YOU) being honorable. And as is my annual custom, I'll also drop a mention of our Gift Certificates, which are available in any amount and will allow people to find and discover their own 'fumes at their own pace. You can buy those right up till the last minute, since they are delivered via email! The perfume teased below is slated as a fundraiser scent for Transanta, an org we've posted about on Instagram that shares gift registries for young trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming folks who can't count on receiving gender-affirming gifts (or any at all) from their families this Christmas. That's a great place to do a little shopping while you wait for us to finish up: https://www.instagram.com/transanta/ I'm figuring the Yule collection will go live next week? That's all I know! Thanks, friends, and hugs. We're really trying.
  4. Failmingo

    A Few More LE Restocks!

    Okay, contrary to what I said elsewhere, we have indeed managed to restock a few more LE's! It felt important to get the word out, so folks can still pounce on the Free Gift imps if they haven't already. Cherry Red Oct 33rd The Shadowed Veil Samhain Every Day is Halloween Lightning Strikes Literature Apple Macchiato A Sorceress Sorry for the mixed messages, we really are just off-roading through this stuff because of the move.
  5. Failmingo

    CHECKMARK Restocked! ✅

    Hey y'all, we managed a quick and dirty (read: unplanned) restock of the recent SCHRODINGER'S CHECKMARK release, just in time for Cyber Monday, which means you can access our Free Gift imps if you order it today. Kablam! https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/limited-edition/schrdingers-checkmark-perfume-oil/
  6. Failmingo

    Black Friday Weekend Frimps

    We've whipped up something special for Black Friday weekend! Anyone who spends $15 or more at BPAL from Fri. Nov. 25th through Mon. Nov. 28th will find the following trio of 1/32 oz. perfume oils tucked into their order: 🥧 BLUEBERRY BANANA CREAM PIE 🥧 CARAMELIZED PECAN RUM CAKE 🥧 GINGER CAKE WITH QUINCE AND ORANGE ZEST These perfumes are impossible to obtain any other way, will be given out while supplies last, and should under no circumstances be tasted, nibbled, or otherwise ingested. Thanks for supporting a small business during your holiday shopping, it means the world to us!
  7. Hello, very pleased to announce that it's Lunacy time once more. And to thank everyone for being so marvelously patient and supportive during our move (which is still ongoing!) we've made sure to sprinkle this launch with some special standalone Limited Edition stuff. Enjoy! https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/late-october-2022
  8. Failmingo

    SPOOPY KID Restock

    Boo! Looks like we've managed a Spoopy Kid restock. Due to the move we're stuck doing this pretty much on a case-by-case, catch-as-catch-can basis. Thank you for rolling with it! https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/lilith-2022/spoopy-kid-assaulted-by-a-sunbeam-perfume-oil/
  9. Failmingo


    We blew it when we launched the 'Weenies, accidentally omitting PUMPKIN RUM CAKE. We've launched the scent to coincide with the sniff vid in which we sampled it -- link to the perfume is in the caption. Thank you, and apologies once again!
  10. Failmingo

    Halloween 2022: New Perfumes!

    Halloween has a magic that transcends season, and we have bottled it for year-round enjoyment. This year's perfume collection is finally here! 🎃 https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/halloween-2022 Contained therein, you'll find... 🎃 A bounty of General Catalog 'Weenie scents — some old, some new! 🎃 Ginormous Yard Skeleton — four perfumes inspired by the stages of acquiring this contemporary spooky-season staple 🎃 Bobbing For Apples — our mind may be in the gutter with these variations on BPAL classics, but at least we get a healthy snack! 🎃 Pile of Leaves — the Lab's time-honored Dead Leaves accord has returned to imbue the air around you with a distinctive crackle 🎃 Witches, Sorceresses, and Sorceries in Art History — a sinister museum tour painted in scent 🎃 Lightning Strikes — three variations on BPAL's classic Lightning fragrance, created in collaboration with PS Publishing to celebrate the release of their new non-fiction book about The Bride of Frankenstein 🎃 Persephone's Bounty — a wealth of autumnal pomegranate perfumes
  11. A beautiful new (old) hardcover book, postcard set, and accompanying fragrance by BPAL! BEAUTIFUL MACABRE: SALOME "Sensual, undulating veils of wild plum, sweet aged patchouli, cardamom seed, myrrh, red labdanum, vanilla bourbon absolute, saffron, and leather-touched incense."
  12. Failmingo

    Candle Drop THIS Saturday!

    This Saturday morning at 9am Pacific, we'll be dropping another small batch of candles — small, as in under ten of EACH of the following fragrances. Truly first come, first served, at this link! Thank you for giving them good homes. BLOOD JASMINE EMBALMING FLUID GRAVEYARD DIRT POMEGRANATE PATCHOULI VETIVER SUGARED ABSINTHE
  13. [No additional description provided.] In the bottle all of the above listed notes kind of smash on the nose equally. The effect is similar to a drink I'd order at a Manhattan cocktail bar that would probably cost as much as this bottle -- a spicy pineapple margarita with smoked salt. IMMEDIATELY on the skin the notes fall into rank, with the pineapple's sweetness soaring high above the others, and the dead leaves effectively blanketing the patchouli and vetiver so they're muffled to a dull roar. This is among the least "dead leaves-y" blends from the collection IMO, probably because the pineapple note takes it in a direction one doesn't associate with "autumn." Ten minutes after applying, I'm getting a sort of dead leaves reverb effect whenever I go to sniff, which suggests that note will last on the skin long after the bright, sunny pineapple has perished. Brava!
  14. This year, we've released our Lilith/Fatherhood collection simultaneously with the HARVEST MOON Lunacy. For reasons! Those reasons are not important, but notifying you about these perfumes certainly is: https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/lilith-2022 https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/september-2022-lunacy Our video announcement is below!
  15. We're still cleaning out the Lab's old facility ahead of our move, and have returned with another round of rare mistakes, misadventures, and various oddities. Those have been updated here: https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/the-purge/ Also, it looks like we had enough leftovers from LAST year's Dragon Con to constitute a lil mini-release of those perfumes. Get 'em while they're hot, hot, hot! https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/virtualcon-2021/
  16. Failmingo

    August Lunacy! August Lunacy!

    Hello, I'm here to inform you that our August Lunacy offerings have arrived! And please note that we've included a few of our "clearing out the Lab" scents as well, blended by mistake but released on purpose: CHOCOLATE DOOBSICLE LAVENDER BUTTERCREAM SUPPOSED TO BE A PRETZEL BUT SMELLS MORE LIKE POPCORN, SO... https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/august-2022
  17. The new Sphere + Sundry drop celebrating Exalted Venus contains four incredible new perfume blends capitalizing on a particularly benevolent astrological conjunction. Brief descriptions below! https://sphereandsundry.com/product-category/series/exalted-venus-ii/ CONDOLEO "A sweet, comforting oil: a balm for despair, a heart-healer, and a catharsis." SQUAMA "This oil was crafted as a protection from the ravages of personal and global grief by enabling you to keep an open heart, letting the darkness of the world pass through you without injuring you. Squama assists in helping you remain able to acknowledge and process pain with eyes that remain open and hearts that remain open while enabling you to continue to react with love to yourself and to others no matter how dark the world may become." POMPILUS "Loosely inspired by remoras, this oil will assist you in befriending those who – at first glance – may seem to be your enemies, in finding (and charming) unexpected allies, and in guiding you to your destinations (literal, spiritual, and metaphorical) in safety." LEPOS "An oil of effervescent charm, quirky humor, captivation, and enchantment. The allure of the odd, the magnetism of Poe’s 'strangeness in the proportion,' the amplification and cultivation of the strange things about you that make you uniquely lovely." Available for $45 each, or as a full set for $180
  18. Failmingo

    July Lunacy is LIVE

    Now that CRANE MOON and the rest of the July offerings are here, please remember: in a week we'll be taking down Lupercalia, Yule, and all the other stuff we've been warning about for a bit now. Do with that information what you will! https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/july-2022/
  19. Failmingo

    Lab Hound Fundraiser Scent 🐾

    Welp, we've just released a new perfume to raise emergency veterinary funds for the Barrials' littlest, Maggie, who is in trouble now due to complications from her spay surgery. Obviously the timing couldn't be worse for them; we're dropping a special LE in hopes that it will help ease this unforeseen financial burden. (As Beth writes on the product page, any additional funds raised will be donated to https://redrover.org/. Thank you all so much for your support during such a delicate time. And on a personal note, I'd like to request that folks give the Barrials some space to take care of things in this sensitive moment -- they really shouldn't be deluged with messages and notifications during their special gal's time of need. https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/shop/limited-edition/margaret-magdalena-muffinhead-perfume-oil/ MARGARET MAGDALENA MUFFINHEAD "Miss Margaret Magdalena is a chocolate lab baby so her perfume is a thick, smoky fudge brownie scent with a heavy handful of coffee beans. She has golden eyes with a hint of green, so I added a bit of caramelized amber and green cardamom."
  20. Hi friends, as the Lab's move to Philly is now underway, we're about to enter a sort of twilight period of production during which our chiefs are hustling back and forth, setting up one facility while breaking down another. This will affect production in a number of ways, some of which still aren't foreseeable yet. But here's one thing we DO know: over the next few months, Limited Edition releases such as Lunacy drops are going to be SUPER limited: instead of a finite window of time to purchase, there will be a finite number of bottles available to purchase. The reason why? Our blenders in chief can't count on being readily accessible to make more. So when they're gone, they're gone! You're also going to notice more GC scents being listed as out of stock, since there won't be anyone on hand to reblend if we oversell what we have in inventory. We WILL get around to replenishing and relisting these, it will just take a little longer than folks may be used to. As in, late fall or winter? Just trying to be realistic. (So, if there's anything you can't live without through the rest of the year, it would be wise to acquire it now.) Please try not to panic! It's just temporary, and they've been blending as much as possible ahead of all this back-and-forth travel so that Lunacies etc. can proceed as usual. But we can't think of everything, and we appreciate your patience as we sort everything out in real time. We'll be releasing more info soon about our bonus release of all the mistakes/experiments/archival products that we're letting go of in order to clear out our space and make mucho dinero for the rest of the move. Thanks, everyone! TB
  21. These new scents JUST went live, in addition to these gorgeous jewelry creations: https://www.bloodmilkjewels.com/collections/grief-moths-chapter-ii GRIEF MOTH "Dusty woods brushed by a stroke of bourbon vanilla, gaïac, raw green fig, black labdanum, and 7-year aged patchouli." GRIEF MOTH II "Rosehips and hemp with bittersweet balsam, mushroom, and patchouli root."
  22. Timed to coincide with the release of a new reissue of Peter's book! The new scents will go live Friday morning. https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/the-last-unicorn/ I wanna add a note here that this run of perfumes (as well as restocks of the older ones) are no longer going to include original character artwork, but instead will feature a "main category" label. Nothing to worry about, we just want to be able to release these on the best timetable for our needs, which can include surprise factors such as component inventory that may dictate which ones we revive next, regardless of which illustrations we already have on standby. As much as we prefer having each scent look unique next to others in the collection, I figure people would much rather have these in hand sooner rather than later!
  23. Failmingo

    CANDLES Online Tomorrow!

    We're launching a bunch of candles online tomorrow morning at 9am Pacific. $25 apiece! Extremely limited quantity — when they're gone, they're gone. If you miss out, know that we will be releasing another small run of different scents sometime in the future. https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-category/home-linen/candles/ 🕯️APPLE CIDER - "A crisp, bright, boozy cider." 🕯️APPLES AND HONEY 🕯️AUTUMN ROSES - "Petals blooming in a somber sunset gradient of russet, amber-brown, and blood red." 🕯️BLACK HONEY 🕯️PUMPKIN SPICE EVERYTHING 🕯️SAMHAIN - "Truly the scent of autumn itself — damp woods, fir needle, and black patchouli with the gentlest touches of warm pumpkin, clove, nutmeg, allspice, sweet red apple and mullein." 🕯️BOLESKINE HOUSE - "Highland wildflowers, peat, decaying wood, and faded incense smoke." More candle info: Hand-poured in Los Angeles, CA! Our candles are crafted from a natural coconut wax with an lead-free cotton wick, and are generously scented with Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab-crafted fragrances. Please trim your wick to 1/4" before each lighting. When burning, please allow the melted wax pool to melt to the edges of the glass before you extinguish the candle in order to prevent tunneling. We strongly recommend that you burn our candles for three hours at a time to help prevent tunneling, but please try not to burn them for longer than four at a stretch. (This is especially true the first time you light one up!) Coconut wax candles imprint: the wax has a memory of sorts, and will burn best and smell strongest if you establish a good melt pool straight off the bat. Coconut wax candles should never remain lit for longer than four hours at a stretch, and always let them cool completely before relighting. Please make sure your wick is always trimmed to a good height (1/8” to 1/4”), and is always centered. Once the wax has burned down to about 1/2”, please discontinue use. You don’t want to scorch the furniture or risk cracking the glass! Some stats! * White wax in black glass. * Natural, sustainable, paraben-free, non-GMO, food-grade coconut wax blend. (But please don't eat!) * Lead-free cotton wick. * Dimensions: 3 1/2" high x 3 3/16" wide, approximately 8oz of candle. Weight with glass: 1lb 4oz. Common sense precaution: Candles utilize fire in order to work properly, and fire can be a touchy element, so please do not leave your little hot wax fireball within reach of children, pets, or irresponsible adults. The glass containing your candle will be hot during and after use, so please use caution while handling. Do not leave our candles unattended, burn them in drafty areas, or leave them near flammable materials. Do not eat the wax. Do not use the wax for sexytime. Don’t play weird double dog dare games with open flames. Do not use the wax to make poppets of your enemies. Black Phoenix is not responsible for any unforeseen funny business; use the candles responsibly and wisely, please!
  24. Failmingo

    Lotsa Down Dates For Ya

    Not to "per our last email" you, but... per our last email! Below is a linked list of everything we're dropping after the next Lunacy. We're lightening our load ahead of the huge move to Philly this fall. Wanna help? Winter/Yule 2021 Lupercalia / Shunga 2022 February Lunacy Perfumes, including Five Paintings That Smell Like February March Lunacy Perfumes, including Five Paintings That Smell Like Fickle March Weather and Snake Milk Blacklight Reactive Posters And don't forget to stalk our eBay page, which Ted has been updating with all kinds of new (old) stuff!
  25. Failmingo

    DragonCon 2022 Peaches!

    We will be going to DragonCon! More details coming soon about how things will work at the booth, but I know you'll wanna see this list in the meantime... ++ DRAGONCON 2022 Price per bottle is still TBA, we are figuring out a lot of things at the moment. As we said above, these perfumes will be sold at the event and online, ONLY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. CHROME PEACHES PEACH GLAZED DONUT WITH MANGO CHUNKS POMEGRANATE PEACH MARTINI PEACH ABSINTHE PEACH, COCONUT CREAM, MARSHMALLOW, AND NOUGAT PEACH, LEMON PEEL, AND SUGARED BLACKBERRY RIDICULOUSLY SEXY PEACH PEACH MILK PEACH-KISSED DADDY BY EFFY