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Everything posted by GoldenRubee

  1. GoldenRubee

    The Malignant Dreams of Cthulhu in Love

    On my skin this is a soft, salty chocolate with a touch of incense and grass/kelp. It is very light and does last a long time. I applied it around noon and when my husband came home around seven he could still smell it (he really liked it). This isn't a cologne, it isn't perfumey either. The chocolate blends are sometimes a hit or miss with me because of the sweetness of them. Since this isn't sweet on me, it works well.
  2. GoldenRubee

    Sweet Life

    In the Bottle, Sweet Life smells all Gardenia and Pikaki. On, it lightens up but it is very floral but not annoyingly so. It is not a dainty Spring floral but more of a thick, heady floral but very feminine. I am really not a floral person but I do like Beth's Gardenia and Pikaki scents. I can't smell any ylang but the lily shows itself after about half an hour. The lily is very soft and adds a sweetness to this blend. This scent lasted all day and just faded a little. I really like this and any of you floral lovers will too.
  3. GoldenRubee

    Banshee Beat

    Banshee Beat in the bottle is very heavy, thick patchouli but not the head shop kind. It is the smooth, rich, expensive patchouli that you always look for in a scent but can never seem to find. The hemp is there too, but down deep and shy, and needs to be coaxed out-probably with time. As for the vanilla-it is in the raw state with no sweetness at all. It works very well with the patchouli and hemp. I think this blend will get better with age.
  4. GoldenRubee

    Scent for Halloween?

    I knew exactly what I wanted to wear on Thanksgiving, something warm and comforting. So I reached for one of my favorite scents-Thirteen from February and I got compliments all day!
  5. GoldenRubee


    Creamy apple cider with lots of spices-yum. It smells great on me and the longer I wear it the better it gets. The apple fades after 30 minutes or so and just the spices remain. The is a a great Fall fragrance and one the I think I would buy multiples of.
  6. GoldenRubee

    The Girl

    I didn't think I would enjoy this as much as do...I normally like a heavier scent even in the summer. This is a very light ethereal scent that is truly gorgeous. I rarely wear florals but I would make an exception in this case. The Girl has a light musk scent that is very feminine, soft, dreamy and appealing. The birch adds a touch of the outdoors and the star jasmine brings a distinct sweetness in that pulls everything together. So far, this is my favorite of the new releases.
  7. GoldenRubee


    Violens is a warm, soft, musky leather on me with a touch of spice. The sandalwood is light and not heavy or cloying which is a definite plus for me especially when leather is involved. I like this on me but on my husband the complexities of the fragrance really come out. This is one of those bottles that will only get better with age.
  8. GoldenRubee

    The Hell-Gate Of Ireland

    I ordered this because of the notes-I knew, or hoped they would work on me. I loved everything in it plus it had Ireland in the title, I couldn't go wrong. I received my order and was labeling the bottles and smelled it. I could not understand why I ordered it from the smell. This has been happening a lot with the new scents. I tried it on and it smells great on me. I love cloves and musk and The Hell Gate of Ireland is predominately that on me. There is a metallic tinge to it at the beginning that fades pretty quickly but there is also a sweetness that comes out after 30 minutes or so. All in all, this is bottle worthy and horde worthy for me.
  9. GoldenRubee

    Devil's Night

    Devil's Night 2009 When I first smelled this in the bottle, I had to look at the label again to make sure that I had picked up Devil's Night! I did not recognize the smell at all from my other bottles from years past. I considered not applying it but since I love the other versions I knew I couldn't be disappointed in this years-and I wasn't. After it dries down it is very musky and spicy and me and I am very, very happy with it. I just had to wait out that initial 30 minutes. It was worth the wait though.
  10. GoldenRubee

    Pumpkin V (2009)

    This is very strong in the beginning with a nutty coffee, pumpkin scent. There is a sweet vanilla in the background with some spice. I am not a vanilla lover and this would be a perfect scent for me if in had no vanilla in it. My skin amps vanilla so even a touch of vanilla blurs the other notes. I'm really hoping the vanilla with fade and then this will be perfect for me. ADDED Oct. 7: Very strong pumpkin/coffee in the bottle After applying and dry down, all the lovely spices come out and smell fabulous. I do not experience heavy nut or vanilla here but more of a blending creamy mixture. This is my favorite of the five Pumpkins the year and is worthy of of multiple bottles.
  11. GoldenRubee


    ... In Neil's words, "'Sunbird' smells like resin and deserts and the phoenix." Smelling the bottle I didn't like Sunbird at first because it has such a strong, heaviness to it. I decided to throw caution to the wind and try it out. At first it smells very earthy and mossy on me but not a dirt scent. I almost get a little bit of fresh cut branches with a sweetness too that reminds me of honeysuckle. After the initial dry down the second phase comes out with a beautiful soft musk and spices that mingle gorgeously with the earthy tones. I think I even detect amber in here too. This is really turning out to be a surprising hit for me. The longer I wear Sunbird the better it gets. It is long lasting and would be great on my husband too.
  12. GoldenRubee

    Aphrodite v7

    I was so excited to try this because in the bottle it smells all green and beautiful with no hint of rose at all. I amp rose to the degree that every other note is smothered. After trying it on the wet stage is great with the greenery very beautiful and rich. But as soon as it dries down, the rose comes out in full bloom and even after washing three times, it is still there. I am passing the bottle to my daughter who loves rose.
  13. GoldenRubee

    The Sluggard

    When I first opened the bottle there was such a modge podge of smells that I could not distinguish the different notes coming to me. I ordered the bottle after reading the description-every note listed work on me. So why could I not tell what was in here and have to go back and read the listing? I ordered this based on the pear and wood which I love. I dabbed some on and the lavender immediately came out (I do amp that though). Once everything dries down all the other notes start making themselves known. The gardenia and pear are very mild, the gardenia takes a backseat, and the wood is there but very mild. It is more floral than I thought it would be, I had hoped for more of a pear presense. I suspect that once this ages a bit and the wood notes appear stronger it will be even more lovely than it is now.
  14. GoldenRubee

    How Doth the Little Crocodile

    In the bottle this is a rich cocoa and I smell no mint at all. Once I apply it the light mint comes out and mixes with the cocoa and it is very refreshing. I thought that it might be heavy but it is a very light scent and perfect for the summer and into the winter. Since I am in HOT San Diego, it is perfect for the 95 plus degrees we are experiencing now. On drydown the oakmoss is making itself known and but not overpowering the deliciousness of the cocoa and mint. This stage is my favorite and I am glad this was added to the GC line!
  15. GoldenRubee

    German Expressionist Horror

    This is very strong in the bottle and wet on the skin. The black musk and patchoulli are the first scents I smell. Khus is vetiver but is it a very light vetiver that seems to soften the other strong notes in this scents. When it dries down, all the notes meld into each other and it is a really beautiful oil.
  16. GoldenRubee


    In the bottle it is very strong but sweet. The sweetness comes from the golden pear, and the very strong deep scent is from the mahogany, patchouli and amber. There is a slight hint of fig but it is barely discernible. I love oakmoss and can definitely smell this once I apply it. It blends with the other deep notes and brings out the warmth and earthiness. After wearing it for 30 minutes or so, it does start to smell richer and sweeter. I think that with aging it is going to develop into a really beautiful scent.
  17. GoldenRubee

    Velvet Tiki

    Velvet Tiki is gorgeous and very fruity in the bottle and in the first few minutes smells like orchids on my skin. It quickly morphs into into passion fruit and coconut with the vanilla starting to make itself known. This is soft and light and perfect for warmer weather. After half an hour, the orchid is back and looks like that will be the scent that is going to stay with the light vanilla. Throw a flower in my hair, I am ready to book a vacation in Hawaii.
  18. GoldenRubee

    Velvet Dogs Playing Poker

    Velvet Dogs Playing Poker opens up with a wood note but I find it to be almost a greenish wood. For the first few minutes it smells very good and the tonka and Irish coffee are pretty strong. After five minutes though, it's like I have a perfume on that I am trying to remember what exactly I applied this morning (it is probably my skin chemistry that is doing this). I thought this would be more like Dogs Playing Poker only richer, it is a cousin, a third cousin. It is still very good but it is lacking the richness of the original I believe. Maybe this just has to age a bit and it will turn into a first cousin.
  19. GoldenRubee

    Velvet Cthulhu

    Velvet Cthulhu. Trying this on, it is very fresh and perfect for Spring and Summer. This has Khus in it which is vetiver, I don't even get even a little glimpse of it. I do however smell a touch of mint, just a little but in this it is refreshing with the greenness of this scent. I was looking up the list of ingredients and it is the Touareg Tea that the mint comes from (at least I know I am not going crazy). The Wasabi and frankencense adds a subtle spiciness while the coriander adds crispness and really helps to keep this fresh and clean.
  20. GoldenRubee

    Velvet Clown

    Velvet Clown. I didn't think I would like it at first, I thought it would be too sweet and artificial, but it is not! At first I smell a caramelly, whiskey note and a slight whiff of the greasepaint which quickly fades. My daughter is an artist so I am familiar with the paint smells and do adore them as it reminds me of her. I can see where some are comparing it BPTP baseball scent but this is not as strong as that and so much better with the whiskey making it's presence known (I do not smell licorice at all). All in all, this is another winner with it being a soft lasting blend that is not too sweet, and calls out to people, "hey, come smell me".
  21. GoldenRubee

    Velvet Tiger

    I am wearing Velvet Tiger today. It starts out very strong tobacco at first (i know it isn't listed but even my husband agrees) . After 10-15 minutes, I can smell the tangerine and spice come out and play very nicely with the amber. I can detect no licorice at all and no vertiver to speak of. I LOVE vetiver too so can tell you with certainty that if you do not like it, don't worry, it is whisper light to non existent. This smells very nice on my husband and he said he was going to take it from me. I told him I would buy him a bottle (maybe I will and maybe I won't) the nerve of some people!. Very nice and understated and very lingering once it dries down. Two bottles please!!!!
  22. GoldenRubee

    Velvet Panther

    Right away I can smell MUSK and wood. It has star anise in here too which is a fruit but it is also used in Galliano which has a sweetish smell that I can definitely catch in here (not unpleasant though). The vanilla is very dark and rich and blended with the other ingredients adds sweetness to it. At first I thought it was too cologny but that was due to the vetiver I think. After drydown, the cologny odor fades away and I am left with a lightly sweet, musky, spicy, scent. YUMMY!
  23. GoldenRubee

    Thirteen (13): February 2009

    In the bottle: light cocoa and spice Applied, there is no chocolate/cocoa at all, just the glorious spicy scent of ginger, cinnamon, and every baking spice all put together and sweetness of the brown sugar. It is very good at first, but on dry down it gets even better. It has a deep richness that I love and that I am always looking for in Beth's oils. After several hours I kept smelling something really nice and it took me a moment to remember that it was me! I am glad that I purchased multiple bottles of this because I know this is just going to get better with age.
  24. GoldenRubee

    Blue Phoenix v2

    Blue Phoenix....yum! This smells like fresh blueberries mixed with MB underpants. They are both distinct notes and they are just perfect with my sin chemistry. Imagine a blueberry cobbler with sweet cream
  25. GoldenRubee

    Orange Phoenix v6

    In the bottle Orange Phoenix smells like fresh orange with zest. After application and dry down, I can smell almost an orange creamsicle at first and then it changes to a light musky orange which i like a lot. It is soft and subtle and not too heavy. I don't pick up any fizziness or powder notes that others are getting from this at all. I am very pleased with the final results of this on my skin.