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Everything posted by GoldenRubee

  1. GoldenRubee

    The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife

    Right out of the bottle, this smells very cologne-y. At first I thought it might be too masculine. But after wearing it for a bit, the clean, aquatic masculine scent wears off and it becomes sweet and transparent and sheer. This is a perfect light summer scent.
  2. GoldenRubee

    Mort de Cesar

    First smell out of the bottle is yummy cloves, then spice. I knew from the description that this was a scent that would love me and I was right! It is spicy with a little woody undernote and after the cloves dry down a little it is just perfect. My husband could wear it, but I don't think I will let him. I purchased multiples of this and also scored my daughter's bottle since it was too heavy for her.
  3. GoldenRubee

    La Vita Nuova

    La Vita Nuova smells very light, fresh and fruity in the bottle. I didn't smell any apple when first applied but after a few minutes, the faint light green tartness comes back. This is like picking fresh fruit off the tree and taking a bite out of the apple. Perfect for Spring and Summer.
  4. GoldenRubee

    Deep in Earth

    First off, my husband loves it. In the bottle, it is a very strong dirty moss scent. My first impression after applying it was that it had a touch of mint, but that slight scent passed quickly. The dirt smell that I love in Bpal Graveyard seems mellower in this oil. I love the rose geranium in here-I can smell the crisp, clean scent of the broken stem. The scent lasts remarkably long and is deep and dark. I'm glad I went ahead and purchased a bottle right away and skipped the imp.
  5. GoldenRubee

    Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge

    I absolutely love this! As soon as I sniffed the bottle I knew this one was one I would need bottles of. It is soft, sweet, a little spicy, woody and slather worthy. I felt better after rubbing it on too. It made me feel prettier and happier. As soon as I make my next order, I am adding on several bottles of this. This is love!
  6. GoldenRubee

    Love's Torments

    I didn't like this at first, it smelled like it hadn't aged enough. But I know how some of Beth's blends work and I love vetiver so I decided to wait it out. I even put some on my husband because I was determined that if it didn't work on me, it would on him. This was worth the wait! Twenty minutes later, the soft, gorgeous woody smell comes out with a very slight citrus note in the background. The vetiver is light and brings everything together like a hug. I love it and it smells great on my husband too.
  7. GoldenRubee

    The Spell of Amorous Love

    This is such a pretty blend of light floral and fruit blossoms. I purchased this as a gift but after trying it (yes I did!) I must purchase one for myself. It is both calming and relaxing. It reminds me of the Japanese flower gardens in San Fransisco and brings such happy memories. The tea is there but more of an under current. The plum, cherry and sake blend very well together and leave a lingering sweet scent that makes you smile that secret smile. Love, love, love.
  8. GoldenRubee


    I was really surprised as I read some of the reviews and it seemed that Goneril is more disliked than liked. I happen to love it and just ordered a bottle from Shelldoo. When I first applied it, it smelled good, but after 15 minutes, it started to smell sweet and a little spicy on me. That's when I decided I had to have a bottle. Geranium and orchid with a touch of lily, how can you go wrong? I could not find any cedar at all in it. I guess it all comes down to body chemistry and this works well with mine.
  9. GoldenRubee


    This sounded masculine and I ordered it for my son/daughter since they live together. I love Beth's Honey blends and also love musk and patchouli. It smelled nice in the bottle and I decided to give it a try before I passed it along. I am so glad I did! I tried it this morning about 11:00 and it is 8 hours later and I can still smell it. It is musky and spicy with some patchouli, but not over powering. The honey makes it just a tiny bit sweet and it it very sexy. I know I have to purchase more than one bottle because my husband likes it on me too.
  10. GoldenRubee

    Stress Relief Elixir

    This smells softly minty in the bottle but not overpoweringly so. It does have an herbal, medicinal quality about it as well. It is not an annoying medicinal like Bengay, but a soothing refreshing blend that immediately comforts you. The mint fades away and leaves you smelling the geranium which I like and reminds me of my mother's garden. This is the perfect scent for any time you need relief from something (like the in-laws for instance).
  11. GoldenRubee

    Reindeer Poop

    Reindeer Poop is just delightful! I love foody blends and if you do too, this is sure to bring you pleasure. It has a cake-like smell with cinnamon and cocoa and maybe a maple/caramel syrup blend in it. The tag is so cute too with all the Christmas lights adorning it. The one disappointing thing is that I can't purchase this in a 5ml and even as a bath oil-it is that yummy.
  12. GoldenRubee


    I love this frimp and thank Beth for creating the brown sugar, maple goodness. I love foody scents and this has my name written all over it! It smells as tasty as a fruit cake-nutmeg and cinnamon with vanilla and candied fruit. A yummy experience all around! If only I could purchase a bottle-I was heartbroken when I found out it was imp only. This is love!
  13. GoldenRubee

    Centzon Totochtin

    In the imp, my first sniff was cocoa. When I applied it, I got cocoa and tobacco, which I thought was strange, because I didn't see that listed in the ingredient list. Coming in strongly next was the boozy wine smell. The cocoa fades into the background and the oil turns into a fabulous musk and spicy scented, million dollar scent! This is my new favorite! I owe it all to a frimp that Puddin' sent with my order! Note to self: Order 5 ml bottle
  14. GoldenRubee

    The Snow Storm

    Snow Storm reminds me of the winters in Minnesota when we would go out and run through the woods and hide behind the trees. As we ran, we would step on the snow and the leaves and branches of the fallen trees. You could inhale the green, piney fresh smell of the squished limbs. We would dash behind the trees and gab hold so we didn't fall. I swear I can smell the tree trunk smell along with the snow and pine branches in my bottle. Not only are the scents terrific, but they bring back all the wonderful memories of home and family.
  15. GoldenRubee


    In the imp, the first whiff is mildly salty followed by soft roses. I lived by the beach in my teen years and my mom had a huge garden of every type of rose. There must have been thirty plants of every color. My mom would spend hours every day pulling weeds and watering those roses. The scent of the different rose fragrances would mingle with the salty ocean air and combine together to make the most glorious scent. This is what Penthus smells like-all in a tiny imp. It is really remarkable how Beth gets all that in such a small vial. Just that one sniff brought back all those memories of my mom-all those years ago.
  16. GoldenRubee

    Christmas Rose

    This was the first new Yule I tried this year! In the bottle: soft, light floral Dry: I mistakenly thought it was going to be a rose scent because of the title. I don't like rose at all. After smelling it, I did a little research and learned about it like Alicia did. It is mainly found in Europe and blooms from November to April. It has poisonous properties, which is strange (or not) because of the beautiful flower. After blooming, it has vines that seem to reach out towards something. A very sad tale for a beautiful looking plant. The scent is very beautiful on my skin, very soft and gentle. I can smell a little of the green leaves of the plant. It is very clean and fresh smelling too. I really love this one and purchased two right away. I'm glad I did too because I didn't realize that the lab made two different labels-one parchment and one with the Hellebore flower one it. I received one of each. I only realized that it was the Hellebore flower when I looked it up on google. This is sure to be a favorite~I know it is one of mine!
  17. GoldenRubee

    La Befana

    La Befana with it's candy charcoal and chimney dust is another that appeals to me. I was expecting something bitter and dark. But instead it is light and sweet with a little spice and you can smell the violets. Must. Have. More.
  18. GoldenRubee


    I received an imp of this and in the imp it was a very light fragrance with floral undertones. I thought it would be very strong because it is very dark gold in color. On, the patchouli really makes it's power known right away with a strong slap of the oleander thrown right at you. We have oleander lining our yard on the neighbor's side of the fence, and there is no mistaking that smell. It is a sickeningly sweet smell when it is in full bloom and when the sticky sap drips on my plants, it kills everything on my side on the fence. I like this scent after about the first half hour, it is the first half hour I am not wild about, but I think that is because it lines my fence. If I could just bypass that initial phase, I would love it.
  19. GoldenRubee

    Jazz Funeral

    In the imp this was not very impressive at all-it smells of dirt and florals. I do like Beths dirt blends and my daughter raves about Jazz Funeral, so I decided that you can't judge the imp by the smell alone! I put some on and still really couldn't smell much so added some more and waited for the "miracle" that my daughter told me was coming. OMGosh, I didn't have to wait long! All of a sudden, this cinnamon spiciness started to float up from my arm, mixed with sweet floral. It is perfect for me and not overwhelming at all! It is soft and alluring and perfect for day or evening. A big bottle must have!
  20. GoldenRubee


    In the imp it is very sweet and citrusy and I was eager to try it on. At first I smelled a little floral, some amber and citrus. It faded pretty quickly to a light powdery scent with citrus which wasn't unpleasant really but I probably wouldn't purchase a bottle. I would love it as a room scent though-it is very refreshing, it just doesn't work well with my skin chemistry.
  21. GoldenRubee

    House of Night

    This seems very herbal and anticeptic smelling on my skin with floral undertones. I kept hoping it was going to get better with spices or warm up to my skin chemistry, but it never did. It stayed the same for the next hour. I finally threw in the towel and washed it off.
  22. GoldenRubee


    I was lucky to get a little of this to try and it is even better than I thought it would be. It smells delicious in the imp but after trying it on my wrist, it turns into the most delectable smelling scent ever. It is like a creamy, sweet custard-I spent the next 2 hours smelling myself! I invited anyone that came close to me to take a whiff too! This is one scent that goes with my skin chemistry perfectly! Yummy!
  23. GoldenRubee


    Truck stop sleaze. Weedy dandelion and hops with a whiff of tobacco and hemp and a swirl of booziness. In the imp: overpoweringly green floral Wet: the same Dry down: I didn't think I would like this at all because the first fifteen minutes or so smelled liked I had taken the stalk of a dandelion and wiped it all over my wrist and then wiped the yellow flower of the dandelion on top of it. I was trying to figure out what everyone was talking about when they described Roadhouse as a beautiful scent. Then, after 30 minutes or more, it went from a caterpiller to a butterfly! It turned from a bitter scent into a sweet, light, very enjoyable scent that even has a touch of spice. I will be getting a bottle and am happy I tried an imp of this!
  24. GoldenRubee

    Pumpkin Cheesecake

    I received an imp of this from GirlinDenial (who I thank very much for). In the imp: pumpkin and spices Wet: whiff of graham crackers, pumpkin, spices Dry: Very graham crackery with a touch of brown sugar and it actually smells like raw pumpkin to me. I always make my own pumpkin pies from fresh pumpkins and that is what this smells like to me when I am cutting the pumpkin up getting it ready to roast. It is very light and not over powering at all. It does last a long time too and lingers, I kept smelling it and had to keep reminding myself what it was. Very pleasant and perfect going into fall and winter.
  25. GoldenRubee

    Dia de los Muertos

    I haven't been able to wear DDLM in the past but decided to try this year's because of the sweet cactus. It. worked! It smells spicy and a touch sweet on me and Beth's scents with tobacco always seems to work. I don't like Jasmine at all but this is not cloying at all, it just blends nicely together and for some reason is very calming to me. I'm going to try it at night before bed. Another bottle for me before this goes away!