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Everything posted by doomsday_disco

  1. doomsday_disco

    … And the Fairies Ran Away With Their Clothes

    This was the biggest fail I had from my recent batch of cat and lunacy decants. This is very much about the lemon-infused amber (I believe that's what makes up the sunbeams) and some very in-your-face laundry from the fabric notes, and they combined and became so high-pitched with such throw that I had that feeling of something being caught in my throat because the scent was so high-pitched and strong (seriously, I was baking cookies and not even trying to sniff my arm and this scent was declaring dominion over everything, even the wax melts I was melting in my kitchen). The evergreen in this is very light on me and most noticeable during the wet phase of the scent, before it becomes laundryville. And there's a bit of funk to this at one point, which goes away, and I'm not sure if it is from the lemon amber or the fae blossoms, or perhaps a combo of both. But the high-pitched scent engulfing me was just too much (I don't even dislike laundry scents... I'm fine with Apocalypse Box and Boober, but this one did not jive with me). Fabric notes are a big risk for me, but this might be my biggest fabric fail.
  2. doomsday_disco

    Mandarin, Black Vanilla, and Patchouli

    I almost blind bottled this one, but I decided to get a decant since I had a lot of scents that didn't work out for me in my April order. I am glad I went the decant route. This is more about the patchouli (which is a black patchouli) and black vanilla. The mandarin is most noticeable in the beginning, and it's realistic, and you can smell the pith, but sadly, the pith is all that carries over into the drydown on my skin, where it's become mostly black patch and black vanilla with just the ghost of mandarin. Although it's a nice patch and vanilla, I'm not in love with it like I love Banshee Beat/Revenant Rhythm and would not say the are similar scents. Honestly, I just don't know why I'm not swooning over this one -- the patch is smooth and the vanilla really blooms out in a cloud with wear. I guess it's because I was so hoping for a lot more mandarin. No bottle for me, but I may hold onto my decant to see how it ages. And I'd like to see this vanilla note pop up in more scents!
  3. doomsday_disco

    Meadow Elves

    This one has a lot going on, and it's hard to pick out all of the notes. I get lots of grass, touched with strawberry, during the wet phase. There are hints of warm amber, and then I get something a little evergreen-like that I believe may be the black hellebore accord. Then the crab apples join in, as well as the lilac musk, and at that point, it mostly becomes an apple-infused lilac musk on me (emphasis on the lilac musk, though). I do get meadow vibes from this, but I wish the lilac musk didn't end up being so prominent on me as I preferred the grassy phase of the scent. If you want to smell like a meadow in spring, this one is worth a try, if you jive with lilac musk.
  4. doomsday_disco

    Princess Pig on Stilts Playing the Harp

    Take Ivory Vulva and Volcano and Springtime and smoosh them together, but crank up the lotus root, and this is their baby. Seriously though, I kept thinking 'this reminds me of something' every time I sniffed this, and after a while, I realized that it reminded me of those scents... but, like, if you took Ivory Vulva, removed the macadamia and coconut, and replaced it with a fuckton of bubblegum-y lotus. Damn, that lotus is super sweet and strong and takes forever to calm down. This is actually far more lotus heavy than Volcano in Springtime, actually, where it's tolerable for me. Here, it's just too much. The resins are noticeable here and gain strength with wear (the amber is the strongest of those notes), as well as the sweet, creamy notes, but that lotus is stronk and still stands out too much for me by the end of the day. I think I'll stick with the blue lotus of Blossoming Vulva, but I could see this being very popular since it's so Shunga-esque.
  5. doomsday_disco

    Angelvs Domini

    I decided to try this because it contained lavender. And the lavender is definitely present throughout wear, but all of the other notes are in full force here, and the combination of the black currant and the lilac on me makes this skew somewhat sour. I'd say the frankincense is the strongest note throughout wear, but there's more of the floral notes with it early on, and more of the black currant once the scent has been dry for a few hours. During this stage, the lavender is still present, but the lilac has calmed down a lot, and since the black currant is stronger, there's some welcome sweetness to the scent. But I'm not willing to go through that sour wet phase to get to that point.
  6. doomsday_disco

    Hare Moon 2023

    This starts off strong on the hay and spice (far more clove than cardamom), backed by the woods and a bit of hops. Over time, the resins gain strength, as does the ambrette part of the cacao ambrette (which only lends a hint of cacao to the scent on me), and the clove calms down, so that it ends up being a warm, musky, hay and resin scent (I think the sandalwood is the strongest of those notes). I was really hoping for more cacao from this, but the musky ambrette ended up being stronger than I would have liked. I think the recently released Hay Absolute, Cacao, and Cardamom will be more up my alley, but if everything here sounds good to you and you were hoping for little cacao, you might want to give this a whirl.
  7. doomsday_disco

    Pink Moon 2023

    I grabbed a decant of this to compare with Pink Moon 2019 (which I own a bottle of), since the note list for this one is a little different. Without deathmatching the two, I could tell as soon as I applied this that this is really different. It is way more strawberry-heavy than the 2019 version of Pink Moon, almost like a Strawberry Moon-touched Pink Moon. This is more fruity floral than that version, and it's also sweeter than that one. And somehow pinker? I still plan to deathmatch the two and will update my review when I do, but at the moment, I think I may prefer this version to 2019's.
  8. doomsday_disco


    This starts off as mostly blue lilac on me, kissed with peppermint and mallow flower, and backed by the rose and the woods/resins. The peppermint becomes lighter once the scent is dry, and the lilac remains the dominant note throughout wear. The bourbon vanilla in this is sheer and not sweet, and the mallow flower is more the flower than actual mallow (I got more floofy mallow from White Cat). The rose in this is pretty tame for rose, and the woods/resins gain strength over time, but never manage to overtake the lilac. Testing this, along with some other scents from the May Lunacy update, has made me realize that I'm currently not interested in lilac. (I don't dislike it, but I rarely reach for the scents I have that feature it, and the scents featuring it from the May release feature the note pretty prominently.) But if you are interested in lilac, this is a complex lilac scent that's very lilac but you still get to smell some other notes, so this may be worth a try if that sounds up your alley.
  9. doomsday_disco

    Floral Still Life With Cat

    This one is more rose than peony to me (I agree that it's a pink rose). I don't get any Pediophobia vibes from the porcelain, but there miiiight be a touch of cognac with the florals? I don't get a strong mineralic quality to this, and there's no stealth vanilla, just something soft lurking beneath the floral notes. I was really hoping for more porcelain from this, but maybe my skin just ran away with the rose and peony.
  10. doomsday_disco


    Frou-Frou is more perfume-y on me than I'd like due to the prominence of the oakmoss in the fougere and the silk note. I get some sweetness from the vanilla and a bit of the floof from the marshmallow when freshly applied, but it becomes more about the moss, fabric notes (no laundry tho), and hint of rose swirled with a bit of vanilla, on me... and I was kind of hoping it would be more of the sweet notes with hints of the other ones. I would not say that this is Lace adjacent, because there's no cognac or tobacco along with any of the vanilla, but maybe those who don't amp moss would have a difference experience. Ultimately, this is too high-pitched for me, but it was fun to get to try it.
  11. doomsday_disco

    Ylang Ylang, Raw Sugar, and Clove

    This starts off heavy on the sugar and clove, which are backed by the ylang ylang at first. The ylang ylang gains strength over time, eventually becoming the most prominent aspect of this scent by the end of the day, but it is at no point high-pitched or super heady. I really love the wet phase of this scent with the strong sugar and clove, and I'm imagining those notes paired with something like the cherry from the morello cherry trio. I don't dislike the ylang ylang here, but I went from "BOTTLE!?!?!" during the wet phase to "it's okay" by the time this had been on for six hours. The decant is a keeper, but what I really want is more of this sugar and clove (which now makes me think I should try layering 13 March 2020 with my Sweet Clove SN...).
  12. doomsday_disco

    Morello Cherry, Ginger Root, and Black Musk

    This features a bold red cherry note and ginger as the dominant notes throughout most of the wear, although the black musk joins in and becomes more noticeable by the end of the day, and it anchors the cherry so that it's not able to disappear. The ginger in this is not the one that is my nemesis (red ginger, which goes medicinal on me), but I could still see some people saying that this has cough syrup or lozenge vibes from the cherry (although it did not veer into that territory on me). I don't think I need a bottle of this one because I'd prefer the cherry without the other notes, but I'll hang onto my decant and retest it before it goes away to be sure. That said, if this cherry were offered on its own as a single note, or with some notes that might be more appealing to me (imagine this cherry with the sugar and clove from the ylang ylang trio? ), I'd need it in my life.
  13. doomsday_disco

    Coffee Bean, Jasmin Sambac, and Vanilla

    This was all jasmine on me, with no coffee bean or vanilla (unless the vanilla was contributing to the slight powderiness I got from the jasmine after a while). It's not an indolic jasmine, but it still has major throw. I was really hoping for lots of coffee bean from this, backed by vanilla and a hint of creamy floral, but this is a jasmine party.
  14. doomsday_disco

    White Cat

    I still have a few more cat scents to test, but at the moment, this is my favorite. It starts off strong on the lemon and vanilla cream, backed by the amber, and the lemon cream is almost like the lemon cream inside of a cookie. Over time, the mallow flower gains strength and it adds a wonderful sweet floofiness to the blend ('tis more mallow than mallow flower to me... it's not like the mallow flower in the honeysuckle trio). So then it's like a floofy mallow-infused lemon cream and amber. But over time, the amber gains strength, and the lemon, vanilla cream, and marshmallow floof calm down, so that it settles into a golden amber backed by musk by the end of the day, with only a hint of the lemon glory that came before. I was originally going to deathmatch this with Penis Bound with Gold Ribbon (golden musk, sweet amber, and lemon cream), but despite the note similarities, they are pretty different. This one is sweeter, and it's less perfume-y since it has a soft, golden amber instead of the somewhat high-pitched sweet amber of last year's Shunga scent. I didn't upgrade that one, but I'm debating upgrading this one -- although I enjoy the first few hours of the scent more than the late drydown when it's mostly amber. I will have to give this a full-day slather to see if it is bottle-worthy.
  15. doomsday_disco

    Sleeping Cat

    At first, I thought this was a pine-infused amber, as it reminds me of Christmas. But then it got a little more sour on me and I realized that it's balsam, not pine. And that explains the Christmas vibes! It's lightly spiced on me (not as spiced as The Lion is, to my nose), but maybe my skin is bringing out more of the balsam. I really love this during the wet stage (I actually thought it was bottle-worthy at that point), but I didn't love it as much once dry. I'll retest this before it goes away to see if I love it all the way through once it has had more time to settle. I wouldn't use this as a sleep scent, but it would be a nice cozy Yule-y amber to wear in December.
  16. doomsday_disco

    Cat Seen From Behind

    Cat Seen from Behind is mostly about the toasted sandalwood on me. The rice milk is most noticeable in the beginning but is fleeting on me, and the patchouli in this, while present throughout wear, is not heavy (I think it's a reddish brown, woody variety). It is a pretty dry scent, and I was hoping that the rice milk and tonka bean would make it less dry and make it sweeter. But at the moment, it's a little too dry with not enough sweetness for me.
  17. doomsday_disco

    Cat at the Table

    This one is mostly about the lemony white tea on me. I get more amber than sandalwood (though it is next in prominence) or oudh (non-funk variety) once it has been on the skin for several hours (it really takes a long time for the white tea to calm down on me), and I'm not able to pick out any vanilla from this. I really wanted to like this one because of the art, but alas, it's too white tea-heavy on me, and it didn't wow me by the time the white tea had calmed down.
  18. doomsday_disco

    A Snug Corner

    I tested this after letting it settle for two days. It starts off as cinnamon apples and baked bread, but the green herbs quickly rush forth and become the dominant note. The herbs sadly veer into soap territory on me, backed by what's left of the cinnamon apples -- with no more bread to be found. I tested this on my upper forearm and did not have any issues with the cinnamon burning or leaving any welts. I'm not sure if this needs more time to settle due to having been in triple digit heat, so I'll probably give it another try in a few weeks. But at the moment, the fleeting bread and the prominent herbs make this one not a win for me. I'm hoping that with some more time to settle, I'll get less herbs and more bread.
  19. doomsday_disco

    Chastising Your Dragon

    BAD DRAGON! BAD! Cherry blossom, bourbon vanilla, rice milk, and white sandalwood. Random note: This scent shares artwork with a past BPAL event exclusive: BPTP's Housebreaking Your Dragon atmosphere spray. In the bottle: Lots of cherry blossom, white sandalwood, and rice milk. I am not detecting the bourbon vanilla note in the bottle, but I hope it makes an appearance on my skin! Wet: Cherry blossom takes the center stage. Then, it calms down a bit, and the rice milk ends up sidling up next to it, and threatens to overtake it, but doesn't quite succeed. They both end up being main players, until the white sandalwood begins to emerge after a few minutes and decides to sidle up to them. It's increasing in strength over time, but not the most prominent note. Dry: This ends up being a soft, somewhat clean scent. The rice milk and white sandalwood are the dominant notes during this phase of the scent on me, and although white sandalwood can sometimes be really dry on me, this one hasn't been problematic. The cherry blossom is still present, but it's been confined to a background role. I'm not getting any of the bourbon vanilla from this, but perhaps it will come out with age? Verdict: I thought this would be like a Shunga in Dragon form, and it is! It's not the cherry blossom + vanilla that I was hoping for, but it's still a nice scent. I'm going to hold onto my bottle and hope the vanilla comes out after some aging!
  20. doomsday_disco

    Banana Pancakes

    I enjoy the banana in this one, but I wouldn't say it is a main player. At least, not on me. I get a ton of walnut at first, which is warm and toasty, with a bit of banana. Then it turns a little medicinal on me, and I think it's cinnamon from the pancake note combining with something else. The whipped cream veers into plastic-y territory on me, but at least it manages to take this out of that odd medicinal phase as it gains prominence and eventually becomes the dominant note. Oddly enough, I don't get maple syrup from this? (That's the reason I hadn't ordered a decant when that update dropped.) This did not end up being a win for me due to the medicinal and plastic phases of this scent, but I enjoyed the banana and how realistic the walnut note is in this one.
  21. doomsday_disco

    October 32

    2021 version. I figured that this would have a high chance of being a fail on me, with the dead leaves and sweater notes, but since I hadn't tried it and had a chance to swap for it, I decided to give it a whirl. Well, it's not for me. There's some neroli in the dead leaves (same ones from Haunt 2021), and the sweater note is the laundry variety as opposed to a warm, cozy one. There's some black tea that joins these notes later on, but it just ends up being one very high-pitched, perfume-y melange on me, without any of the coziness of fall. On a positive note, I didn't get any super buttery cream from this?
  22. doomsday_disco

    The Blockhead

    This starts off with a pop of bubblegum accompanied by a rusty metal note that makes me think of Dwarf (plus bubblegum). Then it gives way to a more traditional metallic note backed by a faint leather, and it stays that way for the rest of the day. I wish the bubblegum had stuck around longer to sweeten the other notes.
  23. doomsday_disco

    The Floating Market

    This is a weird one. It started out as a smoky, resinous scent on me and became more plant-like over time, eventually settling into a celery scent on me. I do not wish to smell like celery.
  24. doomsday_disco

    Mr. Croup

    The strongest note I get from this isn't actually any of the listed ones: it's vetiver. A super bold, blackened, yet still grassy, vetiver. I wonder if that's supposed to be a component of this particular black musk, or if it is just stealth vetiver? Anyway, that's the dominant note on me throughout wear. Musky vetiver with some of the floral astringency of the geranium. I wanted to try this because of the tonka and the porcelain, but the vetiver in this is too much for me.
  25. doomsday_disco

    The Stormhold

    This is like Lightning with a lot of moss. I get lots of moss and ozone throughout most of wear, with the rain gaining some strength after the scent has been on the skin for a while. Surprisingly, the vetiver in this is really subdued, and I don't really get the granite, which was what I was really hoping for (a stone-y rain scent). I'm glad I finally got to try The Stormhold, but I know I wouldn't reach for this over something like Waiting 2016 or Lightning Strikes Literature.