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Everything posted by Poenari

  1. Poenari

    Caramel Apples and Ancient Oaks Bath Oil

    Used on skin as an after-shower moisturizer. At first application, this is very strongly scented of caramel apple, and I was immediately reminded of the caramel apple in Creepy perfume. The caramel surprisingly fades fairly quickly, and leaves a beautiful fall apple scent with a smokiness, perhaps the ancient oaks are dry and burning. After about an hour, this has faded to an amazing scent that reminds me strongly of one of my favorite perfumes, Fearful Pleasure! I need multiple bottles of this bath oil, as it is going to layer so beautifully with my other fall apple scents, as well as the caramel scents: Creepy, Lambs Wool, and Fearful Pleasure in particular. If you love those scents, then you definitely need bottles of this bath oil!
  2. Poenari

    Scents similar to Makhanitis and Prospero

    Those scents are two of my favorites. The one I found to be the closest to Makhanitis, if you like patchouli, is Urd, in the Excolo line of the GC: Muscadine, black and red patchouli, cereus and nag champa. Urd is more headshoppy than Makhanitis, but I find the wine note very similar. Also, if you don't mind some chocolate, another one I really like is Centzon Totochtin , also a GC in Excolo: The Four Hundred divine rabbits of the Aztec pantheon that preside over parties and drunkenness. Bittersweet Mexican cocoa with rum, red wine, and a scent redolent of sacrificial blood. And another good wine scent is the LE The Zadok Allen Vineyard, which was a Lupercalia scent, but decants show up for sale on the forums fairly often. A deep velvety Cabernet Sauvignon with hints of plum, black cherry, rose petals, coffee bean, and smoky oak. Barrel and bottle aged, with a smooth and spicy hit mid-palate. Hints of Dagon's tarry black incense and clotted blood complete this well-rounded, robust indulgence.
  3. Poenari

    Boo Bath Oil

    Unfortunately, I spilled my entire decant of Boo... didn't make sure the lid was closed and it leaked all over my kitchen counter, a pile of mail, my purse, and my phone. Only some mail got ruined, but in the cleanup process my purse smells wonderful and I am still wiping oil off my phone case. I had to leave my purse in the car, and now my car also smells of Boo. This is all good (except for the spilling part) because Boo is such a pretty scent. It's sweet vanilla cream, with a cotton/linen tone. Smells just like the perfume, and I definitely need more of this bath oil.
  4. Poenari

    Balefire Atmosphere Spray

    The leaves in this scent are the same ones as in Knock-A-Dolly. This is a darker, smokier version of it, in fact, and very autumnal. I really like this a lot!
  5. Poenari

    Pumpkin S'mores Atmosphere Spray

    Very nice foody scent! The pumpkin is mild but spicy, and there is a hint of chocolate. I don't really get smoke, graham cracker, or marshmallow, but at the same time, this is all well-blended. It's surprisingly soft and fades much quicker than any of my other atmo sprays, even when sprayed on fabric, though it's nice while it lasts.
  6. Poenari

    Sudsy She-Wolf Bath Oil

    I was wary of the coffee, as it rarely works on my skin, but this is a warm, chocolate hazelnut and I barely smell the coffee. This feels snuggly and comforting, and when used as an after-shower moisturizer, it layers beautifully with Sylvia. This she-wolf is howling good!
  7. Poenari


    Well, Miss Callidora, I am very delighted to make your acquaintance! Callidora is a dark, thick, fabulous blood and peppery patchouli scented gal. Strong and long-lasting. Neither Bloodbath bath oil or Silkybat hair gloss worked for me, which disappoints me to no end, but at least Callidora and I will be best friends. Multiple bottles.
  8. Poenari


    I was so heartbroken that Shiny Furball didn't work for me, but thankfully Sylvia does. She is a warm, brown, spicy musk, and is a very comforting scent. I once had an amazing dog that was a husky-wolf cross, and Sylvia actually reminds me of her. Multiple bottles for sure.
  9. Poenari

    Bloodbath Bath Oil

    I am heartbroken that Bloodbath is just not what it should have been on my skin. This has so many notes of win that I was shocked that the rose overpowers everything else. DAMN YOU ROSE, YOU HAVE RUINED WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE PERFECT SCENT! edited after a couple of weeks of aging: I am willing to admit when I might have made a premature decision. Bloodbath still has more floral rose than I would have preferred, but even after only a short time to age it has mellowed into a scent that apparently smells really good on me. I base that upon the myriad of compliments I've received when wearing it. I do layer a touch of Callidora over it, because they seem to crave each other, but Bloodbath is turning into that rare scent with rose that I can wear. I just ordered two full bottles to have on hand once my decant is gone, and I've actually almost used up the decant already!
  10. Poenari

    Shiny Furball Hair Gloss

    Damn, I really wanted to love this one. But it's all fir, cedar, and juniper berry, and a sharp fizziness that makes my nose hurt when it wafts around my face (I have long hair.) Shiny Furball is such a fun name and I adore the concept, but this scent just isn't for me. edited a month later: ok, now that my decant has aged a little, I have to rethink my review above. Shiny Furball is still very strong on the cedar and fir, but the fiziness dries down into almost a peppery note. I still get no clove or coconut, of which I am disappoint, but now that we have had a serious freezing spell with snow and ice, I am finding myself turn to this one as the perfect wintery holiday scent. In addition to loving how well it goes with Sylvia and Sudsy She-Wolf, I am loving this with Silent Forest bath oil, and the following perfumes: Black Forest, Gacela of the Dark Death, and Night-Hag Visiting the Lapland Witches. Makes me feel all dark and foresty! I am definitely ordering a full bottle (or more) with my next Trading Post order!
  11. Poenari

    Silkybat Hair Gloss

    This is going to be a rare situation where I get a different result than OctoberGwen. I adore the Amber & Patchouli hair gloss and had high hopes for Silkybat. At first spray on wet hair, I detect the same sugared notes that are in Spun Sugar Spectre bath oil, minus the caramel. Very sweet and sugary, and where the hell is the patchouli? It finally appeared while blow drying, and is a mild and almost sweet patchouli too. After styling my hair I gave a final mist on the ends. This is where it all goes wrong. This turns into a sharp white scent that shoots straight up into my sinuses in a bad way. Damn you, Silkybat. You and I were supposed to have a grand time together, like those pictures of adorable baby bats in blankets. Instead, you are the sad bat with white - nose syndrome and you're breaking my heart. edited to update after a couple of weeks of aging: I have finally caved in to the Silkybat love. It's still very sugary first, with a soft patchouli to follow and yes, I can smell Spun Sugar Spectre, but the patchouli has finally become more melded into the overall scent. This is a very wearable scent and I have received multiple compliments about how good I smell on days when I am ONLY wearing Silkybat in my hair! How can one resist that! Seriously, this is also a very long-lasting scent in my hair, and it is the patchouli that grounds it and stays in my hair. I bought two full bottles to have on hand after I use up my two decant bottles!
  12. Poenari


    I am one of the major Tricksy Bath Oil hoarders, so I was unbelievably excited to see Tricksy released as a perfume. I immediately ordered two bottles, and we'll have to see how many more I neeeed before it comes down. This is actually sweeter and a little milder than the bath oil, which I use as an after-shower moisturizer. On skin, the honey comes out more in the perfume than in the bath oil. This is absolutely lovely, and if you are a patchouli lover, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00, but spend that $200.00 on Tricksy! Now if only we could convince the Puddin' to make the bath oil and perfume GC.
  13. Poenari

    Patchouli Clove Massage Oil

    This is ah-MAY-zing! Exactly as described, patchouli and clove dominant. I need gallons of this. Also, if you love Clemence from the Carnaval Diabolique as I do, make sure you buy this!
  14. Poenari

    Moroccan Pumpkin Patch

    Morocco is a scent that I really like, but it fades quickly into nothingness on my skin. I was very interested to try this, and I am so happy that I did! The addition of the pumpkin doesn't overwhelm the scent of Morocco, but for some reason it turns it into the long-lasting vanilla spiced scent I never had before. So this one is a huge win, and I am definitely getting a bottle!
  15. Poenari

    Dragon's Blood Candle

    Powerful, commanding, blazing with strength. This candle is exactly as described- it's Beth's beautiful dragon's blood scent in candle form. The thing I love about it is that it also wafts scent throughout the room even when unlit. The glass is frosted, heavy, and the label is very pretty. The wick burns very cleanly and extinguishes easily. Excellent quality, and I am very happy I bought it. (I also plan to reuse the holder since it's so pretty, but I'd love it if the Post came out with some kind of refill for these.)
  16. Poenari

    A World Where There Are Octobers

    Initially, this is very reminiscent of October. In fact, it is almost identical on my skin. But after a while, the green leafinessand the maple sweeten this and mellow out the initial sharpness. This is very nice, but my decant will suffice.
  17. Poenari

    Haunted Houses

    At first scent, the woods are immediately followed by musk. At drydown, there is a cologne scent, and then soap. Fades very fast. Bummer.
  18. Poenari

    Dorian in the Pumpkin Patch

    Exactly as described, this is Dorian with a little added spice. On me it's primarily Dorian, which is not a bad thing. In fact, the pumpkin blends in so well that this version of Dorian has more staying power than the original- also a good thing. I like this a lot, but there are so many other Weenies on my bottle list, and this doesn't stray far enough from the original, that I think I can stick with my bottle of GC Dorian and cherish my decant.
  19. Poenari

    Sin in the Pumpkin Patch

    Oh yeah, this is perfect! Sin with the added pumpkin... I love this even more than I expected to! I'm lucky that I can wear cinnamon without welts, and the pumpkin added to this hasn't caused any problems either. This reminds me of a less spicy Candied Pumpkin with more patchouli, or a toned down 2009 Pumpkin IV. It's not too over the top for me, and I need at least two bottles because this one is going to age beautifully. This year's pumpkin patch is one of the best ever!
  20. Poenari

    Autumn Fancies

    Very dry grasses, and it definitely has a golden "feel" to it. I also detect the slightest hint of lemon, but nowhere near the Lemon Pledge scent that any touch of lemon usually turns to on me. This is the scent of a late September or lan October warm Indian summer spell. It's nice, not something I will usually wear, but I'm glad to have the decant. edited for laptop fail
  21. Poenari

    September Midnight

    Dark pomegranate, sweetened by the myrrh and amber, and then a green note that makes it go sharp in my nose. I really loved this at first, but that green note ruined it for me.
  22. Poenari


    Yes! This is dark, sinister, and I love it. Tobacco and black patchouli loud and clear, with that inky musk. This doesn't have any pine pitch listed, but it has that feel to it too. A little reminiscent of, though not the same as, my beloved Night Hag Visiting the Lapland Witches. If you liked that one, you will like this one. Getting a bottle for sure.
  23. Poenari

    Dark Pumpkin Mead

    I agree with those who mentioned the Trading Post's Honey Pumpkin Stout bath oil. This is very similar to it, and I like my decant enough that I will definitely order a bottle to wear with my bath oil. I don't think it is actually a boozy scent, because the mead melds into the pumpkin and adds a new flavor to it. No pumpkin pie notes to this one. Very nicely done.
  24. Poenari

    Theme in Yellow

    Thankfully, this is not pumpkin guts. It is a sweeter scent than I had expected, with only a hint of butter, not nearly as inyourface as the butter in Jack. I think the sweetness is actually coming from the beeswax. I "get" the impression of a candlelit jack-o-lantern, although thankfully there is none of the burning pumpkin flesh that turns me off from carving and lighting pumpkins myself. This is a very nice autumn scent, but it's not special enough for me to need more than my decant. However, I am glad that I tried it.
  25. Poenari

    Samhain in the Pumpkin Patch

    This is exactly what I had hoped it would be! Samhain is a scent that I long to love, but on my skin there is a medicinal note that overrides everything else in it. Adding the additional pumpkin (and I assume more spice) tones down that medicinal note into the wearable Halloween scent I have always wanted. I agree that this is more wearable, as a slightly toned down version of Samhain. This is absolutely perfect, and I'm so glad that I caved and bought two blind bottles while waiting for my decants to arrive. Since I know that Beth doesn't often like to repeat herself, I will probably order more bottles to keep a stash of this one on hand for a long time, as I'm also sure that it will age into even more perfection.