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Everything posted by Aveya

  1. Aveya

    As Above

    Definitely prefer Haute Macabre scent over this one. They're very similar to me, but entirely different. This is leather for sure. Brown, firm, new. Nothing soft about it. It's a bit too much for me / not a scent I enjoy. That aside, the rest of the scent is a musky earthy vanilla blend much like Haute Macabre, but with an added lightness to it. Putting this into a different kind of profile. I don't get much jasmine, but I think it's responsible for the lighter feel of the scent, plus white patchouli a different level of leather. Anyways, strong throw. Almond-brown leather, lighter earthy/vanilla blend behind it. Another unisex scent to me. Verdict; Hipster leather store.
  2. Aveya

    Haute Macabre

    Got samples of these Imp : Almond & hints of fake leather. Skin initial: Seriously black leather. Slick and almost wet. Drydown: Dirty dark earthy leafy ~ all blooms up giving a glorious backbone to the leather and almond. Becomes seriously black leather. I can see it, I can touch it. It's definitely in the Dominatrix leather realm. The longer it sits the more the patchouli settles in. Longhaul this becomes patchouli, leather, and skin-close vanilla scent. I really really irrationally love this.I just don't have a decent place to wear it. WAY too dominatrix on me to wear to work without cocked eyebrows. Going to be a Girls Weekend Out scent for me. Unisex truly. Powerful on anyone. Verdict: Dee & Banshee Beat BDSM session
  3. Aveya

    The Governess

    So - I hunted for this bottle because I did a big college report on Turn of the Screw I was super duper proud of, based on The Governess and Miles relationship and my theories on why she sees ghosts everywhere being based around her coping with her emotions for miles because of so many reasons. Anyways - It was solid. I did a good. And now I love Miles and The Governess so so so so so much. So this bottle was going to be displayed and kept if it smelled like dirty socks or not. THAT SAID Bottle: Dusty violets. Initial Skin: Oh, surprising vanilla violets. Drydown: A super well blended vanilla floral musk. It feels pink-purple to me. Very strong, balanced scent. Feminine and herbal floral - but sweet and grounded. I actually love this one a lot. Keeper for more than my weird thesis!
  4. Aveya

    Peach VI

    Peach and patchouli. Uh, yes please? Searched out a bottle from a fellow forumn-ite Bottle: Tart/sour peach pit Initial Skin: Patchouli blooms. Peach is strong. Exactly what I hoped for. A softer, more grown up Depraved. With Peaches. Drydown: Really liking this one. This will easily be an everyday grab for me. It's everything I love in Depraved - that dirty thick gnarly patchouli, with that wet dollop of apricot. But in this case the peach instead of apricot makes it sweeter and more gentle. The addition of sandalwood & crew mellows out the super gnarled patchouli into something a bit more refined and gentle. It's basically a more wearable / less in your face version of Depraved. I'd wear Depraved every day all the time, except that I know it smells odd to some people so comes across poorly in the workplace sometimes. Peach VI fits the bill for what I love, but being sensible to people around me. It, to me, makes it more universal without sacrificing any BPAL beauty for my nose. Verdict: Adult, professional, grown-up Depraved. But still amazingly dirty under the bun & button-ups. Keeper. This is amazing.
  5. Aveya

    Eisheth Zenunim

    I'm a hunt for tasty peaches lately. I also like patchouli. Honey is hit or miss but I want it so bad to hit. So I was really excited to try this. Got my bottle from another bpalista. In Bottle: Super tart & bitter. Worriesome and not the direction I hope. Initial Skin: Drydown: Uuuuuuuuuhmuhgawd this is amazing. The peach is juicy and prominent. It's being plumped up by the honey. The combo comes across as EXTRA ripe peaches, and as the Honey amps on my skin (as it does) it just feels like the peach is ripening. It smells like ... fresh peach-orange honey from a beekeepers farm. I can almost taste it. Later Drydown: The Peach/Honey starts to mellow a bit and patchouli remains. Once the peach has ripened so much it falls off the tree and falls to the ground, nature takes it's course and reverts to a sweet earthiness. It reminds me of a very specific memory from when I was little. Like 10 or so? My father brought me and my sisters to a big farm - flowers, bees, candles. Their big thing was they had their own hives. We got those little samples of honey with specific flavors based on the flowers the honey bees pollinated. This is like eating a peach-orange blossom vial while walking among the spring plants. Bright, sweet, earthy, happy, innocent. This is joy in a bottle for me. Keeper keeper keeper. Verdict; Peach-Orange Honey vial. Sweet, Ripe, rich. Yes. So much yes <3
  6. Aveya

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2015)

    Red musk, vanilla bean, pomegranate, black currant, patchouli leaf and wild plum. Imp says September 2015 on it. Label is a bit wrecked so I know this lady has been aged. In imp: Tart and musky Initial Skin: Drydown: Hm this is confusing me. First sniff was absolute love. Later sniff, something is a bit off? I think I can't do Pomegranate on my skin. It's becoming a death note for me sadly. But it's brief and passes, shew. It's mostly just smoky musk, I swear sandalwood is in this because of the smoothness. Must be the red musk or a red patch. It gets almost buttery on me and any fruity notes are drowned out. Smooths out into a red-patch red-musk heavy blend. Strong. Verdict; Musky incensey, with the barest whispers of fruit, and a tonka-reminisce backdrop.
  7. Aveya

    Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple

    The apple note on this one is beautiful. However the "candy corn" gets a toffee-esq scent on me that's a no go. I smelled something similar in Sticky Pillowcase before as well. There are plenty of other apple scents I like much more, so this one is a swapper for me. But it was straight forward. Beautiful tart juicy apple, and sticky-toffee + sugar sweet on top.
  8. Aveya


    Imp: Wet, astringent, licorice Initial Skin: Licooooorice. I mean, sure it's absinthe. But I'mma call it astringent fennel. Drydown: Gets a touch sweeter and less astringent. There's an aquatic dampness to everything. Moss is blurring the edges a bit and making everything a better blended, more depth kind of scent. But on my skin the front runner is.. oh you guessed it? ANISE. No obvious pear. Patchouli is not the black variety, so I can barely detect it. I think this might be a skin chemistry kind of thing. Fun to know I might amp absinthe? Verdict; Green Fairy single note, accidentally dropped in some sea water. Genderless. Seasonless.
  9. Aveya

    La Calavera Catrina

    Imp: Almost wine-tang. Must be bourbon and flowers. Initial Skin: Herbal and green. Surprising! Very much like The Vine or Passionate Shepard Drydown: I don't.. this is so green! I was expecting October or Harvest Moons or Samhains. The Mums and marigolds are really predominant here. I didn't know what to expect as far as perfume versions of them go - but yep. This is, to my nose, a spring scent. Maybe this is what autumn smells like in California . We call that summer here in South Dakota. Later drydown gets a bit dustier and less Fresh Green. But by that time, the rose starts do to it's thing and keeps things feeling floral and fresh. Verdict; Green, Floral, Bright, Spring/Summer scent to me. Lovely for the right people. Swapper for me!
  10. Aveya


    Somehow I missed this scent release entirely, so when it popped up as an offer for a swap - the scent description sounded perfect. And I have been a HUGE fan of the Lilith scents, ever since Crawdad. Note: Haven't tried TKO. So no comparisons for you here. Bottle: Lavender. Beautiful, soft, sleepy lavender. Initial Skin: It instantly gets... "soapy" But I say that with the most love possible. I use lavender as a bath oil - so it me it smells like bathtime. Plus something in this coconut is really clean and fresh. I swear I can smell fuzzy clean puppy hair in this. probably in my mind, but so lovely. Drydown: Coconut starts to bloom beautifully. This is legit coconut to me - not plastic or fake or suntan-y. This feels like coconut cream. Backing up a still herbal natural lavender that's staying strong. Verdict: This is absolutely stunning for me. It's a soft, gentle scent. and it's NOT soft in throw. It's actually fairly powerful on the scent-front; but it's such a calm scent that you could drown in this and love it. I'm going to be trying this in the diffuser in the house. It might also be nice to keep AT work, for those stressful moments I feel I might go homicidal. So relaxing and calming. Nom.
  11. Aveya

    Pink Moon 2007

    This one wasn't on my radar, but came up as a swap option. I adore carnation. I adore "sugared" things (Faith and Hope as examples). So figured heck why not! I had previously not saught after because I don't know what Phlox will smell like as a perfume. I assumed generic floral so ran away - I dun like floral. But, let's try it! Bottle: massive head tilt. Sweet almost floral. ethereal musk? Initial Skin: Artisan Red Hot candy. Like, smells like those so much to me, but without being fake or too cinnamony. It's super gentle beautiful. Artisan organic. lol Drydown: More of a floral tilt comes out. I own the single note of the Spanish red carnation. Perhaps this is not the same carnation note, so I'm taking a gamble- But if I assume this is the same note, and remove that carnation from this scent in my brain - what's left I'm assuming is Phlox. If so - Phlox appears to be a soft gentle floral. Almost buttery? My brain thinks it's a cream-colored floral. Carnation is as spicy as ever on my skin. LOVE it. it's tempered down by a soft sweetness to everything - nowhere near candy levels or straight sugar notes. There's an overall soft delicacy to this scent that I'm really adoring. This is one of the few florals I'm going to keep around. My kind of strong powerful feminine. Verdict; Summery carnation, spicy power, soft and gentle floral hints. Very Woman to me. If this is pink, it's in the burgundy family. Edit to add: This baby has BEAUTIFUL drydown. 12 hours after applying and a really flippin' long workday it's the creamiest most beautiful vanilla-like faintly spicy shimmer left behind. Thing is beautiful the whole way through.
  12. Aveya

    'Tis The Voice Of The Lobster

    Imp: sweet wood Initial skin: GOOY SWEET BEEERRRRIIIES of indiscernible origin. Drydown: Daw, the goopy strawberry/blackberry amazingness i was excited about gets quickly replaced by watermelon. That is a powerful watermelon shew. Another reviewer said it best. This is watermelon bubbilicious. The wood comes out on further drydown and just sort of makes the whole thing extra odd to me. Spiffy scent, but super weird and confusing for me. Nailed the mark. lol
  13. Aveya

    Pumpkin III (2007)

    I actually don't know when/where I got this imp (lol). But these notes are scaring me. Pumpkin if not spiced right just goes wonk on me, Chocolate turns to chalk, pomegranate amps to bitterness, and cream is 50/50 chance to be beautiful, or to be sour milk. So. Lets do this. Imp: Dark chocolate pomegranate bar, from the organic section. Initial skin: Sort of uneventful. Not really.. anything. My skin is thirsty I guess. Drydown: Cherry/Cranberry white chocolate. Dry, chalky... stale? Caramel pops out but not in a wet thick way - very much so stale and old. Dunno. Maybe it's aged poorly. Maybe it was always that way. But just not anything to write home about. Sometimes it wafts and reminds me of some of the Sugared She-Goat chocolates with white chocolate. But only for a few moments, then its like the caramel gets in the way. The pumpkin is just making a mess of everything as well. Proooobably should have trusted my instincts on this one. Not one for my skin.
  14. Aveya


    Got this one as a tester in a swap. I'm not a floral person, but I like rose and vanilla musk sounds awesome. So let's do this. Imp: SHEW FLORAL Initial Skin : :| Yep so that's floral. All kinds of floral. Powerful floral. I'm realizing "tea rose" is a white scent that amps all over the powderyfloral place and I just can't handle it. Drydown: I think I can sense the vanilla musk in there. These florals are high notes and powerful. The vanilla musk is acting like a base note gluing them together and making things cohesive and just slightly smooth and sweet. But SHEW FLORAL.
  15. Aveya

    Pumpkin IV

    Hm. I thought this scent would be more interesting. Just a mash of spices in the already spiced pumpkin scent from the 2012 year. Faintest hint of mimosa? That and the spiced pumpkin are the only light/high notes. Everything else feels base and heavy. Making this a real heavy autumnal scent. There are these tendrils of lightness that waft through ~ like, mimosa and tea tree oil almost. Not very strong. Verdit; Masculine deep smooth heavy.
  16. Aveya

    Pumpkin III

    Imp: yuuuuuum this reminds me of my favorite Friday the 13th scent (Feb '09). rich spicy almost foodie. Initial Skin: mmm keeps it up. Please continue pumpkin III, so I can hunt you down instead of Feb '09, because you might be easier to get. Drydown: I really love this scent. Everything is playing well together. It's spicy, warm, smooth yet peppery, sultry but foodie. I just love it. Verdict; 13 Feb 2009's cousin. Yum yum.
  17. Aveya

    Pumpkin II

    Imp: Coffee Patch (omg why isn't that a flippin' thing) Initial on skin: Eh. Dumbed down pumpkin latte, basically. Drydown: Woodier elements peak out through the pumpkin. Spicy, rich, deep. Not bad. Verdict; Strong spicy pumpkin scent - I just prefer some of the others. Nothing crazy notable about this one to me. But it's solid. Slightly masculine.
  18. Aveya

    Pumpkin I (2012)

    Imp: wet (as in, being ruined it's so wet) leather Initial on skin: Yup BPAL spiced pumpkin Drydown: I don't even. Maybe age is hard on hay. This smells like "BPAL's Spiced Pumpkin Scented Crayon". The leather is strong on me, and clashes awful with the pumpkin. Crayons everywhere. Blech. Life was not good to you, little imp.
  19. Aveya

    Wolf Spider

    Imp: leather tobacco. Super masculine. Initial skin: Smoky herbal. Drydown: very masculine. Dee + Carnival smoky leather scents. It's got a tart green-ness to it that makes it really unique and fuzzy. Verdict; masculine fuzzy warm dark scent, rubbed with herbs. Creepy thing - it again smells exactly like the spider looks. So Creepy.
  20. Aveya

    Goldenrod Crab Spider

    Imp: Super herbal and green Initial skin: Remarkably floral at first, but quickly fades off. Drydown: Super smooth base that reminds me of vanilla, but not vanilla scent. Like a coconut milk floral drink. On top of it is sparkles of lime and gentle ginger. It blends really well together. It's a bit faint, I wish it had more uumph because I would really love this. Initial morpher, I had to wait at first. But it blends into a smooth, gentle, key-lime coconut slush. Really relaxing to sniff. I looked at the picture on scentbase - and this scent is EXACTLY THAT SPIDER! It's fragile, unimposing, but yet somehow flawlessly and eerily beautiful. hmmm going to keep this imp and try again. I think it will be a fader, but something about this scent really draws me in. We'll see how it does as a room scent too.
  21. Aveya

    Orb Weaver Spider

    Wet in imp: Dirty dirty pine Skin initial: Patch pine. Skin drydown: This is tricky. I LOVELOVELOVELOVE black patchouli. I can smell it clearly in this and want to love it. But then there's pine. and they weirdly go together very seamlessly. But it's... wrong. But it's right. It's vaguely sweet, herbal. But it's just MOSTLY patchouli and pine making love on my arm. It's beautiful but it's wrong.
  22. Aveya

    Orange Pumpkin Floss

    Imp: Oh my. This is orange cookies of amazingness Initial Skin: I'm going to eat my flipping arm what is happening. This is heaven. Orange sticky glaze on pumpkin ginger cookies kind of heaven. Drydown: YUP stays amazing. All the other reviews are spot on too. This is heaven. My imp was from the original decant in 2012 I never got to testing. REGRETS. SO MUCH REGERTS.
  23. Aveya

    Red Pumpkin Floss

    Imp: Diluted BPAL pumpkin Initial Skin: What the. This smells exactly like stovetop stuffing. Drydown on skin: It's still bordering on stovetop stuffing for me. Which i really weirdly kind of like. I'm pretty hungry right now too... It's basically pumpkin on me, with a level of cinnamony spice on top of it. But predominantly foody with almost herbal tangs to it. Verdict; Stovetop stuffing. I'm sorry.
  24. Aveya

    Black Pumpkin Floss

    Imp: Classic BPAL pumpkin foodie. Initial Skin: Ballooned around the room into a pumpkin latte frenzy. Literally exactly like pumpkin latte Skin drydown: F me this is better than pumpkin latte. It's got a dark thickness to it that pumpkin latte lacks. Smoky maple smells amaaazing. At first I got no licorice at all, but then it started to slowly and gently bloom. It is proper BLACK licorice. Rich and dark and appropriately Halloween. Verdict; This is Pumpkin latte's brooding older brother, snacking on halloween candy. I like this a lot. I'd consider this a TRUE unisex scent. It's got sweet from the candyfloss/licorice, but yet smoky-spice from the pumpkin & maple. Nommy. Wish I had tried it in 2012 so I could have grabbed a bottle.
  25. Aveya


    2012 Version (I noticed there's no tag on this thread for that... so that's weird.) Apple apple apple. That's it, that's all I got. Apple. Juicy juicy apple, with splashes of Pomegranate. In the imp this smelled FUNKY as funkily possible. But on skin it was just juicy red apple and pom musk. I'll probably trade it off because I like a little more depth, and Pom. is not a great note on me :s