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Everything posted by alicia_stardust

  1. alicia_stardust

    Riding the Goat

    RIDING THE GOAT In the bottle: Incense, sweetness, tobacco. On my skin: The sweet tobacco really comes to the forefront for the first minute or two, then as it starts to dry I get an amazing wash of deep, beautiful incense. It makes me think of a den that's full of incense smoke, pipe smoke, with the entire room being warm and hazy. After a while: About 30 minutes after application I get the mahogany wood. (At this point the scent reminds me of the wine barrel smell I get from Montresor). The wood sits on top for the remainder of the time, but the incense and sweet pipe smoke are not far behind.
  2. alicia_stardust

    Bad Luck Woman Blues

    In the bottle: Caramel, pepper, aquatic moss. On my skin: Whoa moss! Then I get a touch of the sage, cypress, and caramel. There is a mishmash of the other notes in there, but the ones I listed are the most distinct. After a while: Crazy mad caramel + Spanish moss which is a really interesting combo. It confuses my brain into thinking foody, no murky water and moss, no foody. It's so very interesting. I like this, but don't love it. You should try it if you like moss scents, because that part of it is gorgeous.
  3. alicia_stardust

    Lady Luck Blues

    In the imp: Roses, gardenia or something similar, touch of honey. On my skin: I get rose and a touch of honey. The honey and rose is a very interesting combination. It sort of stays on top at first, but then the benzoin comes out. I don't really get any of the iris at any point in this, but I do think it's there. Perhaps I'm just not familiar enough with iris to pinpoint it. After a while: The rose and resin aspect melds together and sort of amps over the rest of the notes. I like this, but I don't love it. I'm definitely glad I was able to experience it.
  4. alicia_stardust

    Monster Bait: biggerCritters

    In the bottle: Sweetened vanillas. On my skin: Incredible! I get this cloud of vanilla surrounding me with a soft and bright note of grapefruit, and a subdued jasmine. The grapefruit and jasmine don't fight with the vanilla; rather, they blend. It's just lovely. It's comforting and cute and soft and fun. Drydown: This scent stays true on my skin for about 2 hours, then it softly fades off. After about 4 hours I am left with remnants of jasmine and only the slightest hint of vanillas. Amazing scent. I only wish I had more of it.
  5. alicia_stardust

    Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy

    In the bottle: Sharp, bitter wood and patchouli. On my skin: Whoa, there's a reason I can't wear strong patchouli. My skin amps the patchouli and the wood and I get absolutely nothing else from this. I was hoping to catch at least some of the butterscotch. The wood is very distinct in that it reminds me of wood shop where I'd be cutting or sanding something and the wood dust would get blown in my face. I'd feel it, smell it, and taste it. When I smell Ventriloquist Dummy I can literally taste it. I have a skin chemistry that doesn't get along with patchouli except in rare cases. This is an oil that I would recommend to anyone that likes patchouli, woods, and heavier scents. I will pass this on to someone that will love it.
  6. alicia_stardust

    Voodoo Lily

    This is a scent that I wanted to try but that wasn't at the top of my list. I happened to get it as a frimp and WOW! It's so very different from anything I have tried. It is not a straight up floral and there aren't any notes in there that distinctly remind me of another scent. In the imp: Something exotic, almost juicy, and only a bare hint of floral. On my skin: Immediately this ends up as a very spicy (not spices, like cinnamon but spices like... juicy carnation or something similar) and very sultry, dusky, dark, creamy exotic flower. It is very intoxicating and sexy. I wish I could pinpoint what else is in this because it seems to mock me for not being able to figure it out. I'm so close, I know it! After a while: This one sort of stays true and doesn't continue to morph as time passes. It gradually lightens until it's gone. For me it lasted about 3 or more hours on my skin before it had faded to a light scent memory.
  7. alicia_stardust

    Pinched With Four Aces

    Pinched With Four Aces, C.M. Coolidge. Colorado Maduro tobacco wrappers, cinnamon bark, coffee bean husk, and dry woods. Yup, I was stupid for only getting a decant and not a full bottle. I was sure that the cinnamon would burn my skin and the coffee/tobacco would be overpowering. Misk U was not my friend. HOWEVER, Pinched with Four Aces is this amazingly creamy, heady, spicy coffee with a touch of cinnamon and a warm comforting scent. For a while it smells a bit like vanilla cake but then that smooths out and I again get the creamy, heady, tobacco and coffee scent. Lovely!
  8. alicia_stardust

    The Crumpet Rebellion

    I wanted to try Crumpet Rebellion so badly that, even though I was part of the Phoenix Parade, I was sure I would miss getting an embossed ticket for the scent. Clearly, that was unfounded worry. Crumpet Rebellion is so much fun! The name makes me giggle. The label artwork is my favorite of all of the C13 scents. In the bottle: I get a very clearly tart/blackberry/dessert impression from this. On my skin: Immediately my impression turns into a crusty sweet cookie, underneath piles of juicy red and purple fruits. I get a sense of tartness that's almost strong enough to give my jaw a sharp wince. I can almost taste it. I get no butter in this, thank you skin chemistry. At this point, my husband told me I smelled like "dark red frosting". He liked it. After a while: The impressions remain the same, though this amps like crazy. I could get away with wearing less if I chose to. After about an hour my skin starts to give the tart/berries notes a slightly resinous edge to it. After another hour I start to get a dusty, sugary spin on things. Beautiful! It is a wonderful, wearable souvenir!
  9. alicia_stardust

    Shanghai Tunnel

    In the bottle: I get a cool, damp, mossy smell that is almost fresh but also has a sinister quality. I smell something wood-like (sandalwood? a dustier, dry wood of some sort?) as well. On my skin: Wet, dark cement! I really do smell wet cement! Something almost spicy comes out, but it's brief and is overshadowed by the stone, wood, dust, earth, moss, and aquatics. I guess all of those impressions sum this scent up. Murky, dark. A bit masculine. I *almost* want to add the word patchouli to my impressions but I am not sure if that would be correct. Overall impressions: I can't believe how dead on this is. I am personally terrified of the Shanghai Tunnels mostly because many years ago I had a dream about touring the tunnels, getting lost, and being trapped by ghosts so I could never leave. That was *before* I had ever seen pictures of the tunnels, and the images from my dream matched. Beth has captured some of the dark history of Portland in a way that evokes ghostly images, trapped souls, and a dark city history. This scent is very, very different than the ones that usually end up being my favorites. I normally cannot wear earth, damp, mossy, slightly masculine aquatics, especially with all that stone/cement in there. But this is very nice. I love the throw much more than up close to my skin. It's worth checking out if you get the chance, even if this isn't something you'd normally expect to like.
  10. alicia_stardust

    Gemini 2007

    In the bottle: I smell lavender that's a bit sharp, a touch of resins, and an overall "something" that strongly reminds me of Sylph. Whatever it is, it's very effective as an "air" scent. On my skin: Lavender, lavender, lavender, something resinous, more lavender. After a while: The lavender suddenly, and I mean suddenly, goes to the back of the line to allow other scents to come forth. I believe it's the benzoin that is adding a sweet, resinous touch to this. When that combines with the sensual, dusky qualities of the orchid it is simply magical. Behind those the lavender is lending itself as the base of the blend without distracting from the sweet, air-like magic that has just come forth. Later yet, I do detect franckincense as part of this, and very shortly after that the scent has mostly faded but a slight scent memory remains for another 2-3 hours. The most amazing part of this blend, to me, is that sudden change that happens where the lavender takes a back seat and the other notes come forth. At that point in the blend the throw is one of the most hypnotic spring-like things I've smelled. It's a keeper!
  11. alicia_stardust


    Lydia is a clean, fresh, bright floral that is very soft and feminine. It is sweet and ethereal. In the bottle I smell jasmine right off, then florals, and something that's sort of green and springy. On my skin it softens and melds into a not-quite-aquatic floral. There is also something sweet in there, and it *almost* makes me think of honeysuckle but I don't think that's exactly it. Taking this scent as a whole: think of a smattering of white and pale flowers, cool air, a touch of grass, something ghostly, something sweet. Those are all things that come to mind when I wear this. I have to add one last thing that I think is particularly interesting. I think jasmine smells quite pretty and sensual. The problem is that it is my skin's nemesis. With my skin chemistry it amps, then after an hour it takes over everything, turns a sour/bitter, and peppery. HOWEVER, in Lydia it just so happens to be PERFECT on me when I have my period. And when I don't, the jasmine curse is there but it's less noticeable than any other jasmine scent I have ever tried. Overall, it's just beautiful.
  12. alicia_stardust


    I think my imp of Ah'Duno is my favorite souvenir from Convergence 13. The stories that came from both Beth and Ted as they were passing the imps out were adorable and it tickled me to no end. I was actually touched that they decided to share their fun mistake with the Meet n' Sniff attendees. In the imp I smell a creamy root beer + cinnamon. The oil is red. On my skin it smells about the same as in the imp, for the first while at least. I get a creamy root beer + cinnamon, but it's more of a warm cinnamon and not a fiery hot cinnamon. It doesn't even make my skin go red. After a while the cinnamon and root beer smell softens and I start to get more of a comforting, gentle scent that almost reminds me of Sybaris. I think it's actually the vanilla that's making me think of it as comforting. I am not sure but I think I smell a touch of clove or something pepperish, and I think there are some florals in there? Whatever it is, it's marvelously fun!
  13. alicia_stardust

    Blue Moon 2007

    The original Blue Moon deserves its hype, and so does Blue Moon 2007. To me there is only a slight difference between the old and new Blue Moons and I believe it's just from the age difference. Blue Moon 2007 - In the bottle I get a crystalline "blue" smell with a slight bit of herbs and dusty woods. This is fresh and aquatic and truly lunar smelling. I love that I can detect some cucumber in there. On drydown I suddenly get more coolness, more herbs, and then... flowers! And within an hour it has softened up and I can finally detect the juniper. The best part of the entire experience? That overall cool, blue, lunar, fresh quality. I just love it. This one is worth checking out even if you're a bit on the fence about it!
  14. alicia_stardust

    Rose Moon

    In the bottle: Roses, roses, and more roses. There's also an element in there that reminds me of the slightly sharp resinous quality in Parlement of Foules even though I do not exactly see a matching note that would cause that. On my skin: Immediate amping of the opium poppy. This sort of takes it over for me, even though the roses are still hiding out there. After a while: The scent stays true with the exception of the appearance of my jasmine curse. I love jasmine but NOT on my skin. I'm on the fence about this one. It's gorgeous in its own right but on my skin it's a different story. I will probably retest this again in a week to see what I think of it then.
  15. alicia_stardust

    The Unheavenly City

    Portland was my home for the past seven years and I am beyond thrilled with the blends that Beth created for Convergence 13. The Unheavenly City In the bottle I smell creamy, juicy florals and a somewhat musky, dirty note underneath that gives just the right amount of discord to the florals. On my skin I get more of the florals, and I peeked above to find out that it is indeed gardenia that I'm detecting. So I smell the gardenia at the forefront of the florals. There is a sultry, almost skin musk scent that comes into play. Beneath that, my guess was red musk though for some reason the red musk in this behaves very differently on my skin. Normally red musk amps and it makes red musk blends smell nearly the same no matter what else is with it. The Unheavenly City is different. It's as if all of the notes blend together and the lines between them are more blurred than usual. Overall this is an earthy, flowery, creamy, musky scent. So far it's my favorite of the C13 blends!
  16. alicia_stardust


    I thought that Minoutaur would not be for me but I bought a bottle of it anyway. I am so glad I did. I agree with some who say it reminds them of Schwarzer Mond, but only because they're in a similar "family". The drydown is very different and I don't get a headache from Minoutaur like I do with Schwarzer. The resins in this are the most gorgeous combination and it wears so well on my skin. It stays true, too. The myrrh doesn't even go wonky on my skin like it does in other myrrh blends. This one is going to age beautifully. I will definitely keep my bottle.
  17. alicia_stardust

    Formula 54

    I kept thinking that even if this was nice, it wasn't worth shelling out massive quantities of $$ for. I eat my words. I got a half imp of this and it is gorgeous. I get a fruity, juicy, red quality that's almost candy-like. That floats on top and from there I notice booze and cherry and musk or clove. I've seen a few reviews that say it fades quickly but on me the throw is strong and it lasted on my skin for hours upon hours. While I doubt I'll be lucky enough to get my hands on more than my half imp, I'll cherish what I have.
  18. alicia_stardust

    Milk Moon 2007

    This is different than I expected. The white grape is so prominent to me (in the bottle) that I can nearly taste it. It's very concentrated. On my skin and during the drydown I still get the white grape. It isn't until about 30 minutes later that the white grape calms down enough to let the other things come to the forefront. I get the honey and creaminess from the milk, and a touch of fig. And still that blasted white grape. The interesting thing with this is that I like the whiffs I get from the throw. I end up with honey and milk and juiciness and a touch of tropical/grape. But if I smell it too closely or it's applied too strong, the white grape ruins it for me. This is one of those that I neither love nor hate. It's sort of in that middle space for me. I will probably re-test this in a week to decide the fate of my bottle.
  19. alicia_stardust

    Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp

    This review is coming from someone who does not like minty scents for anything besides calming nausea. With the exception of Lick It (for brief holiday or nausea relief purposes) I have swapped away every mint scent I've run across. But WOW. Tokyo Stomp is amazing. It's a subdued mint due to the vanilla and it's sweet and soft on my skin. This stays true on my skin for as long as it's detectable. The vanilla didn't sour and the mint didn't amp. The two mingle perfectly and stay that way. I am definitely keeping this bottle!
  20. alicia_stardust

    Crow Moon

    In the bottle: A cold, dark, subdued forest in winter. On my skin: I love that this is a cold scent without having the snow/slush notes in it that completely amp on my skin and take over a scent. It's gorgeous, whatever it is that created that effect. I get the color green, but a dark green. There is a touch of wintergreen but it's very faint and not exactly minty. Is that the wintersweet? Along with that I get a breathy, soft, musky scent with a touch of grass and a touch of cool florals. I love this!
  21. alicia_stardust

    Fire Pig

    In the bottle: Bright and fruity but not overwhelmingly in your face about it. It's soft. On my skin: This is an effervescent, bright fruity-floral. It's almost tropical but the bamboo brings it into check. This is a perfect spring scent. I like that even though it's very fruity, the floral is tied in with them in a way that doesn't make me feel like a fruit salad. Instead I feel spring-like and tropical and bright and fresh. The fruits in this seem to all fight for my attention, meaning that as soon as I'm about to pin a note as one particular fruit, it changes on me and and can't quite separate them out. I definitely get more of the lychee and mandarin, and peony for the florals. I think this one is a winner!
  22. alicia_stardust

    Enraged Groundhog Musk

    In the bottle: Whoah, foody! I get cherries and cocoa and something that's vaguely cake-like. On my skin: I get immediate spice, but I have no idea where others are getting cinnamon from. While it's very spicy, it's a warm spice and it smells different to me than cinnamon. It's strong but not hot, and not burning, and my skin is in no way red. I actually quite like this! Underneath the spice I get a foody, caramel-dessert, and not much cocoa but it's there if I search for it. This is a very fun scent! Kudos to Beth.
  23. alicia_stardust


    In the bottle: I get this "wet" and almondy smell with a kick from the apple. I can also detect a hint of florals but at this point it's barely noticeable and they're not sweet like I expected. On my skin: At first I get the same "wet" almondy smell and there's definitely apple. It's not juicy apple to me. It's more like the skin of a red apple with that almost-bitter taste to it. A few minutes later I can actually smell the honey! Just underneath that I can detect a touch of florals but I would never have placed it as lily without having read the description. I definitely get an earthy/leafy smell as well. Overall, Bilquis is complex and layered if you can just get past the top notes of apple and almond. It's lovely.
  24. alicia_stardust

    The Ecstasy of True Love

    In the bottle this has a bright but dark smell to it, if that makes sense. On my skin the mandarin amps up and it has a bright, resinous, and spicy (whoah carnation!) smell to it before drying down. Unfortunately it's only nice for about 20 minutes on me before the patchouli takes over the entire scent and turns into dirty hippy (thank you, skin chemistry). I'm really sad about this since patchouli is almost always a deal breaker and, even worse than the skin chemistry, it gives me a horrible headache. Off to swaps for me.
  25. alicia_stardust

    Dark Delicacies

    In the bottle it smells very neutral to me, meaning that I can definitely smell *something* but nothing really stood out enough for me to note it. On my skin, it amps and warms immediately. I get a resinous, alluring, heady mix of florals and coconut with a bit of swarthy earthiness to it. This is one of the first blends with patchouli in it that did *not* turn into dirty hippy on my skin once all the other notes had faded. It's very lovely, and definitely dark and sexy. This one has a strong throw. It made my eyes burn a little bit because I put too much on. I was ambivalent about the scent but I tested it again. My second skin test went much better with a lighter application, and I love it the second time around. Now I think I must keep the bottle.