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Everything posted by Numanoid

  1. Numanoid

    Chocolate Slush

    After reading the above reviews... I decided I needed to try and hunt down a bottle... anything with chocolate in it, count me in! In the bottle - Just got it in the mail a while ago... it was very cold, so waited until it got to room temp. Yep, there is chocolate.... and something else. I guess it could be some sort of pine note... everygreen.... that makes it "slush?" Not sure.... but it is there. On skin - Hmm... I get a chocolate medicine thing going on. Like chocolate flavored Vics vaporub.....not full on menthol, but it is there.....guess that is supposed to be the cold slush note. Drydown - Stays the same.... a menthol minty chocolate. Sad...don't think I like this very much! After a bit... it gets a hair cologn-y on me. Not overpowering, but still a no go.
  2. Numanoid

    Fresh Green Holly Hair Gloss

    Had to try this... always on the hunt for a good holly type scent that doesn't go all over-the-top pine-sol on me! In the bottle - very green and holly! Not forest or garden green, but that holiday wreath/holly green scent. In damp hair - the green part gets pretty sharp at first...but then it quickly mellows, but it is still fresh and "there." The holly part comes out as well and I think this is a perfect balance of green and holly notes. On me, it is strong, but I like how it smells...fresh and green and Christmas-y. If you are worried about green notes, don't worry with this one. Medium throw and very festive.
  3. Numanoid

    A Breathless Chuckle

    Being a foody lover, um... yeah....easy choice! In the bottle - sweet mashmallow fudge sugar goodness...surprisingly not overly sweet. On skin - OOh, at first, this seems like Bah! and The Gorobble got together and had a baby!! But then...it seems I have smelled this before, but can't place it! It is a foody lover's dream! Drydown - Oh this is good!!! I get the marshmallow and cookie....... WAIT!!!! THAT'S IT!!! It reminds me of Marshmallow Cookie Pie that came out!! This smells like that! So if you loved that, get this!
  4. Numanoid

    Mistletoe and Red Berries Hair Gloss

    Hard to believe there isn't many reviews for this one....yet! This was a no-brainer purchase for me! HAD to try! In bottle - Very red berry, but there is something "Chrsitmas" about it...so far so good! On damp hair - This is lovely. I get the blast of berries, but it quickly turns into something festive and green. I am not one for green scents, but anything that has to do with a Christmas green scent, I have to try. After a few minutes, it fades quite a bit but it is still a lovely scent. Very pale green/cranberry/holiday scent!! I do wish it was a little stronger as with how it is sniffing, but this is a keeper!! Anyone afraid of green scents, you will like this one!!
  5. Numanoid

    Sparkle and Glitter

    Wanted to try this.... Yuletide is the ONLY perfume oil I have found to have a perfect blend of that holly/pine/green/ Christmas-y vibe that works on me without it being too pine-y on me. Plus with chocolate listed as a note... yes!! In the bottle - WHOA!!! A BLAST of fir needles! Like, they were cut and the sap is all over the place. Kind of scared. On skin - Ok... mellows quickly, but still pretty sharp on me. The white chocolate is now present and keeping the fir needle at bay. Drydown - This gets a little better....fades a little, but in a good way. I think if this stayed strong like the first sniff, it would anger anyone around me. This is pretty and soft....not detecting too much chcolate. Hmm.....not sure this is for me at the moment.
  6. Numanoid

    Looking for scents that smell like chai

    Maybe Mango Infused Pumpkin Chai Latte? I never tried it because I am not a mango fan. For other warm, spicy goodness... I suggest: Pumpkin Latte Pumpkin V 2009 These don't have the tea/chai vibe to me, but they are a wonderful comforting spicy type scents to me!
  7. Numanoid

    Gingerbread, Red Fruits, and Sweet Jam

    Went back and forth with a couple of the gingerbreads...decided to try this one, since I am wanting to still find a sweeter, foody type gingerbread, which I haven't found...at least to my nose. In the bottle - get a slighty sweet, jam covered gingerbread. I get the sweet and the sharp-ish gingerbread scent. On skin - the sting of the gingerbread is sharp...almost hurts to sniff, but the sweet fruit/jam comes out. Drydown - Hmm...hard to decide if I like this or not. Hate when I get a scent on and one second I am thinking, "yeah...I like this" then another second later I am thinking, "No...not for me." I get the fruit and jam, and the gingerbread is still slighty more prominent, but it is still a bit too sharp for me. Not sure I am making sense, but I am wanting that sweeter, cookie type GB....mostly what I have gotten from the Lab is like a more baking cupboard GB...more nose tingly and hard to sniff. Not sure what to do!!
  8. Numanoid

    Peppermint Cream Cupcake

    I love anything peppermint...sadly, ALL the Lick It's I tried faded real fast. So, had to try this one...one last ditch effort to try something with peppermint! In the bottle: Like mentioned, I get a creamy peppermint....very frosting-like. YUM! On Skin: I get a peppermint buttercream scent. This is good... please last!! Drydown: The peppermint fades.. a little, but at least it is still here. I get a peppermint cheesecake vibe, but that could be the red velvet as well. This wears close to the skin, but at least I still get peppermint and not left with just sugar as in the past!!! This is a great scent and hoping it will get better with age....not that it isn't good NOW!! Edit to add.... been a couple hours, and sadly, this is almost gone. I get a very faint whiff of it... but I have to have my nose ON my skin. I still love this... just wish these stuck around longer!
  9. Numanoid

    ISO *Perfect* Winter Scent!

    I LOOOOVE Yuletide!! For me, most berry/holly/mistletoe scents have gone funky on me... either too pine-y or too berry-ish and just wrong, but Yuletide, on me, is the perfect blend!! Also, the recent Post update, I am ordering Fresh Green Holly hair gloss and Mistletoe and Berries hair gloss... hoping those will be winners!! Maybe look into those?
  10. Numanoid

    Honeyed Apple

    Was leery about trying this, since ALL the honey notes I have tried have failed on me, and I really want honey to work...and reading other posts, well, guess I better try it! In the bottle - This smells very yummy!! Like already said, it is a very crisp sweet apple! On my skin - Ohh, promising so far...still very sweet and apple-y. So far the honey note is playing nice. Fingers crossed! Dry down - Alright...this might be the ONLY scent with both apple and honey that actually works on me! The honey is there, but it is being nice! Usually, honey can go VERY sweet on me, or it turns to honey powder, but maybe the apple combo in this is helping to keep it just right! Lovely sweet apple with that touch of honey on it! So far so good!! If you have issues with honey notes, give this a whirl.... it is turning out to be very good. Edit: Well.....bad news. I guess honey and I are officially over! After about half an hour, it went all powdery and way too strong on me. <sigh> I tried to make it work, but no.....
  11. Numanoid

    Rain Scents

    The Lab's website has a wonderful directory where you can search scents by notes or scents. I would go there... you can plug in rainy or watery and it will pull up some recommendations. Some might be discontinued scents, but it is a good place to go as well. They have aquatic on there! https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-directory/
  12. UGH!! Ok... I give up! I have tried many Dead Leaves things, and ALL of them smell like cheap. men's cologne. Maybe I never smelled real dead leaves, but I don't smell this walking outside through a pile of them. This one though....is too much! Very headache inducing to me. All I smell is heavy cologne!! There is a dustiness to it, but really... I hope this fades fast because it is too heave for me. Sorry dead leaves....time to part ways!!!
  13. Numanoid

    GC recs from the past 1-2 years

    Well, I am, and always will be, a Snake Oil fan.... can't go wrong with that. BUT the Carnival did come back and is up and running... might be a good time to look at those before they disappear without warning! I LOVE the Snakes (go figure) like Boomslang and Western D..... Always amazing!
  14. Numanoid

    Pumpkin Orange Hair Gloss

    If you ever tried Orange Pumpkin Floss... this is it, but for your hair!!! It is so good. I get a little more of a citrus vibe from this though than OPF, but that is so ok. This, to me, is also a very good scent for Spring/Summer. Has good throw and wear!
  15. Numanoid

    Lycanthrope Brown Hair Gloss

    Have to agree with Moranna above..... In my decant, sniffing....I get a sweet-ish coffee scent. I know there is cacao in the notes, but it doesn't seem like a cacao note oddly, but something sweet. In my damp hair, I get a quick whiff of something that is close to almost smelling like Boomslang (LOVE) but then it quickly changes.... I don't get coffee or cacao or even any patchouli (which is ok) but there is something sweet and a little sharp....but not in a foodie way at all. Doesn't last long on me and I can see where this would be more of a sophisticated book shop scent. Not sure it's for me... have to live with it for a bit!
  16. Numanoid

    Pumpkin Latte

    Huh? Could have sworn I left a review back for the 2011 version, since that (and The Gorobble) were my FIRST Lab purchases. This is the 2016 version and like the others, it doesn't disappoint! Always loved this blend. It is a perfect coffee/pumpkin/spice blend. All notes are there and I love the strong throw of it! To me, this is the epitome of what Autumn/Fall/Halloween should smell like!
  17. Numanoid

    Pumpkin Sugar

    In the bottle, sniffing... I get a strong gingery spice as well. Potent! On skin, like said above a few times, it is a yummy pumpkin. I don't get the usual pumpkin pie scent and it isn't vegetable-y, but a sweet and spicy..... simple pumpkin! As it dries down, it stays the same for me... spicy pumpkin with a dash of sugar, but it stays close to my skin and is less potent than first sniff. I love this and I think this might be one to try for those who want to love pumpkin but it doesn't seem to work on them. I love it! Edit to add... been a couple days, and I realized, this smells VERY close to Orange Pumpkin Floss, so if you loved that, get this!
  18. Numanoid

    Caramel Apple Cookie

    Oh yes..... yes yes yes! In the bottle, there is that lovely caramel apple!! It is a nice blast! I have been wanting a nice, strong caramel type scent and all the ones I have tried have been too pale. On my skin, this is ALL caramel and apple. I do get that cookie vibe in there... and can see where someone else detects brown sugar, but this is a perfect caramel scent for me! The apple is there in the background, but that is also very good as apple on me can go either way. If you have tried Sugar Slathered Candy Apple and loved it, then you will LOVE this. To me, this is a stronger version of that!! A keeper for me for sure. Great throw!!!
  19. In the bottle, I get that masculine note I seem to always detect in any dead leaves anything I have tried. I also get a little cacao as well. On my damp hair, it is that same masculine note with the tobacco hanging around. Not getting any caramel or cacao. I was leery about getting this, but was SO hoping it was going to be close to smelling like a CT HG decant I got a while ago that was a beautiful burnt caramel autumn chocolate thing.. but this isn't. Too masculine for me.
  20. Numanoid

    Connecting Flight

    In decant - sniffing this, I get coffee... and not sure if I get boozy out of this, but something there making it Turkish. On skin - I am getting coffee with that cinnamon dusting to it. I do get a liqueur out of this, which, to me, isn't "boozy".... but that thick, richer slightly sweet scent like you get from Bailey's.... but this isn't Bailey's by no means. Dry down - I do get a rich Turkish coffee out of this. This is strong on me, but stays close to the skin. I don't know why, but most of the coffee blends I have tried (except Bah!) tend to have this undertone of something else....can't pinpoint it. It isn't foody or gourmand. Almost....floral. I know, odd... but we all amp differently. I am good with my decant!
  21. Numanoid

    Baby’s First Krampuslauf

    Yep... in decant, I can see it needs a good shaking....trying my best to do that in decant form! Sniffing : I am a sucker for anything with chocolate, especially dark chocolate!! I get that and that teeny hint of smokiness. On Skin: Oh wow!! I immediately get this very light and lovely bonfire smell. Now, the bonfire SN was WAY too much for me and I think this is going to be an awesome perfect smoky scent that isn't too overbearing. I get a hint of the chocolate.... I love this combo! It really makes me think of a very distant bonfire..but with chocolate! Dry down: stays the same, but the chocolate note comes out a little more for me.... it is a perfect balance between the 2 notes. I might have to get a bottle of this! If you are someone who has been wanting a nice smoky scent... that isn't too heavy, or smells too much like pipes or cigarettes, get this one! The chocolate is subtle to me, but there.
  22. Numanoid

    The Great London Spaghetti Hunt

    Maybe it is me, but it is always hard to get a good whiff from a decant. But sniffing, there is a sweet, slightly boozy coffee in there. On skin: The same... there is a light boozy coffee. I love Tiramisu and I detect the rum...and yes, the slight bitter coffee as well. Dry down: Agree with Convallaria.... it stays close to the skin. But is there. Just have to stick my nose a little closer to sniff. But this is a yummy coffee/rum blend. It is a good one for those who like the coffee notes, but maybe wants something not too BAM in your face coffee that can be worn without offending someone next to you.
  23. Numanoid

    Poisoned Apple Martini

    In the decant I have, I sniff the light boozy part of it.... there is apple there. On my skin though, after a few minutes, I get a perfume-y apple martini. Was hoping this would have been more of a fresh, apple martini....with a zing. But no....just a bit too perfume-y on me sadly.
  24. Numanoid

    Samhain Hair Gloss

    Yep.... In the bottle - Samhain as we all know and love! To add, I only just tried the perfume oil not long ago because, patchouli to me is like holy water to vampires! However, I have learned that it all has to do with the blend! So, I spritz in my hands and run through damp hair. At first I was horrified... I got.... bug spray?? What the heck? BUT always wait for it... after a few... ahh... there it is!! Wonderful apple and mulling spices. It is actually subtle to me, but oh so wonderful. I also get that just starting to go into Autumn bite to it. Probably that damp woods smell. If you love Samhain, please get this. It doesn't disappoint!
  25. Numanoid

    Teatime in Roswell Hair Gloss

    The Lunacy poll winner is TEATIME IN ROSWELL… Atmosphere Spray. But Teddy knows you love hair gloss, and Teddy loves you, so here’s some Hair Gloss as well! Weather balloon? No. An alien autopsy, A cover story. In July of 1947, the US Air Force recovered the crash debris of multiple alien spacecrafts from a ranch close to Roswell, NM. Several aliens survived, but many perished. Both the living and the dead extraterrestrials were transported, in secret, to Hangar 18 at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, along with the flying saucer wreckage. The US government performed a quick, efficient cover-up: witnesses were silenced, and a press release was issued the next day claiming that the fallen craft was a weather balloon. Aliens at high tea: Earl Grey, biscuits, Battenberg cake, and strangely-glowing cucumber sandwiches. Wasn't even going to get this, but I decanted it out to some lovely ladies, and of course, kept a bit for myself. I am not a tea fan and I love to eat cucumbers, but not too sure I want to smell like one! In the bottle - Sniffing this, I get all the notes, tea, sweet cake, and there it is... cucumber! In damp hair - Oh no.... all I seem to be getting is faint tea and cucumber. It's refreshing, no doubt, but not too keen on smelling just the cucumber. Sad. Luckily, it has a low throw on me so I am hoping it will fade away. Oh well... just not for me.