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Everything posted by Numanoid

  1. Numanoid

    Twelve Drummers Drumming Hair Gloss

    Recently got a sample of this....I remember when it came out and seeing the notes I thought this is not for me, BUT, oh my goodness... this is a super awesome scent. The leather is just right. Not too strong and not weak. Not getting chrome spikes, but this is a nice, masculine scent that anyone can wear! If you love leather scents, find this. I need to find me a bottle!
  2. Numanoid

    Candlewax & Chocolate

    As stated above, I get mostly that beeswax scent with a dash of chocolate. On my skin, I don't get much chocolate at all, it is mostly beeswax, but my skin tends to eat up chocolate notes. This isn't foody or gourmand to me, so if you are one that fears it is, no worries. It is sweet and delicate on me. My nose could be playing tricks on me but this has a little bit of floral sweetness to it. Wax with something sweet. Stays close to the skin on me.
  3. Numanoid

    Black Coffee

    Sniffing in the decant, yummy coffee... seems it isn't all black coffee, maybe a hint of cream! On my skin, it is a good coffee scent, not burnt as some has been to me and not bitter. This, to me smells like a good cup of joe on my skin! This is great alone and I bet it would work to layer with another scent!! Might have to get a bottle!
  4. Numanoid

    Pumpkin Lace

    A smoky, dark pumpkin scent, inspired by Victorian Halloween postcard illustrations: a cascade of cobwebby white sandalwood threaded through vanilla bourbon, sharp green cognac, Virginia tobacco, and caramelized sugar, all draped across a freshly carved jack olantern. In bottle: Lovely pumpkin with some spice. Can smell the booze note....not sure if it's the bourbon, cognac or both. Not too shabby! On Skin: Same spiced pumpkin, but not overpowering...soft, but the booze note gets stronger, but I tend to amp booze. I get a little bit of that "lace" scent....must be the white sandalwood. Dry Down: Still a bit boozy for me, but I love the soft pumpkin note. It does smell like a nice pumpkin shawl, but then there is a floral undertone that comes out a bit. I love how this ends up smelling after about 15 minutes, but this one isn't right for me. I have had trouble liking past laces, but if they work for you, get this one.
  5. Numanoid

    Blackcurrant Pie

    Got a decant of this...maybe something else got mixed in, because I don't get fruit or crust, but something perfume-y! If I sniff hard there might be some dark fruit, but there is this floral perfume scent that comes out. Not a fan...
  6. Numanoid

    Peppermint & Pine

    I have been wanting a nice pine scent that doesn't go too powerful or ends up smelling like pine sol, and I was hoping this, with the peppermint, would be a good scent. Sniffing, I do get the pine and peppermint. On my skin, like all peppermint notes, it disappears and all I have is pine.. and it is just too much for me. Sadly this was a miss. Might be good for laying, as said above, but I amp the pine and just isn't for me.
  7. Numanoid

    Marshmallow Snow

    This is sweet... and lovely. Sniffing in the bottle, there is this sweetness... but hard to pinpoint what it is, it is a mix of herbal sweetness and candy sweetness. On my skin, the marshmallow sweet part comes out but then there is that "other" sweet note.. and for the life of me, I have no idea what it is...herbal for sure, but then not! It softens up and I don't get marshmallow per se, but it is a very nice sweet scent. It is gentle and not crazy. I see it as a relative of Snow White.
  8. Numanoid

    Gingerbread Zombie

    Always fun to be the first!! I LOVE this! I am a fan of most gingerbread scents and this one does NOT disappoint! Sniffing in the bottle, I get gingerbread.. nothing else, and it is very good. Like a cookie, but not overly sweet. On my skin, I get the gingerbread, a hint of mint and chocolate. Not getting vanilla, but that could be what it keeping the gingerbread note from being too.... baking spice. If that makes sense. This is so good. If you are worried about it being too sweet or too ginger-y, it isn't. It has a nice, dry baking quality to it. It has medium throw on me. After a bit, I get mostly the gingerbread and a touch of the chocolate. This is gourmand to me. Very comforting scent. I wish it had more throw because I can't stop sniffing my wrist! LOVE this!
  9. Numanoid

    Cherry Cream Pie Chypre

    Like above, sniffing in the imp, the cherry is very sweet and bright! It does have a creamy smell to it...it is very nice! On, the cherry cream stays true! I am not sure what chypre smells like, but to me, this is definitely a fruity pie smell! I love this... again, wish this was in bottle form as most cherry scents, on me, can smell like cough syrup or a plastic maraschino cherry! This stays sweet and creamy....very dessert like! Just need a dollop of ice cream with it now!
  10. Numanoid

    Pumpkin Pie Musk

    Mmm..sniffing in the vial, there is pumpkin pie and musk!! SO glad I placed an order and got these amazing imps. Have to review this one first! On, the musk is in the forefront, but there pumpkin pie is right there with it! I am usually not a musk fan, but this is blended so well! One of those scents I wish was in bottle form. As it dries, the musk fades a bit, and I am left with a beautiful, rich pumpkin scent with a hint of the musk! This is nice and strong...a little goes a long way. This is a wonderful warm scent. This would go over with foodie & musk lovers!
  11. Numanoid

    Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Pie

    Oh...my...goodness!! This is amazing! Sniffing in the bottle, I get the chocolate and pumpkin. Both strong! On my skin, it smells very close to Pumpkin V 2009, but chocolate instead of the coffee. This has an amazing throw. After it dries, I get a little less chocolate and more pumpkin...the good pumpkin. Spiced and delicious! Just need a dollop of whip cream now! If you are a foody fan, you must get this! This is back up bottle worthy! I am so in love!!!! 💖
  12. Numanoid

    Apple Butter Rum

    Spiced rum with cinnamon, apple butter, nutmeg, and thick vanilla cream. Had to get this one... apple is almost always a win note for me! In the bottle... smells of a pleasantly sweet apple and vanilla cream. It smells buttery, but not butter as in on popcorn or toast! On skin, oh this is so good!! It is a still, creamy vanilla apple! The rum comes out a bit... not getting any spice from this as of yet. As it dries, it stays close to my skin, but it keeps the vanilla/apple scent. Like a lightly baked apple that was dipped in heavy cream. This is very good!! If you are afraid of the cinnnamon and/or nutmeg, don't be. That are way in the background...this smells so good and I am hoping it will get better with age. If not, it is still a wonderful winner!! Edit to add: Been about 45 minutes and this is still going strong and yummy. The nutmeg comes out at last, but it is still a background player!
  13. Numanoid


    Been a while since I have reviewed any scents, BUT when I saw this one, I HAD to have it! Anything with coffee, chocolate, gingerbread and pumpkin!! And with ALL of these, insta buy! I get every note sniffing in the bottle... and on, I get gingerbread, pumpkin & coffee...not so much the chocolate note, but any chocolate scents seem to disappear on me, but this is so amazing! This is a comfort scent and perfect for cooler weather. It has medium throw on me. I recommend this for any gourmand/foodie lover!
  14. Numanoid

    Pumpkin Latte Hair Gloss

    Espresso, pumpkin syrup, smoky vanilla bean, milk, raw sugar, and a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg. I always have to try anything the Post (or Lab) puts out that has coffee in it. Again, my sniffer is working at about 96%, so I will do my best. Sniffing, oh yum...I get the espresso and pumpkin first! Very rich and so good. Sprayed in my damp hair, I get all the notes right away! After a few minutes, I get the milky and smoky vanilla. The espresso and pumpkin take a back seat, but this is still so very good. If you loved this in perfume form, then get this. It is also surprisingly not heavy... present, but it stays close to me and has a low to medium throw. Again though, my nose isn't all there. But I think this is a wonderful winner!
  15. Numanoid

    Pumpkin Spice Rum Hair Gloss

    For spiking that latte. (We won’t tell.) I'm the first?? Ok then!! Here we go! Got a decant of this.... sniffing, lots of pumpkin spice... and, not getting much rum. Maybe a couple drops of it. In damp hair, this is really nice! It is very pumpkin spice...still not detecting much rum there, but that is ok. I am a nut for anything pumpkin scented. This has a medium throw on me and doesn't change much. It isn't a bakery pumpkin spice either... it has an edge to it, but at the same time sticks close. Now, I had tried the Pumpkin Spice Everything HG and that one was a bit too much for me, so if that is you, then try this because it is like that but on a much mellower scale.
  16. Numanoid

    Goblin Stampede

    No one can keep a goblin away from a good bargain: a jolt of Turkish coffee with cardamom, nutmeg, and cinnamon.  I saw this and HAD to get it... every note are ones I love! In the bottle: I let this sit for a whole day...it was SO COLD when I got it. I get the Turkish coffee instantly! Oh it smells amazing! On skin: The cardamom comes out first and foremost. Not getting other notes as of yet. Oh crap, It starts to fade quickly...oh..please stay!!! Dry down: I get barely a whiff of... not sure. might be the nutmeg? Not getting any cinnamon, coffee or cardamom from this! 😪 I'll let it age for a bit..hoping it will get stronger. Stays real close to the skin on me, but I have to put my nose real close to my skin to smell it.
  17. [No additional description provided.] This one is SOOOO GOOD!! The oil is very dark in color! Sniffing in the bottle, this is so rich and chocolatey..... any choco lover, please get this now. Sniffing this, I get all the notes... all prominent. I am always leary of any booze notes, but this one is very well blended. On my skin, I smell the most amazing candy! If this was available as a valentine candy, I would be eating this hand over fist. Drydown is amazing! It stays true all the way through! Very decadant and I love it... the caramel... the whiskey..... the cardamom!! I am in love!
  18. Numanoid

    Lick It Discreetly

    This year’s minty double ententre! A sticky, chilly peppermint candy cane with sweet vanilla and an extra jolt of sugar. WOW!! I guess I am the first to review this....bear with me, since this will be my first review ever! Soo...all I can say is WOW! This is a crazy peppermint overload...in a good way! Wet: In the bottle: PepperMINT!! There is a hint of vanilla in there, but to me, very little. On the skin: Still very pepperminty...I keep thinking of the York peppermint patties....the oil is actually COLD on my skin, not just in the scent, but it feels cold!! Crazy good!! The sugar I think keeps it at bay...because even though this is heavy on the mint, as it dries down, I feel the chill on my skin but still get that icy peppermint. It made my eyes water at first, but WOW!!! Talk about crazy good!! 20 Minutes later: Fades on me fast, but in a good way...has become a nice, mellow slightly creamy mint, kind of reminds me of those little pastel colored buttermints, but not too creamy. THIS is a real keeper! Next Day: Tried it again, LOVE the scent, but sadly, about half an hour later, it is completely gone! Maybe my chemistry?
  19. Numanoid

    Lump of Coal

    I think I got to try a drop of the original Lump of Coal, and loved it so I was happy to see this back. So, the 2019 version: In the bottle, yep, brownies!! On my skin it still sort of smells like brownies, but there is something else coming out... I can't tell what is it, but it is... odd. I wish I could describe it more. Like my brownie fell in the dirt. It isn't overpowering, but it's there. Maybe with age it will get better. Not a lot of throw for me and it stays close to the skin. Edit to add that odd scent doesn't seem to be there anymore... maybe I had something else near me that smelled weird, but it is all good, yummy brownies!!! WHEW!
  20. Numanoid

    Gingerbread & Candyfloss

    In the bottle, it is like gingerbread cotton candy!! Oh it smells so good!! On my skin, It stays the same, but a nice smokiness comes out of it which makes it not too sweet! Either way, sweet or smoky, this is so amazing! It has good throw on me and it is quite comforting!
  21. Numanoid

    Champagne Lace

    A glittering celebration: folds of opium-stained, vanilla-smoked lace with white cognac and a splash of champagne. WOW!!! Got this SUPER fast!! In the bottle - soft bubbly champagne-like lace... just as it's called! Did a tiny skin test, since the bottle is still cold from being outside, but on, it really gets soft and pretty. Very lace-y. The champagne is there, but it fades. Very low throw, but pretty. I think anyone that likes any of the laces, you will love this... it kind of reminds me of Antique Lace!!! Feminine and soft. Been a few hours, and this gets real pretty..... very lace-y with soft vanilla. I don't get champagne anymore from first application or from sniffing in the bottle!
  22. Numanoid

    Beaver Moon 2019

    Agree, not much cheesecake, but there is a soft coffee note there. I love most coffee scents, and I hope this one will age well. but it has a medium throw on me.
  23. Numanoid

    Mega-Sized Chocolate Bar

    Oh goodness!! This...is....GOOD!! Sniffing the bottle I get a good blast of pure chocolate! On my skin, the Snake Oil comes out. I get the chocolate and S.O. notes and this has great throw! If you are a fan of Boomslang, you will like this, but it is more just pure chocolate and S.O.! If you are afraid of it being overly sweet, it isn't. For me, this is BU bottle worthy!!
  24. Numanoid

    Pumpkin Spice Snake Oil

    Sniffing in the bottle, I don't get much pumpkin spice. A little bit...even the Snake Oil is on the light side. On my skin, the pumpkin spice comes out a bit more. It does remind me of Snakes in the Pumpkin Patch, but not as heavy. The Snake Oil is there, but is in the background. This, to me, is surprisingly light with low throw. It might become stronger with age as S.O. does, so I am hoping for that. But this is a great scent!!! A keeper!
  25. Numanoid

    Caramel Apple Snake Oil

    Oh this is goooood!! Just got it and let it sit and warm up a bit before applying! In the bottle, sniffing, I get the caramel, apple and snake oil. I love anything caramel apple and almost anything snake oil, so I HAD to get this. On my skin, I still get all three notes... they are so wonderful together! As it dries, I get mostly S.O. and the apple with a touch of the caramel! I am so glad I got this! This has a medium throw to me and I can see this getting better as it ages!! If you love apple scents and Snake Oil like I do, grab yourself this!!! ❤️