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Everything posted by Numanoid

  1. Numanoid

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Wow....ok then....thanks for the info!! That is real cool to know!!! As always, I get very nice and helpful people here!!
  2. Numanoid

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Got a label question...I know there are a lot of knowledgeable forumites here..here goes: So, the few BPAL bottles I have are all LE, so they have all the colorful labels on them...I have seen pictures of GC bottles for sale on Ebay and they have the beige like label with the black scroll work around it, Well, I recently got a bottle of Banshee Beat (I know it is a disc. GC scent) but the top of the label on it says, "Space 15 twenty." Can anyone tell me what that means, if anything? I noticed the other GC labels don't have anything printed above the scent name... ??? Thanks for any info guys!
  3. Numanoid

    Desiccated Frostberry Pie Filling

    Well...I too do not know what frostberry is, but sadly, I don't get anything foody out of this, and I am a BPAL foody lover. In the bottle, I can smell something sort of berry-ish, but once I put it on, turns to a weird, heavy floral on me!! Going to have to swap this away!! P.S....so, reading all the other reviews, I wonder if I just got something different? I get no berries,(barely in the bottle when sniffed), no buttery crust, or sweetness...turned heavy and evil on me. VERY musky and floral...almost couldn't breathe, so confused as to the "no throw" on this.
  4. Numanoid

    Great Vampire Bat

    Thanks to my wonderful fairy!! OOH...this is a beautiful scent! I love incense blends, but never too sure about florals, except orchids. This does not dissappoint! Wet in the bottle: I can really smell the mix of incense and tropical flowers...almost sinister and beautiful at the same time! On Skin: Whoa!! A little goes a looong way on me! The incense is more prominant than the flower, but you can still sense it there. Very sensual and grown up, but not in an old lady way!!! Dry Down: Stays very true!! Great throw on me...I think that this is a going out on the town kind of scent. Not to be worn everyday, but it is soooo gorgeous!!
  5. Numanoid

    Cake Smash

    Hmmm... this is a very yummy scent...I do get cake and frosting, but it isn't over powering. When I first put it on, it smelled familiar, then it hit me!!! At least to my nose, it smells very close to Monsterbait: Closet!!! BUT this is a great scent. I don't get any S.O., but it is a yummy, softer, foodie scent!!!
  6. Numanoid

    The Forbidding Foyer

    Well... I feel I am a novice at leaving a review, BUT wow...this scent is amazing! Not just because of how it smells, but, in my opinion, THIS is one major morphor!! Sniff: Yikes...really smells of...something on the verge of rotting..but it isn't pungant (SP?) This is a brain tickler!! On Skin: It morphs very quickly on me and smells NOTHING like it does in the bottle...I get a hint of some soft floral and some incense in there somewhere, peeking around the corner! 5 minutes later: WOW!! This is a crazy cration to me..I can start to smell the mahogany...that faint hint of wood...it is exactly the kind of smell I would expect to encounter when walking into an abandoned house and an old desk in foyer!! Verdict: Just amazing...don't know how they do this at the lab!! This is the craziest morphor to me. If you get a bottle or imp..really give it time!! This is one you don't want to judge from first sniff!!!
  7. Numanoid

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Oh gosh NO!!! I wouldn't EVER pay that much!! I saw a while back someone paid $450 for Storyville that BPAL listed!! This was just the set of 4 bottles!! Got a great deal for them!! Awesome!! Thanks so much...yep...this is the set. I have one bottle from 2007, so I knew these weren't those...I found out I have bottles 2-5!! Hi,Oh thank goodness you didn't . I didn't even notice that listing. I have more and more " senior " moments all the time. Congrats on getting your oils for a great deal. Enjoy them. I'm too scared to wear mine but I open them up from time to time to smell them! Luck and laughter,Tricia Thanks Tricia... yeah, no matter how much I want a certain scent, I won't go that crazy!! I might have to swap a couple of them though..not sure I like IV and V....
  8. Numanoid

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Oh gosh NO!!! I wouldn't EVER pay that much!! I saw a while back someone paid $450 for Storyville that BPAL listed!! This was just the set of 4 bottles!! Got a great deal for them!! Awesome!! Thanks so much...yep...this is the set. I have one bottle from 2007, so I knew these weren't those...I found out I have bottles 2-5!!
  9. Numanoid

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    AHH!!! That is one of the bottles I have!! Thanks bunches...now if I could know which one is #1, #2, etc etc!!!
  10. Numanoid


    Hmm....and wow! I just got a decant of this. I do like it!! Sniff: Does smell like Turkish Coffee...I don't get whiskey, unless it is hidden by the mocha part. Normally I don't do any booze notes, but this is nice! On Skin: Still get that strong coffee smell, but a good strong. Get a bit of the mocha scent, but it isn't chocolatey..if that makes sense. Must be the "whiskey" note holding it back! Dry down: Very nice coffee...it smells like the grounds of coffee that have been brewed and they have been sitting a while. It's a very comforting scent to me, but I think a decant is enough! Not that I could find a bottle now, but a bottle would be too much!!
  11. Numanoid

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    So, I hope this is a good spot for this, BUT I just got some GREAT Pumpkin Patch bottles from an Ebay auction..they are all foody smelling but don't have a year on them..if I got it right, I think there were 5 released. Anyway, if someone can direct me to find out which ones I have and what year. The labels are mostly balck with black and orange pumpkins all with different faces...and green squiggles coming off the pumpkins. Thanks anyone for any info. I am going to try to put a pic here...if it doesn't work, it is me being computer illiterate!! Ok...I guess I don't know how to post a pic here....
  12. Numanoid

    The Kingdom of Sweets

    WOW! What more can I add that wasn't already added up above!! 100% SWEET and SUGAR! I am a BPAL foodie fan and boy, after testing an imp I just got..I had to make an appointment to see my dentist! Yeah, THAT sweet! I didn't get fizzy out of mine, like others have mentioned, but spot on with the scent of candy!! Like a Halloween pillowcase full of candy exploded! if you like sweet scents, this is a must for you...just not for me.
  13. Numanoid

    Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat

    I broke down and bought a bottle of this...I was very disappointed! I was hoping for a more lemon-y pastry/cookie sugar scent, but on me, it was bubbly lemonade all the way!! I don't do bubbly scents well, so off to the swapping block it goes!!
  14. Numanoid

    Why are LEs limited? Will they come back?

    Thanks for the replies....helps, but then makes my hope falter! But yeah, I figure there will be wonderful new things on the horizon, but still....would be nice if sometimes they can bring back what seems to be real popular scents. I understand the component issue as well...at the same time, it would be nice to be informed if a certain scent will "never" come back so I can stop dreaming!!
  15. Numanoid

    Ein Kuss von Krampus

    Ok... I can describe this on one word: Lebkuchen!!! Although it isn't an English word, this is exactly as it smells! I got to live in Germany for 3 years, and around Christmas time, we would buy some lebkuchen and this scent, in the bottle and on, brings back very fond memories of Germany... I really miss it there!!! Oh Du Meine Gute!!!
  16. Numanoid

    Why are LEs limited? Will they come back?

    So, I have a question that maybe some of you BPAL veterans can answer...So, being less than a year old BPALer myself, trying to get a hold of a very hard to find scents (like Candy Butcher, Monsterbaits, VILF, Storyville, Cake Smah, etc etc), does the lab ever re-release these for the public to buy? I understand that they are hard to find and also understand that when someone here has a bottle, they only want to swap for a HTF one, OR when the Lab put outs bottles on Ebay, I rarely win any because the bids go over $60 and I just can't afford that...so, do any of these old scents ever come back so semi-newbies like me can maybe buy a bottle or two at the regular lab price?? I would hate to think that I would never be able to get my hands on some of the older, wonderful scents that I would LOVE to try...any info??
  17. Numanoid

    What Scent Is This?

    I recently got a frimp of this too, it seems it's discontinued. http://www.bpal.org/.../3022-midnight/ Did you order something very limited release? I've noticed they've been tossing discontinued and rares in with things like that. Mine came with my Trading Post order. Oops... yes, mistake..the Ebay auction bottle came from BPTP...not BPAL!! Man, I need sleep!
  18. Numanoid

    What Scent Is This?

    I recently got a frimp of this too, it seems it's discontinued. http://www.bpal.org/.../3022-midnight/ Did you order something very limited release? I've noticed they've been tossing discontinued and rares in with things like that. It was a recent Ebay auction that BPAL had...I won a bottle of Dark Choco pepper smoked caramel...so maybe that is why since it was for a older LE bottle.
  19. Numanoid

    Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel

    Oh my!!!! LOVE this!! I just got my bottle from the BPAL Ebay auctions...I am glad that I get all the wonderful scents... In the bottle: First sniff, CHOCOLATE...very dark and yummy! Oh Skin: I get choco, pepper, and caramel!! They blend and smell like a warm, chocolaty peppery caramel-y sweater! Dry Down: Just like above, but scent fades a bit, but in a good way. Really does remind me of Villainess' Friction, but with the hint of choco! SO GLAD I won this auction! LOVE IT!! I think BPAL needs to bring back these Box O' Chocolates every year! YUM!
  20. Numanoid

    What Scent Is This?

    I recently got a frimp of this too, it seems it's discontinued. http://www.bpal.org/topic/3022-midnight/ Oh ok....thanks for the info....kinda feel special getting an imp of a discontinued scent, huh?
  21. Numanoid

    What Scent Is This?

    Hello all...so, hope this is a good place for this, but I got my bottle today from BPAL Ebay auctions and I was sent 6 great imps along with it...I was looking up the scents and descriptions and one I was scent is called Midnight. I couldn't find it here and I even looked at the BPAL website to see if I could find it in the GC list and couldn't...any ideas where this came from? I also got an imp of Karme and found that was a Will Call imp...very nice! But any info on the Midnight?
  22. P.S....Here is an example of how wonky the Lab can be when it comes to orders, so, I JUST placed an order for one bottle of WOmb Furie on 2/27..it shipped out on 2/28 and I JUST got the CnS today, the 29th...this will be the fastest I ever got an order from them, but also have had some that took almost a month, so hope you are doing better...I am sure the imps will arrive for you soon, but you know, you now have to let us know when you get them so we know there is a happy ending!
  23. Well, I wouldn't try to worry too much. I have placed a few orders with the lab and some come pretty quick, and some do take a while. Some orders even showed up at my door and THEN I got a Click N Ship number for it...crazy, I know. I had ordered a few bottles from the last Yules, and I was reading everyone's reviews on the same bottles they ordered and received...even orders I placed BEFORE them. Then they eventually showed up. I too tried sending e-mails and they are not very good at responding, at least in a timely manner. I would get answers about orders way after they would show up. So, since you are in the UK, I can imagine it taking longer to get to you...I live in the states, in fact, only about 3 states away and it takes weeks to get orders to me...so try to be patient..at least the first order showed up, so there is hope the other in not far behind. Maybe if you can, might be worth a phone call to the lab asking about it. Hope you get your goodies soon!!!
  24. Numanoid

    Pears - different BPAL pear scents

    Well, I just want to add....What's wrong with being 40???
  25. Numanoid

    L’Essence de L’Engouement

    In the bottle, first sniff, very pink and strawberry... On skin: starts to get a little powdery and tart, but not in a bad way...turns almost a hair floral-y on me, odd! After a few minutes: I get a hint of strawberry and a hint of vanilla...both very faint. This, to me, is a very girly scent...soft and feminine.