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Posts posted by PumpkinGuts

  1. When I tried this, I remembered all of the notes except the "scorched" part. After the chai spices, honey, and buttercream (maple flavored?) spent some time on my skin, I went back for another sniff... and I thought something in my house was on fire. Wow, that was realistic. I didn't really get the marshmallow part, just a heavily charred outer layer. Burnt stick would be pretty accurate, too. 


    It's unusual for my skin, but the spices don't last long, and they're never very loud. The drydown is all maple syrup coated burnt stick. Can we get a plain old burnt stick perfume without the maple? 'Cause I'd totally wear that. 

  2. I felt inclined to try a decant of this because the description encapsulates my husband: a nerdy, vaping, controls engineer. While it doesn't smell like him (and he hated it, I tried), it does remind me of the vibe he exudes.


    Oily citrus and burning electrical parts hit me first, then a foggy note, which is probably supposed to be the vape smoke. It's not an aggressive burning smell, just enough to add a bit of an edge. The biggest surprise is the drydown, which is verrrry floral. It smells like a night-blooming flower, but I'm not sure which one (not jasmine, I think the previous reviewers could be right about tuberose). 


    Technical Boy is really unique and I like it enough to keep my decant, but I don't need a full size. 

  3. This was a trip. First stop, basement of an abandoned building. A strong chemical smell pervades the room, lacquered paint chips are scattered over a moldering carpet. Unsettling, I feel like there are secrets in the walls. 


    Then, I kid you not, I'm transported to a cozy candlelit cabin curled up with a book and a bottle of whiskey. You have to make it through the nightmare to get to the good part of the dream. 

  4. Anything I say after the previous reviews is going to sound like a caveman wrote it, so I'll be brief: this is just as gorgeous as everybody says it is, Defututa lovers should absolutely seek this out. It also smells remarkably similar to The Olive Branch 🫒 on me. Golden-orange, warm, summery, Mediterranean, gender neutral.

  5. On me, this is all about the orris butter, violet leaf, and tangy redcurrant, clinging to the skin like silk. The creamy orris butter smooths out the pointy green edges of the violet leaf, and the fruity currant nudges it away from being purely floral. It smells like a really luxe lotion. Slinky and best suited for snuggling, where it can be appreciated at close range. 

  6. Almost all strawberry hard candy, no greasepaint detected (alas). The cannabis here is subtle, like the lingering weed smell left on clothing. I'm able to sniff out the rose, but it's barely there, and the candyfloss becomes noticeable during the drydown. Sweet, sweet, sweet, with a pinch of green. 

  7. 8th Grade is really scary at first, as I'm sure it actually was for many: screeching indolic florals, cocoa bean, and shy plum. Jasmine and I generally get along well, maybe sambac is an exception, or perhaps the tuberose is contributing to the stank. Dries down to a mellowed out jasmine and dry cocoa powder with spun sugar around the edges. Nicer, but I prefer my florals sans chocolate. 

  8. Age has been very kind to this blend. The leather is greenish brown, worn, and sun-dried, but still supple somehow. In the background there's a faint smokiness, almost incensey, and I may be going insane, but there's something here that reminds me of Loi Krathong. Not much greenery, but it does smell tropical. 

  9. This is jungle green and coniferous with a big splat of guava pulp and tiny poisonous berries. It definitely has something tomato leafy going on, too. I'm reminded of the big yellow man-eating flower from Jumanji, only it's wearing a Santa hat and someone has committed a run-by fruiting. I just made two Robin Williams movie references in one review, look at me go.


    Anyways, I love this, and there's nothing else like it in my collection. It smacks you in the face with it's fruity greenness for a good 20-30 minutes before fading considerably. I may need to try it in a scent locket.

  10. Pineapple and banana gummy bear explosion! I get a bit of powdery vanilla cake mix after a while, and I can see how that combination can remind people of banana pudding. I asked my husband what he thought, and he said, "Sugar balls. Or what the bushes in a sugar village would smell like."

  11. Straight up butter, burnt sugar, and pumpkin. If you enjoy buttery scents, this is your hair gloss. Pumpkin spice is set to low. I keep trying pumpkin scents, when will I learn? (Never, the answer is never.)

  12. Woooow. Patchouli lovers should not sleep on this, she's a beaut. A meditative and peaceful blend, evoking shamanic rituals. Not too smoky, if you were concerned about that. Makes me feel as if everything is right in the world. It does veer kind of dirty hippie-ish, but in an upscale way. 

  13. I must amp the fruit, because I smell like a berry smoothie + skin musk. A smidgen of moss, and I'm missing the grass. Reminds me a bit of my toddler daughter. This would make a wonderful soap, but I don't think I'd wear it as a perfume.

  14. Berenice gives an impression of freshly washed and powdered skin without smelling soapy. The aloe lends a crisp juiciness, for lack of a better term, helping it avoid powder bomb territory. It may be due to age, but the lily note is soft and creamy, and takes a backseat to the musk, aloe, and linen. It's what I imagine a first class Titanic passenger smelled like. 


    Embalming Fluid and Dirty didn't work on me, but this one does. It'll be so refreshing to wear in the scorching summer heat, when I'm sure to avoid icebergs. 

  15. Definitely more than a hint of rose at first, with the most delightful creamy marshmallow musk. The fabric notes are subtle and stay in the background throughout wear. They're not freshly laundered, but like family heirlooms kept tucked away for the most special of occasions.


    Oakmoss disappointingly never shows up. Swap the rose for oakmoss, and this would be perfect for me. I still really like it, though!

  16. Oh my god, this is amazing. It does somehow smell vaporous, like a fog machine in an opium den. This is a goth femme fatale perfume, and I feel powerful and otherworldly while wearing it. I don't really get any violet from it, but that's okay -- the opium tar and champaca are a perfect duo, and I can't ask for any more. I slept on this Sleeper while it was available, and now I'm kicking myself!

  17. The peppermint cream is present throughout the entire wear-length, and it's lovely. That's the good news. The bad news is, when that rose note emerges, it stomps all over my mint-lilac-mallow party and turns the whole blend sour. After a couple hours of asking that rude guest to leave, they finally do, but the party's been ruined.

  18. I tested this side by side with Faith, and they are extremely similar. Violet and iris are two of my favorite florals and have always smelled alike to my nose. Faith is just a titch sweeter and like a violet-flavored candy, whereas this one is reminiscent of real flower petals coated in sugar. It's definitely a coating of sugar rather than a dusting, but it has that hint of earthiness and depth that Faith lacks. Good lasting power, too.

  19. This is strong on the corn and wheat, and is what I imagine a fairy cereal would smell like. Puffed corn dotted with tiny marshmallows and peony infused cream. The mallow note is much more pronounced on my skin than the peony. 


    Unique and comforting, but too corny for my personal taste.

  20. I'm really sad about this one because I live for lemon desserts, but I ended up smelling like a freshly cleaned kitchen on a sunny day. It was also so strong that I ended up feeling nauseous and had to scrub it off. A huge fail for me.

  21. Disclaimer: this review is for the Yule, not the Black Friday GWP.


    Hyper-realistic coconut cream pie filling, this is soooo good. The rich coconut custard filling is working in tandem with clouds of whipped cream, and it's mouthwatering. I am not getting any pie crust (maybe I should find that GWP?), and the lavender is subtle until the drydown. Lavender-infused whipped cream, perhaps. 


    I'm missing that pie crust note, but I still love this. I'm not sure I'd wear it enough to warrant a bottle purchase, but it sure is delicious!

  22. Simultaneously peppy and cozy, I get mostly bergamot heavy Earl Grey. The cookie smells specifically like those soft lofthouse sugar cookies, frosted with lavender (very similar to Lavender Buttercream). It's not overly foodie at all. Carry Me was Dorian + cookies, whereas this is almost like Theodosius + cookies.

  23. Laughing Seagull nailed it with the Nocnitsa comparison. They're really similar fir scents, but Nocnitsa is juicier and Scimitar is more creamy and lunar smelling. It brings to mind a forest clearing with a small pond, where an enchantress is bathing in the light of the moon. 


    I wish I got a little more moonflower, but it's still a beautiful forest scent and I'll enjoy my decant.

  24. 2023 version:


    I thought I hated toffee. I was wrong. This is one of the most delicious things I have ever smelled, my eyes literally roll into the back of my head when I sniff my arm. Rich, smoked toffee with a splash of bourbon. I'm not really getting a spiciness like the previous version was noted to have. Maybe the Guy Fawkes Night inspiration is influencing me into thinking this smells more like a British toffee, but it does. Not too sweet, not boozy, just perfect. A haunted carnival confection.


    I already bought one bottle, and I may nab another before the Weenies come down. I am IN LOVE.

  25. This sounded so unique and discordant that I just had to try it. It also conjured up the distinct image of the witch from the Tales From the Darkside Series pilot, furthering my excitement. 


    ...and it's a really pleasant combination! It almost reminds me of caramel apple pops, but what I'm digging the most is that burnt coffee bean lurking in the background. Spooky fun that makes me feel young at heart.

