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Posts posted by PumpkinGuts

  1. Vintage Ghost Blow Mold was one of my 2023 Weenie favorites, so I had high hopes for Frankenstein, too. I get almost no mint from this, sadly. All milk chocolate and amber (heavier on the former), all the time. It also lacks the staying power and nostalgia factor of Vintage Ghost.


    Milk chocolate is not a note that I enjoy, so I'll be letting it go. If you liked Gelt, give this one a whirl.

  2. Dirt is one of my comfort smells, so with milk and lavender, I thought this would be a knockout. It is really nice, but the dirt note is very subdued, and it's a lot more perfumey than I'd expected. I'm thinking the bone dust is the culprit. Powdery lavender milk and faint dirt, I guess the ghoul crawled out of his grave and brushed all the loam off his clothes. Leave it on next time, buddy. I still love this, though. 

  3. I've never tried a tart gingerbread scent, but I guess there's a first time for everything. That tartness must be coming from the gooseberries. There's a little red currant, too, but mostly the gooseberry and gingerbread. I can't pick out the rosewater. This is like a witch's coffee cake.


    It's a fun scent, but the combination of spicy and tart is just too odd for me to get any wear out of it. It fades quickly, too.

  4. Everyone else has said it, and they're right -- this perfectly captures that scent memory of childhood Halloweens pulling out the tangle of decorations and getting that whiff of warm plastic. A wonderful glowing amber, and the candy corn note reads more as a Mellowcreme Pumpkin (I know they're essentially the same thing, but Mellowcreme is somehow tastier) and I am here for it.


    This has great longevity and moderate throw on my skin, and I'd put it in my top three Weenies of 2023. I'm considering a bottle before they come down.

  5. Buttery pumpkin, sans spice, with popcorn balls. The popcorn fades quickly and the incense takes center stage. Does this pumpkin hang out on the streets of Detroit? That incense could seriously be SoD Lite.


    The Harvest Haunt is as close as a pumpkin scent can get to working on me, and I'll keep my decant to slather while binging Are You Afraid of the Dark? and other nostalgic Halloweeny shows.

  6. I'm surprised nobody else mentioned spice, because on my (admittedly spice-amping) skin, this is a spiced berry black tea. The blackberry  smells dried and blackened, and I'm getting sort of a prune note, too. This is more benevolent kitchen witch than Blair Witch. Nice, but fades quickly.

  7. I picked up a decant of this because I love porcelain notes and was hopeful that it might be a cousin to Pediophobia.


    Unfortunately, all I'm getting here is overbearing slushy snow that irritates my sinuses, plus snowberries. I'm unfamiliar with snowberry, but it does have a strawberry-like aroma. After the snow note finally calms its tits, it dries down to a snowberry, carnation, and spun sugar trio. Carnationberry really is an apt description.


    Alas, I continue my hunt for porcelain scents.

  8. Sinus-clearing mint upon first huff, which quickly settled into mint and pistachio ice creams. When I came back to it a bit later, someone had eaten all the mint ice cream and left me with the melted remnants of nutty pistachio. Creamy and hunger-inducing, it has a sort of thickness to it, also. 

  9. 2023 version:


    Yes, this is white confetti cake, just what I wanted from Sprinklecake back in the day, but that was dusty chocolate and broke my heart. This incarnation of Pink Lovebird apparently has much less cardamom, but there's still enough to keep the cotton candy sweetness in check. I agree that this is soft and has low throw. I'll keep my decant, but Velvet Unicorn still reigns as my favorite cotton candy scent.

  10. In the early stages, Bearded Lady smells like high-end vintage cosmetics. It's got that powdery violet type of smell that Guerlain products have, plus jasmine, lily, and subtle rose. It reminds me of playing dress-up and sitting at Grandma's vanity, testing all of the fancy lipsticks and powders.


    The way the florals meld with the amber and vanilla during drydown is sexy as hell, and I feel very classy wearing this. I'm glad to own a bottle!

  11. I was here for the vanilla, wood, and buttercream. What I got was gobs of lotus bubblegum stuck underneath a wooden table with a few buttercream frosting fingerprints atop the surface. The hardwood is so subtle that it's difficult to tell what type it is, but I don't think it's oak. Virtually no throw, and I didn't notice any resins until late drydown. I was hoping the lotus would be more of a background note, so this isn't for me.

  12. I'm happy I listened to reviews and grabbed a bottle of this before it went down, it's stunning. I can't really add much more than what's already been said -- this is smooth, sexy, slinky sandalwood and tobacco. It smells expensive. I need more blends with this vanilla husk note, it's to die for.


    Definitely similar to Pediophobia, but I like this even better. Instead of a frilly porcelain doll, Kiseru is a geisha doll carved from fine wood. I only wish the throw was as strong as Pediophobia's, this is more of a skin scent.


    My favorite of the 2023 Lupers! 

  13. Wet, this is almost entirely mango and pomegranate, maybe a lone cranberry in this fruit basket. I have to really sniff to find the red musk. The sage and thyme don't peek through until much later on drydown, at which point the fruits have transformed into SweeTarts. 

  14. I recently ordered some decants of the Stardust scents I hadn't tried yet, and Victoria almost didn't make the cut, as lily is one of my death notes. I'm so glad I decided to say screw it and order the lot, because Victoria turned out to be my favorite of all.


    As I mentioned, lily almost never works on me, but apparently the stargazer variety does. There is nothing sour or sharp about the florals here. They're slightly sweet, clean, and a little soapy, but in a good way -- like I just showered and took a stroll through an English garden. Vanilla musk is the perfect companion to these flowers, lending some extra sweetness.


    Seriously one of the prettiest perfumes I've had the pleasure of smelling, a full bottle has happily been added to my collection. Top ten worthy, for sure.

  15. Splatter comedies are one of my favorite horror subgenres, so I had to have this, even though banana never works on me (except Loi Krathong, and that's banana leaf).


    Instead of banana cream pie, I'm getting bananas flambé. There's definitely some spice in here, but just a pinch. Greasy bananas flambé. I feel like if there was more creaminess to the banana and no spice, it would've worked out better for me. Alas.

  16. Wet: You have a bowl of strawberry and raspberry jam. You pour in some sugar, but get distracted and the whole bag goes in. Whoops!


    Dry: Strawberry pie with a caramelized sugar crust.


    This one is a lot of fun, but ultimately way too sweet for me. Also worth noting, this is not plasticky on my skin.

  17. This is what I wanted Midwinter's Eve to be, even though it doesn't have any florals. If that was way too sweet for you, try this one. The plum and blackberry are bright and candied, but the piney winter breeze and amber keep it from being cloyingly sweet.

  18. I don't get buttercream, or anything creamy for that matter, from Monster Bait: Closet. Rather, the red velvet cake is studded with blackberries. Both notes are in roughly equal measure, with the cake coming out to party a bit more on the drydown. I could also swear this has some sort of spice, but my skin is basically a dowsing machine for spice notes. 

  19. If Creme Savers made cherry and raspberry flavors, this is what they would smell like. The cherry here is not medicinal to my nose, but a nice and tart one, and the cream and raspberry notes tame it nicely. The powdered sugar aspect strengthens over time, ultimately taking over the entire blend.


    Bloody Mary only lasts a little over an hour, but it's a tasty hour. Cherry and I don't have the best track record, but this is one that works -- just wish it stuck around a bit longer!

  20. Bright, crisp tea and lilacs to start out, but somehow that tea note turns real funky, so much that it was almost a scrubber. But I waited... 


    Beautiful honeyed lilacs! Skin chemistry is such an interesting thing. Beeswax notes, of course, have varying degrees of honey aromas to them. I'm getting straight up honey in Eusapia, and it lingers for hours and hours. There are some big ol' bees on this lilac bush.


    Eusapia is the Marilyn Munster of the "An Evening with the Spirits" line. Less haunting and more springlike, you wouldn't know she was part of the family if she wasn't already there.

  21. Lightly spiced cake with a smear of Dorian-infused cream cheese frosting. I'm not getting much Snake Oil, but I believe it's lending a subtle spice. This smells similar to Beaver'versary, but so much better.


    Unfortunately, Cake Smash is suuuper faint on me, probably due to age. It's one of those oils I never really wear, but take out my bottle to sniff every once in a while. Can't seem to let this one go -- it's an important slice of (cake) BPAL history.

  22. Oh my, this really is magical, and everything I'd hoped it would be. Mostly mallow flower and pale sandalwood, a few poofs of pastel peony blossoms floating in a dish of cream. A touch powdery, like enchanted dream dust. I've been getting into floral scents lately, particularly creamy florals, and this scratches that itch. A true fairytale floral, just exquisite. I must find a bottle!


    This reminds me of the song Audrey dances to in Twin Peaks. "Isn't it too dreamy?"

  23. I received a frimp of this from a generous forumite, thank you! 💜


    I am clueless as to what notes are making the wet stage smell like a mechanic's garage, but I get that with chalky cacao. I enjoy chalk notes, but I'm really not digging the combination of chalky rubble and chocolate. After it dries and the cacao calms down, my beloved chalk note melds with the vanilla, amber, and tobacco in a most delicious way. We were off to a rocky (rubble-y?) start, but it seems patience has paid off. My decant should get some good use, but I'm undecided whether I'll need more.
