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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by eggplant

  1. eggplant

    Devil's Night

    I took this out and tried it in honor of the new halloween update. It gives me the same instant headache/nausea that I get from Red Lantern and I had to wash it off. It's OVERWHELMINGLY smokey. Off to the sales, for this one.
  2. eggplant

    Harvest Moon 2006

    In the bottle this smells like last year's harvest moon, which is one of my favorites. On me, it quickly turns to burnt apple scented plastic! Maybe I'll give it another try, but otherwise this is definitely off to the swaps.
  3. eggplant

    Et Lux Fuit

    This one smells very similiar to something else I recently tried but I can't place it. I get mostly honey and powder with a hint of daisy. It's not a bad scent, per se, but I don't like it. After looking through recent reveiws, I realized that it reminds me of blood kiss. Honey is definitely a dominant note on my skin, and I just don't like the scent. But I know there are lots of honey lovers out there, so I'm sure this is going to be a popular blend.
  4. eggplant

    Hungry Ghost Moon 2006

    First applied, it smells like grapefruit and ginger. It quickly morphs into a sugary blend. I smell sugary lemons? With ginger. Yum! update: This one lasts forever-at 11pm yesterday it was still going strong. And today it smells like generic strong cheap drugstore perfume. I'll give it another try and then pass it on.
  5. I can't tell the difference between Midway and Aquolina Pink Sugar. I haven't tried pink sugar on my skin yet, but it makes me feel better about the fact that my bottle of midway will eventually run out.
  6. eggplant

    Where is this scent?

    I'm not sure where to post this, but I got a frimp of Nyx in my most recent order and I can't find it anywhere on the site (this one or the Lab's). Has anyone tried this? I would order a larger bottle if I knew where/how to find it. Eta: Nevermind, found it! Oops.
  7. eggplant

    Hippiesh, spicy, musky scents - without patchouli

    Another vote for Eat Me. To me, Eat Me is a lighter version of Snake Charmer (which many say is a lighter version of Snake Oil).
  8. eggplant

    The Bow & Crown of Conquest

    Wow. This blend is unbelievably sexy. I smell leather and tobacco and vanilla with a hint of carnation. Amazing. It makes me want to jump on MYSELF, so I can imagine it would be amazing on a guy. If I had one, I'd make him wear this, but since I don't, I'm passing it on. It's too masculine for me. But really, really good.
  9. eggplant

    House of Mirrors

    I purchased this on ebay so I'm not sure if it's from '05 or '06. In the bottle: When I received this a few days ago, I sniffed it from the bottle and thought it smelled very masculine. But today it smells aquatic and fruity. I smell apple? Definitely gender neutral First applied: Very aquatic, very pretty and fresh. It gets very salty as it dries, and turns into a gorgeous aquatic scent. It definitely reminds me of a cool day at the beach. Then the amber takes over and I get a hint of powder and just a touch of salt. It smells a little bit like men's cologne. Overall this is my favorite BPAL aquatic scent. It's not something I'd wear every day, as it's too masculine for my taste, but it's perfect for when the mood strikes.
  10. eggplant

    La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente

    First applied it smells sharp and soapy, but it quickly dries down into a soft, pretty, fruity floral scent. The drydown reminds me a lot of Yerevan, possibly due to the pomegranate. I can't pick out any of the individual notes, but I like this one a lot. However it seems similar to a few other scents that I already own so I may be passing it on.
  11. eggplant

    Midwinter's Eve

    In the bottle it smells like watermelon jolly ranchers. It's pretty, but very strong and I can't imagine ever wearing this. Once applied, it smells like I licked the jolly rancher and then rubbed it on my wrist and let it stay there. It never settles into or blends with my skin and instead it just sits there and retains its artifical jolly rancher scent. Again, it's pretty, but not for me. I can see a young girl really enjoying this.
  12. eggplant


    Wow, I love this one. First applied the only note I can pick out is grapefruit. I also smell lemon and orange, but it might just be the citrus associations. As it dries I get a hint of sugar, and then the amber starts to appear as well. Overall it's a lovely, soft, fruity scent grounded by the hint of amber.
  13. eggplant

    Shortcut to Exotic Places - Wanderlust Recs

    Yerevan is my #1 favorite BPAL-it's fruity, flowery, mysterious and slightly musky. A friend bought it for me before my first trip to armenia, and now I associate it with the city only because I wore it every day I was there. I would have never picked it out for myself, even after sniffing it in the bottle, but on my skin it transforms into the most beautiful scent. I also love whitechapel and morocco. Wanderlust is my favorite category too.
  14. eggplant


    In the bottle: Yum! I can't place it, but it smells delicious. First applied: Burnt sugar This quickly morphs into the faint plasticy scent that I got with midway and occasionally snow white. I can smell the coconut and shea butter but it's blended with melting plastic and burnt tires. The coconut is dominant so it's not entirely unpleasant but sadly not for me.
  15. eggplant


    Ouija is a generic, dusty tea rose on me that starts to turn slightly sour. Fortunately it doesn't seem to last long, and it's not something I'd wear again.
  16. eggplant

    Silk Road

    Silk Road is all cinnamon on me. It's a subtle cinnamon, but not for me.
  17. eggplant

    Blood Kiss

    First applied: My wrist just smells...dirty. Not like soil type dirt, but as if I haven't showered in a while. After a few minutes it smells like I applied clove oil on top of my dirty skin. The vanilla starts to peek out, and it takes on a medicinal quality. I suspect it's the cherry? Now I smell honey-pure honey, as if I drizzled it on my wrist straight from the bottle. It smells smokey, too, and the dirty undertone goes away. Overall the scent is intriguing but it's not something I'd choose to wear.
  18. eggplant

    Hymn to Proserpine

    I've been dying to try Hymn to Proserpine and wanted to love it, but it just smells...off. It's a mixture of dusty, rotton fruit and strong cheap perfume that's starting to go bad with a hint of baby powder thrown in for good measure. And it smells...humid? Kind of as if I'm stuck in a tiny, unairconditioned windowless apartment on a really humid day with a bunch of women who bathed in cheap drugstore perfume and then covered themselves in baby powder. And there's a bowl of two week old fruit sitting on the table. That's exactly what my wrist smells like right now. I really don't want to give up on this one so I'll try it again next week, but this is most likely going up for swaps. So disappointing.
  19. eggplant

    Penny Dreadful

    In the bottle: Dirt. First applied: Dirt. I had to check again and make sure I didn't apply zombi by mistake. After five minutes: Cinnamon flavored dirt. However my left wrist smells more like cinnamon with a hint of dirt, and my right wrist is more like dirt with a hint of cinnamon. I can't stop sniffing my wrist. It's not a pleasant scent, but it's so strange that I'm oddly attracted to it. After ten minutes it gives me a headache. I'm glad I tried it, but it's not something I'll wear again.
  20. Eat Me smells exactly like Snake Charmer to my nose, only a bit less sharp.
  21. eggplant

    Eat Me

    In the bottle this smells like vanilla cake, but on my skin it smells exactly like snake charmer. I put one on each wrist, and they smell almost exactly the same to my nose but snake charmer is a bit sharper (even aged a year). I thought I loved Snake Charmer until I tried Eat Me. I'm surprised by the similarity but very, very pleased!
  22. eggplant

    Freak Show

    In the bottle: It smells like chocolate with boozy fig flavored filling. Wet on skin: Masculine and sharp. I'm not really a fan Dry: When this dries it smells remarkably like a mellower version of snake charmer! I really love this one. It's very subtle and doesn't last long but it would be a great winter scent. I need another bottle.
  23. eggplant

    Peony Moon

    I had such high hopes for this one, but it quickly turns to flower-scented plastic. Off to the swaps, I guess.
  24. eggplant


    A friend sent me this before my trip to Yerevan, and it was the first BPAL I tried. When I opened the bottle I wasn't very optimistic. In the bottle (and freshly applied) it smells like hawaiian punch kool aid with sharp cherry cough syrup. Then, for the first 20 minutes it smells a little bit like rotten fruit with a sharp undertone. Something about it feels almost...humid? I really, really dislike the initial stages, but it eventually morphs into the most beautiful light musk with just a hint of fruit and florals-it smells like my boyfriend after he's smoked fruit flavored tobacco. On me it's so well blended that I can't really pick out a dominant note-overall it's just amazing. This is my BPAL true love. I just wish the initial stages weren't so awful, I have to remember to put it on first thing in the morning so I'm the only one who has to smell it.
  25. eggplant


    I love this one. First applied, it smells like strong lemon/lime cleaning fluid but it quickly morphs into a beautiful lilac scent with just a hint of tang. I actually hate to reapply it during the day because I feel like the two phases clash with eachother! I would love a big bottle, but I'm afraid because of the lime note it won't get better with age. I was surprised that this was a "gentleman's blend"-it's extremely feminine on me.