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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by holborne

  1. Could someone please remind me not to shop at H&M again, ever?

  2. Today's subway asshole. Why no one is making this schmuck move his bag is a complete mystery to me. http://t.co/0JpIZWpfRp

  3. I'm beginning to think the Irish are the only ones who can write fiction properly (and I count Irish-American).

  4. Johnny Depp is 50 today

  5. So were a lot of people complaining that iOS 6 just didn't look flat enough? #Ios7

  6. 1 of 5 stars to The Gathering by Anne Enright http://t.co/ukOohBt1io

  7. You know what drives me insane? (Among other things, I mean.) When people quote "This Be the Verse" as if a) that's Larkin's best poem, and B) they're the first ones to discover it.

  8. I think I'd have to go with either MCMXIV or an Arundel Tomb. And Aubade, but that's such a boring favorite. What are yours?

  9. I just realized we're GenX compatriots! Yay -- honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm the oldest one here (I'm actually a little older than you.)

  10. Hi! I went over and read some of your fanfic. I don't know the Mass Effect fandom at all, but I liked your story -- very well written.

  11. Just FYI: I love anchovies on my pizza. My sistah in anchovy-loving!
