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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lookingglass

  1. I still have glitter in my hair from 4th of July.

  2. "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter."Martin Luther King Jr. via Ageing Abundently

  3. Today, tomorrow, then HP!!!!

  4. "Keep calm and carry a wand." ~Orenjinotaiyou

  5. Everyone in Mommie approved HP geek gear? Check! Tickets? Check! Wands? Check! Here we go!!!

  6. Thank you, but it's not a costume...

  7. Ok...we are at the drive in watching HP for the 2nd time today. Who's your fangrrl?!

  8. "What is to be is not out of our hands. Moment by moment we make our own lives. It is the old order, the old way, the old cruelty that denies us this right. It is in the cauldron of the very next minute that we decide our fate-not yesterday, not some tomorrow, but always, forever, NOW...How else but in the very next minute are we to be free?" ~Mesmer

  9. "...vampires, like all predators, are most charming when cornered." Soulless

  10. "If you don't like it-change it; if you can't change it-leave. It's your life." The Ballad of Jack and Rose (I think this applies much to thoughts)

  11. For joy’s sake, from my hands,take some honey and some sun,as Persephone’s bees told us. -Mandelstam

  12. You can't hide from the truth cuz the truth is all there is. ~Handsome Boy Modeling School

  13. It's National Book Week. The rules - grab the book closest to you - turn to page 56 - write the fifth sentence as your status. (Don't mention the book.) Post these rules as part of your status."It was an easy thing to hide the cameos away."

  14. Anime fest! Wooooooot!

  15. Special request to all kids & teenagers returning to school this month:If you see someone at school who is struggling to make friends, or being teased because he/she is different or shy or doesn't have the nicest clothes & shoes -- PLEASE STEP UP! Just say "hi," sit next to him or her at lunch, or at least smile at him or her in the hallway. You never know what that person might be facing outside of school. Your kindness could make a BIG difference in someone's life :-) Please share!

  16. "I love you so much it's time to go to sleep." Space Ghost ep 86 w Bjork

  17. "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are" Nin

  18. "'Everybody lies', said Wednesday." ~American Gods

  19. This isn't about what is. It's about what people think it is. It's all imaginary anyway. That's why it's important. People only fight over imaginary things. ~AG

  20. "Mustn't cage her...wild things die in cages..." The Owl Killers

  21. Thank you for the link to your blog! I find it most delightful!

  22. I'm trying to send you a PM...please get back to me. Thanks!

  23. I think we "know" eachother from LHC!
