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Everything posted by HerbGirl

  1. HerbGirl

    The Zoom

    Like Stellamaris said, this has a salty quality to it. The Lime and Dragons Blood combo is a winning one...this isn't like any other blend I own, and it's quite good. I love the label too!
  2. HerbGirl

    The Seekim

    Not sure why this is happening (or how this is possible), but after rolling the bottle (holy cocoa bathman!) and applying I smell lemon tea tree. This should not smell like Lemon anything...and I don't like the smell of tea tree, so I'm hoping my sniffer is way messed up from being sick and that I will get the lovely hay and patchouli that I'm itching for... I will revise my review if this changes. Fingers crossed... ETA: Yes, wet this was Lemon Tea Tree or Myrtle...very strange. Dry, my boyfriend kept saying it smelled like a cedar chest (?) and it did have a woodsy vibe to it. Hmmm...definitely deserves another proper test, and I'm hoping my opinion of it will change.
  3. HerbGirl

    The Black Apple Of Saturn

    It always amazes me how much different scents smell to me when I actually have a bottle as opposed to sniffing them at will call. ? Anyway... Black Apple of Saturn is all Apple and Oppoponax on me...and that makes me a very happy girl. So Good. ETA: Now that this has had some time to settle, I'm able to pick out more of the notes in the blend...like Tobacco and Myrrh. I would love to have Cypress make an appearance, and I think I'm smelling the Quince as well...this is some really good stuff. I love it. ETA: The Cypress has shown up! The Black Apple of Saturn is amazing.
  4. HerbGirl

    Sonnet D'Automne

    I'm on day 4 of a nasty sinus infection, and my sniffer has been working just a bit today. I got my weenie order and this was the one I tried today. I LOVE IT. Vanilla, Amber, Incense, Leaves and something aquatic. If you took October and smoothed her over with vanilla and amber, it would smell something like Sonnet D'Automne. I hope this isn't my sniffer playing tricks on me...I hope this smells the same a week from now when I can smell properly again. I will edit if my opinion changes, but for the moment this gets a solid 9.5/10. ETA: my sniffer is almost back, and I tried this again tonight... I want to bathe in it...seriously, this is my favorite of ALL the Weenies...ever.
  5. Just to update...I haven't been on the computer from yesterday around noon until tonight, and I got a CnS yesterday around 6:30 PST. I'm glad I don't have multiple orders out there, otherwise I wouldn't know which one this was...the paypal ID number and the BPAL shipping number are different. Oh well...at least I know it's on its way. I hope everyone gets their CnS's or packages soon...
  6. Thank you for posting - I know there must have been tons of orders...I just freak out. Can't wait for my CnS.
  7. HerbGirl

    Soap & Glory to BPAL

    Oh good grief...I will be checking this thread non stop - I love Gucci's Rush!
  8. I was a bit leery of paying through Paypal for my Weenie order of doom, but I did it anyway. I then emailed a list of the scents to answers@... and got a confirmation from Bill later that day (or the next day - it was soon after though). However...I'm seeing all of these CnS's going out that were ordered after mine...and I know sometimes there's a hold up with a bottle or 5, but I really want these...and this is the longest I have had to wait for an order. Just a bit worried...emailed customer service just to check and maybe get an estimated shipping date on Saturday, and still no word. Oh well. I'm just ranting. To answer your question, I believe you should have gotten a confirmation email from customer service. You may want to email just to be on the safe side...
  9. HerbGirl

    Best "look at me" scents?

    Dragon's Milk...irresistible.
  10. HerbGirl

    Scents that remind you of famous people...

    Hollywood Babylon = Madonna, IMHO. Bjork...hmmm...I'd imagine she would jump at Sprinklecake... I can imagine Tori Amos wearing The Mysterious Warning...or Rose Red. Ani DiFranco might like Banshee Beat or Goblin. Just my musings And Trent Reznor might wear Sin...
  11. I know Hollywood Babylon is fruity, but it isn't floral, and it is incensy and has Patchouli and is in general just amazingsauce. Oh! And URD. Beautiful purple incense!
  12. HerbGirl


    I was gifted a sniffie of this, and I was really tempted to not even open the decant... Wow. If that isn't the most delicious Vanilla I have ever smelled, I don't know what is. ? ! I wonder what this is a prototype for...I see the letters CD which might be Carnavale Diabolique, but I have no idea. I hope it gets released someday - I would buy a bottle or 2.
  13. HerbGirl


    Yup. This is the nicest coffee blend I've ever smelled. There must be hazelnut in it...even just a touch. I wonder what this is a prototype for...and will it ever be released? I'm hoping that it will.
  14. HerbGirl

    Lune Noire

    I'm really trying hard to like this blend...there's something that isn't quite right on my skin and smells almost peppery, but not. Wet, I smell the orchid, pear, amber and blue musk. It is really nice in the wet stage. About an hour later, the olibanum comes out front and center and this blend reminds me of Odd Portents without the lavender. I think I can smell the tonka providing a semi-sweet creaminess underneath the olibanum. The pear is still fairly prominent, and I think the gardenia is peeking out at me - and that may be where I start to have trouble. So, I like this so much when it is wet, and the drydown is beautiful, just maybe not on my skin. I'd still rate it a 7/10.
  15. HerbGirl


    YAY! Another Pomegranate that works on my skin! YAY! This is truly beautiful... Wet, I can pick out the purple musk, amber, oakmoss and pomegranate About an hour later, the pomegranate is still going strong (but it's so beautiful) and tempered with tobacco, and the amber and musk. I think I can smell the red sandalwood... This is one heck of a blend - another masterpiece, and perfect for the last month of summer. 9/10
  16. HerbGirl

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    Just trying to spread the vanilla love! I hope you love it! (Give it about a month to settle down...)
  17. HerbGirl

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    So...I wore Pallas Athene last night and I couldn't believe how she has aged even after just a month or so! She was already gorgeous, but more of a sharp, sweet Amber and Frankincense...NOW: it has turned into the most glorious resiny vanilla/amber scent. If you haven't tried it, I would highly recommend it. Absolutely amazing.
  18. HerbGirl

    How do I buy forum-only oils?

    I highly doubt it. There have been people posting that they have ordered 2...I think you're safe.
  19. HerbGirl

    The Chinese Dance

    I guess it's finally time to write a review of this since it's one of my favorites and I've been wearing it since January... I get everything I wanted to get out of this: black tea, green tea, violet, a touch of mandarin and a slight bitterness from the wormwood underneath. This is gorgeous...I bought too many bottles, so I used one to make a bath oil and it is divine! 9/10
  20. HerbGirl

    How do I buy forum-only oils?

    I think the color of the quantity number changes...so, 2 might be red, 3 might be green? 4 might be blue? etc., etc. Not sure though.
  21. HerbGirl

    Great Grey Witch

    I've had this since the update last year, and I was surprised that I hadn't reviewed it! I wore this yesterday for a while, and I love it. Wet: almost a funky smelling chamomile...strange... Drydown: the most beautiful combination of Sugar, Chamomile and Vanilla. I'm forgetting which notes are actually in this blend, but that's what I smell. SO good. I have a teeny bit left in my roller ball...it will be reserved for summer days that are just too hot to go anywhere.
  22. HerbGirl

    Touched Twice

    I didn't like this much at first...but after about 20 minutes it was really nice. Very sharp, strong Rose, some Frangipani and a hint of coconut after I first put it on. Rose calmed down in the first 5 minutes and the Frankincense started to show up...coconut still present (soft and dry, not suntan lotiony or pina colada-ish at all). Then - after 20 minutes or so, the Rose and Coconut have morphed into Roconut or Cocorose, because they are so well melded...I don't know how else to say that. There is a nice (not powdery or sharp) Frankincense underneath and I'm finally smelling a bit of Vanilla. This oil is very strong at first, but it seems to disappear after about 2 hours. I will keep my fingers crossed that the Champaca flower shows up with some age. All in all, not bad - not a favorite, but I will definitely wear this. 8/10
  23. HerbGirl

    Dank Tarn of Auber Bath Oil

    I had wanted to try this, and snagged a bottle from the Etsy site...glad I did! I used this in the tub last night, and it was SO good. It took me a minute or so to figure out what this reminded me of: Flor de Muerto! I love the perfume oil (it is definitely Marigolds...pretty spot on too) and now I have something to layer it with. I didn't expect such a lovely comforting scent, but it was one of the most relaxing baths I have ever taken. I did smell a bit of a Patchouli undertone, but not much...it was mostly Marigold, and that's just fine with me. This is GOOD stuff. Apparently I can't spell Marigold...it came out Mariglold!
  24. HerbGirl

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    I love that stuff! YUM. Detestable Putrescence... yes, I really think it's a close match. PMing you.
  25. HerbGirl

    Pallas Athene

    This is my favorite of the 4...I honestly cannot rave about it enough. The amber is gorgeous, and with just a touch of cinnamon and all of the other notes (fortunately the Cumin doesn't ever show up...yay!) I would say this has found a place in my top 10. This oil truly shines - very true to the painting. And to think the Cumin almost prevented me from getting a bottle of this...