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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by SnappingTurtle

  1. 'Tis always true; better late than never.

  2. An Eastman MD-505 A-style Mandolin is mine now... All mine :)

  3. And the vet bill keeps growing...

    1. SnappingTurtle


      Kitty didn't need surgery. So that was $1200 less. Bill stabilized at ~$850, and now Cookie is home & happy!

  4. Anime Oasis convention today, light rain with a breeze. Good end to a holiday weekend.

  5. Another day, not much to say

  6. Dark Shadows marathon and ginger snaps on a rainy day :)

  7. Drive in movies are fun, but soooo tired the next day...

  8. Go turtles! At whatever speed is most comfortable, of course.

  9. Halloween shopping, mmm...

  10. Happy Belated Pi Day!

  11. It's been awhile. Catching up...

  12. Just making it through.

  13. Just watched "Commentary: The Musical", and wondering if I will ever hear from that little sister o' mine

  14. Life sucks, and then you die.

  15. Nevertheless, she persisted.

  16. New Kitten today - yay!

  17. Now to avoid the winter of my discontent...

  18. off to take 2 girls to the water park

  19. Ooh, too many updates - poor wallet...
