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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Deceitfuldescender

  1. pickmanart-changelingSMALL.gif



    The Changeling, Henry Fuseli.

    Blonde wood, linen swaddling, pumpkin rind, and bourbon vanilla.


    Wow, first? Shoot!


    In the bottle this smells like a less fruity version of Channikuya (spell?) Very rich and almost sweet. I get a bakery scent from it (pumpkin maybe?)


    On this loses a little of the baked edge and brings out some almost cologne like florals. It still has a cool sweetness, but this isn't what I was expecting.


    As it begins to dry down the vanilla comes out a bit more, but it doesn't quite come across as bourbon vanilla to me, it is kind of subtle. The blonde woods are very nice and I expect that this will age well because of them. Fresh (it is basically right out of the mailbox) this doesn't quite work for me.


    I'll give it a few days and retest (and update if it comes to it!)

    Ah, love, let us be true
    To one another! for the world, which seems
    To lie before us like a land of dreams,
    So various, so beautiful, so new,
    Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
    Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
    And we are here as on a darkling plain
    Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
    Where ignorant armies clash by night.

    On Halloween in 2007, surrounded by our loved ones, I married the man of my dreams in Las Vegas. True to the nature of our relationship, it was a costumed event - a pirate-themed wedding - and it was as merry, strange, and wonderful as a Halloween wedding should be.

    Ted, I love you. You are the poetry in my soul, you are the dreams of my heart. You are everything I need, and I love you with a passion that transcends all time, space, and logic.

    The aftermath of piratical nuptials: walls smeared with red and black frosting, copious amounts of spilled red wine, the leftover contents of three full bars, dry leaves and desert flowers crushed into carpet, tobacco smoke, and champaca incense in a cloud of body-heat amped Snake Oil and Dorian.

    It has been a few hours but this still lingers nicely.

    Halloween in Las Vegas (is what it says on the label) is a nice blend.

    This is VERY reminiscent of Cake Smash on me, but unlike Cake Smash, this actually works.

    In the bottle this is Delicious cake and frosting mixed with ripe and delicious dark fruits.

    Once on this edges on the play-dough edge that makes Cake Smash not work for me, but as it dries down, it looses the play-dough! yay!

    I don't get a lot of frosting from this blend (oddly enough) but I do get the red velvet cake, and faint hints of that dark fruit (must be the booze?) peeking through.
    On me, I don't get any actual "alcohol" note, if you were worried. I also can't really sense the Dorian or really anything else... except maybe a little incense in the background which keeps it from getting too sweet.

    This is definitely a hit!

    Eta: almost 7 years later this is still a wonder. Sweet frosting, non boozy wine, a hit of tobacco and incense. Hedonistic revelry. Love.

  3. @*$&@$*&(

    I love sweetbriar.

    A lot.

    So I wanted this to be the rosey-fresh green-walnutty scent that I remember sweetbriar being.

    But no.

    No. It is some strange, funky incense gone wrong. And I'm not even sure which note is ruining it.

    It is a sour incense on my skin.



  4. I get a slightly sweetened woody cream note from this. No fruit and no floral. I do think I detect a little bit of ginger peeking through, but mostly sort of a woody-creamy note. Actually quite nice.

    Need to re-test though because something on my arm is giving me a headache :cry2:

  5. I may have to re-test this... but this may actually be an ambergris accord scent that works on me. I get this sort of creamy, incensy sweet scent that is quite nice. Must be the teak and the myrrh, because those are mostly what I get.

    Something on my arm is giving my a headache though, so off everything goes.

    Definitely worthy a re-test.

  6. Like most of the reviewers I also get a lightly creamy (but not sweet) sandalwood. If it were just that, this would be awesome.

    Unfortunately I also get light florals on me, and that spells out headache. I would say these are probably white florals but are NOT sharp. They are actually quite lovely, and if they didn't give me a headache, I would keep them around regardless. The sandalwood is loverlyyyy.

  7. This seems to be mostly peach (cloying) and spices on me (relatively light spices considering I normally amp them outrageously). It isn't unpleasant... but is has a sort of unpleasant buttery note behind it (I assume the pumpkin) and overall just isn't something that jives with me on a personal level. It is getting less cloying, but is still all peach.

  8. Hrmmm. Upon dry down I seem to only get guava... maybe a hint of pepper. I'm trying to find sugar, orange or apple blossom but none of it appears on me :/. I think the orange may lend a slight bitterness because all I'm getting is a semi-powdery scent of something that SEEMS like it should be juicy and is just a little astringent and bitter. Alas.

  9. Mah dear witch got me a bottle of Blackberry Jam and Scones and this is AMAZING on me. Are there any other scents in this family? I'd take either ones that have the same blackberry note OR the same kind of buttery pastry note. It is so good I have to have more!


    Foody scents I've tried that aren't quite right: Cake Smash v6, Monsterbait: Underbed, Monsterbait: Closet, Beaver'versary, Beavermoon 2010...

  10. Hm, Manhattan. Though I feared you would end up far worse than you have... I must say on my skin you are unremarkable. Before dry down, the lemon is all angry pledge and overwhelms everything else. Once dried, it improves vastly, giving me a soft powdery wood like smell with something a little sweet and something a little musky. It isn't unpleasant but it definitely doesn't "wow" me. Off for frimpage!

  11. As a lover of sandalwood, I thought Tamora would be a bit better received by me.

    However, as it dries down, I get none of the sandalwood, only peeks of the amber amoungst floral... with a hint of peach. Luckily this is not cloying, not has it (yet) gone to the powder that amber usually gives me. It appears my skin may be eating it and the general vibe I get is just "meh" and the occasional and very unfortunate diaper-like scent that I got when it was wet.


    Not a keeper for me.

  12. I got this from mah dahling witch Ravenclaw79 for this SW round. And I am so glad I did!

    In the bottle it is overwhelming berry-ish scent, that's all I get.

    Wet had me a little worried, it was grapey-tart-sweetish berry stuff. The grape is overwhelming but I just say, give it time, give it time!

    Drydown. Ahhhh. This is what I'm talking about. When I huff it I get sweetened blackberries... but the real prize is when I just let the scent exist. As I type little wafts of blackberry and a kind of buttery sweet pastry float up. It is absolutely heavenly and so comforting. It makes me want to cuddle down into a giant armchair with a scone (I make awesome scones!) and a book and a cup of tea.


    Thank you mah witch! This is awesome on me!


    (For those of you who Knave of Hearts did not work, KoH didn't work on me either, but this did! Weee)

  13. A little late coming into this, but I got engaged last October and we're getting married early October this year. I'm basically just getting into the freak out stage :P

    While contemplating everything else, I'd like to have an idea of what scent to wear. I was wearing Blue Pumpkin Floss the day we got engaged, so it has fabulous associations, but I think I'd like something just for the wedding.


    The problem is I am super sensitive to a ton of notes.


    Musks, most florals (except honeysuckle /shrug), give me migraines. Overpowering scents also give me migraines. Amber turns to powder on me and turns my stomach. I love spices but I amp them, so they become overpowering super easy. Some vanilla turns plastic-y on me. Most citrus turns to pledge on me. Fruits usually smell fake on me. Some creams turn sour on me (Boo was sour, Celeste was not.) Just as a note, vetiver, anise/fennel/liquorice and grapefruit are all death notes. If it helps, EVERY single Luper/Shunga/etc from this year was bad/overpowering on me :(


    Okay, things I've had success with: Miskatonic University, Pais de la Canela (though I can only wear a leetle since it comes on strong), Fledgling Raptor Moon, Midway (wish I had more argh!), Blue Pumpkin Floss (again in small amounts, I amp spice), Harlequin and the Columbine, Second of the Three Spirits, Bedbug, Dee (though very cologne-y), The Living Flame (in small amounts).


    My wedding will be in our Church, pretty small (just family, maybe some of the congregation.) I have no theme or colors, though I think orchids will be the flower and I'll be sticking to simple and clean looks. We're leaving that night for our honeymoon, so it should travel well too :P


    Suggestions? I know this is probably a pita (since musk/floral is in everything!)



  14. Probably one of my most favoritist blends so far. This starts off as an almost candy/floral sweet orange. It is not strong, but has a firm presence. I'm not sure what the floral I'm getting from this, but if it is a white floral (don't think it is) it is not giving me a headache as they usually do. Very soft. As it dries down it turns into what I can at best describe as a more pleasant skin scent than my own :P sort of sweetist and a little nilla-y and a little musky. Very close to the skin. A+.


    Edit: Argh. This stayed true for a few days, but today it is a very powdery amber on me. What happened?! Will keep retesting and hope this is just a fluke.

  15. Blargh. I'd really been hoping for a nice autumnal scent. I have found, however, that Bpal apple goes 100% potpourri on me. From wet-to-dry on my skin, this scent is fake, perfumey apples, with fake, perfumey spices. Sigh. I'll re-test, but I don't have much hope.

  16. Hecate starts out as the nice buttery almond with just a wistful hint of the myrrh and musk. After about 30-45 minutes or so it starts to fade prodominantly into the myrrh and musk which end up as a delightful, sort of skin hugging veil that makes me feel delightful and a bit cosseted. Sometimes when it dries down it ends up a bit much, but over all I like it quite much. Not enough for a bottle, but definitely keeping my imp.

  17. This has become one of my most coveted scents.

    It is almost impossible for me to describe, but wet it is a string of indiscernable florals that are sweetened by some kind of faint sugary syrup.


    As it dries down on me it starts being a little sweet-tart candy-ish but then ends up as a warm, red and very intimate musk that has just a flicker of sweetness and femininity.


    This blend makes me feel warm and confident and a little like I have a secret.


    The throw seems pretty minimal and the staying power is a handful of hours.

  18. This was the first scent of Bpal I tried on that worked for me (and interestingly it also helps me develope an appetite when I don't have one.)


    When I put it on, it is all rich coffee with that nice hint of Irish cream. As the drydown comes on, the oak comes out with the faintest whisp of paper. It smells so very academic and rich. This is probably one of my favorite woody scents, which has the dryness softened by the Irish cream. It fades into just a touch of sweet oak before disappearing.


    It has excellent throw for me, and decent staying power (a few hours.)

  19. I should have known this sounded too good to be true (for me.)


    At very first sniff, I got a little of the pepper, but everything else was drowned out by the orange. Citruses are by far one of the things my skin amps most, and for whatever sad reason, they always turn medicinal and sharp on me.

    I get a strong, medicinal/cleaning product and astringent orange out of this on drydown with a hint of the promised spicy sweetness underneath. Had to wash off, way too painful.

  20. This is my first purchase of a Lunacy from the Lab, and I am so pleased I took the risk! The notes are almost all sweetly blended together for one of the most comforting scents I've ever smelled. The clove is not overwhelming but instead offers a gentle spiciness to a very woody-enveloping scent. I can pick out a little of the sandalwood but on the whole the rest is just a sweet-ish, fluffy, warm scent.


    Ahhh. So good!


    Edit: I don't get any vanilla at the moment, and it is the only thing I wish I got more of. If this changes, I'll update.

  21. For whatever reason the green that I get out of this is not Christmas/pine-y at all. It is like lush tropical rain forests, as said earlier that fades into a savory, rich, redolent cinnamon. The kind out in the undergrowth-- not in your kitchen. The orchids are super faint on dry down for me, I just get whiffs of the cinnamon and greenery. I can imagine the huge, waxy leaves and the dark reddish brown and deep green colors all around me when I wear this.


    And it feels like a hug when I put it on. For me, this is a signature scent.
