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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Greenwoodtree

  1. getting fudge while I take a momentary rest. I see no other possible solution.

  2. As my dear Bilbo said, I address my Colorado Springs people: "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

  3. And we're live, coming to you from Elbert, CO, where they don't like giving out PO Boxes to just anyone!

  4. One of the biggest challenges for those of us with CFS/CFIDS is the inability to sleep when utterly exhausted.

  5. Today: migraine knocking to come in and party...shakes, confusion and lots of work to do. Jay gave strict instructions before he left for work: no work for me today.

  6. Jay insisted I get away from the house today - god I ♥ him!

  7. Cant seem to recover - so exhausted and so much pain. I will never be able to move like this again unless this disease is cured.

  8. off for work & fun...hoping brain cooperates and no misfires occur! Get to see Ms Donna for a couple days :-)

  9. Today is a designated fun day, with Donna - I wish my body and mind weren't feeling so inferior.

  10. I just don't know. I really don't.

  11. Its all so funny. It really is.

  12. Damn immune system! Work, will you!!??

  13. from 15 degrees to 55...thats life at 7000'

  14. Im sick of being sick and run-down.

  15. Spring is coming, I can feel it! But yeah, lets not get too excited - March snows havent even arrived yet.

  16. first bpal sampling of the year - really am enjoying the little frisky rodents ;)

  17. Loving the Summertime heat!!

  18. Too much mead makes head all hurty

  19. Im in seriously bad shape - If I am not responding to posts or messages this is why.

  20. Choir rehearsal tonight about made me pass out. I hate being sick.

  21. FINALLY got a swap list up - that was a lot of work! I hope something good comes of it :)

  22. Things going better with my sweetie - and now everyone else isn't listening. UGH - must go do my own damn astro chart!

  23. Winter comes wayyyyyyy too soon where I live.

  24. Happy Solstice!! HAPPY New year!!
