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Everything posted by Greenwoodtree

  1. Greenwoodtree


    In the imp it smelled completely at odds with on my skin...sadly. All the notes in this sounded sooo delicious...but, within seconds of applying, a sweet, sickly powder smell overpowered everything, and then in about 10 minutes, it became a candy coated balsam....and now 8 hours later, its a candy coated balsam and frankincense. So disappointing...I got none of the patchouli or cocoa. Another one bites the dust.
  2. Greenwoodtree


    I really love wearing straight frankincense, and cinnamon is nice. However, this smelled best in the imp. As soon as I put it on, it turned into this dry, powdery smell with a slight spice undertone, and frankincense WAYYY in the background. Im really disappointed...had high hopes. Its boring and old smelling.
  3. Greenwoodtree


    Im really really really surprised here! This floral isn't trying to kick my ass...its a light honeysuckle scent...and I even get a touch of sun-warmed skin! For someone who hates florals, who cant wear them, who they give massive headaches to, this isn't bad. Its a possibility.
  4. Greenwoodtree


    As with Othello, I am not getting what others have written. In the imp: its a dark masculine fragrance - promising! on my skin: Its almost immediate - an earthy baby powder scent - wow, so disappointing! I do really well with vetiver and leather, but the musk must be turning to powder and killing off the others...my husband even says it smells nothing like the imp. Later: just barely smelling the leather and vetiver...a weak note overpowered by the baby powder! Okay, and this is now finishing off with a slight Greyhound bus potty deodorizer smell - just like what Red Rider had at the beginning of it...what is that??
  5. Greenwoodtree


    Hello!!?? I had to re-check the label to make sure I was testing the same scent everyone else was describing! This is fruits and florals...period...so icky sweet, the headache is already nudging me. I get no dark, no dirt, no decay...all scents I enjoy. My husband said it smells like bananas and jasmine. Ick. Whats up with my skin...
  6. Greenwoodtree

    De Sade

    The best I can get from this is hospital bandages. It doesn't change and I dont smell leather. When I think of a leather scent, its Red Rider.
  7. Greenwoodtree


    Oh Rose...oh Florals They scare me! I still must try every scent I can...to my detriment! This is HEAVY Rose...with other incensey notes that kind of hang back, quite scared of that Mother of All Roses. Its awful.
  8. Greenwoodtree

    Fire of Love

    Oh Geez, another one that just turned awful on me. I still have it on, luckily it doesn't have much throw...it's basically stayed a dark, bitter cigar smoke smell, intermingled with an old fashioned 47:11 acridity (its an old cologne my grandma used to wear.) It has a bite too, similar to Jean Nate. Definitely not good, and doesn't arouse anything remotely sexy in me...Saturnalia is way better!
  9. Greenwoodtree

    Kumari Kandam

    I received this as a frimp and was hesitant to wear it since in the imp it smells so strongly of aquatic florals...however, I'm brave about this and know that a scent smells much different on my skin! Thank goodness! It took about 30 minutes to morph from a wet floral that I thought would kill me to a creamy, slightly musky, slightly sweet, warm, inviting scent. There was a stage where I thought I was smelling some popular perfume from Macy's...but thank god that went away! Now its warm, deliscious, and feels like it could be a personal scent.
  10. Greenwoodtree


    I was so looking forward to this scent - the notes sounded good...but I must say, I agree 100% with savage_rose review. You know when you read a story and it has the description of sickly sweet rotting flesh? Thats this. You know the smell of fruity vomit in dance club bathroom? Thats this. My first thought was german potato salad...the sweet potato salad thats vinegary and filled with bacon...thats this. Its gross. Its disgusting..Its making me nauseous! and wanting to retch...and thats a long shot because hardly anything makes me feel that grossed out. I suffered through almost an hour of it, tried to cover it with wings of azreal...and finally was defeated...went and scrubbed it off with a scalding hot washrag and soap.
  11. Greenwoodtree

    The Black Tower

    Been waiting to try this for awhile. Wet: It is indeed a masculine scent...but the ivy and sweet sandlewood (or is that ambergris) come to the forefront. I also get some of the ozone I think...not familiar with it. Dry: Right now its very green, a little floral, kind of sweet, with a masculine overtone. Im getting lots of herbal notes, which must be the teak and ivy. Its all herbal notes and sweet undertones now. I smell a tad of smoke...but I think ambergris amps on my skin for some reason and turns the scents to sweet overpowering everything else. Darn. Later: It feels like the leather is trying to come through...its ghostly though. Which seems quite appropro! All in all, its not like I was hoping for. Doesnt have the bite.
  12. Greenwoodtree

    The Chapel 2008

    Another one I had high hopes for... fails miserably. The only scent I get from this, even after wearing it for a couple hours, is tobacco. The fresh kind that hasn't been smoked. Nothing special about it, maybe some cherry flavored tobacco...It started making me sick. Bye bye, Chapel
  13. Greenwoodtree

    Womb Furie

    I really really really wanted this to work... Instead, I got a lovely spicy musky scent with honey and vanilla for a whole five minutes before it turned into hideous sweet baby powder ...I tried to keep it on for over an hour but had to scrub my skin to get it off. I hope Snake Oil doesnt do this to me ...I need to find out what oils are the ones that doe this to me!
  14. Greenwoodtree


    Wet: Pencil shavings, wood shavings with something dry green and bitter underneath. Dry: Oh, now I get it! It smells exactly like sterile soil...right out of the bag. With some dry wood shavings. Nothing else. I was hoping this would change on me like all the others I've tried, but it doesn't. The only use I could have for this is to try layering it with something thats too sweet for me. I just dont know. Its kind of giving me a headache now since I tried re-applying it.
  15. Greenwoodtree


    WET: Verbena, citrus, Pledge furniture polish..something warm underneath...but what? Waiting for dry-down: uh-oh...overpowering sweetness..feel a headache coming on! *TAKING A BREAK* Reminds me of some popular perfume I dont like (I dont like popular perfumes in general!) Dry: Very sweet - the cedar is in there, but reminds me of a scent I wore in the 80's - Gloria Vanderbilt? VERY GIRLY It's kind of pleasant but if a I sniff to close my headache flairs back to life. Later: It;s growing on me - at times its girly, at times its a man's scent. Is that the labdanum finally coming out? The whiffs I get from my skin seem mercurial! So many notes coming out of this one! not bad All in all the amber and cedar are an interesting old fashioned smell. May try it again.
  16. Greenwoodtree

    Serpent's Kiss

    It looks like I'm the only one on here who thinks this oil smells just like one of the Anna Riva blends,,,is it Vanvan or Fire of Love thats closer? I dont know...but I DO know I dont need to smell like a dressed, ritual candle! Basically, I love love love vetiver...i get none from this..dont know how everyone gets so much vetiver! All Im getting is the dragons blood, cassia, and some sickeningly sweet tropical flower. Its not giving me a headache, but I just dont think I can handle this one...WAYYYY too sweet -Even after 3 hours!
  17. Greenwoodtree

    Deep in Earth

    Gosh, why can't I smell any dirt in this??? I'm not getting anything that others have written here! When it first goes on, its a green floral, almost like sickening lilies, and something moldy in the background...perhaps rotting mushrooms. That quickly changes to a complete, loud floral!! No dirt, no earth...its very aquatic, and is making me crazy in a bad way. After an hour or so, it starts smelling very fresh and almost like fresh laundry after they've been hanging outside to dry. NO DIRT, no fungus amungus! perhaps thats the green mossiness, and yew, because Im smelling a teeny bit of rose geranium, but the other green notes are overpowering it! Phooey...I hate how florals amp on me...soapiness now, laundry...I put a little more on to see what happens and the same thing. Would be nice if you like watery florals, but NOT me.
  18. Greenwoodtree

    The Red Rider

    Hmmmmm.....a deliciously masculine scent... It's blatantly leather upon initial sniff - LOVE it....but On my skin, the balsam is amping and not in a good way...right now it reminds me exactly of the sick sweet deodorizer smell on Greyhound bus toilets! Going to have to let this one rest a bit... After dry down and skin warmup, I'm starting to get the leather back Thank Goddess Its warm and only slightly sweet now...Yum...like masculine leather scents do, its making me all hot and bothered! I get the undercurrent of mossiness...its a kind of musty smell. reminds me of a man's closet filled with armor and leather, and maybe a teeny bit of mothballs.. And I just want to settle into a deep rich chair in Red Rider's library with this scent and my hubby and disappear for a couple hours..heehee A definite winner for me, but there is nothing remotely feminine about it!! Great for us Aries and other Cardinal signs.
  19. Greenwoodtree


    Gosh, I wish this had smelled anything like what the other posts say...at first sniff, it completely reminded me of the Tibetan stores nearby...a melange of incense smells. Was hoping it would morph, but the longer I wore it the stronger the incense smell became (mostly sandalwood!). Now I love Sandalwood, but this was overpowering, and not something I want to smell on myself constantly.
  20. Greenwoodtree


    Tried from a friends stash - Although upon first putting it on my wrist it smelled some of muskiness, it quickly turned to a sweet floral, and NONE of the masculine scents came out. This definitely isn't what I would imagine Othello smells like! Maybe Desdemona, but def not Othello!
  21. Greenwoodtree


    I SOOO wanted this scent to be what others have written - Im a partial child of the grasslands, and Coyote is one of my helper animals. I love the descriptions others have left too... But I tried it twice now...while its not something thats unpleasant, it also doesn't show up as a warm, grassy, dusty plains scent...so sad! After wearing this for a day it just becomes this nice subtle perfumy scent on me...and I'm all about earthy green scents. It seemed feminine to me too...like an all-purpose sort of scent. Throw was moderate, and it lasted for quite awhile too.. If you love subtle warm scents, this is for you...but if you really want a bite of the great plains, this def isn't it.
  22. Greenwoodtree


    In the vial: Spiced Cherry Rum Punch Wet: Hmmm...something warm and spicy is emerging...niiiiiice! (I keep getting whiffs of cinnamon and vanilla...except the cinnamon is kind of the dried potpourri variety...) Dry: Hmmm...theres the deeper saltier spice, as well as the bay. Now the sweetness has leveled off and its more balanced. Run-down..this is a good version of a Bay Rum. Perfect unisex version.
  23. Greenwoodtree


    A scent celebrating Sir Francis Dashwood's Order of the Knights of St. Francis of Wycombe, also known as the Hellfire Club. A swirl of pipe tobacco, hot leather, ambergris, dark musk and the lingering incense smoke from their Black Mass. So I received this one from a friend and thought I really liked it...but that was before Saturnalia... In the imp: incensy, musky, sweet tobacco, a little smokiness. On my arm: Begins with some nice strong sharp scents (leather most likely), and then within minutes it turns all incensy...after several hours, its a a powdery incense smell. No richness left. Mighty disappointment.
  24. Greenwoodtree


    Was so looking forward to learning the scent of the God of Metalworks... :sigh: I have one impression: smells completely like kids Flintstones vitamins on me..no richness, nothing pleasant, never changes...I forced myself to wear it 24 hours - no change at all...just this sweet, vitaminy, uckiness... at least my money went to a good cause
  25. Greenwoodtree


    This was a frimp...an amazing one! Upon 1st opening: Fires burning, dark smoke, sweaty partyers heaped on top of each other! Within the hour: A subtle sweetness, an elegant and sophisticated twist, reminds me of secret rooms in the party house that are left for those "in the know" After several hours, and through the next day or 2 (lasted through one shower!): Ahhh, here is the meat of this wonderful, luxurious scent - Lord Byron's velvet jacket, tossed on a brocade chair, next to the bed where he has explored every carnal delight of the companion within... The smokiness lingers, but the perfumed velvet, worn next to a sweaty, sensual skin, remains fore front...Takes me places I wish to be! Bravo!