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Everything posted by theseagrows

  1. theseagrows

    Mrs. Valentine

    i smell mostly red musk and vanilla i think. for just a 'drop' of red musk, it is quite strong-the strongest note in fact. after a few minutes i get a hint of the oudh i believe. overwhelmingly tho, this is vanilla and red musk. it's pretty, and later turns into a lovely creamy vanilla scent. i like it at that point the best. glad i finally got to try this!
  2. theseagrows

    One Girl

    right off i should say i am not an apple/fruity fan but was intrigued by the other notes in this, so figured WTH. in the very beginning i get apple, wisteria and orchid. not terrible but a bit too sweet for me. a minute or so later, the apple fades a bit and the wisteria gets bolder. i like this better. then later the orchid takes over and i sense all the other notes, primarily orchid. it goes through a shampoo-like phase, clean and floral, then it gets more incensy, like an orchid incense with apples. a solid like but not a love from me. i actually would prefer this as an incense, rather than a perfume, come to think of it.
  3. theseagrows


    this starts with cacao, vetiver, opoonax and some musk. it's earthy and slightly animalic. awhile later i think i get a hint of queen of the night, and the cacao has died down a bit. it ends up a kind of damp vetiver for while, then turns into a vetiver-cacao combination with a hint of florals, which is kind of intriguing. on me. i wasn't sure about this one at first but am liking the drydown quite a bit. i'll have to try it again.
  4. theseagrows


    this starts with a clean sandalwood incense and ti leaf. it's clean and woody-very 'spa like' to my nose. after awhile the honeyed saffron takes over and it's really nice, and dries down to saffron and ti leaf, though it's quite subtle, i can see how it would be good for layering, but i'm not really into layering...anyway, still a pretty scent but also gives me a bit of a headache? so i'm not sure about this one. i think it's too cologne-y for my tastes.
  5. theseagrows

    Joyous Middle-Aged Couple

    this starts with green tea, cedar and green mandarin-a woody, citrussy tea scent. it smells fresh and classic. a minute or two later i get a hint of rose, and it's a bit sour in this. luckily it's subtle. i love rose but bpal has some rose note that goes sour on me at times. i think i get even more cedar because this turns quite woody and green on me. it's like irish spring soap with woods on me...not really what i was expecting! was hoping for more rose and honey in this. oh well.
  6. theseagrows

    We Wear The Mask

    this one is intriguing. i honestly get a melange of all the notes except wisteria at first, and i love how the carrot seed and iris are combining making something earthy and suede-y. however, after awhile this goes through some unpleasant stages for me-first it gets very green and masculine then the iris and carrot seed turn very soapy and most of the other notes are gone.
  7. theseagrows

    Lemon Peel, Marshmallow & Orange Blossom

    right off i smell lemon peel and something that's foody in a toasted way, which is not my favorite, it smells like a lemon cookie. i hope this dissipates soon. after the drydown it's primarily lemon peel with marshmallow. kind of nice, but i was hoping for an orange blossom marshmallow with a hint of lemon, and there is no orange blossom that i can detect and on me the lemon is quite strong.
  8. theseagrows

    The Night-Raven

    i received a frimp of this one! i smell the indigo musk and geranium most strongly at first. it's musky and slightly herbal. this musk reminds me more of bpal's red musk than blue musk but it's softer. i get a hint of jasmine and plum which are also fairly soft. it's mostly a dusky, musky plum on my skin. nice but not my cup of tea.
  9. theseagrows

    Golden Sunrise

    right off i get all three notes, fairly balanced to make an interesting scent that seems both warm and cool at the same time. after a couple minutes i get something mildly...dusty? not sure how else to describe it. it does smell very golden. after about 30 minutes i get a little woodiness, which is nice and rounds the scent out nicely. this is really pretty but not my cup of tea so i will be passing it along...maybe to the bf, i think this might smell better on him than me for some reason.
  10. theseagrows

    Fragment 38

    i get a fresh green fig and some olive blossom-it smells candle-y at this point, but also it's fresh and reminds me of the scent of a spa where you'd get a massage. it's very 'clean' smelling but not really aquatic. an interesting scent, and i love the notes but this one just isn't working like i imagined it would.
  11. theseagrows

    A Vision of the Courtesan

    right off i smell the tobacco and rice milk. prettier than expected! the tobacco seems to change somehow as the 2 notes seem to blend more seamlessly, after a couple minutes. i think the frankincense is a background note adding depth but is not overly obvious. it gets smokier/spicier over time. very nice, not as creamy as expected, much more tobacco heavy. luckily i like tobacco a lot so i am enjoying this.
  12. theseagrows

    Skin Musk, Cream & Honey Dust

    i smell a slightly toasted cream and honey at first. i think the skin musk is quite subtle and making up the background notes. this is a sweeter more floral honey, not a beeswaxy one. this one is pretty linear on me and doesn't change much.
  13. at first sniff this is primarily honeysuckle with some wisteria floating in the background. it's very fresh and springy to me. the wisteria gets stronger later on and dominates more, but mostly it just seems like a honeysuckle/wisteria melange. after about 15-20 minutes i think i get a bit of jasmine as well that seems almost a bit rough for lack of a better word, but that's not a bad thing, i feel like it dirties up the florals a tiny bit, which i like. i'd been longing for a wisteria scent and this does the job.
  14. theseagrows

    Lovers and a Fan

    White coconut, thick wildflower honey, and threads of saffron. this starts off with something a bit rubbery and sweet smelling, then out comes the coconut and honey. the saffron is sweet bordering on fruity. it smells like a pina colada to me. the honey seems to be just hanging in the background adding richness. this scent is very, very sweet on me, but i tend to amp sweet/fruity notes, so maybe that's why. it takes awhile but after about maybe 45 minutes the sweetness is tempered some and it's getting a little more honeyish, which improves the scent on my skin. it smells very tropical, honestly. not really what i was expecting, but my skin chemistry does strange things sometimes.
  15. theseagrows

    Sweet Amber and Cherry Liqueur Hair Gloss

    i received a frimp of this and am testing on my arm. very strong cherry liqueur at first and does remind me of cough drops a bit. after awhile i get the amber which tampers down the sweet booziness a bit. i swear i get something a bit spicy later. nice if you love cherry, but personally too sweet for me.
  16. theseagrows

    Wig Reveal Wig Spray

    received a frimp of this in a swap. it's definitely fruity and effervescent. it smells like candy and champagne-a fizziness from the champagne with mostly peach i think. i am not a fruity scent lover, so this isn't really my thing, however, it is a very joyful and youthful scent.
  17. theseagrows

    The Laughable Erotic Shellfish

    at first i get something a bit vegetal/floral. not sure what, it doesn't have a lot of character just yet. soon after it's lilac, jasmine and oakmoss. this has a vintage feel to me. after about 15-20 minutes i think i get some cassis, but mostly it's a floral-oakmoss melange on me. the other notes just sort of show up in the background. it's very floral and quite strong on me. i think it's a bit too much for me honestly. once it dries down to the labdanum it's delicious but the beginning is just too strong on the jasmine i think.
  18. theseagrows

    Luna Sanguinem

    someone frimped me a nearly full bottle of this in a swap. i am overwhelmed! anyway, in the bottle it smells like night blooming florals with a hint of sweetness, almost candy-like. on my skin the florals bloom, i think i get the lotus the strongest (explains the candy except now it's bubblegum), red musk and herbal notes. this is a lot fresher than i thought it would be. after about 15-20 minutes, the herbs get really amped up. it's sharp, clean yet murky. wow, it's like all the notes i was hoping were subtle are actually the stronger. i wanted carnation, musk, rose, tobacco, vanilla, leather and myrrh. i am getting mostly lotus the mugwort and peru balsam. damn my skin chemistry. in a nutshell, this is herbal fruity bubblegum on me. not at all what i was expecting, but glad to finally get to try this one!
  19. theseagrows

    Mourning Lace

    i received the most generous frimpage by someone on fb, and for this scent it 1-2 decants in a bottle. so amazingly sweet...anyway, this is oak, clove and cognac starting out. it's nice but i know it's got more depth to reveal. the clove gets a bit stronger after about 5 minutes but the scent is pretty subtle, which surprises me a bit with those notes! it's ultimately a spicy clove with oak, frankincense and hints of cognac on me. i don't get any vanilla or myrrh. i wish i did but i do not. a nice scent but goes a little pencil-shavy because of bpal's frankincense note, which often does that on my skin.
  20. theseagrows


    right off this is white champaca and a bit of wateriness. not aquatic per se, but a light, clear watery feel. maybe a little bit of cognac? it's kind of sour on me, not sure where that is coming from, since i believe all these notes usually work for me, so maybe it's a combination of notes. after about 15-20 minutes the scent sweetens up a bit and it's from a bit of gardenia. i also think i sense the woos now as well. this isn't bad but it's turning a bit sour on me so i think it'll definitely be a swap.
  21. theseagrows

    Hagoromo-No-Taki Hair Gloss

    at the beginning, i get coconut cream and sugar cane and i swear there is a tiny tiny hint of tiare or some tropical flower, even though it isn't listed. but maybe it's a combination of notes doing that. it definitely has a tropical feel regardless. and honestly, it's not as sweet as i thought it would be, thankfully. however over time the coconut cream really amps up on me and it gets very sweet and just a bit plasticky. i think a lot of people would like this. it's a nice gourmand, but too sweet for me.
  22. theseagrows

    Spectral Erection Hair Gloss

    wow, this is gorgeous upon first spray! i get a beautiful neroli note, green tea and some amber. so perfect for spring. the neroli is SO pretty and the green tea sweetens it up nicely. i think i will have to get more of this!
  23. theseagrows

    Young Edith's Bedroom Atmosphere Spray

    i find this scent a bit creepy to be honest. it definitely has a dusty, old smell. it's haunting. i like beeswax, leather and gardenia, which i thought was an interesting combination but that's not really what i am getting here. the beeswax is very heavy and the other notes (besides gardenia, which i don't get) linger together in a melange behind it. this one is really interesting. part of me likes it and another part finds it unsettling, which always makes a scent intriguing to me.
  24. theseagrows

    Pumpkin Spice Sanguinem Menstruum

    first off i smell that nutty pumpkin note, along with red musk, spices and a tiny hint of honey. some poppy/opium comes about later but it's pretty subtle. this is primarily a spicy, buttery pumpkin and red musk on me. not really my thing at all, but it was a frimp so i happily tried it.
  25. theseagrows

    Honey Hair Gloss

    the white bees swarming HG is a favorite, so this one had been on my wishlist a long time. i tracked down a decant to try recently. i get a beeswax-y honey with a hint of something that's *almost* like anise but less strong. i think i prefer TWBS but this is still nice. a rich, well rounded honey scent.