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Everything posted by ltrittipoe

  1. ltrittipoe

    Chaos Theory VII: Gourmand

    #42 Wet, this is delicious - like lemon curd buttercream cupcakes. As it dries down, the lemon vanishes and it morphs into a milk/cream note. It isn't very strong, but it lasts for hours.
  2. ltrittipoe

    Chaos Theory VII: Animalic

    #12 This is gorgeous, and so super familiar that it was driving me crazy. Definitely red musk, very distinctive and the oil is dark red. Some sweetness, vanilla? A hint of soft leather? So I went through some of my red musk blends to see if I could figure it out. Anteros. It is softer, sweeter, not as "sharp" - but trying them side by side there is an unmistakable similarity. Especially after drydown. I think there is a touch more vanilla, and I still get a tiny bit of leather in the background - but I think the saffron & bergamot are present.
  3. ltrittipoe

    Loved To Death

    I received this today, and of course had to test it right out of the mailbox! Definitely beeswax, honey and vanilla are most prominent. This is a light floral honey, not the heavy musky honey which turns so bad on me. This is the honey of Door, or Sweets to the Sweet, with a wildflower note. The beeswax and vanilla add a creaminess, and I get just the tiniest bit of clove, just a faint dryness that I would overlook completely if I didn't know it was there. No cinnamon appears at all. This is lovely and light, pretty and almost floral. I'm glad I took a chance, this will age gorgeously! ETA: (6/29/17): This truly has aged gloriously! The most prominent notes are still the beeswax and vanilla, with a floral honey behind it. Sweet but not-sweet, creamy and waxy and just lovely. It's gotten deeper and richer over time, still clings close to my skin but has a weight to it now. There is still no cinnamon.
  4. ltrittipoe

    Chocolate Stout Cupcake

    This is so delicious smelling! The deepest darkest barely sweet chocolate cake, with chocolate buttercream. I think the stout keeps it from being too sweet, and although it is foody, it is not purely foody on me. Chocolately but I don't have to worry about "Who has cupcakes??" This is sweeter than Boomslang, but has a similar feel to me - like a combination of Boomslang and Bliss. I definitely get the incense vibe, that smokey scent. I am so glad that I was able to get a bottle.
  5. ltrittipoe

    Gingerbread Jolly Roger

    This is amazing stuff - I am not an aquatic lover, aquatics tend to make me a touch nauseous after a while... I have no idea why, but even if they are gorgeous at first, on my skin I get something that isn't necessarily bad, just isn't good. BUT GJR is the exception to that! The gingerbread morphs the aquatic notes into something that isn't quite so watery as just... outdoorsy? Fresh air? I think that is it. Whatever it is, the notes blend into something that is gorgeous and reminds me of .... something else that I can't quite put my finger on. Something from my childhood. Oddly enough, on my left wrist I am getting fresh air and gingerbread. with the gingerbread way in the background, and on my right wrist I am getting predominantly leather and gingerbread.
  6. ltrittipoe


    Wet, this is a gorgeous incensey floral, sweet and resinous. Dry, it turns to nail polish remover. Whatever note does this to me..... It is in Lady Luck Blues as well. Pure acetone.
  7. ltrittipoe

    Can Somebody with a Good Nose help me?

    At least one reviewer got white sandalwood from WRW, and it is a listed note in Stardust. I think the richness of the florals are the most prominent, but white sandalwood can add to the powdery-ness, making it smell more "old fashioned" or soapy to some people. Fallen, Half-Elf, and Kuang Shi are others that mention white sandalwood specifically.
  8. ltrittipoe

    Little Maggie

    This starts off as a sweet chocolate, with some woodiness underneath, as as it dries, the chocolate recedes somewhat and I get a sandalwood/chocolate/patchouli blend. It is sweet-ish but not really a sweet scent on me. Fully dry, it is Velvet + Banshee Beat. Really beautiful! ETA: a year later, this has gotten smoother and richer. I get the sweet patchouli from Banshee Beat, but I don't get honey. The sandalwood is just adding to the sweet woodiness, I think - I can't pick it out, just supporting. I get cocoa, vanilla marshmallow, and patchouli - more sweet than before. Even more gorgeous.
  9. ltrittipoe

    The Other Hot Chocolate

    Count Chocula. I seriously get the oat cereal scent underneath the chocolate/marshmallow.... It's yummy and fun, but not as rich or deep as I was hoping for. But I still like it.
  10. ltrittipoe

    One Pale Woman

    This is such a pretty scent! The mint settles quickly and just keeps the scent fresh smelling as it dries, the apple and vanilla and florals are light and sweet. It has an almost misty feeling, very much the feeling of a garden at dawn... soft and gentle. It is very sweet, but in a natural fruit/floral sense, not in a cake/candy sense.
  11. ltrittipoe

    The Gas Lamps' Flare

    This is a gorgeous, grown up apple scent. On my skin, it's not super sweet, other than from the apple. A natural sweetness, not a candy-ish sweetness. Wet, the apple is at the forefront, with the resiny smokiness in the background. As it dries, the apple recedes a little bit, and allows the darkness of the other notes to come forward a little - oh, the apple doesn't fade, it's still there, but the copal, myrrh, and saffron are more noticeable. The apple becomes more of a supporting note in a very sophisticated scent.... Completely dry, it is so well blended and hard to pick out any individual notes, I get more of a smokey apple haze impression. I think the orange is keeping the apple there - I keep thinking I can't pick it out, and when I sniff again, I think I can. I love this, so much.
  12. ltrittipoe

    Mornings in New Orleans

    Lovely creamy sweet coffee. Cafe au lait, heavily sugared. Really really lovely, but Bah! Is still my favorite coffee scent.
  13. ltrittipoe

    A Stroll Through the Quarter

    This was all, holy bananas, batman! in the bottle, but I tested it anyway The banana scent lasted juuuust long enough for me to start to worry, and then suddenly it's gone, leaving sweet incense with a hint of foody carmelized fruitiness way in the background. I liked the drydown enough so that I did get a bottle, but the banana at the beginning almost scared me off! Don't be scared, it fades.
  14. ltrittipoe

    Very Pink Surprise Cake

    Of course, my first thought Is... Very pink, such cake, WOW. Today I am giving this a full wear test, and on me , it is foodie, but not 100% foodie. It is very similar to a strawberry Eat Me - I am getting the sweet strawberry, but also the incense-y cake that I get from Eat Me. I this, but then I love Eat Me. I'm not sure what it is that comes out as sweet incense, but I do love it. No bubblegum here, just incense cake with strawberry icing.
  15. ltrittipoe


    This. Is. Glorious. Sweetness, creaminess and a hint of floral - it doesn't scream "jasmine" to me ( and I lurve jasmine ) just a light background of floral sweetness. And it dries down to the most amazing woods, with the saffron infused vanilla just floating around.... Hard to describe, but stunning. And now that I have seen the movie, it is so perfect (as is every one of the OLLAs that I have tried!)
  16. ltrittipoe

    Little Sister is Watching You

    Soap. Pretty, high end soap. I keep hoping cherry blossom will work on my skin.
  17. ltrittipoe

    The Enterprise of the Night

    I agree completely with ralenth's review, until the complete drydown. I get a lovely floral, unusual and like standing in the middle of a garden in the city..... Luscious flowers, not too heavy, the dirt they are growing in, and the smell of the city streets - like after a rain, that slightly sharp scent. And I love, love it. I kept getting whiffs of this unusual, gorgeous scent.... and suddenly, hairspray. Pure, old fashioned aerosol hairspray. I believe it's AquaNet. And it's very stompity, all the other notes are gone.
  18. ltrittipoe

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    My first thought was Lady Death: Savage.
  19. ltrittipoe

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    Some that I love are: Halloween:Las Vegas - like a grown up Cake Smash! Golettes: strawberry cake Most of the Beaver moons, but my favorites are 2010 - strawberry cheesecake, and 2012 - apple cheesecake. Lambs-wool - spiced apple cider Boo! - cotton candy, mostly. . I like the 2009 & 2010 versions the best. And I am sure there are others, but that's what I can think of now!
  20. ltrittipoe

    The Shining Dimple of Love Bath Oil

    Sooooo pretty! I don't get much tea at all, though. It is light, but I think aging will help with that somewhat - I am testing this right out of the mailbox. It reminds me a lot of Celeste, with the vanilla/vanilla orchid combo. What I get mostly is a gorgeous creamy non-foody vanilla. I think I need a backup... or two.
  21. ltrittipoe

    What Scent Is This?

    That's the July 2012 version - the review topic is here, I have a bottle but can never get photos to post. I think there's a picture in the "what do bottles look like" thread, from about the same time.
  22. ltrittipoe

    Gingerbread Snake

    I almost talked myself out of this, because while I love Snake Oil, and I love gingerbread..... I haven't been thrilled with any other Yule gingerbread scents. Shub is my favorite gingerbread of all time, and none of the others (Gingerbread Poppet, etc) have ever compared. And if I can layer Snake Oil and Shub, do I really need a Gingerbread Snake? OMG yes. This gingerbread is luscious, cakey, rich gingerbread with lemon sauce. The Snake Oil adds a richness and spiciness, but the star is gingerbread. Fresh cake, made with molasses, and fresh spices, where Shub is cookies, drier and more dense. I can't pick out the Snake Oil, but I can tell that it's there. I can't wait to see how this ages! ETA: If you are familiar with Mother Ginger, that is the ginger in Gingerbread Snake.
  23. ltrittipoe

    Go to Sleep, Darlings

    Awwwwww, I so wish I got cotton candy from this! Or spun sugar. Snow White, to my nose, has a distinctly "green" note, like flower stems. I get that same note in Go To Sleep, Darlings - On me, it's all Snow White, all the time. Flower stems and sweet snow.
  24. ltrittipoe

    September Midnight

    I wanted to love September Midnight. I really, really did. I love the poem, and all of the notes are perfection. Wet, it's lovely, fruity and slightly resinous. Dry, it's nail polish remover. I seriously checked to see if I had somehow spilled nail polish remover somewhere around where I am sitting. I was a little concerned as I haven't been using polish remover, but I had to check anyway. I finally figured out that the acetone scent was coming from... me, or at least the part of me where I swabbed September Midnight. Eye watering acetone. Very sad! http://www.bpal.org/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/icon_sad.gif
  25. ltrittipoe


    I love this! I ordered this to help with irritations, especially at work. It seems that some days I get irritated very easily, and I feel that it is affecting my attitude.... so I need Cooling! I dotted it on my palms, with calming, soothing, non-irritated intention, and cup my hands to my face, breathing deeply. This is something that only takes a few seconds, and can be done at my station at work when I start feeling irritated - that's why I decided on this method, it just felt right. Cooling smells delicious! Like lemondrops, the hard kind coated in sugar. Immediately I felt calmer and happier, the "raw edges" of my nerves felt smoothed over, and I could be myself again! In emoticons.... - and and a little bit of .... add Cooling and ta da! and and even a little of I think I need a gallon so that I will never run out. Thanks, Beth!!