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Everything posted by trinitysite

  1. trinitysite

    The Hohenzollern Crypt

    I love Santa Eularia des Riu, and to me this is like a more mature Santa Eularia. It definitely starts with a lot of citrus, but the lavender and tobacco temper it so that it's much less bright than Santa Eularia or other citrus-heavy blends.
  2. trinitysite


    Mexican hot chocolate? The chocolate note is a little powdery, and similar to what I remember of Feast of the Greatly Revered Ones (which had some kind of cinnamon, which gave me a rash) -- in fact, this feels like a snowy version of Feast. I like it, although an imp is enough.
  3. trinitysite

    Meditation Buddy

    This is my favorite of the Liliths this year. It's very vanilla-forward, and mellows into a spicy, incensey vanilla with a little bit of rose. (Rose can be overpowering or just plain icky on me, but it works here!) I had to google "Florida water," but I wonder if lavender is involved because I'm getting some of the vanilla-lavender similar to Paper Phoenix last year.
  4. trinitysite

    Luke 10:25-37

    Dominant clove, so much yummy spicy clove/amber. It doesn't morph much, lasts a long time, and keeps a medium-throw. I'm loving it as a winter scent.
  5. trinitysite

    Smug Yale Alchemy Lab

    Smug Yale goes on intensely vanilla, and then the grasses come out. The blend is just about perfect: green vanilla. It reminds me a little of Funerary Papyrus, although that was more spicy and vanilla-dominant. I appreciate it in December as a reminder that things have been green in the past, and will be green again (eventually.) It did fade after a few hours, and I wish I'd had my imp with me so I could've reapplied.
  6. trinitysite

    Bellicose Clam Alchemy Lab

    Whoa citrus! It's possible to pick out the individual notes, and I wanted to try this because I was especially interested in grapefruit and mandarin. They are there, super juicy, but ultimately the lemon peel dominates on me and it ends up being more of a cleaning product citrus. It seems to fade quickly. (However...my kid is into making bath bombs from my reject imps, and I think it's going to be a hit with her.)
  7. trinitysite

    Mexican Long-Tongued Bat

    At first, all I get is smoke. It's almost coffee/tobacco. About an hour later, it has the same smoky caramel note as Dark Chocolate & Pepper-Smoked Caramel (a luper from many years back that I love but rarely wear because it's super intense) -- and the caramel is amped way up, with a little spice, which might be either chili or clove related, it's too faint so I'm not certain. I'm not sure if I can find the saffron at all. Interesting, and I like it, but a little too intense for me.
  8. trinitysite

    California Leaf-Nosed Bat

    I wanted to try this because it seemed different. And it is! It goes on very smoky and woody, almost like tobacco. Masculine, but not intensely so. Now it's more of a quiet, woody floral. I'm unfamiliar with most of these notes, so I can't pick them out individually. Minimal throw, and it seems to be fading quickly. I am glad that I tried this, but no need for me to get a full bottle.
  9. trinitysite

    Lilith Nightingale

    This ended up at the bottom of a pile of something, so I'm only trying it now, and I'm glad I located it, because it's really lovely! A little creamsicle-y, but I think the spices are preventing anything too foodie. After a few hours, I'm getting a sweet, creamy, clean smell. If it doesn't fade too quickly, I might want a bottle of this?
  10. trinitysite

    Don’t Tell Me Heaven is Under the Earth

    So this is a combination of things that can go all wrong: patchouli and honey both amp on me like crazy (and sometimes I don't want to smell like a stinky hippie, and I never want to smell like a snack) and cinnamon can...give me a rash? Now that I'm typing all this, why did I take a chance on it at all? I'm glad I did! I like the balance -- the patchouli and cinnamon keep the honey in check, and the patchouli is warm/earthy and not super-hippie. Gentle, spiced incense. Not much throw, but lasts for a long time.
  11. trinitysite

    Memorials of Friendship

    Hm. I get a musky peach initially, and now it's peach/sweet champaca. Not much throw. It's nice and good for springtime, but not generally my style. I might use it to practice making bath bombs or body spray or something.
  12. trinitysite

    Second Spring

    This starts out as very fruity, but ends up as a sort of fruity/red incense. (I can't distinguish between pomegranate and currant, sorry!) It almost reminds me of Cairo. Usually both patchouli and honey amp on me, but neither is particularly dominant, although the patchouli does lend some spiciness. I like it!
  13. trinitysite


    Initially it's wood and amber, very masculine, but the patchouli ends up dominating for me (like usual). Tea never works on me: either it's not there or fades too fast. I do like this -- softer and slightly more interesting patchouli -- but ultimately it's not much different than everything else that goes super-patch on me. Definitely still on the masculine side, and not quite spring-like, but I like that.
  14. trinitysite

    The Perfumed Garden

    2018 version: I see I'm late to the party on this one! Reading the reviews...well, I didn't notice much jasmine at all! Initially, the apple and sandalwood are prominent, and they stay that way, with myrrh and quince joining them. I'm getting fruit-perfume, maybe better off as a fancypants lotion? The description makes it sound complex/sophisticated, and that's not what I'm getting. Maybe I'll use my decant for a bath bomb.
  15. trinitysite

    Cat Chasing Butterflies

    It starts off creamy-fruit, definitely perfume-y and not particularly interesting to me. I thought it had faded entirely, and then suddenly the amber/musk came out. I originally didn't even think it was the same scent -- I was wearing a scarf, and decided that there was something in the scarf left over from the last time I was wearing it! Very confusing! So, I decided to try it again today (no scarf) and indeed the musk/amber shows up after a loooong time, with a little fruityness left over. I think I like it? Definitely good for spring, although there's something about it that's also a little too sexy for me to be comfortable wearing it to work.
  16. trinitysite


    I got this as a frimp from the lab. It smells very incensy in the bottle, and I think I was hoping for a sandalwood-heavy incense blend. There is something just not right about it: maybe it's the rose/jasmine/patchouli combo, which did not work with me in a different blend recently, maybe it's the rose eventually becoming dominant (not my thing), maybe it's the lemongrass being too astringent and sour, or the jasmine going wonky...after it settles it's mostly rose/sandalwood (ok!) with cedar/lemon (not ok!). I agree with the assessment that it feels like two different perfumes. Unfortunately I don't like one of them.
  17. trinitysite

    Fortuna Balnearis

    It's citrus and honey! Finally a honey that works on me -- it's not heavy or dominant at all -- and definitely on the musky/sexy side of things. Not much throw, medium wear length. Very springtime, the way you hope spring is coming soon.
  18. trinitysite

    Fortuna Tranquilla

    What a great blend! The lavender seems like it's going to be most prominent, both in the bottle and initially on the skin, but all three notes harmonize perfectly. I know folks have mixed feelings about jasmine -- I, too, have mixed feelings about jasmine -- but it's a softer, more subtle jasmine here, tempered by the champacha and lavender. Minimal throw, and seems to fade too quickly, however this is my favorite of the Fortunas so far.
  19. trinitysite

    Old Demons of the First Class

    Woodsy clove, with a the neroli and pepper adding darkness in the background. Altogether too much for me, and a bit too reminiscent of those clove cigarettes I smoked in college. Also, it's definitely on the "masculine" side, and I generally pass of those to my partner, but I think it might even be too dark for him.
  20. trinitysite

    Wander Darkling in the Eternal Space

    This is just plain weird on me. It smells incensey in the bottle, but when I put it on whoa is it stinky. Astringent? Maybe that's vetiver? It's almost like oudh? Fortunately, that doesn't last long, and it becomes a spicy patchouli, then fades to a sweeter patchouli/rose with a background myrrh note. I do not know how I feel about this! I think I would like it enough if it didn't have that yucky initial phase? I feel like I'm going to keep trying this "one more time," so maybe my opinion will change or the blend will change some as it ages.
  21. trinitysite

    Fortuna Huiusce Diei

    Wow, there's the apricot. I am not so good at distinguishing fruit notes, but yes, apricot! With a little bit of orange blossom. Honestly, I was hoping for more orange blossom, but I like this, although fruity scents make me think bath bomb/lotion more than perfume oil.
  22. trinitysite

    Fortuna Muliebris

    Definitely agree about the fruity lavender, and also about the fancy soap/lotion! I think it's the clary sage and tea that's contributing to the latter, although they're way in the background. Interestingly, I don't notice the patchouli or the sandalwood at all, and those are usually super-dominant on me. Fades quickly.
  23. trinitysite


    Ok, I'm confused. I put this on, and it smelled delicious amber/chocolate for a hot minute, and then it got terrible. I couldn't quite identify the terrible -- might have been from the goat's milk or the benzoin -- but it basically was rotten or even poopy. I washed it off right away, BUT apparently not before some got on my sweater, which I am still wearing, and I'm noticing that it is, again, delicious. The chocolate has faded, but now it's a creamy warm amber/honey blend.
  24. trinitysite

    Wynter Wakeneth Al My Care

    I thought the patchouli would dominate, as it usually does, but instead the champaca comes out and it becomes a dry, incensey scent. And yes, the champaca is so like all the incense I burned in my room when I was a teenager. I'm not sure if I can pick out the amber or vanilla. The first time I wore this I wasn't sure if I liked it, but now it's growing on me. Very comforting.
  25. trinitysite

    2004: Paper Phoenix

    (I'm not familiar with Dorian...do I get my membership card revoked?) (Also I consistently misspell "lavender" -- you'd think I would've learned by now, since it's a favorite note.) Initially it's all lavender, then the vanilla-antique lace comes out and blends so nicely with the lavender. Antique Lace was always a little too sugary-sweet on me, so the Dorian component settles it down into something good: pretty without being super feminine, vanilla-y without seeming like a pastry, and light without fading (tea notes fade really fast for me.) Wow.