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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by violetblue

  1. violetblue

    Snow White Soap

    SNOW WHITE A chilly, bright perfume: flurries of virgin snow, crisp winter wind and the faintest breath of night-blooming flowers. I wish I could afford bars and bars of this! Gorgeous gray blue bar, strongly scented like Snow White. Absolutely freaking amazing. I will have to save this for special occasions; so glad I got two bars!
  2. BUTTERFLIES, FLOWERS, AND JEWELS ATTENDING Take the Fair Face of Woman, and Gently Suspending, With Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels Attending, Thus Your Fairy is Made of Most Beautiful Things Inspired by the moment in time frozen in this photo - my fairy child, laughing and playing amongst gargantuan flowers. An ethereal, iridescent, twilit scent, sparkling with mystery and innocent joy: white patchouli with provence rose, delicate freesia, pink tuberose, jasmine sambac, orange blossom, butterfly musk, vanilla orchid, and delicate spices. I joined a decant circle for the Lilith blends because I wanted them all, but after reading the reviews, I knew this would be a bottle purchase unsniffed and glad I thought so - I ordered 9/18 and got it today! Now for the review: sophisticated and one of the more commercial smelling BPALs which there aren't a lot of to my nose - and I don't mean it in a negative way at all. I think A LOT of people will like this one, as it's edgy but still not something that a person might freak on and think it's too strong or headshoppy (patchouli component) or anything like that. I wish I could describe it better, but it's absolutely lovely! Balanced perfectly. ETA No notes stick out for me or make a huge presence, it just blends into one gorgeous scent - I can see people picking this for a signature oil! For anyone wondering, I do not smell rose at all. ETA2: I figured out what this reminds me a bit of- Eternity for Women by CK. The description of that perfume is: A contemporary floral bouquet of freesia, white lily, narcissus and sandalwood.
  3. violetblue

    Single Note: Polyester Spiderweb

    I am getting a soft, creamy floral from this - not sure what flower/flowers....jasmine? lily? Can't wait to see other reviews of this one.
  4. violetblue

    Pink Wig Spray

    This is straight up Midway or even Mouse Circus, (I smell popcorn too!) in atmo form. Love it, wish I had 10000 bottles!!!!!!!
  5. violetblue

    Sandalwood Scents

    Poor Monkey from the Yules!!
  6. violetblue

    Poor Monkey

    So happy I had a chance to get this one - a blind buy after reading the reviews here, and it is a gorgeous as I had hoped! The fig sweetens up the sandalwood - those are the notes I smell the most. LOVE!!!!
  7. violetblue

    Gingered Chocolate Soufflé

    Just now sampled my bottle and wow. I normally despise chocolate in perfumes (but wanted to support the cause and loved the name), but wow, this is great, deep but sweet chocolate with to me, the lab's champagne note. Dries down to a sweet but dusty chocolate with the fizzy edge. LOVE.
  8. violetblue

    Peanut Butter and Jelly!

    I will PM you a link of one that was released from another etailer yrs ago, I was so bummed I could never get it as it sold out!
  9. violetblue


    Def. grapey, in the vein of WILF and Smut, but not as sweet. Very nice, I think I'd prefer to layer it with something sweeter though as the clove dries it out a bit.
  10. violetblue

    Edith Cushing

    What every amazing review has said. I LOVE THIS!!!!! I'd order more if I didn't have so much BPAL already. I made a rule I am no longer buying back up bottles, and with this one, it's going to be really hard not to.
  11. violetblue


    This is Marshmallow Poof's oder, sophisticated sister. I swear I am getting a very light floral and/or musk in this, tinged with marshmallow vanilla sweetness. Though it stays close I can smell it on my arm over an hour after application. Very pretty and not what I was expecting - a lot more complex than I expected after previously reading reviews!
  12. violetblue

    Zombie Moon Atmosphere Spray

    I LOVE THIS - tried my decant for the 2nd time this morning (remembering I liked it when I first tried it and had forgotten I had it) and ran and ordered a full bottle to add to my pies before it disappears!!!
  13. violetblue

    Blood Sangria

    This scent makes me HAPPY. I don't even know how to describe it but it's red, fruity, candle like, smells like a drink, and some how reminds me of Red Moon 2004 all at once. It smells nothing like Red Moon don't get me wrong but there's something in this that has to have been in that blend. I may need more of this!!!
  14. violetblue

    My Baby and a Baby Goat

    I don't know if I applied too much but this is getting a bit to heady for me atm. When first applied, I smelled something I remembered from Go To Sleep, Darlings. This is a pretty scent but something is going a bit too foody for me (and almost something burnt), like pastry/caramel/syrup, and the floral is a bit too much on me. This is straight from the mailbox so will try it again in a week or so!
  15. violetblue

    Blood Moon Full Lunar Eclipse

    This reminds me a lot of WILF/Luna Negra (2011 version) Gorgeous!
  16. violetblue

    Single Note: Clown White

    I agree with the review above - it also reminded me of the smell of that white thick paste we had yearrrrs ago in Kindergarten! It loses its sweetness after being on a few mins (I got a blast of almond first applied) and on me becomes a bit almost anise-like. I like it though, in a weird way. Really goes with the concept and a good job, I think!
  17. violetblue

    TKO Atmosphere Spray

    I don't even have TKO oil but I knew I would love this and I do. I wish I had gotten more than 1 bottle. I want to spray it everywhere!!!! This would be such an amazing item to have available all the time. I fear the day I run out of this. My fave atmo ever!
  18. violetblue

    Jiggery Pokery

    Sadly, this was more faint orangey bubblegum (lotus?) than cotton candy on me. Very thin, pale oil that seems to disappear minutes after application on me. I really wanted to love it but I think I like my recent Chaos Gourmand sweet candy scent better. ETA: This review sounds super negative and I don't mean it to be. I think I just expected something more cotton candy-ish and I should realize the lab rarely do "simple" or even more synthetic type blends which I am used to with cotton candy scents - this was just more than I wanted but I am sure others will love it!
  19. Every single order placed with Black Phoenix Trading Post from now (September 2) til November 2nd will receive an imp of the Last Squished Jelly Bean. -No description I had a feeling this would be licorice and I was right...funny because I always avoid black licorice like the plague and black jelly beans have always grossed me out! But this one is a sophisticated, black licorice, and I swear I detect a mint/tea note with it too.... Love it for the novelty, thank you BPTP!! But don't think I'll be slathering the little bit I have in the imp... (Label art is adorable too!)
  20. violetblue

    Chaos Theory VII: Gourmand

    Bottle 1 - fruity, soft Midway or Mouse Circus. Lovely. Bottle 2- 3rd retest - strong clean mint at first, linen maybe, tea, white flowers??? 6/24/15- per an email from the lab, these are bottles 26 and 28, no idea which was which though.
  21. violetblue

    Chaos Theory VII: Animalic

    6/24/15- per an email from the lab, this is bottle #8!** I bought one hoping for no leather, but that's what I got - all leather and musk to my nose, even after all these yrs not great at notes, esp. leathers bc I don't care for them. Not me, will need to put up for swaps. ETA with more dry down the leather goes away and left with brown (not red to my nose) musk it seems.
  22. violetblue

    Loved To Death

    First of all, Loved to Death packaged very nicely - black tissue paper in the box and sent the precious in a very nice (not cheap looking, like some can be) velveteen bag - very nice touch. On me, this is very spicy - like a high end expensive candle/tart or spicy room freshener scent they sell for fall or winter. The vanilla is there but very hidden on me. The spices - cinnamon/clove REALLY stand out of my skin (though not sharp at all) as does the beeswax, hence the candle comparison. I'd love this for a room scent, but sadly it isn't working for me as a skin scent. It is very complex and not cheap smelling at all, which i don't mean/want to imply when I mentioned room scent/candle/tart. Just a bit too spicy for me and not what I really look for when wearing perfume oils. I'd say throw is medium to light.
  23. violetblue

    Butterfly Nectar Bath Oil

    A bath of honeyed petals and sugar-dusted leaves. I smell more petals than leaves - this is a honeyed sweet floral to my nose, light and gentle. Almost reminds me of the Philosophy line of some of their perfumes. Light and whispy, and very pretty/feminine!
  24. violetblue

    Bourbon Vanilla Massage Oil

    Deceptively sweet: bourbon vanilla oleoresin and benzoin resinoid. This is a gorgeous bourbon vanilla, with, like the bath oil, has some sort of sarsaparilla, but not wintergreen at all, smell to it - it must be the other notes I am not familiar with in this base. Either way, it's not sickeningly sweet or uber vanilla, but a pleasant almost earthy vanilla (?) Very different and very pretty. Way to go lab.ETA:I hope this can resurface one of these days? It's all gone and I miss it!
  25. violetblue

    Venus Libitina

    I am amping the rose, sadly. First application I smell the black cherry, but it disappears into a a heady and creamy, but very strong rose. Reminds me of a Red Rose blend or a very potent Katrina Van Tassel!