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Posts posted by Geminirubyshoes

  1. Oh haiiiii carnations, 'sup? I encountered you before in Alice and didn't really care for you in that but sometimes you show up in places where you smell freakin' awsome. Glad you decided to make Hod your new home :)


    This stuff is good. It's hard for me to smell initially as I think that it's a little faint before applied to the skin. Once it's on though it's like a Maury episode: My carnation is out of control and there's nothing I can do about it! however the spices (whatever they are) give it that warm, Morocco-ish kind of feel. The throw (for me) is average but the staying power is totally all there. I can still smell it 6 hours later on my wrists. I think it kind of smells like creamy amber now. Yum!

  2. I have been wanting to try this for a long time as the notes all sound good to me. Gingiemay was kind enough to frimp this to me as she knew of my curiosty with it ;) :D

    Initally its bubble gum and tangerines, like citrus orbit gum or something. Hmmm.....the longer it sits on my skin I can totally smell the ambergris. Not sure where the pear is, but that doesn't tend to be a note that ever showes up on me. It does have a sweet, childish air to it. Ok I am definatley getting the creamsicle thing now.

    Final verdict: This is a pretty "sparkling" scent. I think I would eventually like to have a bottle as it would be nice to smell like this in the summer here in VT.

  3. Woooooooooo dang! Violens is STROOOOOONNNNG on me. This is probably the most masculine scent I have tried thus far ( Herbert West has been the only one I have really liked) and I actually kind of dig it. The leather is very faint (usually my doom note) and the sandalwoods are dry, but not powdery at all. The musk, musk musk is hardcore when I first apply it, but dry it becomes a rather pleasant smell. I'm not doing a very good job with this description but I will say that I like it much more than I expected. Now to find some Sachs...

  4. Butter, boozy almond pastry...I think this is must related to Butter Rum Cookie or Bilquis. It falls in that same category of smells. Super foody, this is one that I don't use very often but really like when I do.


    Edited to say that after almost two years worth of aging, Hellcat has mellowed to a point so that I can actually wear it without reeking if rum! Now it's light and more buttercreamy and the throw is moderate. Aging FTW!

  5. This is classic and elegant violet with a twist of the dirt/loam softened out by the ylang ylang. I Died for Beauty is another one of my go-to scents. There's just something about it that I really love. It smells different from anything else that I have so it makes it that much more special for me.

  6. Probably one of the most beautiful ambers' I have ever come across. This is one of my bottles that I use alot. Its a subtle amber but has a good amount of throw. I consider the Lion to be a staple in my collection and would recommend this to anyone who wants a simple yet elegant scent.

  7. Strrooooooooooooonnnng red musk and rose! seriously. Alot of it. The amber is kind of drowned out in the bottle by the red musk and the rose. However, when I wear this it smells....sparkling! like the amber is dancing on top of red musk like hahaha! I win! I caved and bought a bottle after my manager kept telling me I smelled good two days in a row after trying this at work.

  8. Massive amounts of dirt with deep, rich smooth musk underneath. After about 15 minutes there is no more dirt on me just the underlying notes which only get deeper and darker the longer its on. Words cannot express how much I love this. I like to wear it on cold,rainy days. It also reminds me of something my mom wore when I was little. Penny Dreadful is awsome.

  9. Hooray! bonfire smoke in a bottle! with white rose! I honestly can't tell where the frankincense are myrrh are but it doesnt matter. I really wanted this for the bonfire smoke aspect and I got it. This has the same softness that Ysabel does, just without all the "red" stuff (red rose, cedar, carnation..) Super cozy. Mad throw and staying power too.

  10. Oh Lilith, you are the ultimate in cuteness! and while this is not something I would have normally bought, I was just so touched by the story that I went ahead and ordered it anyway. When I first got it last year it totally smelled like margaritas and Dorian. There was a little jasmine also. I havent worn it in a long time so I will come back and edit this when I put it on again. Thank you Beth for sharing your precious moments of motherhood with us all :evol:

  11. My favorite Queen of all! I absolutely adore this. Totally evocative of long, sweeping velvet dresses and rich wooden tabels with rose bouquets on them. Ok, fine it makes me think of the Tudors! I can't help it!

    I get complimented on this like crazy when I wear it. I've managed to use half the bottle already. Its soft but strong at the same time....there need to be more blends with Velvet musk! I would buy them all! Ysabel is a winner truly if you love these kind of notes, seek this out. But you can't have mine though :twisted:

  12. Rotting, sweetish Banana's in an old basement in a very old house. I couldn't pass this up, I love the dirt smells! the dirt in this actually stays on me and the banana just turns faintly fruity. It is an amazing intepretation and I feel that its scents like this that show Beth and the Lab's true talents. Fan-freaking-tastic!

  13. Totally had to get this after reading the book for the first time ever.

    This smells like Eden, O and Agape mixed together. I actually couldnt wear it much at first because it was too heavy on the almond but now its toned down with some aging so its smooth honey and the nuttiness of the almond without being as obnoxious as it once was. Bilquis you evil slut you! :lol: Wear this when its hot out and see how many heads you turn, its a fun little experiment!

  14. I'm pretty sure that if Hugh Hefner ever ventured into the world of Black Phoenix, he would wear this. That's all I think of when I first put this on.

    The combo of all these notes is very snuggly and comforting, this reminds me of my dad and that makes me love it alot. I have no regrets about buying this and will keep it forever.

  15. I love the artwork on the bottle! so perfect.

    Here again, the red musk is a winner for me. Red Musk, the rose, iris and vanilla are what I smell when I wear this. A little goes a long way for sure, The Grindhouse Madam is fully in charge and don't you forget it! This has aged wonderfully since I recieved it for Christmas in 2008. It smells a little powdery in the bottle but never on me. Hooray!

  16. The description of this was just too good for me to pass up. My bottle is a little over a year old now and has mellowed out considerably. Yet everytime I open it, all I think of is cheddar popcorn :think: it must be the myrhh, which I always think smells kind of weird no matter what it's in.

    On my skin its soft vanilla amber, so fortunately the cheddar popcorn thing never materialises (not sure if this is the right spelling or not). Inez is a beauty for sure and she rents a space in the box with Agrat, The Grindhouse and The Illustrated Woman :)

  17. Pickled Imp is devilishy sexy. The vanilla and clove mix to make a creamy, smoky scent with the cinnamon just kicking it up a notch. I don't ever smell the pine sap, but I'm sure its in there somewhere. This is my go to scent when I am unhappy because it's comforting and makes me feel much better about myself :D Mega Mega Mega hearts for Pickled Imp!

  18. Gelt

    Being the supreme foody-lover that I am, Gelt is totally a dream come true. Dry, dusty cocoa powder with amber? Hellz yes! anytime dust and chocolate can be obtained I'm all for it. This could be gold coins stored away in a secret wall chamber with a layer of dust over it, which may sound gross to some but fantastic to me!

    I slathered this all over my arms last night and think I was transported to magical Candyland. It really is a chocolate scent that does not have the milky aspect to it that most other chocolate smells I have tried has. Yum, Yum, Yum! I need to try to not use this whole bottle in a matter of weeks becuase I want to always have it,

  19. oh RAWR! this is sooooooo good! THIS is what sugar plum fairies would smell like! perhaps quince and plum are of the same persuaion, I have never known prunes to smell this good. Spicy sweet fruit vapors emaniting from a pie just removed out of the oven...thats what this smells like on my wrists. I'm so happy right now!

  20. I have crazy love for the Madame Moriarty. This is actually one of the Bpal's I own that gets me the most compliments when I go out. It must be the carnival sorcery that Beth put into here LOL. Red musk, you and I are such good friends sometimes and this is one of those times. It's mega-incensy, a little sharp from the patchouli I think but it somehow works. It just works. I don't know what else to say. I'm willing to bet this is one of the most hyped (and well deserving of such) Black Phoenix's yet because so many people love it. I bought it based on reading these reviews actually so well done commrads!

  21. This makes me want to cry everytime I smell it, so I have only worn it once. It is so true to the concept that I almost can't bear to wear it as it makes me remember how devastated I was when my previous dog had to be put down. Warm, soft furry musk with sunlight and grass. It didnt stay on very long when I wore it but that's ok. I love it regardless, even if it does evoke some painful memories for me, I can tell it was made with pure love and care :angel:

  22. Pink coco-nutty incense!!! this is truly yummy and reminds me of my childhood. My little ponies, books on tape, Jem Dolls and crayons...that is where my brain goes when I wear this. It is a magical perfume indeed. Lilith looks adorable as a Fortune Teller! it will be amazing when she gets older and has a scent for every stage of her life thus far, I can't think of anything cooler than that. :clap: Beth!

  23. Soooo loved this when I first tried it via Gingiemay! so much so that I obtained a bottle and have been waffling over wearing it ever since. All I can smell is blueberries in there! it is getting a little muskier over time so I will have to chance it soon and take the plunge with a slather. I expect it will still work for me, I just really don't want it to be all blueberry. Where my raspberries at?!?! I will update this again in the coming months and tell what I really think.
