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Posts posted by Geminirubyshoes

    Since Lilith was about a year and a half old, she has loved having tea parties. We each get a small plate of invisible cookies, a cup of invisible tea (sometimes iced, always with cream and honey), and one special item, personalized to each grownup: Lilith always gives Ted a wooden box of play waffles, I get a wooden box of frozen vegetables, and Uncle Brian gets loaded down with wooden fruits and extra tea spoons. Sometimes we have tea in the living room, sometimes we have it in the garden. Sometimes tea lasts for five minutes, and sometimes tea goes on for hours. When we have tea, Lilith is always a gracious, accommodating hostess, and she always has a story to tell.

    Imaginary génoise cakes, imaginary trifle (with imaginary rosewater, imaginary Madeira and imaginary strawberries), imaginary macaroons, and imaginary Devonshire tea served in an imaginary garden surrounded by one-thousand imaginary flowers.

    Lilith's Tea Party is definately a child's tea party time in a bottle. Upon opening the bottle I was enveloped in the smell of strawberries and cream with what smells to me like biscuits and a tea note similar to the tea note in Dorian. Upon the skin, the tea note is stronger and takes the sweetness out of the strawberries. I've had this on for about 15 minutes now and it's creamy, light and just a little bit sweet. I think the florals are starting to bloom in the ultimate drydown. This is so nostalgic to me of playing dressup with my friends in my backyard when I was little. It's a very lighthearted, happy smell and I am so grateful that Beth shares these special scents with us.


    In the bottle its totally spice espresso, just slightly sweet.

    On my skin it is pumpkincinnamonspicecoffeeyumyumyumyum.

    I'm sad for those that don't get the pumpkin in theirs because it is a very enjoyable scent experience. This is everything I hoped it would be :wub2:

  3. I just discovered this! It had never even occurred to me to try this before.

    I have an imp and now I think I am going to need a bottle.

    Heavy, sweet opium with the vetiver giving it a semi-scorched smell...opium is a note of win for me. I have always loved it in everything I have smelled that includes it. The throw is pretty decent and it's long lasting.

    I really like this alot.

  4. Wet this is sweet, musty oakmoss. I definately smell a smoky quality that is maybe the black musk? Not too strong on the patchouli front. Drier it's still sweet, but smoky wood and a little bit of dusty spice. Like the downstairs of an old finished basement.

    This kind of reminds me of Samhainophobia. I may need to snag a bottle of this before it goes away.

  5. My decant of this is warm, toasty brown sugar. There seems go be a slight spice a couple minutes in after application but other than that it just stays with the brown sugar. This is the first year I've gotten Sugar Skull and I'm happy for that. This will be a great bedtime scent!

  6. I've been lusting after this forever and finally procured some.

    In the bottle it smells like spicy fruit mushed down into the dirt. I think perhaps its the blood accord and the patchouli that produce the spiceness. This is very juicy, spicy floral that dries to an elegant, earthy sexy scent. This reminds me alot of Mme. Moriarty.

    The throw is pretty good. I keep slathering myself and it makes me happy :)

  7. I won this in an eBay auction and got it in the mail today.

    Bottle: hmmmm, watery jasmine.

    On skin: jasmine and soft spice....mmmm red musk. Red Musk and I are such good friends.

    Normally I am not the biggest fan of jasmine but this is such a good match for red musk. Wisteria is not a note that I'm familiar with but that being said I don't pick anything up besides the two notes already stated.

    Verdict: this is going on my "sexy" bpal shelf. Right between Spellbound and Snake Oil.

  8. I won this in an eBay auction and just got it in the mail today!

    I love how the label looks like notebook paper :)

    Oil: creamy, light, sweet musky vanilla . This reminds me of Anti Saloon league, Black Opal and the Girl. It has that dreamyness that those oils so on me. I feel like I am floating on a vanilla cream puff!

    It is a tinge soapy, but I don't mind that being in the background. I think the soapy keeps it from going powdery on me.

    This is really nice, I will probably burn through this bottle pretty fast.

  9. Eat Me was one of the first scent I ever purchased from the lab and the first imp I ever used up. It smells like sinfully rich, vanilla cake with spicy fruit. My bottle is over a year old now and it just keeps getting better!

  10. I just got the 2006 version. It's much different than the description! to me it smells like Samhain (appley spice) with vetiver and dead leaves. But it's light. I was expecting dark, intense vetiver and oakmoss. Not that I am complaining, I love the way it smells! so autumnal! it's just very different that what I expected. I love the menacing pumpkin peeking in the window at the cringing child on the label too :D

  11. The Forest Reverie is not my usual bag of notes, but I am a sucker for opium and the general description got me.

    In the bottle it's smoky, sweet herbal schtuff. When I first put it on I swear it smells like tea tree oil ( this may be what grape vine turns into on me, I've never had it in anything before). Dry it had become warm, smokey soft opium with just a tiny detectable amount of roses. I want to go read a book in the woods now.

  12. Because isn’t that what this book is really about?

    Vampire smut: patchouli-infused honey, red musk, red sandalwood, red ginger, pink pepper, Peru balsam, dark Eastern florals, Himalayan cedar, smoky vanilla, bitter clove, and leather.

    In the bottle this is sweet, smoky and just a hint leathery. In my happy haze of recieving this, I semi-slathered it on my wrists and was met with MUSKY, SMOKEY, sexiness with the leather peeking through. I would have to say that the red musk, vanilla, clove and leather and the things that stand out to me the most in this oil. VILF is not for the faint of heart! I would say this is a Snake Oil- type scent with leather. I typically cannot wear anything that has leather in it ( they usually just make me nauseated) but I think I have found my diamond in the rough leather scent :D

    BTW, the label art is super hot.

  13. Yet again, something I thought I reviewed a long time ago but didn't...


    I got this for Christmas in '09 and I actually did not like it at first. It was too sickly sweet, too gingery....which is a weird thing for me to complain about as I typically like really sweet scents. But there was just something about it I really didn't care for.

    However, a little over 6 months later it's sooo much better. Sniffing from the bottle it is juicy, candied fruits with a little bit of musky plumminess. Pretty much the same on my skin when first applied plus a little bit of gingery kick and then it dries down to a soft, sweet, lightly fruit musk. I don't really get chocolate ever, I think the other notes overpower that on me. All in all, glad I waited for this one to mellow out a bit because I like it much better now :)

  14. Just got this in the mail. It's about eleventh billion degrees here in VT so the oil in the bottle is somewhat uncomfortably warm. Oh well, time to slather anyways!

    Tiki Princess is gorgeous. It's sweet, juicy coconut with heady plumeria and jasmine. I love coconut and plumeria more than jasmine yet all three of them blend so well together in this. I slathered it all over my wrists and neck and now I am lazing about in a tropical haze. You know now that I think about it this reminds me of a coconut scented lotion that I used to be quite fond of when I was a teenager. That Creamy Coconut lotion from Bath and body Works. I won't use that stuff anymore due to the high chemical content so I'm glad I have Tiki Princess to fill that coconut void!

    Nice work Beth :wub2:

  15. The Millers' Daughter: this has that "rainy day in a barn" feeling to me. It does smell metallic and tangy in the bottle but when I have this on it is soft rosy amber with just a twinge of the metallic (the gold) that makes it a winner for me. My bottle is over a year old now and it has aged so nicely. The throw on this is moderate and it has long wear length, at least for me. Very evocative of the story.

  16. Geez, I thought I did a review for this forever ago!

    In the bottle Miskatonic University smells like Cheddar Popcorn. Straight up. It throws me off a little. However, once applied it smells like warm irish cream coffee. Actually more like warm, irish cream coffee cake. It's pretty scrumptious. Makes me want to eat Irish cream coffee cake in a library.

  17. Gothic Horror....I had to have this just for the concept of it.

    In the bottle its VERY dusty and incensey to my nose, but when I wear it, it turns sweeter and boast as Ysabel becaause it evokes that same velvet - dress smell to me. Pretty good staying power, mild throw. I like it!

  18. I recieved this as a swap and I was pretty psyched to slather it all over myself. It's about 90 degrees here in ol' VT today so I want to walk around smelling like egg nogg!

    In the bottle: rich, potent brandy cream and nutmeg. This definately smells like real egg nogg!

    Wet on skin: sugary, creamy nutmeg. Warm and enveloping...

    Dry on skin: some of the spice, not really much of the cream left. My skin seems to eat this up, much like it does with Lait De Chevre. I can't wait to put this in an oil diffuser!!!!!! Insta xmas.

  19. You know, My first intro to Snake Oil was when we first got stock to sell at the store. I really didn't care for it then and was under the impression that it was pretty overrated compared to the other oils that I had sniffed and tried. That was June of 2008. Even about a month ago I was like, yeah yeah Snake Oil whatever. And then my Bats Day Angel sent me a carded imp of it with my bottles from the event. And then I dabbed some of that imp on.

    Holy god, I am now enamored with this stuff! I haven't paid this much attention to an imp in a long time. First it smells a tad medicinal herbish with vanilla, then it morphs to rich vanilla spice and then finally to this warm, vanilla sugar powder smell. It is soooo good. I need to buy a bottle but I hesitate because I think I like fresh Snake Oil better than aged! ( as I tried some out of the tester we have that is the sane tester we've had for 2 years) and I don't like it quite as much as the stuff in my imp. Maybe I will just need to constantly order imps of it. Does that make me a freak? It might, but I don't care. Cause my imp makes me smell damn good. I apologize to you, almighty Snake Oil! I did not believe in your immense awsomeness but now I'm a believer!

  20. Romanti Goth is like a smokier, heady-er Velvet Dogs Playing Poker to my nose. Actually I feel like if I put VDPP on and then put a little bit of Gothic Horror over that it would be similiar to Romanti Goth. And yet Romanti Goth is soft, comforting and lush with a little bit of sass. This has crazy staying power, I put this on before I went to bed last night and when I woke up I still smelled like it. This would be an amazing smell on a boy. Soooo goood :wub2:

  21. I haven't tried this on yet but just smelling it out of the bottle puts a smile of my face. VERY bubbly and efervescent! a combo of sprite and mountain dew. I will add to this once I actually put it on.


    ETA: this is very bubbly when first applied and then it fades to this creamy, musky citrus. It's very interesting, I'm not sure how often I will wear this but the novelty of it makes it a keeper for now :)
