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Everything posted by dawndie

  1. dawndie

    Name That Blend!

    I love "Werewolves of London"! Your idea is better than mine -- ArrrOOOO!! I have the cartoon on laserdisc and can get a screenshot if minilux wants one It's pretty famous and probably easy to find. And I didn't know that's where Joe Perry Bait came from: Loviatar and Smut
  2. dawndie

    Name That Blend!

    OK, so here's a glimpse into how my mind works; I apologize in advance. Hang onto those hats and glasses! You say Smut E. Coyote, and I think of an old Warner Bros. cartoon that Tex Avery did, one that hasn't been shown on regular TV in years, called "Red Hot Riding Hood." It was basically a burlesque show in cartoon form (1940s) with this cute chickie singing a song and all the guys in the audience turn into wolves, slobbering and hooting and hollering. A classic shot that's been duped over and over (including Who Framed Roger Rabbit) is a wolf watching the show, and his eyes project out of his head, and he says "AROOOOOGA!!!" So there's my suggestion: AROOOOOGA! I know, I'm no help at all
  3. dawndie

    One of my better ones

    I'm enjoying the mental picture of valentina lighting the tampon string and smirking as the person tries to outrun the fuse
  4. dawndie


    I'm on a never-ending coconut kick and ordered a bottle "blind" from the Lab. In bottle: sourish cream. Uh oh, this is how Milk Moon ended up on me, like sour breast milk Initially on skin: more cream, which sweetens as time goes on. If I sniff real close it teeters on "yuck" but if I stay further away I begin to get a very pleasant waft Half-hour later: luckily it stayed on the sweet side and didn't turn. Today, even in this extreme heat (107 in Dallas) it floats above my skin in a nice creamy haze. It's not suntan-oil, vacation-time coconut, but this is how I imagine natural island skin balm to smell -- from my previous life as a Fijian princess In conclusion: a great scent for summer!
  5. dawndie

    Hair Apparent

    Tell me about it -- I had some weird ideas of what looked good, including borrowing a guy friend's barbershop clippers and, yeah... I did like the photo album, darkity! I say keep the Benatar and get a "hooker wig"
  6. dawndie


    I emailed a girlfriend in California whom I haven't seen since Christmas. We've been friends since junior high and she doesn't have the highest self-esteem in the world, even though she's smart, pretty and hilarious. So I worry about her, especially in the guy department. The comedian Bill Hicks wrote a song called "Chicks Dig Jerks" ("Hitler had Eva Braun / Manson had Squeaky Fromme / I don't know how the world works / All I know is chicks dig jerks") and she picks these boyfriends (and a couple of husbands) who seem to treat her like crap and she doesn't see a problem. Anyway, she's in a doozy situation, in that a few years ago her dad and stepmom won the lottery. They bought a huge house where we grew up, but they're barely there as they spend all their time now at their "ranch" in another state. So my friend is staying by herself in this massive house just a few minutes from her job. Sounds great, right? I'm thinking initially that would be wonderful -- a big house where everything's fancy and new, everything paid for, close to my job so I could cover my own expenses and save huge amounts of money. But then reality would kick in: she can't redecorate anywhere, and the house is currently neo-Miami Vice. She's basically the 24-hour maid, gardener and unarmed guard for free. Nothing "belongs" to her, she's just house-sitting. Plus I'm afraid of her becoming a target, even though the house is all securitied-up, and I don't want anyone (that she knows or doesn't know) taking advantage of her. So ultimately I would have to decline living in the big house for free. I wouldn't be independent and that's really important to me at this point. I need our own space, as shabby and homely as it is, but it belongs to us.
  7. dawndie

    Getting down with my tomatoes.

    Everything looks great! I'm especially enamored with the pepper plant, it looks like it's really doing well and enjoying itself
  8. dawndie

    Update scoreboard and forum name

    I like Sacred Whore of the Prairie, personally. Remember, too, you can put whatever title you want in your signature! How about "Phantom Joe Perry's Ho-House on the Prairie in the Phallus"?
  9. dawndie

    Litha 2006

    Ah, a nice summery blend! In bottle: sweet candy On skin: lemon candy. With Embalming Fluid I got lemon drop candy, very tart and sweet, and this isn't as punchy. The honeysuckle pops in soon after application, and makes it seem more natural (instead of coming out of a blue-and-white Lemonheads box). Half-hour later: more "herby," in that I'm getting a lot more of the mellow florals without being headachey and too flowery -- I'm smelling the mature honey and daisy and wild thyme. Nothing too strong, it's very "sunny." In conclusion: I've lately been pawing through my bottles for a nice summer blend (I have a lot of dark brooding lurking ones) and this will be great! I'm very pleased to have a bottle.
  10. dawndie


    It's update time! Oh how I love updates, although this one was only for the Lunacy. I did order Harvest Moon -- when I saw the will-call notice and they mentioned Harvest Moon, I first thought I wouldn't want it because I previously had a bottle of HM04 and while it started out nice and autumnal, it ended up a bit too strongly floral for me and I gave the bottle to my mom. So when HM05 came out I didn't order, but the reviews sounded more fruity and I wish I would have tried it. Now this blend sounds totally new and different, so I'm in! I also ordered bottles of Hellcat and Morocco, another couple of catalog blends that were giving me dirty looks from my "wanted" list. Hellcat is so creamy sweet, some people think it's too foody but I just love it in the imp, it's a perfect fall scent. At a previous Meet-n-Sniff I got an imp of Old Morocco and fell in love -- it's a perfect dark brooding incensey blend. From what I've read it may have to be aged, so we'll see. I am a bit disappointed that my order from 5/13 is still outstanding -- I know the Lab is catching up, but it would be personally exciting for me to receive an order early (ahead of the pack) instead of late. Hopefully this means I'll get all 3 outstanding orders in July! ETA: Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit! I came home and there was my 5/13 order with no click-n-ship. Aw yeah
  11. dawndie

    My own take on Karma

    From what it sounds like, this woman is being repeatedly hit in the head with the karma clue-by-four, on top of being repeatedly bit on the butt by the Karma Ariedale, and she still hasn't received the message. Sucks to be her. Thanks for posting this -- there are a lot of good points I have to remember
  12. dawndie

    Why Wonder Diva loves her doggies

    Ah, another Zen moment from valentina! We had talked before about "drama-llamas" (termed by darkity) and how some people are addicted to constant drama. If they're not involved in some stressful situation, they'll create it themselves. Pet-people seem to be more mellow anyway.
  13. dawndie

    Blind Ambition

    I have a mental image of darkity as Ms. Magoo, talking to lampposts and hatracks Mine's pretty fuzzy for far-away things (is that nearsighted?). Boss Lady got lasik a few years ago and it didn't really work out. From what it sounds, one eye is a bit better but another is the same. So she needs glasses anyway! Why bother? Anyway, grilled food and sangria sound yummy. When do we eat?
  14. dawndie

    The house hasn't burned down yet

    Oh good lord. Nothing like celebrating the birth of our nation by trying to set the neighbor's house on fire I'm very glad y'all weren't hurt.
  15. dawndie

    Head Shops!

    I confess: I love shopping at head shops. I am not a pot-smoker -- I've tried it a few times at parties and I suppose I enjoyed it, but that was years ago and to me all the trouble of buying it on the "black market" (that sounds funny to say) isn't worth the mild buzz it gives. Not that I'm into stronger drugs, I've never tried anything stronger, but I guess the allure of alternate realities isn't tempting enough for me. Give me some friends and some beer or wine and I'm having a great time. But head shops are so cool, probably because of the whole dorm-room chic -- I love the bamboo curtains and band posters and black lights. Maybe because I never lived in a dorm or an apartment with roommates and didn't have the "real" college experience, because I lived at home the first 3 years of college and then moved out with my then-boyfriend and now-husband. I kinda feel like I missed out on the fun. We have a great head shop near us, called "Puff 'n' Stuff." Hee! They actually have a decent beer selection (I Boddington's) and wine and cigars, but they also have the crazy pipes and rolling papers and accoutrements of the serious smokers. I love looking at all the stuff in the glass cases -- maybe because it's illicit, but some of these glass pipes are really beautiful. I don't even smoke cigarettes, but it reminds me of opium dens and lounging on pillows and thinking deep thoughts.
  16. dawndie

    Head Shops!

    Yes, I inhaled, but don't tell anyone At least with my poor non-smoking technique, I inhaled as best as I could. It's not anything I'm dying to try again, but I do want a pipe, or one of those hookahs that everyone sits around. I wish I had a big house and could do different rooms in themes -- one would totally be the Opium Den, with fabric on the walls, pillows on the floor and everyone could lounge.
  17. dawndie

    Sangria Love, Part I

    These recipes sound great! I love drinking and, um, eating too Rachael Ray is a favorite cooking host of mine -- I like her travel shows too, because she's always really enthusiastic about where she's visiting, without being cheerleader-y and irritating. Plus she has great catchphrases -- a guy friend of mine really likes her (he watches 30-Minute Meals with his 10-year-old daughter, who tells him "you should marry her!") and I'll bust out the "YUMM-O!!" every once in a while to crack him up.
  18. dawndie

    Under Pressure

    I'm keeping a cheery thought for The Mister And a for you
  19. dawndie

    Blame it on Emily and Charlotte!

    Your friend is insightful -- you're cynical because you're romantic, if that makes sense You can appreciate the ideal, but when that inevitably falls short you have to buffett yourself with cynicism. Hmm, that sounds like me too, except throw "occasionally pissy" in the mix I picture you sitting amongst your menagerie, like Snow White in the woods, with dogs at your feet and a bird on your shoulder and a cat in your lap.
  20. dawndie

    Obsolete Technology

    We recently spent some money fixing a couple of broken components -- we debated about whether it was worth it, and decided the repairs were cheap enough compared to buying something new. We have to laugh, though, at how we ended up with the latest in 1990s technology, among other decades: --one repair was the minidisc recorder. Minidiscs were a Sony-only product when CD recorders were still prohibitively expensive. Sony did release albums on minidisc (Simon & Garfunkel, etc.) but these weren't in the US very long, they were more popular in Japan, and it was only Sony/Columbia artists. The best part was recording whatever onto blank minidiscs, like concerts off TV --the other repair was our combo CD/DVD/Laserdisc player. Laserdiscs started in the early 1980s, the precursor to DVDs except record-size instead of CD-size. We have about 100 laserdiscs and it's nice to have one player hooked up to our big TV that plays laserdiscs and DVDs --of course we have a couple of record players, with a couple of boxes of records. We have a Victrola from probably the 1940s, it's a record player in a nice wooden case with an AM radio with tubes. It needs a needle though, and I have no idea where to get one --we have a couple big boxes of cassettes, boxes of videotapes, a wall of CDs (600? I haven't counted recently), the DVDs are overtaking another set of shelves, and don't get me started on the books What are we supposed to do with all this stuff? It seems passe now to have "hard copies" of things -- you're supposed to buy your iPod and download everything. So are we just dinosaurs for keeping all this?
  21. dawndie

    Puddin' Tom update

    Thanks for the update! Puddin' Tom sounds like he has it made in the shade.
  22. dawndie


    I'm so sorry this is happening. Why are weddings so stressful? They're supposed to be fun, dammit! Just try to stay focused on why you're going through all this: to become married to the wonderful man you found. We got married in Vegas at the Paris hotel, and had a little reception afterwards with cake and hors d'oeuvres ("horse dovers" as we fancy folk say). Mom asked me later if I noticed the cake was crooked! It wasn't on tiers, but 2-3 layers stacked on top of each other and was tipping over a bit, and I never even noticed. So there's the importance of the cake at our wedding. One other thing: black frosting, while it looks cool on a cake, is a bad idea at a reception, because it stains everyone's lips and teeth and the pictures come out real ghoulish-looking. Unless that's the look you're going for
  23. dawndie

    Evolution in rant form

    I prefer reading everyone's blogs to little posts too. I would start to post too-long responses in a thread, then get dismayed that I'm boring everyone else to tears and would delete it So I much prefer to ramble on in my blog; if people think it's entertaining, great! If not, who cares? It's entertaining to me. That was a bit off-topic -- I do agree with you about the forums too. I don't think it's age necessarily, but there is a level of maturity that comes from people who are out of school and have been working in the "real world" for a while. I'm not claiming to be mature but there's a certain entitlement mentality of some who are still in school, like that's their "job" and they deserve a certain lifestyle on top of going to school or living at home.
  24. dawndie


    Is it the actual song? Or a ring-toney facsimile? Dah-duh-dah, dah-duh-dah ... *sings to self* My ringtone is Happy Trails. Our old phone had Rockford Files, which I miss. I should download it again
  25. I splurged and bought a Photoplay from November 1926 that I found in a soon-to-be-closed antique and collectibles store. I love reading the articles and ads, and there was a perfume ad for a company called "Cheramy New York: Perfumes of Youth." They must have spent a pretty penny on the ad, as almost the whole magazine is in black-and-white except for the occasional ad pages in color (the other side of the color page is Palmolive soap). The best part is the breathless prose: The Last Ecstatic Moment with Lovely April Showers When you have on a good-looking new frock. when you know that coiffure, make-up, and every detail is just right; when instinct tells you that admiring glances will follow as you pass; then approve the finishing touches before a long mirror and add assurance with springlike April Showers! For April Showers, the perfume of youth, will lift imagination to heights of ecstacy -- give you joyful thrill of life and youth and conscious power .... It is a breezy fragrance; friendly -- eager -- young! You will love the rare, capricious charm of April Showers in perfumes, powders, rouges, jewel-like little compacts, and other necessary toiletries. ----- Holy crap, where has this been all my life? I want heights of ecstasy! I need a joyful thrill of life AND youth AND conscious power. I don't even know what exactly that means, but I need it! I too want to be friendly, eager and young -- not surly, tired and old like I am now. That does it -- I'm going to spray assurance on me and everyone else around, whether they want it sprayed on them or not. Oh, and I'm going to start saying "rouge" too.