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Everything posted by poisondove

  1. poisondove

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    CCXII (212): (aka Grape Bubilicious) Bottle : OMG Grape! Bublicious grape gum, there is no mistaking that. I used to sneak out the back gate in Jr. High to buy bubilicious from the ice cream man. Rebel, I know. Skin: Uh-oh, it doesnt smell like much of anything. Dusty, resiny but faint whatever and its only gone from bottle to skin in this instant...and *POOF* I even reapplied in case it wasn't enough or some how my oil glistening skin hadn't gotten any. HUGE disappointment, esp. since I was all hyped for grape since I live in a nearly articial grape-less world these days. Dry: Hey what's that? Someone brought my gum back!! Faded and not as 'stab you in the nose with a spear' as the bottle, but this is that light whimsical grape smell from after you have been chewing fora while. Wonder if it will turn my tongue purple. *happy dance* Sure no one in their right mind wants to smell like grape bublicious, but you know what? I am not in my right mind, and this is my kinda scent (if I could just figure out where it went before). DCCCXXX (aka Hawaiian Punch) Not sure how, but looks like I never reviewed this one. Might as well now. Bottle: HawaiianPunch - scratchy mixed fruit scent. Wet: Same as bottle but my $£%£$"£ skin starts amping the lemon. So its a little pledgy Dry: Lemon backs off a step and its juicy but dry punch. No minute maid fruit punch (which I admit I hoard in my freezer since it doesnt exist over here) but the little hawian punch guy would be proud.
  2. poisondove

    Singing Moon

    This blendwas suggested to me when the Ghosts of Arroyo Seco Bridge refused to smell like home on PCH and instead became bathroom airfreshner. I was looking for ocean-ness but sadly Singing Moon didnt want to helpme out either. Wet/Skin: Sure it hasa wet/watery undercurrent but there are no herbs/lavendar or anything mentioned above. I admit I amp (and dislike) dirt notes and singing moon is no different. I am wearing wet dirt. Its like I walked through some mud and have no dragged it into the house. Major dissapointment. Overall: Don't judge the blend on me. Its wet dirt for me,but this is my epic fail and mydarn skin chem seeking out and screaming when Iput on dirt (or sometimes lemon or cinnamon notes that aren't even listed). Bummer
  3. poisondove

    Budding Moon

    Budding Moon was never on my 'seeking' list. I am not a ginger fan, and wasn't big on Lotus Moon. Hadn't an opinion either way on plum blossoms. But here this bottle arrived shyly in the post, smiling to itself for it was about to turn my on my ear. The blend is gentle to the nose and I don't get even a hint of yucky ginger. Its very sweet and is a 'fruity-floral' as previously described. The sweet smell does have a strawberry note to it. Very pretty. And quite a pleasant surprise (since its usually the other way. I guess she can stay
  4. poisondove

    Wolf Moon 2007

    The perfume equivalent to being a werewolf. Its warmth I cannot be explained, but its like being in a wolf coat. while there is a breath, an undercurrent of cold like winter winds. And of course, I can smell the trees that pass me by in a blur as I travel through the cold woods. Its amazing. Dizzying. And I almost need to close me eyes, as I get lost in this weird dual world. I am not here anymore, I am in or am the wolf.
  5. poisondove

    Pink Snowballs

    A lighthearted winter scent: chilly vanilla rose snowballs! Dainty, soft, and certainly unfit for flinging! If you can make any allusion to BPALs Snow White, I am there. But I am not sure about this one. Not sure how a perfume can color your mind, but god this is PINK! Pink and rosy and where is my little miss Snow? Instead the roses bloom and leave me teetering on the edge of powder. No!!! (powder seems to be default fail on my skin). Still the threat is there but it never fully makes the jump across the line of powder. Still snow white never did manifest. I have since tried it again, and there was a moment where I could almost hear her laugh. But this time it was just a soft young pink rose affair. Hmmmm. Perhaps with time SW magic will amp? time will tell.
  6. poisondove

    The Ghosts of the Arroyo Seco Bridge

    I bought this for the promises of wet cement. Being originally from rain starved LA, growing up I always knew when rain was near. You could smell it emenating for the cement. And once it was a little wet, it smelling like heaven. Now I am across the ocean, and in this waterworld, no one gets the smell of wet cement. Actually, thinking on it is making me a bit homesick. Imp: Aquatic + herby Skin: Cool breeze but with an herbal smell. Is this iceplants? I am not so sure, but its been a while so maybe I am forgetting. Dry down: Its part nostalgia, and home; and I am sorry to say part bathroom air freshener. Its funny b/c where I have bf point out the negatives (like bathroom airfreshner), I see it too in this one. And it kind of is. No wet cement, even tho its longevity led me to test it all afternoon. Still there is something. Something that reminds me of home.
  7. poisondove


    This one has me confused. Its apple cider with almost a milky twist. Very pleasant. Still its causing the dreaded phenomena that makes my bf ask ' Are you trying to smell like a candle?' Hmph.
  8. poisondove


    I'm a mint-choco-aholic. There I've admitted it and come clean. I knew Spooky was my grail, and even a touch of coconut was all good (since Snow White + I are like mega buddies). I ordered a bottle and was a happy bunny. ....until it arrived. Ugh, plastic! Someone has left the wrapper on my olfactory chocolate mint bars. And no amount of shaking the bottle, huffing my wrist hours after drying will rip off the nose burning plastic wrap. Bugger. It did lighten its assault with drying but it was always like I was sneaking a glance of the mint-chocolate goodness before I was cut off by plastic being stuffed up my nose. Bugger. I could pray to the dieties of aging that this will be something this precocious bottle will grow out of. But I admit I am not that kind of girl. I can't wait around forever hoping he will see the error of his away. Might as well pass Spooky-licious on to someone who can love it properly. Bugger.
  9. poisondove


    I could regale you with tales of how I had a decant of Creepy 06 many moons ago and actually hated it. Maybe it was the booze, I don't know. So I got rid of it. And refrained from getting excited about the revamp. Then caved. I could tell you about that and compare the two, but I don't want to. So I'm not going to. Rather, I want to report on my mini Carmel + Apple Test. Left Hand: Creepy 2009 Right Hand: Sugar Slathered Candy Apple Actually these two are very similar but different...if you know what I mean. Creepy is carmely apple. Where SSCA is apple-y caramel. Simple description, I know, but bang on what I found. The creepy wined and dined me on silken caramel before trying to sneak in one of my five a day. Where SSCA was appletastic from the start but poured on the sweet (yet subtler) sugary caramel. So those are my down and dirty observations. Shame I can't whip out the old creepy and expand the experiment. But then I'd have to get something back that disappointed me quite thoroughly. And well I'd need a third hand *shrug*
  10. poisondove


    Eerie billows of spun sugar, fluttering white cotton, and sheets of cream. Boo confuses my brain. I recall the description .....but it warps to painting images in my mind of bed sheets hanging in the breeze but made of cotton candy. I won't say somehow my mind thinks about eating them, b/c that would sound a bit too strange. But then maybe that thought is really there. Bottle: Smells buttery, sweet and marshmallow-y Skin: It doesn't deviate from the bottle impression. Its ubery super duper sweet and boy is candy dandy. I am not sure I get any seperate elements. It smells creamy, but I can't say I smell the cream. Its quite a piece of art though. I can testify that I haven't tasted Boo (I am not totally off my head) but its one of those ones that comes close to crossing the lines on what sensation its actually tickling. Its def. scent, obviously, but its power kind of extends beyond just scent. Its one of those ones that makes you ponder whether you could actually live on BPAL alone. Simiar Vein to: Marshmallow Poof, Velvet Unicorn, Pink Plastic Flamingo
  11. poisondove

    Detestable Putrescence

    I admit the mention of plastic vanilla had me down and I was even more fearful when the fates pulled a bottle purchase away from me at the last moment (the seller recanted the sale) Was it a sign? My usual vanilla love always vanilla hate when its in the BPAL sphere (Inez - total disappointment on me). But when a decant crossed my path last week, I decided to try. Imp: Buttery vanilla yumness. Could there be potential? Wet on Skin: ARGH! Vanilla plastic. Chalked up a loss and decided to go about my day. Drydown: Wait, what is this? Its a funny nose tickling vanilla powder. Hmm, not what I had been looking for (and powder = doom/fail/default on me) but kinda neat. Certainly dry vanilla and not melty kind. But still there is a bit of charm here. Maybe its worth keeping an imp on hand, and maybe that was what the fates had intended.
  12. poisondove

    Pumpkin I (2009)

    I am an almond scented/flavored/anything addict. Unfortuntely for me, BPAL's almond scents die within moments when in contact with my skin. Yet glutton for punishment that I am, here I indulged in 2 new almondy weenies. Pumpkin I: Bottle - Lovely aroma that seems to morph with every breath. Sharp coffee type note, then almond, the pumpkin spice, then something warm. Promising! Skin - Uhm, cinnamon (I *hate* hot tamale cinnamom scents) & powder. WTH? Not sure where this has come from Dry: Okie, maybe I was hasty and upset. Its sweet and warm and reminds me of brown sugar. A tease/flicker of almond + the spice. Lovely now that its dry, but not almondy nirvana
  13. poisondove

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v1

    CHAOS THEORY V: Dorian Series CLXXXI In the Vial: Fresh/Clean Sharp. Possibly a touch of something masculine. (I just picture those starched white ruffles on old time shirts). On the Skin: It has an edge of masculine cologne, and a tea note. Also that sharpness almost seems citrus (not quite lemon). With the tea rearing its head and this almost lemon note, I feel like my mysterious Dorian now has settled with his tea & lemon in perhaps a sunlit library. But is there a way a perfume can catch the sun light filtering gently, does that even have a smell? As it dries: It is as before, but now the scent has deepened and become creamy. Delicious. Perhaps he's added cream to his tea b/c the scent just has that thick sweet cream note (that so many of the 'fruit & cream' scents have...but no fruit salad) or rather he's dipped a cream scone into his tea. Overall: The above, peaceful and not over powering. Kinda like art, as it paints the whole scene in my head...all it needs now is to come with a cup of tea for me & perhaps this lovely tea drinking Dorian.
  14. poisondove

    Woobie - Wishlist

    Great. Had to go perusing & now curiousity is at an alltime high Woobie Wishlist: Fall Ones: Batty, Maple Haze, Cozy, Apple Basket, Buttered Pumpkins, Fall Foliage, Hazelnut Cream, Cob Webs Christmas: Holiday Hugs, Frosty, Holiday Coma, Sugar Pie , Cookie Batter, Snickerdoodle, Insanity Claus, Butterscotch, Reindeer Turds V- day: Anathema, Black Heart, Chocolate Raspberries, Chocolate Dipped Strawberry, Chocolate Covered Raspberries, GC : Peaches & Cream, Peach Passion, Candied Apples, Christmas Cookies, Marmalade, Pink Vanilla, Raspberry Fluff, Spiced Buttercream Cake,
  15. poisondove


    In the Imp: A light hint of chocolate, the ominous echo of wood notes, tempting. On the Skin: Being a bit worried about how I turn into pinocchio when I touch wood notes, I put a small dab on the inside of my arm. On the skin, it tosses off its demure promises of chocolate and begins to kick me in the nose with its dark, lucious (and way too overwhelming) wood notes. I'm a dark wood desk...a pick up line that I am not sure guarantees success. ( 'Hey baby, I smell like a desk, wanna write on me.'...uhm no, I don't think that's gonna work) Dry: Softer wood, I'll admit. Some dark something else (not spice) lingers underneath, but I can get behind the wood to see it. A bit more subtle, but I still might be mistaken for part of the furniture. Darn.
  16. poisondove

    Strawberry Moon 2005

    I second this!! I refer to strawberry moon as my 'Strawberry Shortcake' perfume Sure that doesn't say real life strawberries, but as a child of the 80's, it pleases me
  17. poisondove

    Banana Peel in a Graveyard

    Imp: Banana in the dark oil somewhere, and a hint of mossy-ness. Wet: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH no! Dirt! Bring the earthworms b/c I am dirt-tastic. Tho there is banana in the air, like a wee ghostie. Dry: Dirt. Loam. Soil. I know I amp it but this is silly!! Though there is a sweet undercurrent, as if someone buried the banana peel. Its a bit reminiscent of being a kid, digging for earthworms, having had the inevitably sticky hands after polishing off some sweetie. Summary: Amazing how they can make such a scent --so tangible and real-- but sad that if there is a hint of dirt, I shall become the dirt smelling girl
  18. poisondove

    Zarita, the Doll Girl (2006)

    She may be a doll to some, but as I had set my hopes to high with visions of Orange Creamsicles in my head...well it as not to be. I think I was whacked over the head by the carnation, and I can see there is a bit of Alice to this girl. And now there is the faint tickle of orange...but that's all. No hot summer popsicle memories alive...but then she never really promised this to me
  19. poisondove

    Rose Red

    Rose Red 07: Dewy fresh red rose, with a definite bite of green stem ....like when you have smelt the rose and decided to kidnap it from its bush. As you snap the stem the pungent greenery wanders through the fragrant landscape of rose. Rose Red 08: Got an imp, though I hadn't thought it'd be very different. But OMG was I wrong. This rose is almost a candy rose, its very very sweet. And then as it sits on my skin sticky & sweet; the overwhelming smell of sharp fresh grass accosts my nose. As if I have dropped this candy rose onto the lush lawn. Very powerful, but very nose-tickling curious...how can 2 rose reds be so very different to me
  20. poisondove

    Wolf Moon 2007

    WM 06 In the imp: Funny. Warm, musky, golden. I can't really place it, but not what I thought. guess I got to try a bit. On the Skin: Its a burst of pine trees hitting me at full tilt. But oddly this isn't chilly at all, its warm like a think wolf pelt. The smell makes you feel like you are there amongst the trees, perhaps cloaked in winter, but I just can't catch the coldness b/c I am wrapped up warm in this golden aura of muskiness. But despite this, its only a hint or an undercurrent. The pine trees are very vivid and strong and almost Christmass-y (like time of year, not 'ho ho ho merry stuff') Drydown: The warmth recedes and leaves me with a quiet pine forest. As if after our romp through the woods, here we are safe again on the tree break, perhaps at the brink of civilization. Yet I am still here by the trees, and Wolf Moon has spent the rest of the evening reminding me of where it has taken me. Very nice. I guess taking a chance was worth it, b/c I think I need to keep Wolf Moon around the next time the moon waxes full and the wolves call.
  21. poisondove

    Death of the Grave Digger

    In the imp: Dirt and pine trees. And they are very cold. In that way Shivering Boy and Snow Moon (& that Yule one that starts with a K) feel cold. Skin: I think I am seeing fog in my breath, as the room take a tumble in temperature. So odd, how a perfume can smell cold...amazing! Soil is sharp around me, and the pine trees are looming nearby. This really is the scent to be buried in. Overall: Not really something I'd wear for an occasion, but still a masterpiece of interpreting a painting. Really, art in itself
  22. poisondove


    Initial Impression: Almond party in the imp. Very sharp and pure almond-y goodness. After Wearing It: Almond starts out very strong (which is good) but I can smell powder chasing on its heels (powder seems to be the default 'not working' for me). Final Thoughts: It went to powder within 5minutes. I am not sure if today is just a bad day or something (even Mouse's Long & Sad Tale went powder for the first time) Very frustrating. Must try again another time (*tucks it away*
  23. poisondove

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    Chaos Theory 3: DCCCXXI (821) - Upon opening the bottle, my nose is met with fizzy lemon. Like lemonade or lemon sherbets. Bubbly when it hits your nose. Fresh & tart. Some people have said that sandlewood surfaces for them, but this isn't the case for me. This one lingers with bright, sunny lemonade throughout my day. Very summery and bright fragrance...and maybe its just me, but it seems to keep my spirits high and me smiling whenever I put it on. Previously reviewed by edenssixthday.
  24. poisondove

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    Chaos Theory (CT) IV: XMII Previous owners thoughts: Apple w/ boozy notes --a boozy LA Vita Nuova My Impressions: There is an initial apply note, but then warms to a lovely fresh laundry on the laundry line in spring feeling. A really feel good scent, ...and for me it conjures up images of my favorite cuddly Laura Ashely towel (I cannot explain the wild towel buying adventure the bf & I had. None came close to the velvet snuggliness of LA towels & this is how *wow* this scent feels) Fresh and warm and full of sunshine from drying on the line. Comforting/snuggly/familair...and just plain old good. Wow. Never thought a perfume could be so comforting and conjure up so much. Shame, they only make a bottle of each, b/c this is something to share/compare with others
  25. poisondove

    Huesos De Santo

    My wee decant came today and I just couldn't wait to try it. I had reservations on this one since I loathe aniseed. Upon opening I am overwhelmed by the scent of buttery cake. OMG! Once on, its cake & so yummy with a splash of orange flickering back and forth. Orange-y cake, this is delicious. Now I am lamenting only having a decant. After a bit, aniseed rears its head. Oh no! Now its a gentle aniseed (almost forgivable) and warm buttery cake. Oh dear, this still smells so good! Maybe Beth has turned me into an aniseed person