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Posts posted by greenranger

  1. Spicy with citrus peel.

    Geranium and patchouli.

    Spices and myrrh and patchouli. The citrus and geranium have faded into the background. The wine never came forward, and my skin likes wine. So far, I like this.

    The salon has been very very good to me so far.

  2. Coriander. Heee!


    In the bottle and wet, it smelled grassy with maybe wood somewhere in it.


    On, the herbs give it a bit of lift that the woods alone wouldn't. It's a cheerful herby scent with some wood behind it. No bitterness. The tonka is taking its own sweet time coming forward, and maybe it won't this time? It becomes less breezy, but, isn't changing much, otherwise.


    Very nice. =)

  3. That is very apt description.


    Wet, a sharp blend of minty pennyroyal and herby lavender.


    Dry, still pungent.


    It's different. Very different. I might keep the imp simply because of its uniqueness. I don't think it's one I'll reach for often, though.

  4. Wet, chocolate and patchouli.


    Drying, flowers, leather, chocolate and patchouli. There's more flowers than just a touch, on my skin so far.


    Dry, the flowers have covered everything else. There might be a little patchouli struggling to the surface.

  5. This is very dark in the imp.


    In the imp, ylang ylang.


    On, musk.


    Drying, musk and flowers.


    Dry, musk, flowers and myrrh.



    Once again, if the musk holds off on becoming too sweet, it will be nice. If it goes sugar-shock on me, then not so much.




    The sweetness is beginning to amp...ah well.

  6. In the imp, musk and orris, I think.


    Wet on me...myrrh and musk and patchouli. Dark darkity darkness.




    I'll have to see how sweet the musk goes on me, before I know if this is a keeper. Sometimes it works, and sometimes I am wearing candy.


    I don't know. I thought for a minute it was going candy on me, but, it settled down. We'll see.

  7. Myrrh. Mostly I smell Myrrh. There's a little wood, I think, in the dry down, but not much. There may be other resins besides myrrh, but, I suppose not the ones that I know well. I'm not getting the peppery feel that I usually get from frankincense. There might be vanilla? Or benzoin? I was fantasizing just recently about a vanilla/myrrh scent. Maybe I have one now...


    I can see where people are getting the banana from. It isn't intense, on me. Just a bare hint of banana, or some tropical sweetness. Overall, the scent is light and sweet and resiny on me. I really like it!

  8. This came to me very mysteriously, but, I'll appreciate it!



    In the bottle, bay rum.


    On me wet, salt spray, bay rum, wood, patchouli and musk. The tea rose and currant might be adding a slight bit of sweetness. Very masculine, but just wearable for me I think. I'd have my guy wear it, if I thought he would.

  9. In the bottle, green grass: a perfect, soft, clipped, summer lawn in a bottle. It actually makes me want to go play catch outside.



    On me, green grass, cucumber and agave. Definitely the scent of a place where it rains enough in the summer to keep everything green.


    I spent a couple summers when I was 10 and 11 in Indiana at my Aunt's house next to a river. This takes me back to my first experience playing in a place where the vacant lots grow trees rather than dust if left alone, and no one bothers to have sprinklers in the lawn.


    Also, it lasts, and lasts, and lasts on me. It hasn't morphed much, and I can still smell it clearly.

  10. Wet, on me, musk and oakmoss. It does feel dark.


    Everything is blending together and I am giving up on finding the individual notes. The scent is dark, elegant but restful.



    There are flowers coming out on top. The musk and woods are supporting it. This is really lovely. I get the purple, and to me it's an elegant purple...an evening gown that you know you look fabulous in.


    I have high hopes for it lasting, since most of the notes listed last well on me.



    It does last well. It does change somewhat, though...It becomes even more purple, and sweet, and less formal. Wearing a fabulous purple gown and stopping off for a purple slushee on the way home. Hee!

  11. In the bottle, blueberries.


    On me, blueberries. Oh, what a juicy scent! There's the ginger and the currants...coriander, benzoin. Mmmm.


    Drying, all the spices have come forward. The berries are still there, but, the effect is more spicy and less juice.


    Dry, the vanilla is making itself known and the scent is smoothing out some. Very very yummy so far. Also, very different from the scents I have tried before.


    There's a lot of notes here that usually like my skin. I have high hopes for it lasting. =)


    Hehe. It dries down to blueberries and green tea. Much lighter than it started, but, dreams often change directions unexpectedly. Nice!

  12. It's here! It's here!


    Edge of Chaos CCXIX Chaos theory IV


    I opened up the bottle and I smell...coffee...booze?


    On wet, toasted almonds(the notes promised no nuts but, that's the impression I get anyhow)? Possibly myrrh? There might be a floral that I don't know...maybe.


    Doing this completely without scent notes and other's impressions is interesting. heh.


    There are resins in this, I believe(hope!). Myrrh at the least, possibly amber. I think there may be coffee as well, though it is a background note for sure. There might possibly be just a touch of something citrus.


    Too much fun!!


    Well, darn. It vanished. I suspect, but cannot prove, that the scent also contains ambergris, since the scents that I know contain that have done a very similar dissapearing act on my skin. :D


    It ended up smelling very very clean. Not what I was hoping for, but, I'll swap it away and see what I can get to try in its place.



    Decants. :D


    CCCLXVIII (pale yellow oil)

    In the imp, a pineappley boozy drink.

    On me, I get a whiff of salt, and then it vanishes into the fruity sweetness. Pineapple, maybe rum, possibly some vanilla or honey, and possibly amber. It doesn't have the staying power on me to make me think it has much resin, which is really too bad. I like this one. It lasts a couple hours on my skin.



    In the bottle, cherimoya(a tropical fruit-green skin, white custardy flesh, sweet slightly tangy taste with a hint of pineapple and banana) and some light wood. On my skin the fruit fades fast leaving the light wood. There's a very slight pepperyness to the very light wood scent, and just the edge of sweetness is left. Very light scent.



    Caramel custard with fruit in the bottle. On me, Fruity creamy alcoholic drink. There might be flowers in this one, but they are faint on me and don't stick around long. There seems to be something salty in this as well. Light scent.


    CCCLXIX (very pale yellow oil)

    In the imp, creamy? On me, cream...and white flowers? There might be a pale musk or there might not. A light scent, faintly sweet, and creamy.


    CCCLXV (pale yellow oil)

    In the imp, caramel and herbs. On me, anise, shading towards celery. Something in this really likes my skin. It's a shame I don't like anise so much. Moderate to strong scent. Lasts well on my skin.


    CCCXXXIV (Pink oil)

    In the imp, grapefruit? On me, grapefruit indeed. A tart scent with just an edge of sweet. There's something else coming forward to emphasize the tart/bitter end of the grapefruit, but darned if I know what. Actually, I like this one, but, I don't know how well it will last. Moderate strength. The sweetness fades, but, the bitter/tart part stays and seems to be accompanied now by a faint hint of leather. Interestingly, I still like it.


    CCCXXIII (pale yellow oil)

    In the imp, pale fresh pulpy scent? The bamboo note maybe? On me, lightly sweet and pulpy smelling. I suspect the bamboo note is here. Fresh, clean and damp. Light scent, but, I like it if it stays like this. Drying, something grassy and green that I recognise from Sturgeon Moon comes out, but, I don't know which of the notes it is.


    CCCLXXI (pale yellow oil)

    In the imp, sweet. On me, sweet buttered popcorn? Sweetcorn that's been popped? Moderate to strong scent. settles down to creamed corn. hee!


    CCCXLVIII (very pale yellow oil)

    In the imp, greenery and stargazer lilies. On me, lilies, vanilla, and sugar, with greenery of some sort. Strong scent.


    CCCXXXIX (yellow oil)

    In the imp, caramel? Maybe.I'd say almonds but the nuts were left out of these blends. A good counterfeit of almonds whatever it actually is. On, its a creamy sweet scent. There might be some flowers in this. Light scent, and fading on me fast.


    CCCXIII (pale yellow oil)

    In the imp, greenery. On me, almost nothing. Faint faint flowers and greenery.


    CCCXXIX (golden yellow oil)

    In the imp, sweet. On, sweet resin?(crosses fingers) Honey and fir trees. Maybe amber? Light musk as well. The fir and honey are fading. Light scent so far. A skin scent.


    CCCLXVI (pale yellow oil)

    In the imp, slight sweetness. On me, sweet butter...maybe there are flowers there, but, I can't tell what kind. It's fading down to a very light musk.


    CCCLV (yellow oil)

    In the imp, floral sweetness. On me, not quite fruity candy. A white wine, with fruit and flowers, maybe? It might even be a champagne note with fruit and flowers. Moderate strength.


    CCCXLII (almost colorless oil)

    In the imp, a faint floral and clean air. On me, white flowers. Light, fresh, breezy...and not strong.


    CCCLVI (pale yellow oil)

    In the imp, not much. On me, nothing. Ah, there's a slight floral sweetness, and maybe a slight light spice.


    CCCXXXVII (nearly colorless oil)

    In the imp, spicy and intriguing, but, I can't place the scents! On, coffee, chocolate, and something that may come to me eventually, but, seems unlikely to combine with those...you know how sometimes you see a person you know, but, don't recognise them because they are not where you usually see them? Like that. More testing is needed. :D Oh, and it lasted for hours and dried down eventually to mostly just chocolate.


    CCCXXXIII (golden yellow oil)

    In the imp, faintly sweet. On me, seaweed and spices? I think this is the first real, "Wha? " oil in this pile. Light, spicy, and reminds me of rolling sushi. This one dried down to cloves, and lasted a long time.




    In the bottle, coffeeeeeeee......coffee and possibly booze! In the bottle and wet on me, the scent is strooong. Drying, I think there's booze in this? There might also be myrrh? If this lasts on my skin I have my coffee scent. Mmmmmmm. No, oh, no...don't vanish! :D Ok. It came back, and round two is slightly reminescent of baked goods with coffee flavoring. Later, now that the coffee note is fading ever so slightly, I think I detect a bit of...tobacco? I think I have a winner! :P



    I haven't the foggiest idea what's in this. It's a light scent, slightly spicy, refreshing. It might have an aquatic note? Not salty at all, though. It's nice, but, it really has me stumped. The spicy part does not last. The feeling of clean, cool, fresh water, though, becomes stronger.



    In the bottle, fruit? Woods? There's almost a hawaiian punch note in it but it keeps sliding away from my nose...On, it's ozone and punch and maybe light woods.



    In the bottle, citrus? Oranges. on me, good quality fresh orange juice. This can't possibly stay like this, as citrus fades fast on me...can it? There are spices somewhere behind the juice, and I suspect it isn't all orange juice...maybe something lemony as well. I think I am getting thirsty smelling this. Dry, there are resins in this, I think? It's still citrus and spice with maybe resins as well.



    In the bottle, sweet and juicy. On me, Spicy, sweet and juicy. Also strong. So far, it's an industrial strength version of MCXIX, with more spice. The juice backs off, and the spicyness does fade somewhat. It is still a strong and rather assertive spicy scent, with a slight orange juice sweetness backing it.

  13. Um...chocolate? It smells like there might be cocoa in this...? Or my skin is just being strange. There's a smooth creamy note under the patchouli that my nose is claiming is cocoa, though it is probably not.


    Drying, I can smell the lavender and tonka, in addition to the patchouli.


    How come it took me this long to try this? Oh, yeah, I had a hundred other imps to test... :P


    Spicy, lavendery tonka! Mmmmmmmm.

  14. In the imp...green...young green growing things. Very, very springlike, to me.


    On me, wet, the same. Green, green growing things before anything has managed to bloom. Probably still wet from the mist or rain, but, I don't smell any dirt or mud. Clean.


    I don't know any of the notes and can't pick anything out, but, springlike, clean and green is how I'd describe the scent. Dry, it smells slightly drier to me, like the mist is gone and the sun is warming things up, but, everything is still green.

  15. Wet, on me, pear.


    The lilies and heliotrope come out next. Then the sweet pea and honeysuckle...I can't find the musk yet, but, with all these sweet scents it may not come forward. The flowers are blending nicely into one big bouquet as it dries.



    Thank heaven there's no rose. Nothing is amping or fighting. It's a very nice floral scent(for a floral =) ) but, I'll have to see how long it manages to last on me.

  16. Wet on me, peaches and amber.


    Drying, ah, the vanilla...and I think I can detect something that might be the heliotrope. I don't know heliotrope all that well yet. Hello, Heliotrope, it is nice to finally meet you!



    So far, a lovely scent. Everything seems to be blending together very well into a sweet golden whole.


    I also have high hopes for this lasting a long while on me, with sandalwood, amber and vanilla in it.

  17. Peaches amber and cardamom, from the straight oil. I got more than the little bit of a whiff I was intending, since the box was scented with this. Yes, this one spilled, which usually means it is the one that I will grudge every last little drop the packaging and cardboard got, that I didn't get to use. :P



    I applied a bit to my hands and then rinsed them. The scent that remains is mostly peach, with some spice. It's nice.


    I'll give it a more thorough test later, in the shower or bath, though.

  18. Mostly, it was the completist in me that made me get this one. Primavera is so floral all over, I might have skipped it on my own...except...I had to try all of them if I could.


    In the bottle, leaves.


    On me, the flowers rise up.


    I can't pick the notes out. It's a nice enough floral...but, it is still floral. I'll try it again on a day when my nose isn't as overwhelmed, but, I suspect there may be a happy swapper out there soon.


    Very VERY floral.
