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Posts posted by greenranger

  1. Interesting. Musk and mandarin and WOOD and flowers.



    The wood stays strong, and the mandarin vanishes way too soon. Now, it is unfortunately smelling a bit...soapy. That doesn't happen do often to me, and I wonder which note is doing that?



    ~edit~I'd put this in my swap pile, but, had never gotten around to doing anything about it. Tonight I tried it again. No soap. Amber, musk, and a slightly tart sweetness. Actually quite nice.

  2. Sweet woody floral. I think I smell the muguet and the hazelwood at the forefront. Like most of the salon scents, it's fairly complex. It's interesting...and has possibilities.


    Drying, the scent is softer, and almost buttery. It's softer on me than I thought it would be with all the woods and vanilla. It seems to be lasting fine, but, it's a more...refined...quiet scent than I thought they'd add up to? I could wear this to work or for an interview and not think twice. It also is a bit more standard perfume scented. That is, I don't think anyone is going to ask me, "Ooh, what is that scent?"

  3. On wet, honey and fruit.


    Drying, it's sweet, but, there's an earthy spicy undertone...that is just barely detectable. It seems to be mostly there to keep the sweet honeyed fruit and apple blossoms from being too cloyingly sweet.


    I like it, but, I'll have to see how long it lasts.

  4. Wet, a heady over the head whallop of wine, musk, vetiver and cherries.


    Drying, the vetiver is in the lead, with cherries and maybe clove coming up from behind.



    There's the vanilla! Yay! Oops, vetiver takes the lead again, it's going to be neck and neck!



    Now the pack is coming 'round the bend with vetiver and vanilla in the lead, but cherry and wine are gaining! Clove is coming up on the outside. Musk is in the back of the bunch with no obvious way through.




    And it's vanilla by a nose, vetiver in second, with cherry and wine in a tie for third.

  5. Nyx

    Wet, rose. I should probably have been more careful of the amount and applied less...


    Drying, rose and myrrh.


    Too much rose and jasmine for me and the myrrh seems to be aiding the amping.

  6. First whiff, chestnuts...sweet chestnuts.


    As it dries I can smell the honey, butter, and brown sugar as well as the chestnuts. It does seem slightly smoky, but the smoke is barely a background note, and the pine is not really detectable.


    Dry, the whole scent blends a bit more. I think I can smell more of the pine and cedar smoke now, and that makes it a little less foody. The speed of the change is slightly worrysome, as I am hoping that the scent does not dry down to just wood and smoke. I want chestnuts and sugary honey goodness.

  7. When I first put this on, I sat for a minute, and then put the imp back in the "untested" box because I couldn't think of a thing to write about it.


    It's been about an hour? I still can't pick out notes in it. It's a mostly smooth scent with a hint of sweetness and spicyness in its depths.


    I don't know...It doesn't smell like a debauched pirate party pit...but more like how an elegant hotel might be scented...?

  8. Lavender, sweetened with the black musk. Very strong. There might possibly be tobacco behind it. The vanilla hasn't managed to show through yet.


    The imp is a keeper. I discovered that it isn't something that I merely like...so much as occasionally I need to wear this.


    It doesn't hurt that it layers well with Lilith Victoria(which brings out more vanilla).


    When I reach for a salon scent, this one is it about 80% of the time...eventually, when the imp runs out, I may weaken and get a bottle...eventually.


    ~edit~I keep looking for a lavender scent, and I keep coming back to this one as the only lavender scent that I have tried where the lavender doesn't immediately fade away on me. Of course, now that I have had the imp for a few months, and my nose has also gotten better at discerning notes, I can smell the black musk and tobacco much more clearly as well. The vanilla is a background note in this for me, still, but, all of those notes tend to last better on me than lavender, so having any lavender stay past the first hour is a breakthrough. I still don't know golden copaifera well enough to recognise it.

  9. Gardenia, iris, and chamomile, with resins behind them.


    The iris is going very sweet. I'll give it a few minutes to see if it calms down.


    Alright it is calming down slightly, but, I don't think this one is for me. The iris is in the forefront ahead of the gardenia and all the other notes. I don't think I care for iris all that much.

  10. Sweet and light. Ah, there's the sandalwood, grounding it slightly before it blows away. Light, airy floral with just a hint of the asian pear, and the barest hint of the sandalwood to anchor it.


    Very nice.


    Except that I don't think I'll actually wear it. I'll put it in my general box and see how often I pull it out to use.

  11. Wet, ozone.


    Ozone and steel and leather. Actually, there is a hint that it isn't just steel and leather, it is an armored warrior on a lightning slashed night. I do smell the part of the scent that is turning into BO on some. Mine is not quite going that far, but there is a musky impression to it.


    Dry, the scent of herbs has overcome everything else.


    It was an interesting ride. Interesting that my skin chose to amp the herbs so far up. I suppose I need to be careful of mugwort, colophony, and ajowan in the future.

  12. Wet, leather and spicy cologne.


    Drying, leather, and spice and cologne.


    I don't know...something in it is reminding me of a particular type of guy I used to run into once in a while...the sort that was always dressed to impress, with the expensive haircut. The guy that was headed into Marketing or Business or Law, and was going to be the Next Big Thing? The sort that even if I did think he was going to be wealthy, I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole because he cared more bout his car and clothes than any girl he happened to be with.


    It isn't an unpleasant scent, it just has an association in my head that I don't care for.

  13. I love this one for the first couple hours. It starts off very fruity and fabulous, and the fruits mellow and change over the course of the two hours.


    Then, after two hours, it is mostly the squash and maybe the lettuce, and time to reapply to get the fruityness of the start.


    Unfortunately, to really use this I'd need the part I love to last longer than two hours. There really isn't enough of it to reapply constantly.
