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Everything posted by VioletChaos

  1. VioletChaos

    Nibble Nibble Gnaw

    Looking down, you see a scattering of breadcrumbs strewn on the packed soil and straw at your feet. A waft of candied apple and pancakes embraces you, as you follow the crumbs on the path. The scent intensifies: sugared nuts, crushed candies, hot gusts of chocolate, and you find yourself standing before a small booth constructed of cakes, pastries, sweet breads, and a cascade of candy tiles. Shards of clear sugar glint in the ambient firelight of the Midway, and an old woman emerges from the shadows within. She extends a gnarled hand to you and rasps, Oh, you dear, what has brought you here? You look like skin and bones; a strong gust of wind would spirit you into the air. Do come in, and visit with me. No harm shall happen to you. In The Bottle: Candy, chocolate and a distant but distinct booze note- maybe rum or possibly whiskey! Wet On Skin: I think it's the sugared nuts that have gained footing. It's still quite sweet, but it's getting less foodie now that it's warming up on my skin. Dry Down: Well, now. This is NOT the candy-sugar paradise that some foodies are hoping for. HOWEVER, this is really, really beautiful. It's become something of a dusty, very dry cocoa powder with a hint of rock candy. Imagine if Sugar Skull and Cacao Pod had a sophisticated baby- you'd have Nibble Nibble Gnaw. In All: Low throw, a sweetly, dry seductive confection.
  2. VioletChaos

    I Know You're Watching Me

    I agree with the assessment of an amber-vanilla combination as mentioned above. Also orris, for sure, providing some of the deep background dry-powder aspect. And unfortunately the dryer-sheet thing is spot on as well. Perhaps it's my skin chemistry or the fact that I lived through the 80's and came out worse for the wear. Whatever the reason, this isn't the kind of musk that can work for me, sadly, though listen to the folks above- if their descriptions appeal, you're likely to be interested in this scent as they are!
  3. VioletChaos

    Tea Funeral

    The copy reads: "Pay your respects with steaming rivulets of black and green tea dribbling across black crepe and memorial lilies." I'm honestly not sure about this one yet. Tea scents on me tend to be light, vaguely lemon-y and a bit astringent, in a lovely, bracing springtime way. Unfortunately for me, I don't think the lilies are playing in my favor. It's sad but true: a good many florals simply don't work with my skin chemistry. Alas, the lilies here seem to be turning toward the mini-soaps you find in fancy bathrooms on me and safer still, the black crepe has gone directly to ozone-ocean-salt on me, do not pass Go, do not collect lovely smellies on the way around the board. I do wanted to love this, but also knew that half the notes were risky for me. Sometimes the risk pays off but...not this time Off to the swap pile!
  4. VioletChaos

    Violet Behemoth

    Oh, myyyyyyyyy. 😍 For those who are lament missing out on Random Brothel - or those among us that fell head over heels for it- here's something in a very similar wheelhouse. Despite the appearance of both black plum and raspberries, this is no fruity -or foodie- scent in any way. Rather, the inclusion of those notes act as grounding and sweetening, respectively, but it's all very behind-the-scenes. As a swoon fan of the Lab's Indigo Musk note, I knew this was one of the new Singularity that was a must-have for me, and it paid off in spades. The violet leaf is light, noticeable but not overt, so those that fear the potential for "soapiness" know that the concern should be kept to a minimum. Instead, the combination of the four elements smooths within minutes of drydown into a sophisticated, sweet, but not cloying, delicate blue musk. Low to medium throw, test a little to see how it reacts with your chemistry before you slather- this is not a scent you want to overdo, rather one that will be more enjoyable if you keep it close to you. I was just grieving yesterday how Random Brothel will likely remain in the box now until the chilly days of autumn some back in about 7 months, but I think I found the perfect springtime replacement! ❤️
  5. VioletChaos

    Millennial Pink

    In a nutshell? *Exactly* what I'd been hoping for. Ruby chocolate, in flavor, is distinct from all other colors of chocolate in that it has a fruity tang in its composition. I'd been hoping that the scent would capture that nuance and it DOES, beautifully. The scent has the luxurious, creamy cacao that we've come to expect from the Lab, but with that special afore-mentioned Ruby tang. To round it out, the white musk both unifies the two elements of the cacao while balancing the scent in a way that keeps it from being too "foodie" or gourmet to turn off those that are unsure about that side of the scent spectrum. I mentioned elsewhere that I personally view this scent as a perfect counter-balance to my beloved Cacao Pod- whereas that scent has a richness that works well during the cold half of the year, here is a cacao-based fragrance for the warm months- and just in time.
  6. VioletChaos


    The second I opened the bottle, I thought to myself, "Wait, this is VERY familiar, in the best possible way..." 🧐 It only took about ten seconds for me to determine that I was reminded *heavily* of Mme Moriarty, the original release, specifically! I think something about the combination of cherrywood and the red amber caused a gorgeous approximation of that yummy plum note from the Mme somehow. This remained true through application and into the first part of drydown. 30 minutes later, it's lost a touch of that initial impression, but frankly not that much. I got this expecting more of a Smut vibe with that red musk note, but in combination with the other notes here, it's somehow a slightly lighter version of Mme Moriarty instead (yes, both contain red musk, but the supporting cast changes how she reacts, apparently, and I think here that the cotton candy is acting as a proxy for the vanilla bean in Mme.'s formula). In any case, I'm extremely happy that a fairy was able to snag me a bottle of Heartshow, and I shall treasure it for as long as she lasts! ❤️
  7. VioletChaos

    Abolish ICE

    You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming. ― Pablo Neruda Selections from our general catalog of perfumes may have succumbed to frostbite, but never fear! We haven’t lost our molten core of passion for seeing justice served. Consider this our holiday prayer for a reckoning long overdue: May human decency prevail over the corruption and wickedness that endangers so many of our neighbors, and may our government’s assorted agencies be held accountable for their ongoing assault against the civil liberties of those seeking refuge in our land of bountiful freedoms. Proceeds from sales of this perfume will benefit the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES). For more information about their services, please visit https://www.raicestexas.org Melt the hoarfrost of this administration’s cruelty with this scent of warmth, safety, and succor: smoked toffee and patchouli with coffee bean, caramelized oudh, clove, and bourbon vanilla. Disclosure: I purchased 2 bottles of this scent blind because even if this smelled like bottled poo, the meaning behind it is so important in this political climate that I wouldn't even care. That said, it happens to contain a number of notes I tend to love, and I'm hoping it's going to be a knockout In The Bottle: Toffee, chewy caramel and bourbon vanilla. It's warm, sweet and very cozy. I'm falling in love already! Wet On Skin: Oh, my. The above are cut through by the emergence of the clove and oudh, colluding to pull the scent out of merely being a sweet-n-sticky food treat and moving it into a higher plain- more depth, more spice, a rounding out. Dry Down: While I get no patch or coffee, all the other notes are at the party, clove taking a slight lead at this stage, making this a warm and inviting cold-weather scent. It doers exactly as it has set out to do: the fires of love, warmth and inclusion ring true and deep with this scent, reminding us that it is community that keeps the cold hard world at bay. Thank you Beth, for bringing such a visceral reminder into the universe, your love is so strong in the fa ce of oppression that it brings tears to my eyes presently. ❤️❤️❤️
  8. VioletChaos

    New Year’s Kitty Tea Party

    In The Bottle: That ginger pannetone is a force to be reckoned with, and it leaves no room for anything else! Wet On Skin: This is a bit like Crumpet Rebellion and Eat Me and Blackberry Jam and Scones in terms of tea and baked goods and accouterments that go with them.... ...But then, on drydown, the saffron and rhubarb throw a bizarre wrench into the mix, making this scent a cousin of the afore-mentioned whilst also going somehow off the rails. I can't quite get a handle on it, and I'm okay with that. If you're a fan of those other baked-good scents, definitely put this on your list, as it'll be right in your wheelhouse. Medium throw with a sweetness that's less sugary than one might expect but still suuuuuper foodie, this is a scent for going to brunch, or doing some weekend baking or wearing when you want a good scone but can't (or don't) have access to any.
  9. VioletChaos

    Clown Footstool

    In the bottle and wet on skin, this scent dives fully into intense gourmand territory, with the sandalwood and gardenia only really coming out to play after full drydown. I am reminded during certain states of the Weenie Single Note, Clown White, and I suspect there's a note or two in common between these scents, which would be on-brand since, you know, clown. Whereas that scent leaned from vague sweetness into the appealing chemistry of stage fog or pancake makeup, this leans more into the general vibe of an old-fashioned Italian clown situation and the difference is that this is a scent that is enjoyable beyond just the novelty aspect. A light, vaguely dusty scent with low throw, this is a scent for cuddling up with a book on a Sunday afternoon or a walk through a park on a balmy spring day. It's really nice and unassuming, and sometimes gentleness is what we need most. ❤️
  10. VioletChaos

    Lune Débonnaire

    In The Bottle: The gilded lavender, followed closely behind by the night blooming flowers. Wet On Skin: Lavender is still out in front, with undefinable flora in the background. The lavender at this point weaves in and out, sometimes dominant, then moments later, going into the background, then popping forth again. Dry Down: The mood shifts and at last, the blue musk emerges. This is not the dark, inky blue musk of Night, and to be truthful, at first I was disappointed, because Night is my favorite blue musk scent EVER and I wanted another like it. HOWEVER, having said that, this scent has proven to be just lovely. The night-blooming flowers have sifted and I get a spicy phlox somewhere in the mix overlaying that blue musk fougère. The lavender has basically flown the coop, and the orris never even entered the picture. But what remains is a heady spiced musk of medium throw, maximum sexiness and zero gender preference. Not at all what I was anticipating, but I'm SO glad I made the purchase just the same!
  11. VioletChaos

    Mango-Infused Pumpkin Chai Latte

    Pumpkin-spiced gunpowder tea with mango peel, red ginger, green cardamom, smoky clove buds, fennel, allspice, saffron, coconut sugar, and foamy milk. Mango can be somewhat of a death-note on me, so I ordered this un-sniffed, but apprehensive. In the bottle, the mango was pretty heavy- one of the two prominent notes. But it was sweet and juicy, like a fresh piece of fruit, not like "mango perfume". The back-up note was a sugared vanilla. Sweet, but not terribly thrilling. Wet on my skin, it immediately began to shift, and by the time dry-down was complete, it had changed rather utterly from what it had been in the bottle- for the better. It's a sweet, creamy chai, the sugared vanilla still in the mix, but the usual chai spices definitely holding their own. If the pumpkin is here, it's being very quiet, or else is so deeply buried in the mix that I'm not catching it as it's own entity. In all: medium throw, this wound up being what I always wanted Egg Nog to be, but never was on my skin- warm, sweet, spicy. I don't read this as a "Wow, Autumn!" kind of scent, strangely. But it's cozy and nice and a lovely day-time scent. Glad I got a bottle!
  12. VioletChaos

    Black Opal

    This has been a "white whale" scent for me that I've waited *literally* years to try, so when an almost-full 10mL cobalt bottle was being offered (!!!) I HAD to jump at the chance. I'm so glad I did. I get that "mineral" / "hairspray" (specifically pink-can Aquanet, the ole goth standby) when first applied, but that settled out within a minute of touching my skin. Now that it's full settled and warmed into drydown, what it mostly reminds me of, is a magical Egyptian musk I was gifted nearly 2 decades ago. But it's not JUST an Egyptian musk. I do also get the "coolness" that I concur is a coconut note, similar to what I encountered years ago when I was new to BPAL and first tried Obatala. The coconut, then as now, is NOT the sunscreen or food variety, but a nice, dry husk. Very understated and supporting. Same is true for the vanilla, definitely more of a vanilla bean than anything foodie or gourmand in any way. The old searches don't always work out, but every now and then- BLISS!
  13. VioletChaos

    Melty Creme Egg

    With a hint of FD&C yellow. The British version is better, amirite? In The Bottle: A light milk chocolate with a sweet, sugary undertone. Honestly, this reminds me of the Easter baskets I got as a kid, that faint smell of chocolate combined with the headier smell of 18 different kinds of sugar, plus fake grass. Love it! Wet On Skin: The chocolate is blooming now, but it's not the rich chocolate of, say, The Other Hot Chocolate or Bliss. It's more the chocolate note that shows up in some of the "13" blends- lighter, more sugary. And there's the cream, coming across a bit more persistently, now, not dairy-based- all creamy sugar instead. Dry Down: Light, mild chocolate with an undertone of a similar cream note found in various Egg Nog releases. YUM! In All: Medium throw, sweet but not aggressive- a cute daytime Spring alternative to the richness of Egg Nog. I could see wearing this for family gatherings or just a nice stroll in the park on a chilly spring day!
  14. VioletChaos

    Snake's Shadow

    In the deep, strange-scented shade of the great dark carob-tree I came down the steps with my pitcher And must wait, must stand and wait, for there he was at the trough before me. Snake Oil, black oudh, labdanum, vetiver, and 10-year aged patchouli. In The Bottle: Labdanum and oudh. Wet On Skin: The oudh is strong with this one. It's really so far out front that as it warms on my skin, I can get nothing else from it. Help us Snake Oil, you're our only hope! Dry Down: no vetiver, no patch that I can detect. The oudh is still definitely at the front, but traces of Snake Oil are, in fact, coming through, as is the sweetness of the labdanum. I'm going to let this settle for at least a month before retest, I am one of the masses for whom,e fresh Snake Oil does not generally cooperate. I choose to hold out hope, and if not, I've got some very fine aged SO that I can layer with this bad boy to get the party started
  15. VioletChaos

    Banana Cream Pie

    In The Bottle: Banana deliciousness! Plus a bit of fresh, unsweetened whipped cream and a flaky pie crust! Wet On Skin: All the same, except the crust is becoming a little more up front. Dry Down: For those that fear banana scents, this might be a perfect one- the banana is subtle and fresh, like real, actual bananas, not like banana candy or flavoring. the crust lends weight and balance, with the cream being thick but light- like real, home-made whipped cream. In All: Low throw, a good daytime scent. Yummy!
  16. VioletChaos

    Volcano in Springtime

    Whipped vanilla cream and white sandalwood with a touch of lotus root. In The Bottle: Cream and dusty wood- like a sweeter, gentler version of Glowing Vulva Wet On Skin: Okay, the GV part doesn't last, but that's okay, because this is great on it's own- now it's that glorious sandalwood note from Tombstone, with the sweet cream note from Love's Philosophy. This is...awesome. Dry Down: A beautiful, warm creamy-woodsy fragrance. Lovely for daytime use, as it's not too imposing, and it's definitely a skin scent, that stays close. But I can also seeing it be a little sexy on some people. *Definitely* glad to have a bottle!
  17. VioletChaos

    Random Brothel

    I. Am. In. Love. I haven't been this obsessed with a scent, from any house, in literally years. The first thing you need to know about Random Brothel, is that it's a very slow burn. What I mean by that, is that from the time it's applied until it achieves its full bloom after drydown, takes quite a long time. In the bottle, and during this transition period, mostly it smells like violets with a bit of acrid wood in the background. There's something that's quite Late-Autumn-Goth about it, and it's not at all unpleasant. However, at around the 20-40 minute mark, the scent shifts entirely, revealing THE, most hands-down gorgeous musk imaginable- rich and slightly sweet with incredible depth, the black amber adding to the layers, but only in a far away background kind of way. And the traces linger. Oh, how magnificently they linger. I've been sometimes putting some one shortly before bed, waking in a light intoxicating cloud, then reapplying for the day. I already have one backup bottle but am seriously considering two more because I cannot imaging living without this scent in my life, ever. I
  18. VioletChaos

    Peach Milk

    Yup, this is indeed the same milk note as Snake Milk (and possibly Kwame Cotton? But maybe that's just me...). This scent lives up to its name, a great blend of that fabulous cartelized milk note and then fresh juicy peach. It lasted hours on me, mostly in tact. Now it's a good 10 hours later and a fait trace remains, wisps of both elements clinging softly to my skin. I blind-bought two bottles, as I had high hopes, and I'm really glad I did. 🍑❤️ 🥛
  19. VioletChaos

    Peach, Lemon Peel, and Sugared Blackberry

    In The Bottle: A sugary edge of a lemon rind followed closely by a light fruit salad. Wet On Skin: The sugary peel continues to be out front. Of the four Peach scents I got, this is the least peach-fronted. I don't mind though- it was the lemon and blackberry that caught my eye with this scent, so I'm pleased so far with how it's shaping up! Dry Down: This scent has stayed more or less the same from bottle through full dry down, which is unusual for me. The peach and blackberry are light and fresh- nothing goes plastic or turns into a fake or candy-ish version of itself. The lemon peel sprinkled with sugar remains the star of the show, but not overt the way lemon sometimes can be (Spirit Board: YES, Happy Baby In A Long Dress and Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat all come to mind). In All: Extremely low throw- by all means, do a skin test first but don't be surprised if you need to slather this one. But it's totally okay, as this scent is perfect for daytime wear. A nice transitional scent, the fruit speaks of the last tendrils of summer, but the citrus rind makes it lovely to usher in the beginnings of fall. Lovely!
  20. VioletChaos


    Favorite pastime: indulging his yogurt fetish. Whatever floats your boat! Berries, skyr, and oats. In The Bottle: Very light, sweet berries and a tiny bit of oats. Wet On Skin: The berries start to bloom a bit more once it warms up on my skin. Dry Down: Berries with oat crust. No yogurt on my skin, alas! In All: Medium throw, and, unfortunately, this berry note is coming across as fairly artificial, like an air freshener that is berry-scented. I'm hoping it might settle further, as I *really* adore the Lab's Oats note, but only time will tell.
  21. VioletChaos

    The Witches

    Jean Veber Pumpkin cream, honey, vanilla sugar, and smoked vanilla bean. In The Bottle: sweet, creamy vanilla and scratchy vanilla bean, with a breath of pumpkin. Yum! Wet On Skin: the pumpkin comes out a bit more and the honey with it, warming the scent up a bit. Dry Down: A beautiful, light pumpkin ice cream! In All: low throw, a sweet, gentle scent. Not too foodie. Perfect for daytime wear throughout the fall. Total keeper!
  22. VioletChaos

    Coconut Meat

    In The Bottle: Oh, YES. coconut. Coconut like "slow-cooking coconut oil" kind of coconut. Wet On Skin: More of the same. This is just what I was hoping for. Dry Down: A beautiful, dry, yummy coconut. It's not terribly sweet or even terribly foodie. It's a rich-but-light coconut, like unsweetened coconut flakes or that simmering low-heat coconut oil I described before. It's the coconut I was hoping to get with Obatala and just...didn't. In All: low to medium throw, this scent can be worn just as it is for coconut fans like myself, or you can totally layer this with other scents- I'm already plotting how it'll do with last month's French Vanilla! I am SO glad I got two bottles!!!
  23. VioletChaos

    Honey Rose v45

    When you need to be reminded of the kindness in the world - of the small daily acts of heroism, selflessness, and compassion that surround and sustain us. Rose otto, rosehip oil, honey, beeswax absolute, honey myrtle, jasmine sambac, coconut oil, crushed rose petals and tiny red rosebuds. When I was looking at descriptions of the 45-specific scents, this was one of the ones I *knew* I needed to have. In dark times, it can be incredibly difficult to hold on to hope. Although TAL oils aren't about fragrance, I happen to be a person for whom sense of smell plays a factor in lots of aspects of my life, well beyond what perfume I decide to wear for the day. To that end, Honey Rose smells like roses, just passed their prime, wilting gently in a summer garden, surrounded by other signifiers of high summer, like errant greenery that sprouts, tenaciously, in sidewalk cracks, and maybe a touch of something more herbal, which I'm betting the honey myrtle in the mix. Whether because of this complex scent or -at least as likely- the intent meant to be invoked, wearing a bit of this on my skin conjures strong feelings of empathy but also a bittersweetness that comes from feeling gratitude when life has been especially hard. This oil is the delicious cake, home made and frosted with care, that someone brings you when a loved one has crossed over. The warm hug given by a sweet neighbor when they hear you lost your job. It's a reprieve that casts no illusions that "everything is going to be just fine so look on the bright side" but rather that in the midst of tremendous adversity, there is indeed a port in the storm. Which is intense, but a truthful solace we need.
  24. VioletChaos

    Joyful Dalliances in the Underworld

    Black leather aflame with a cherry-infused cognac that has been spiced with brown sugar, vetiver, black pepper, and dried apricot. Full disclosure: normally I don't 'do' leather scents- they tend to amp like crazy on me and last far too long. but the other notes in this were SO compelling that I took a chance. Let's see hoe my gamble pays off... In The Bottle: The cherry-infused cognac hits my nose first, followed by a little of the smoky aspect of vetiver. But that's it. Wet On Skin: AH! *There's* the leather! But amazingly, at this stage, anyway, it's playing nice and just adding a dense, dark round note to ground the other, sweeter, lighter notes. Dry Down: Okay...the *vetiver* is actually the dominant here. But not by much- the cherry, the brown sugar and the apricot are all mixing together to form something that's sweet and smoky and *quite* sexy on the right person. In All: For those that normally fear leather, this just might be the one for you. And for those looking for a good smoky-sweet scent for date night- regardless of gender- you just might want some too.
  25. VioletChaos

    Ghost Faced Bat

    A venerable and well-respected bat, Ghost Face Bats can trace their ancestry to the late Pleistocene era. Sugared coconut meat, vanilla pods, condensed milk, white honey, and benzoin. In The Bottle: The soft, cuddly scent of sweet coconut mixed with benzoin and white honey. It's not foodie per se, just warm and snuggly. Wet On Skin: The benzoin comes to the front a bit more, but the vanilla pods are in the mix now too, giving the scent some depth. The fragrance moves further from gourmand at this point, and is reminding me a bit of Hod. Dry Down: The condensed milk finally joins the party and sweetens the mix just a bit. However, the scent retains what it basically had as traits from first sniff: warmth and cuddles. This is a perfect cold-weather scent, and I expect to get lots of wear out of it in the next 6 months!