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Blog Entries posted by twilighteyes

  1. twilighteyes
    Would you like any of the following?   (Maybe just remove the things you aren't interested in?):
    I literally would love all of your homemade items and herbs and stuff.  Sadly I can't do alcohol right now because of my medication.
    Would you like me to knit you a hat, shawlette, cowl, or fingerless mitts?
    I do always love me some fingerless mitts or shawlettes.  I have a "make for me" section on Ravelry!  And another make for me area for the Vampire Swamp I used to join every year.  A lot of the items I'd want someone to make me are crochet amigurumi or colorwork, because I don't crochet and also I rarely do colorwork for myself.
    How about a soap bag (knitted), washcloths, or tarot card bag?
    I'm good because I make these things myself!  Maybe nice washcloths.  Or dishcloths made with that "scrubby" red heart stuff.  
    Or maybe a gknitted Gnome?  Or bat?  Ghost?  Black Cat?  Voodoo doll?  Monster?  Or something else spooky? 
    See the answer above with the make for me links!
    If you want any knitted things -- color preferences?   
    I love black and purple, black and white, black and grey, black and blue... blurples of all sorts.  Jewel tone colors - no navy or pastels or neons.
    My mom has an etsy shop with project bags for knitting/crochet or what ever you want to use them for.  We could also make tote type bags, flat zipper cosmetic type bags, or boxy bags/dice bags.  Are you interested in this type of item?  I have all kinds of spooky fabric that isn't currently up on the shop if you look through the sold items.  https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com 
    I always love more bags because I am kind of a bag whore.  I most of mine are full, hahaha.  There are some with Pit Bull fabric on them that I would adore, I think on my etsy wish list (looked afterwards, all sold out.  wah wah.)  Or heck, just find me super awesome pit bull fabric and I can make my own bag. 
    LUSH's Halloween collection drops 8/31.  I will be making an order.  Can I pick up something for you?
    Hm, I need more Dream Cream (self preserving) but that is kind of expensive for the huge container (which I absolutely use all of!)   I love most of their items as long as you double check that they don't have SLS/sulfates, parabens, etc.  (some of their items do!!)   I love the scent of Lord of Misrule, Rose Jam, Twilight/Sleepy, Candy Fluff/Snow Fairy, Snowcake, Butterball, Silky Underwear, etc. .   Black Rose bomb (ingredients look ok, and I love Rose and Black, so perfect!)   I don't do their solid perfumes but the trial size of Lord of Misrule perfume would be welcome!    Any safe bath bombs, shampoo bars, etc. are welcome.  I kind of want the Unicorn lip scrubby (if they still have it) but otherwise I don't especially love the lip scrubbies in general.   I would absolutely love to try the Soother toothpaste jelly.  (mmm Clove!)  I've never tried the Aroma & Bath Melts.   I love Silky Underwear dusting powder.   Would love to try Let the Good Times Roll cleanser (sample?)   Most of their cleansers, shower gel, shower jellys, bubble bars, etc. have SLS sadly, but that one doesn't.  Would try Charity Pot (sample?)   Would love a really good moisturizer for super dry skin (sample?)   
    Ok, I have seen the Halloween update!!  I would take the Bat art bath bomb (even though it has sulfates, I can live this once) and I would LOVE Lord of Misrule soap and/or Demon in the Dark soap!  (I used to get Demon in the Dark back in the day before it was discontinued.)   
    Which Surprise Items that will be at Dragoncon might you be interested in?
    Ooooh.  I am interested in ALL of the Convention Survival Oils.    And when All Hallows rolls around, I absolutely want to try Ghost Milk and Vampire Milk!  Invisible Man Milk sounds interesting too except maybe not if the musk is too sheer, so decant for sure.  A Timid Twinkling Golden Star and The Witches Have a Fire Again also both sound interesting!  (Except Oak / Oakmoss goes wonky on me, so maybe just a decant for Witches.)  
    EDIT:  I purchased all of the convention survival oils when they went up online.
    Would you be interested in dangle earrings or pendants made of dried roses (and other beads)?
    My ears are not currently pierced and and I haven't been able to wear necklaces with any kind of chain (for the necklace) or metal clasp (for non metal necklaces) but I would absolutely hang something in my car or on the wall.  I love roses, especially if super fragrant.
    How do you feel about stuffies that are sewn? Form or fabric preference?
    I do have a lot of bat stuffies on my etsy wishlist but I don't really NEED any.  Plus if I keep any stuffies anywhere that the dogs can reach them, the stuffies will become dog prey and will be eviscerated and destroyed.
    Teeturtle, anything look fun?
    Always!  Teeturtle is my fav.   I wear the women's 2xl.  They're out of my size on a lot of shirts I want, but here are some options (in no particular order.)
    Haus of Gloi's first fall collection has dropped - anything you like?
    I would take Ghost Puffs in any of the scrubs/whipped soap and maybe a small body emulsion?  Would take candles in any of these:  Blueberry Tart, Lemon Marshmallow, Marshmallow Rose, Apple Milk, Blood Orange Marshmallow, Cozy Pumpkin, Ghost Puffs, Olde Cider Haus, Pumpkin Eater, Pumpkin Queen, Red Roan.  (Candles would be for my mom.)  Refresher sprays welcomed in Blood Orange Marshmallow or Ghost Puffs (or Lemon Marshmallow from summer area but there is only 1 left!)  I would take butterbombs but I don't see any!   
    What about Paintbox Soapworks Fall scents?
    Let me in at your window - sorbetto (sample size is great.)   I'm really kind of overloaded with sugar scrubs right now but that one sounds good.  Plus Wuthering Heights / Kate Bush reference ftw.
    How do you feel about CBD as an ingredient in something? Like a pain relief lotion or lip balm?
    I absolutely use CBD as an ingredient in lotions and lip balms although I'm not supposed to have any right now because of the medication I'm on.  
    I'm getting into bookbinding! Is there a fanfic/book (I can try to get the text block in paperback and rebind it)/out-of-copyright book that you want hardbound all fancy?
    Hm, I had some on my etsy wish list at one point but my mind is a blank right now.
    Cellar Door's seasonal items are out.  Anything you need?
    I would LOVE candles in Once Bitten and/or Sex Machine.  
    Are you interested in anything from Grounds and Hounds?   They give back to rescue dogs and they have more items than just coffee.   Hot chocolate, apparel, stickers, mugs, dog toys and blankets, caramels, brewers, etc.  
    OMG so many things.   I love the Must Love Pibbles throws but they're spendy.
    Must Love Pibbles or Celebrate Pibbles tumblers.   (I pretty much only use tumblers these days because lids.  and they're 20oz!!!)
    Coffee (whole bean or pods)
    The Beast
    The Dog Sleeps in my Bed
    Two Tails
    Good Boy
    Chocolate Peanut Butter (pods)
    Glazed Donut (pods)
    Pit Bull Sticker
    Any of the Grounds & Hounds stickers (homeward, throwback logo, die cut, signature logo)
    Rescue heart
    Dog Mom
    Anything from here?  The Halloween Collection is adorable.  Clothes That Fit - Snag US (snagtights.us) 
    I don't do tights right now (or really much of anything except PJs, shorts, and tee's.)
    Moonalisa drops Halloween tonight. Huge list of scents.  What appeals to you?   (www.mooscents.com)
    I'm good, I got some of her lip balm but I don't need any of her perfume right now.
    Anything from here?   Halloween 2023 – Witch Baby Soap
    SLSA is ok and is not considered a sulfate, so I can do their items.  Here is what sounds nice to me:
    Black Mass coffin bath bomb
    Candy Corn shimmer butter
    Cord Cutter bath bomb
    Dragon's Blood bath bomb
    Floralia body scrub
    Hellhound scrub
    Hex Breaker bath bomb
    Hex Breaker scrub
    Honey Pot body butter (2 oz size)
    Indigo body scrub
    Laid out in Lavender coffin bath bomb
    Laid out in Lavender coffin sponge soap
    Love bath bomb
    Love body scrub
    Lunar Tide face mask
    Medusa face soap
    Psychic ultra rich shimmer scrub
    Rune Stone bath bomb
    Samhain bath bomb
    Spooky Cat bath bomb
    Virgo birthday cake bath bomb
    are there any particularly spooky reads you are interested in? Favorite horror author's with books you haven't read/don't own yet? Comic books included?
    Nah, I'm not especially into horror.  I'm an epic fantasy / sci fi reader.
     I'm going to the MD ren faire this weekend - anything you like from faires? It's a large one with very strictly juried vending so  think higher quality goods ‐ teas, soaps, scents, arts, prints, etc.
    I love ren faire stuff.  Any quality tea is lovely!   
    Favorite medieval or renaissance or fantasy creatures or imagery or legends?
    Unicorn, Hippocampus, most equines and dogs.
    Hey Swapee, you said you like gummy candy.  Have you ever had  the real deal Middle Eastern candy that " invented" gummy candy?  Made with real fruits & nuts & sooooo good.  I have a fabulous Middle Eastern grocery near where I work that has more than 20 flavors. 
    Would you like a box?  I love turkish delight.  I love different fruit ones too, but I hate walnuts and it seems like those are in a lot.  I'm ok with almonds or pecans.
    If so, what kinds of fruits or berries do you like?  Most of them?   Plum, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, huckleberry, peach, mango, apple, pear, pineapple, etc. etc.
  2. twilighteyes
    Would you like any of the following?   (Maybe just remove the things you aren't interested in?):
    Catnip (organic, from our property.  Dried in our dehydrator.) Canned food items Thick Huckleberry Syrup (or thin huckleberry jam -- it was kind of a fail for how thick/thin it is, but still tasty.  Has sugar.) Bluebarb jam (blueberry/rhubarb)  (has sugar.) Blackberry, Raspberry, or Strawberry Jam  (they have sugar) Possibly peach or plum jam or butter (we can probably make it without ingredients you can't have -  if allergies) Apple Crips (dried apples with nothing added, not sure what kind of apples we'll do this year.  Usually honeycrisp.) Mugwort smudge wand (some with lavender)  (all organic, from our property.) Dried lavender I can do sachets or just some in a mesh baggie.  Sadly our lavender is too dry right now to do wands. Rose petal beads (if I manage to make enough, I'm gathering rose petals right now.)  I'll probably put them on a string unless I have time/energy for more. Thunder Butter?  (like icy hot but made with herbs, beeswax, menthol, wintergreen, cayenne.  Spot test so it doesn't burn your skin.) Rose Petal liqueur sample (has sugar.) Lavender Vanilla Bean liqueur sample (has sugar.) Mead sample (flavor depends on what kind of mead my son has made lately.  Can make it dry, semi-sweet, or sweet to your preference.)  
    Would you like me to knit you a hat, shawlette, cowl, or fingerless mitts?  I can do colorwork hats or cowls with skulls, bats, pumpkins, ghosts...  
    Yarn preference?  (merino wool, merino cashmere, merino silk, merino silk cashmere, acrylic, sparkles or no sparkles, etc.  
    How about a soap bag (knitted), washcloths, or tarot card bag?  (washcloths will be cotton.  soap bags will probably be either cotton or non-superwash wool so they shrink around the soap.  Tarot will be silk - I have limited colors in silk.)
    I can do the BPAL Brimstone logo, bats, skulls, cats, jack o lanterns, whatever on washcloths.    
    Or maybe a gknitted Gnome?  Or bat?  Ghost?  Black Cat?  Voodoo doll?  Monster?  Or something else spooky?  I have lots of patterns.  Here is an example I did for the Gnome swap.
    If you want any knitted things -- color preferences?    I can do stripy mitts, cowls, or hats.  Solid or gradient color shawlettes, cowls, mitts, hats.   Colorwork hats or cowls (base color plus whatever color for your skull, ghost, bat, jack o lantern, spider, witch hat, moon, cat, or whatnot.)  Solid one color for soap bag, washcloths, or tarot bag.  (I think I only have purple silk for the tarot bag.)  Pick three or four colors for Gnomes (one of those colors will be their beard, I usually use white.)
    My mom has an etsy shop with project bags for knitting/crochet or what ever you want to use them for.  We could also make tote type bags, flat zipper cosmetic type bags, or boxy bags/dice bags.  Are you interested in this type of item?  I have all kinds of spooky fabric that isn't currently up on the shop if you look through the sold items.  https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com 
    LUSH's Halloween collection drops 8/31.  I will be making an order.  Can I pick up something for you?
    Which Surprise Items that will be at Dragoncon might you be interested in?
    Would you be interested in dangle earrings or pendants made of dried roses (and other beads)?
    How do you feel about stuffies that are sewn? Form or fabric preference?
    Teeturtle, anything look fun?
    Haus of Gloi's first fall collection has dropped - anything you like?
    What about Paintbox Soapworks Fall scents?
    How do you feel about CBD as an ingredient in something? Like a pain relief lotion or lip balm?
    I'm getting into bookbinding! Is there a fanfic/book (I can try to get the text block in paperback and rebind it)/out-of-copyright book that you want hardbound all fancy?
    Cellar Door's seasonal items are out.  Anything you need?
    Are you interested in anything from Grounds and Hounds?   They give back to rescue dogs and they have more items than just coffee.   Hot chocolate, apparel, stickers, mugs, dog toys and blankets, caramels, brewers, etc.  
    Anything from here?  The Halloween Collection is adorable.  Clothes That Fit - Snag US (snagtights.us) 
    Moonalisa drops Halloween tonight. Huge list of scents.  What appeals to you?   (www.mooscents.com)
    Anything from here?   Halloween 2023 – Witch Baby Soap
    are there any particularly spooky reads you are interested in? Favorite horror author's with books you haven't read/don't own yet? Comic books included?
     I'm going to the MD ren faire this weekend - anything you like from faires? It's a large one with very strictly juried vending so  think higher quality goods ‐ teas, soaps, scents, arts, prints, etc.
    Favorite medieval or renaissance or fantasy creatures or imagery or legends?
    Hey Swapee, you said you like gummy candy.  Have you ever had  the real deal Middle Eastern candy that " invented" gummy candy?  Made with real fruits & nuts & sooooo good.  I have a fabulous Middle Eastern grocery near where I work that has more than 20 flavors. 
    Would you like a box?
    If so, what kinds of fruits or berries do you like?
    Are you a fan of vivziepop/helluvaboss? Anything from their merch store?
    Also, stickers? I have found lots of smaller local stores (including natural food stores) have been selling good quality stickers. And Halloween sticker packs in various craft stores. Preferred styles or general images (cats/flowers/celestial, etc).
    Since it is Pumpkin Spice Season (during this swap), what is your Pumpkin Spice oppinion? Or just pumpkin? Or apple anything?
    How do you feel about taxidermy/bones/pinned bugs?
    Colourpop's Haunted Mansion collection dropped today.  
    If you're interested in makeup or skin care, are you interested in anything from Colourpop?  
  3. twilighteyes
    Paintbox Soapworks Yule is coming out!   Are you interested in any (especially their not-Krampus-but-Sinister) of their offerings?
    Interested in any of the Haus of Gloi Yule (or other things on their website?)
    Would you be interested in any tea from August or Brutaliteas (the latter even has a Krampus-inspired tea)? Or, is there any tea from another purveyor you are lusting after?
    Is there any international snack you would love to get your hands on? (I can check and see if the International Marketplace in my city has it!)
    Victim, how would you like an adorable Krampus t-shirt? I found two cute ones (one a pastel Krampus Cat and one is a more direct, olde timey Krampus), in both ladies and gent sizing. If you're interested let me know what size you'd like ASAP so I can order one for you!
    are you interested in homemade brown sugar shortbread? I can do plain, or different flavor combinations incorporating chocolate, orange, cherry, lavender, rose, peppermint. Last year I made some lavender peppermint that was super yum. 
    What are your feelings about fruitcake? This is full of fruit, booze and nuts and marzipan if I can find it. It's not your grocery store fruitcake. 
    How about infused moonshine whiskey?
    How do you feel about graphic novels and manga? Any favorites?
    Victim, would you be interested in a knitted or crocheted Krampus thing?  
    Would you like a handmade wreath? I have made two in the past and really enjoyed the process, If so can you please let me know what your color preferences are. Do you tend to like sparse wreathes or packed ones? How would you feel about a Krampus wreath or would you prefer a general seasonal one?
    teeturtle is having one of their megasales - anything look fun to you? (they have way more than just t-shirts)  https://www.teeturtle.com/
  4. twilighteyes
    Paintbox Soapworks Yule is coming out!   Are you interested in any (especially their not-Krampus-but-Sinister) of their offerings?
    I love the Bath Streusel and Sorbetto!   Also wax melts!   
    Would love to try Joulupukki wax melts!  Would definitely take Roses in the Snow (I had some of the OG), Sugar on Snow, and/or Schwarzwald (prefer sorbetto or wax melts for the last three.  Sample size is great!)   Maybe Orange and Yellow or Black Twig?   Honestly, all of her stuff smells fantastic.  When I do big orders she pops in samples of things I didn't order and then I'm all, wow this is great too.  
    Of the older offerings, I'm a fan of Right Red Hand (sorbetto, wax melts) and The Queen is Dead (wax melts) and would love to try Fantasticake (sorbetto, bath streusel, or wax melts), Let me in at your Window (bath streusel, sorbetto or wax melts), GTFO (sorbetto or wax melts), Deacon (sorbetto), Karen Rose Signature (sorbetto), Rice Pudding (sorbetto), The Sword & The Eastern Sky (wax melts), 221B (wax melts), The Wooden God (wax melts), Waking the Witch (wax melts), Pussy Hat (sorbetto) ... 
    (You'd think Moonshadow would be my favorite but some reason I didn't like this one.  First time for everything I guess.)
    Interested in any of the Haus of Gloi Yule (or other things on their website?)
    I would love Nefarious Gingerbread Man in the sugar exfoliant or bubbling scrub!  Body powder would be fun in Long Winter's Nap or Turkish Delight!  Would always take candles or melts in Turkish Delight or Nefarious Gingerbread Man as well.   Actually Tannenbaum also sounds like a great candle scent.
    Would you be interested in any tea from August or Brutaliteas (the latter even has a Krampus-inspired tea)? Or, is there any tea from another purveyor you are lusting after?
    OMG there is a new tea --  Wild Heart Smoky Lavender Oolong tea!  I'm not especially an oolong fan, but I would try this because hello lapsang souchong!   
    And even though I'm not a fan of malt, I kind of want to try the chocolate cherry tea (Cabaret.)  
    Last time I got samples of Avalon, Mojave, Breakfast, Dolomite, Civil Disobedience (because they were out of the 15 cup bags, sniff) and 15 cup bags of Metropolitan, Gold Rush, and Outlaw.  I would take more Civil Disobedience if that comes back in stock and I still need to test the samples.   Their Dots & Loops was actually amazing so now I am into trying apple teas (Dots and Loops was apple and anise/fennel, I love anise / fennel in my tea!) so I am curious about the Beltane (Apple Blossom Oolong) although it uses words like "mild" and "crisp" and "earthy" so ... they lost me there, but then they say "buttery baked apple" and I'm conflicted, haha.
     would totally try:
    * Butterbotch (I love butterscotch tea!!!)
    * Back in Blackberry
    * Cakes on a Plane
    * Chaiday the 13th
    * Cherrie
    * Cherrifier
    * Decomprose
    * Hot for Peacher
    * The Silence of the Jams
    * Waking the Lavender
    * War Figs
    * Cotton Candyman
    * Malloween 
    * Violet Cremes
    * Honeydew Hast
    * Neetlejuice
    * Jams
    (No Rooibos/Honeybush, Mate/Yerba Mate, Pu Erh, Walnut, Coffee, Chili, chamomile, etc.  That leaves the Krampus inspired tea out as it has Pu Erh in it. Shudder.)    
    Coalition tea makes a great Krampus blend though!   https://www.coalitiontea.com/products/krampus-loose-leaf-holiday-blend-3-oz?variant=42703402467479 or if you want free shipping with $35, they have an etsy store too.  https://www.etsy.com/listing/1032537068/certified-elephant-friendly-krampus?ref=cart&variation0=3062772331
    Is there any international snack you would love to get your hands on? (I can check and see if the International Marketplace in my city has it!)
    I love things like clotted cream, sticky toffee pudding, japanese kit kats, ... um... brain fog..  I love all kinds of fud.
    Victim, how would you like an adorable Krampus t-shirt? I found two cute ones (one a pastel Krampus Cat and one is a more direct, olde timey Krampus), in both ladies and gent sizing. If you're interested let me know what size you'd like ASAP so I can order one for you!
    I don't do Pastel but I do have Krampus shirts on my etsy wishlist.  I wear an 18/20 in women's, so usually at least a 2xl womens.
    are you interested in homemade brown sugar shortbread? I can do plain, or different flavor combinations incorporating chocolate, orange, cherry, lavender, rose, peppermint. Last year I made some lavender peppermint that was super yum. 
    I love shortbread (especially chocolate -- like the chocolate walker's shortbread is the BEST.)   But I'd be up for rose or lavender.  or ORANGE CHOCOLATE.  I don't really like mint in anything except my mint tea with licorice.   
    What are your feelings about fruitcake? This is full of fruit, booze and nuts and marzipan if I can find it. It's not your grocery store fruitcake. 
    I have only had one fruitcake I love - a cherry almond marzipan fruitcake with amaretto.  (You can make your own marzipan or get it at world market.)  It has dried pears in it too but you can't really taste them.
    How about infused moonshine whiskey?
    Only if it's smooth and delicious.  *wink*  
    How do you feel about graphic novels and manga? Any favorites?
    I used to like them (especially things like Sandman, Watchmen, V, Lucifer, etc.) but I can't really read them anymore because my eyes suck.  I have to read things electronically where I can adjust the size of the font and that's no fun with graphic novels or comics.
    Victim, would you be interested in a knitted or crocheted Krampus thing?  
    I NEED the crocheted Krampus hat with the horns.  I have the pattern already but I don't crochet.
    Would you like a handmade wreath? I have made two in the past and really enjoyed the process, If so can you please let me know what your color preferences are. Do you tend to like sparse wreathes or packed ones? How would you feel about a Krampus wreath or would you prefer a general seasonal one?
    I would absolutely hang one on the door or somewhere in the house!  Krampus wreath!!!!   I mean, I love Black, Silver, and Purple but those don't seem very Krampus-y so maybe Black, Red, Green, Silver?  I don't know!  Anything except brown / yellow / orange / tan / cream is probably great!   Ummm not totally sparse so maybe more packed?
    teeturtle is having one of their megasales - anything look fun to you? (they have way more than just t-shirts)  https://www.teeturtle.com/
    Always!!   I usually do the women's in a 2xl but the last one I got is kind of large on me (I've lost weight, huzzah) so maybe I could try an XL?   However be aware that teeturtle sometimes has REALLY slow shipping and may not ship in time for you to send by the deadline.  I have designs on my amazon wishlist that I would love (put them there before the universal wishlist thingy went away.)  
    https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/39Q05UJVXC9BW?ref_=wl_share   I have lots from teepublic and teefury too.  
    Here's some new ones that aren't on my list:
    And look!  teeturtle has a Krampus shirt!!  https://www.teeturtle.com/products/have-yourself-a-scary-little-christmas-krampus?variant=19577791462777
    and Cthulhumas!!  https://www.teeturtle.com/products/merry-cthulhumas?variant=19577791490179
    And I love the Jack Skellington with the snowflake (What's this?)  https://www.teeturtle.com/products/whats-this?variant=19577791480093
    I love all of the unicorn pins (holiday or not) and fox pins as well. 
  5. twilighteyes
    would you like hand knit items? Fingerless gloves,  hats, small shawl or neck gaiter? If yes,  please give measurements.
    I always love fingerless mitts but I am very picky about using a super stretchy cast on and bind off because I have huuuuge hands.   I don't wear cowls or traditional knitted hats.  I do have a bundle on Ravelry called "make for me" if you need ideas... it has a lot of amigurumi because I'm not great at crocheting...  also lots of colorwork and double knitting.  😂    Honestly, I'm too hot 99.99999999% of the time and I wear t-shirts / shorts / sandals (no socks) when it's 40 outside and am comfortable.  So some of the costume-y hats on my list or amigurumi would probably get more use than mitts or a shawl right now since I make my own.
    My head is:  23" 
    My wrist is:  8.25"
    My palm above thumb is:  8.5"
    Where I would start/stop a thumb gusset is:  3.25"
    Let's say I'm going to make something with your favorite non-fantasy animal that comes in multiple colors of coat.  Do you want the "classic" color or would you like one of their lesser depicted colors?  Or a fantasy color like blue or purple?
    If you're going to make me something with piggies (and they're ALWAYS commonly depicted as pink which I personally find annoying because those are usually hogs, not pigs) I would really prefer the color that my piggies are (Duckie - Gold, Snuffie - Amber with black spots.  Lots of photos on my instagram.)   If it's pibbles, I love "blue" (ie, steel grey.)  White stripe up the nose optional.  Friesians are always black, I like black but a purple or blue tone would be fun too.  Ferrets I love the "dark eyed white" color.  Ratties I love blue hooded.  Bats, black and grey are great but whatever fantasy color (purple?  dark red?  blue?) is fine too.  Did I miss any?  
    https://www.instagram.com/miss_twilight/ (my main insta, I don't post a lot)
    https://www.instagram.com/no.dana_only.zuul/  (dogs insta, haven't posted in a long time)
    Would you rather your creation had utility, or was simply aesthetic?
    Up to you, I'm good either way.  
    I have multiple ideas. Would you like to see one idea repeated across two or three... "things", or would you like two or three different ideas manifested?  (Alternatively expressed as matching set vs. unrelated expressions.)
    I'm good with both!
    What are you hoping "I" will make "you"??
    I don't even know myself!   I don't wear jewelry anymore for a variety of reasons (allergic to metal except sterling silver and surgical steel, but can't wear metal necklaces at all because the chain irritates my neck no matter what it's made of .. can only wear silk ribbons or leather right now but don't.)   My ears and body piercings are all healed up.  I knit, so I don't really *need* knitted things.   I have 10+ prints waiting for frames, but frames are kind of at the bottom of my expenditure lists.  Things that I could in my window, or outside, or put in the garden?   I'll treasure whatever anyone makes me, so make whatever you'd like.  Just because I don't *need* things doesn't mean I won't LOVE them.  
    What are your feelings about bags? Do you like certain size? Would you be okay with a purely decorative small bag, or does that just sound bonkers? 
    Well, I do live with someone who has an etsy shop that sells project bags, so I have a LOT of bags of a project size.   I'm not sure what I would do with a purely decorative small bag unless it contains something smelly to stuff in my sock drawer or the like.     Or if it's appropriate to hang off a belt which dress up for a Renn Faire (in which case I would give it to my son.)    Other than that, I don't really use bags other than grocery size bags and while I have a ton of those, sometimes I still buy more when Trader Joes comes out with a new cool design...  but I will always take your bags.