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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by quigza

  1. quigza


    There has been much swapping. I need to update my lists & write more reviews. Random: I went to Das Bunker last night. It was kinda like late 90s industrial/raver night. I was SO f-ing happy. I traded a drink for 2 glowsticks and had at it. OMG, joy. & I hadn't been to a club in 2 years. I'm sore, tired, and full of bliss. Thus, today I wear Bliss.
  2. quigza


    Sometimes complex florals confuse me. Ok, usually complex florals confuse me & my nose, then I sneeze. Especially if there's jasmine involved... Oh, and honeysuckle usually makes me nauseated. That said, this fragrance is an exception to just about everything previously stated. Except that I remain confused. In the bottle: Confusion, florals, but, the lavender & the moonflower stick out, thus convincing me to test it. Wet: Lavender stays strong, moonflower is hidden by the jasmine & honeysuckle- this worries me. My skin amps these scents & I don't exactly like them. Dry down: Oh YAY. The jasmine & honeysuckle have decided to lay as steady & low notes where I can handle them. The lavender takes a back seat to the moonflower & calla lily. I think the amber is somehow amping those two on me. Summary: I was surprised to be taken with this fragrance. I normally don't work with this many flowers in a bottle. But, it is quite nice.
  3. quigza

    Midnight Kiss

    in the bottle: a cocoa dusted fruit plate. I have no better words for it. I don't know why, but I get something that reminds me of pineapple in the fruit plate, as well as obvious grapes Wet: A little less fruit plate, more cocoa, patchouli & a hint of the sandalwood Dry down: cocoa, sweet pipe tobacco, patchouli, a little more sandalwood, the fruit plate is very faint. This starts girly and ends up something I'd like to smell on a man. I love this for the cocoa not throughout, and I like the scent of pipe tobacco. So, it's really nice. It's odd the wine note was interpreted as fruit plate to me. But, it's probably the sweetness tripping me up.
  4. quigza

    Old Moon

    In the bottle: fir, gin & icy mint Wet: Fir, gin, icy mint, & earth? Dry down: minty, the fir fades a bit & smells more "dried" (if that makes any sense), the gin/juniper smells a bit like... chaparral. Kinda of like a summer hike in the sierras and you crunched through some mint. Note: I think my skin beats the "winter" out of anything. Mint simply smells minty on me after a while.
  5. quigza


    Midway (Resurrected) In the bottle: Candy floss, caramel, & funnel cake!!! Wet: See above, with funnel cake being the strongest note Dry down: less candy floss, even more funnel cake- with the powdered vanilla sugar becoming present, the caramel has faded to a light background note After a few hours: faint funnel cake & sugar.. and this is going to get me the crazy look, but a bit of something that tickles my nose. Resin? Sage? Seeing as how this is a very sweet scent... maybe there's dragon's blood in it that's causing the tickle. I really enjoy this fragrance. But, that note that comes out in the end on me is going to have me wondering until I figure it out.
  6. quigza

    Note to self

    Try: Midnight on the Midway, Xanthe, Egg Nog, Snow White, Beaver Moon 07 also boomslang, thirteen
  7. quigza

    The Fruit of Paradise

    In the bottle: Pomegranates! Wet: Pomegranate, somehow a touch dark... but with cranberry?!? Dry down: I'm getting pomegranate & cranberry, but with no real "tart" to it After a few hours: Gone! Only a very faint whiff of red kool aid This is slightly disappointing. Not that I don't like the fragrance. It just didn't live up to the hype on my skin. I'm keeping it for now. I do like it.
  8. quigza

    The Peacock Queen

    2007 version In the bottle: crushed rose petals Wet: more crushed rose petals Dry down: rose absolute After a day of wear: rosewater Sorry, I can't get any more descriptive. This is classic rose absolute. No extra sweetness, greenery, musk, etc. More importantly, this is greenhouse rose scent- the kind of rose that's at the florist. There is no wildness to this. I like this best layered with a straight vanilla or an aquatic like Moana.
  9. quigza


    something magical & sweet with seafoam In the bottle: Sweet. I don't know what this tropical sweetness is, but I like it. It's over an ocean tang- there is a faint hint of kelp as well. Wet: I don't know what this tropical sweetness is, but I like it. The aquatic is growing into a cool tidepool scent. I'm not sure exactly how to get across the kelpiness here. It's not the rank, rotting kelp. It's freshly harvested kelp scent, as well as freshly caught (live) fish. This somehow works with the salty sea note & the sweetness Dry down: Tidepools & sweetness. Nothing rank or sour about it on me. After a day of work: Faint kelp & sweetness. I find it comforting.
  10. quigza

    Bruised Violet Compound

    In the bottle: Masculine fragrance. It is much with the patchouli. Slightly violet, a little juicey & sweet, but earthy, & rooty & almost sweaty Wet: Violets & patchouli are fighting a surprisingly invigorating battle on my skin. The juicey sweetness is a little stronger & there's some greeny/earth still there. Dry down: Dark violets in a louisiana cellar. Seriously, it smells like an old root cellar with violets. Lots of heavenly violets. That odd juicey note is still there as well, but it blends in with the rest of the "cellar" Now, while I admit this isn't something everyone would like to smell like, this works wonderfully for me & on me. It manages to bring out the violets in a strong, almost masculine way, but still enough unisex that my natural skin chemistry makes it a sexy, sexy womanly blend. Edit: 2018 New imp, My skin chemistry has changed & I'm going around this again. freshly applied, it smells like when I pull potatoes from the ground rooty & green, but not with the "cellar" vibe it used to have. Also, violet candies in the background- Somewhere between 'Faith' from Carnivale Diabolique and a violet candy cigarette. after the drydown, mmm oakmoss. Still a violet candy vibe creeping around. But, it's like a little kid tossing candies while darting around hiding. ...one of my cats just jumping in my lap, huffed my wrist, licked it, then bounced away. WTH?!?! In the end, this doesn't have the sexiness it did on me a decade ago. I'm going to age it a year or so & try again. But, it's most likely my age, not the brew's age, that's the problem.
  11. quigza

    Violet Ray

    I love violet. Violet plays well on my skin. I didn't take into account that lilac turns into baby powder on my skin. Everything else in this should work on me. I had such high hopes. In the bottle: Violets and the tang of electricity Wet: Violets in a thunder storm. Strong violet, musky sweat, electricity, and a little bit of breathmints Dry down: Baby powder with a tang of minty ozone. I'm so dissapointed. I'm sure that, if you love violets, and that musk and lilacs play well on your skin, this will be gorgeous. My skin chemistry just doesn't work with this.
  12. quigza

    MVJBA: Spring Training 2008

    This is wonderful. It's like cracker jack, but better! As if it was freshly homemade cracker jack... I like foody, rich fragrances & this really hits the spot for me. In bottle: carmel kettle corn & kahlua wet: carmel kettle corn, a little booze (though, no longer kahlua), and a bit of nut dry down: rich, buttery, saltly, sweet caramel kettle corn end of the work day: still smells like caramel kettle corn- faded, as if I had been eating some & wiped the residue on my jeans.
  13. quigza


    Both wet & dry all I smelled was firey smoke of various sorts. More house fire & sulphur in the bottle, forest fire & sulphur when wet, and chapparal fire upon dry down. Seeing as how I come from a place where fires are considered a season of the year (I'm in socal too), I think my preference will be to avoid this fragrance (it unnerves me). I wonder if this was inspired by the yearly SoCal fires? I can see this being layered with something sweet for those who like a smoky layer to their scents
  14. quigza

    Sugar Moon 2008

    Regarding the sugar: If you don't like sweet, Sugar Moon is something to avoid. Not that it's straight sugar. It's not rock candy or sugar cane. It's like the sugary part of a creme brulee (without the creme). Still, it's sweet throughout. I don't get any sugar fade. (which I like) In the bottle: sweet plants of many sorts. Kinda like the smell of my old garden right before dawn. Wet: sweet. juicy berries. Kinda like if you mixed hope & faith, with berries. Also a little extra "something" I can't discern Drydown: svveet. strawberries are prominent. roses & violet are definitely there. The extra "something" is fading to nothing fast At the end of the work day: the berries take a back seat to the roses & violet- which are duking it out. I get more throw from the rose & the violets seem more intense at the wrist sniff. (Note: violet & rose get amplified on my skin)
  15. quigza

    Will call april 20

    Darn site issues wiped my last entry & updates. I went to the willcall for BPAL with J. The Theme was Miskatonic Valley Baseball. My nose broke a few times from too many fragrances. I had to go outside more than a few times. It was nice to have an objective nose there with me. J talked me out of Violet Ray (turned too "baby powder." Must be the lilac in it, as violets work nicely on me) & April Fool (turned to soap). I would have bought them for their in bottle scent & then not been able to wear them. We also discovered we have completely different body chemistry. Some things were strong on one- faded to nothing on the other. Also, she interprets musk as dirty. I interpret the lighter musks as sexy & the darker as sweat. Oh, and J smelled my boobs, as I couldn't get close enough to smell them. Teehee! Anyway, I bought Swank for J (it is magic on her skin). I got Moana (a surprise like! It smells gorgeous on me after drydown) & MVJBA (the guppies shirt & pennant as well). And I got a box of Cracker Jack! I renewed my love for Mock Turtle & Bruised Violet Compound. I also reevaluated my dislike for Eat Me & Drink Me. I remain confused about Drink Me, as it turns to kettle corn on me. But Eat Me turned to chocolate. And I like the name for rude reasons. So, I have new options for later orders. I have learned I *must* have an objective nose & test for drydown before buying from now on. I'm going to go through my current supply of precious & weed out stuff that doesn't work after drydown & offends the noses of others.
  16. quigza


    I'm about to update my list. I got a bunch of imps in swap. One of which is Alice. I had formerly thought Alice smelled "off." But, as I got it in a swap. I figured I ought to try it. It smells light & lovely on me. Very much like the tea I used to drink as a kid. Both floral & food. Yum! I'm currently wear a bit of the Seraglio imp I got. I'm not sure on this one. It doesn't smell bad. It just is a neutral "perfumey" scent on me. No notes really stand out after it reaches dry down. Kinda sad, as it smells nifty in the imp. To try: Lady Macbeth Ophelia Veil Endymion Funny note: My boyfriend (now ex) has my imps of Eos & Fenris Wolf (not ex for the theft! ). I don't mind the fenris being gone. But the Eos? He calls it his "sleepytime" perfume vial. I guess it helps him sleep. LOL
  17. quigza

    Will Call

    I went to the will call as soon as i got out of overtime at work. I made it at about 9:30. The people there were sooo nice in helping me & not laughing at my sniffing my arms & asking for help with the TAL oils (to help get through work issues). I tried: March Hare (It smelled so sweet & spicey at first. But then it turned to pure clove, which I haven't been able to stand since I stopped smoking cloves) Bruised violet compound (a prototype, I love this scent. It's violets, but not powdery or extremely girlie... If violet took off the lace gloves, put on wraps, and went to krav maga) Persephone (I can't stand it in the bottle. But I tried it on. It gets better & better as it dries down on me. fruity & rosey in just the right balance) Yvaine (it's so awesome wet. Then it turns to plain ol' magnolia- which I don't like. Then it turns to soap) Tiki queen (this turned into Malibu rum on me after 15 minutes) Screeching Parrot (this hit me like a brick of tropical fruit & nauseated me) Sugar Moon (sweet & light & lovely) Lunar Eclipse (this smelled like dust... then faded to nothing) I bought: Sugar Moon (one for me, one for Mom) Persephone White Light (TAL) Fiery Wall of Protection (TAL) Sooner or later I'll start writing reviews. But, for now, the above works.