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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by celestia

  1. 'Educational' games need refreshing. They're often shipped like an academic tool; so many transparent learning elem… https://t.co/0pKKhnbtFa

  2. "Our most successful companies are those that champion diversity." Why do I get the feeling they are referring only… https://t.co/12zU0sT3ZK

  3. (who have visibility)

  4. A company asked me this when "considering" me for a role. They turned around and gave it to a white female with no… https://t.co/vi3hZwCh09

  5. Across the pond here and even worse is I do unpaid internships and work FROM ABROAD. Yet am STILL considered less v… https://t.co/P2zSYuKMcO

  6. After Active Shooter was removed- on the day it was due to launch- they drop this announcement. Did the NRA throw… https://t.co/DGKoVIW7vg

  7. ALL THE ANTIQUE LACE! If only it was Elf v4... More than half a decade of searching and waiting. Maybe one day it'll happen

  8. Best reaction to Brexit so far. https://t.co/Xs1a8slVk9

  9. But yea ok, i'll continue playing champs i don't like cos at this point they are getting too easy to win on. ayyy

  10. Congrats SC2 , you can now use "<3"

  11. Counter to the current Yi/Taric meta:https://t.co/kwUsMZhmDpLMAO.

  12. Detouring down to Plat to get these tokens for my mastery emotes. Too hard picking them up in Dia with a baby in lap https://t.co/iViuZkZovT

  13. Dying so hard from all these #SquareEnixE3 tweets XD

  14. Every scent I've coveted and picked up should become a GC because no matter how much of a best kept secret, how unpopular, or how forgotten it was, it magically becomes FOTM and a million other people suddenly want it too.

  15. Fortnite is where cars = steel but shopping carts = vehicles. Ayyyy https://t.co/tD93iI2fpS

  16. Game Company looking for unpaid interns in GUR> Explicitly lists master degree grads/students as suitable for the… https://t.co/UR4wD6YabH

  17. Game industry is so transparent in RNG moneygrabbing, but get limited backlash from the game community that they fe… https://t.co/lABnu5548C

  18. Gender differences in gaming behaviours like playstyle and performance? My kind of topic. Evidentally theirs too X3 https://t.co/xWY0uHr53z

  19. Gender differences in gaming behaviours like playstyle, skill, and performance? My kind of topic. Evidentally their… https://t.co/7FMB67ruxO

  20. Have found something so perfect for me that not only satiates, but gives reason to all my gamer and research obsessions. Dem feels are reals
