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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by PixieMoondust

  1. Fingers are fine today, but tooth is hurting now. WTF? I'm only eating bread, not crunchy or hard foods!!

  2. Really ought to stop playing Fitz online, think I may be addicted! Hungry but don't want to miss a chance to win this level!!

  3. Is starting the day with marmite on tiger bread, and a twinings English Breakfast cuppa. Mostly bliss! Then on with the housework!

  4. Well done Pakistan. You played better than us today. Everything to play for on Wednesday!! Come on England, make us proud!!!

  5. Almost forgot I have a blood-donating session today! Please if you can give blood, do. It's such a little thing that can save so many lives!

  6. It would be a pity to cancel the ODIs now, with only two left. However, the rumours have ruined the fun for most people now.

  7. Off out soon to show BabyM Grandma morris dancing. Wore BPAL's Namaste yesterday, really nice! Will wear it again today I think.

  8. MrM cooked dinner, & washed up. Now relaxing in front of NCIS before preparing to leap in & out of bed all night with BabyM & her new bed.

  9. Bad luck Hamilton. Pure bad luck. Let's hope that Button can at least gain some points for the Constructor's, and obviously for himself!

  10. Is there anything a large cup of tea won't cure? I can't think of anything as I sit here with Twining's English Breakfast in my Piglet mug.

  11. BabyM is asleep, and I have peace and quiet (except for the cricket). What do I do with this time?

  12. Aaaaargh!! Naked screaming child is running on the sofa! Someone rescue me? Please?

  13. Ahhh. Can't beat S'bucks Venti Triple-shot Vanilla Latte on a gloomy day. At least it's not raining yet!

  14. England seem to be very on track today, as per Sunday. Pity we can't seem to transfer this form into Test matches!

  15. Wearing BPAL's Melpomene. First test: deep florals & bitter citrus. 2nd: clean pine. Today? pine/citrus/herbs!

  16. Had a very good dream last night. If I'd known in high school that this crush would still be around, I'd have made a move on him!!

  17. BPAL's 'Tis the Voice of the Lobster = quite watermelon-y on me! But watermelon sweets, not actual watermelon. Not sure about it at all!

  18. watching Cricket Am, waiting for the Test match to resume. Lets hope Pietersen can actually achieve something today!!

  19. just used 750words.com for the first time. think it'll be useful to make me write more than a couple of sentences of story at a time!

  20. Pleased with the cricket result, and so proud for Jimmy! Now onto the F1. Go go McClaren!!

  21. 50's rock & roll make life so much better, especially when coupled with good perfume!!

    1. cyanidenoir


      I have to agree with you. Music was so simple back then.

  22. Here's hoping Morgan gets a second ton, and Colly steady's the ship beside him! Can't drop either in Sydney on current form!!

  23. Well, yet another reason for me to loathe Ferrari with a passion that transcends a thousand burning suns. No team orders my arse. First time I've ever felt sorry for Massa coming second!

  24. watching cricket while waiting for the F1 to start - can't get much more perfect a day!

  25. thank goodness BPTP's Bauble has mellowed from cleaning spray!
