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BPAL Madness!

Easter 2023 answers



What is your favorite Easter candy?  


Chocolate bunny of course!  But as I'm trying to do mostly ethical chocolate, it is hard.


You don't HAVE to send me chocolate but if you want to, there are lots of great chocolate places in the US on this list:  https://www.slavefreechocolate.org/ethical-chocolate-companies   


I'll be by Theo in Seattle so I might check out their Easter offerings if they have any.  Maybe I can convince my driver to swing by Indi at Pike Place Market!  


L.A. Burdick and Vosges are delicious but shipping is sooo expensive if you're not by a store so I obviously don't expect anything like that. 


A lot of these brands you can find in upscale / natural grocery stores if you're so inclined to look.  I'm not a huge fan of the Endangered / TCHO / Altered Eco personally but Dr. Bronners isn't bad!  (I can find all of those at grocery stores no problem.)


Purdys isn't too expensive and they have super cute seasonal things usually.  I don't know how much their US shipping is.


Tony's Chocolonely is not on that list but they are slave free as well (I think the list might be a little old as some of the websites don't work.)



Do you like Jelly Bellies?  If so what flavors? 

No thank you!


Do you have a preference for plastic eggs, treat bags, paper, or no preference?

If you are recycling plastic eggs those would be ok but otherwise I'd prefer no plastic.  


Are you interested in some of my homemade brown sugar shortbread?

I would love lavender, rose, chocolate.  Would absolutely try the blossoms.  Regular flour/sugar is fine with me.  Chocolate rose could be fun too.


For those who don't like imps... In the case I find that I have something PERFECT for you in my collection that I want to share, would decanting into a squat itty bitty bottle with a screw top lid or rollerball be ideal?

That's ok, I just don't really use sample sizes much.  I would absolutely accept them for smelling purposes though if it's something I *Must* experience.


Hi little chick,  I just got yet another seed catalog in, and was thinking about the garden.  It seems on theme, so do you garden? Would you like anything like seeds?

I haz an Amazon plant wish list (for things that are NOT on amazon)   https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3A6UICRDCV5DP?ref_=wl_share


Spring Chick o' Mine, I have a question about mugs! What are your general feelings on mugs/drinkware? 

I really have more than enough mugs but I do collect the Starbucks "You are Here", City, State mugs.  The 18/20oz ones with a handle or the little demitasse ones.  The "You are Here" are currently sold in stores, you'd have to do a thrift store or used for the City or State mugs.  (I used to find an SBUX mug every single time I went into a thrift store in Seattle, lol.)  I drink my morning coffee from a regular (large) mug and then anything else for the rest of the day is from a mug with a lid because dog hair floats.  So I love the Society6 travel mugs (stainless) or the LennyMud ceramic (with a handle if you can find them.)  


Dear bunny, what are your thoughts on these?  https://www.thecrownedrabbit.com/pins

ERMAGHERD the pibble pins!!!  If they had a blue one it would be perfect but I like the black and white too.  The ferret and grey rat are cute too.  And black hooded rat.


Dear chick, would you be interested in any of these baked goods?

Matcha shortbread

Hojicha shortbread

Lemon scones

Lavender scones

Lavender lemon scones

Chocolate chip scones (made with Guittard chips)

Yes, send those ALL TO ME.  


Please LMK if you have any aversions/sensitivities to ACTUAL rose(s).  As if someone were to send you flowers...

I super prefer flowers that smell good and a lot of times hot house roses do not.  (sad faces)  but sometimes they have sterling silver or purple roses that DO, and I LOVE THOSE SO MUCH.  I used to have like 50 tea rose / grandiflora / floribunda / etc. rose bushes at our Seattle house and a good quantity of those were "blue" (purple) and absolutely all of them were super fragrant.  The only roses that seem to do really well here are rugosa and we make rose petal liqueur from ours - it is soooo fragrant and lovely.  I love roses.  Love love love.  (and any useful / fragrant / edible / medicinal plant/herb.)


Would you be interested in any cute Easter/spring-themed cookie cutters?

No thank you!  I rarely use cookie cutters.  :(  


Milk, Dark, or White?

I am a believer that chocolate is not chocolate unless it contains a certain percentage of cocoa mass & cocoa butter.  White chocolate is just cocoa butter and sugar usually... so please no white chocolate.  Lately I've been loving milk chocolate way more as "bar" chocolate but dark chocolate can be ok as a coating for truffles or drinking chocolate.  I prefer not to just receive pure dark chocolate bars, I won't eat them.  Anything over 50% is probably too dark for a bar.  (If I do receive one, I will probably save it for baking, so not all is lost.)


I'm going to pre-order some spring teas (and stock up on the maple houjicha) from Friday Afternoon. Is there a spring tea (or any other tea) that you might like, chick?

The Maple Houjicha for sure!!  I've eyed it multiple times but haven't had the $$$ to make an order for myself.





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