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13 Nights of Halloween

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Amazon (universal wishlist -- includes items from other sites)



Just for Reference

BPAL Bottle Collection (includes bottles on the way at the bottom of the post)

BPAL Imps/Decants I Have Kept

Non-BPAL Bottles I Own 

Non-BPAL Decants I Have Kept


Compiled Swap Questions:

If you said you would be happy with homemade things, what types of homemade things would you like best?

Non-perishable foods or spreads, any type of perfume storage, artwork, wearables like arm warmers, useful things like pot holders and washcloths... 


Do you garden or keep houseplants, and--if so-- would you be interested in seeds or gardening supplies?

Every plant I have ever had has quickly met its demise... 


What is your favorite Halloween character or creature?

I adore bats, cats, and ghosts. I love The Nightmare Before Christmas, but I'm not sure about a favorite character. Perhaps Zero? My favorite monster/creature would probably be Frankenstein's monster. 


ETA: After reading llamadolly's post, I can't believe I forgot about ravens. Love corvids!


Would you be interested in a spooky fabric mask?  What should be on it?  Tie, earloop, or what?

I would! I would be happy with one that doesn't say anything on it and just has something like a bat, cat, raven, or ghost on it. A pattern with one of those things would be pretty neat. Earloop would probably be better than a tie, but I am not picky about that. The problem is that I can't wear masks shaped like this because the bridge of my nose is small making it so that the mask won't stay on my face. (I found this out when my boyfriend bought me a Ravenclaw one. We tried tying it in different ways, and it kept falling off my nose. :lol: )


What are you interested in from the BPAL Update?  How about the NAVA update?

I'm going to place a BPAL order today because I need the Plague Doctor shirt. I already ordered from the NAVA update when it went live!


How do you feel about stuff being shipped directly to you instead of to me and then to you, so it wouldn't be wrapped but you could still wait to open it?  Bad idea or good idea?

I would be fine with this.


New question: Any interest in any candles or other products from Sihaya and Co?

The only one I didn't buy from the autumn collection was Celtic Twilight, and that was only because I still have some Autumnvale Cafe from last year and wondered how similar it would be to Samhain Dusk. I'd also be interested in Ginger Fox as a candle (I used to have it in wax melts) and wouldn't say no to a Conversations with the Moon soap!


Do you drink booze? If so, would you be interested in a kit to infuse your favorite varieties? (I've tried these and love them: https://www.etsy.com/shop/InBooze)

I drink wine on occasion, but I don't really make cocktails. I'd be up for trying it, though!

There is a place near me that has some of the BEST coffee beans I've personally ever had- would you be interested in receiving a pound or half pound of beans? If so, do you prefer flavored (which ones?), full caffeinated - decaf - half and half?, whole bean or ground? Light or dark roast? 

Sadly, I can't drink coffee. :( I like the taste, but my body can't handle it.

Also, how about a mug to go with it? If so, what's your mug style- oversized 90's coffeehouse? Tiny espresso demitasse? Ye Standard Coffee Cup? Name it!

I like mugs but don't have a preference for size!


The PBSW Weenie Collection just went live (minus lotions and candles which are delayed). Is there anything you're interested in? Any scents you'd like as lotions or candles when they come in?

I already ordered this morning because I hadn't placed a summer order and wanted to grab a Pick-a-Duck candle and Fuzzy Scrumpit before the summer stuff sold out. While I ordered some for myself, one can never have too much Putney Road, and I almost ordered a Cathedral of Pumpkins soap, but restrained myself since I still have a mini scrub of it from last year. I've been waiting a month for The Man in the Moon wax melts to come back in stock, but alas. I enjoy their glycerin soaps and emulsifying sugar scrubs the most. Their lotions are too light for me, and I only use shower products.


Urgent question! Would socks make you happy? If so: what size? And what about over the knee socks?

Socks always make me happy! My foot size is 5.5 US, but I'll pretty much wear any sock, even if the part for the heel is going up my leg. :lol: Knee highs are my favorite, but over-the-knee and thigh-highs are also nice. I will also wear ankle socks and crew socks. All socks are great!


Do you like animals?  

Yes, I love animals!


Any favorites? 

Cats, foxes, owls, rabbits, small birds, ravens, bats, squirrels, chipmunks, least weasel... I could go on and on!


And would you like to receive a photo print of a photo I took myself? Any preference on size? Are you okay with just the print, so you can frame it yourself?   
A smaller print would be appreciated, and I'd be happy to frame it myself.


And what about photo printed postcards? 

Postcards are wonderful!


One of my favorite stores sells perfumed hand-made hair rinse which I love myself. Would you be interested?

I'd be interested as long as the scent isn't so strong that it would overpower any hair gloss I applied afterward.


What are your book tastes? Do you have a goodreads? Hmm... give me your top three favorite books!

I mostly enjoy fiction/sci-fi. My favorite authors include Lewis Carroll, A. A. Milne, and Douglas Adams. Some of my favorite books are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series (I also love the Dirk Gently series), Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, and Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus. I have a Goodreads account, but I haven't updated it in a while. I'll provide the link if I can figure out what my password is (I haven't accessed it since I got a new laptop this year).

Would you like any tea accessories, say like a tea infuser? 
I am all set on tea accessories.
Interested in Blackthorn Hoodoo Tea?  Which blends?

I currently have Go the **** to Sleep in my pantry. Mercury and Werewolves of London are two of my favorite teas from this company. I've never tried Samhain and would be interested in trying that. Holy Spirit Tea also sounds like it could be nice. I don't like rooibos or mate and dislike chocolate, hibiscus, licorice/anise/fennel, and berry-flavored teas.


Do you like incense?  If so, loose, cone, stick...?

I don't dislike incense and have a little Pusheen incense holder dish, but incense always gets passed over for candles and wax melts.


This year we've made apple butter, unsweetened apple sauce, canned sweet cherries, candied jalapenos... which, if any, of these would you welcome?
I would be down for everything except for the candied jalapenos! The apple butter and cherries sound particularly delicious.


Would you be interested in any sort of large bag/purse/tote? If so any themes or colors?

A large bag or tote would be great. I don't really use purses, though. My current bag is a Totoro one! I like black, grey, and purple and like goth-y or fandom-related stuff.


I may have gone a little overboard on the nostalgia train and picked up a multitude of bottles from the cute 90s Gothic perfume company, Vampyre. I have three that can potentially be yours: Nocturnas (Sudanese Frankincense is Added to Exquisite Blackberry Essence in this Decadent Enveloping Blend) , Petra Musk ( Aged Red Musk, with it’s Woods, Spices and Musk Notes is Intensified with African Kush Oil,Imparting an Exotic Scent and Reddish Hue to this Elixir) and Blood & Roses (Three Types of the Darkest Rose Essence Dry Down into Rich Musk Bottom Notes in this Mysterious, Unexpectedly Romantic Scent).

Alas, none of these sound like they'd be up my alley, note-wise.

Do you cook (or aspire to cook)?  Is there any cooking-related gift that would bring you joy?  Spices, ingredients, cookbook, gadgets, implements...

I do cook and bake, although lately, I've mostly been using my InstantPot mini and toaster oven when I cook/bake, because it's so hot here. I could use some new potholders, a new spatula (one you flip things with, not one you mix things/scrape bowls with), an icing knife, and a dough/bench scraper to cut dough more evenly. For cookbooks, I mostly use recipes I find online from Minimalist Baker, Half Baked Harvest, Dessert for Two, and Sally's Baking Addiction, but I'd be interested in this little e-book of pumpkin recipes or one of Christina Lane's small batch dessert cookbooks (I already own Dinner for Two). I have been using the Indian Instant Pot Cookbook: Traditional Indian Dishes Made Easy and Fast by Urvashi Pitre a lot lately, with Aloo Gobi being my go-to recipe.


Is there a BPAL GC bottle (or imps) you have been meaning to buy but haven't?  Especially in light of the Tournament of Underdogs?  What about TAL?

The Tournament of the Underdogs makes me think I should pick up a bottle of How Doth the Little Crocodile to start aging. I used up my imps of Kumiho to scent laundry (it's a good scent to use on wool dryer balls), and I think I should probably just grab a bottle of that for that purpose even though I wouldn't wear it as a perfume when I have Baobhan Sith. GC bottles I have half a bottle or less of and have been meaning to add to orders gradually include Alice, Golden Priapus, Poisoned Apple, and Snake Oil (although I rarely wear the latter because I have so many snek variants). And Tombstone is a GC I love to have back-ups of to age like people do with Snake Oil. For TAL, decants would be best, but I'd love to try Bastet's Laughter and Healing.


Are you interested in BPAL storage?  Imps or bottles?  Or small boxes or containers for other items?  

I am always interested in BPAL storage! I have so many bottles that are sitting out that need proper storage. I usually like faux book boxes, but wooden boxes are also nice. I recently ordered two coffin shelves from Sourpuss Clothing to hold some of my bottles, and I'm waiting for those to arrive.


Stuffies? Y/N If yes, preferences? 

I'm going to echo Nemi25's response on this one. I have a lot of them and probably should say no. But if you see a smaller one that you'd think I'd like, I'd be happy to give it a home!


Hand sanitizer minis? Other things from Bath and Body Works type places?

I am indies only and don't really care for BBW products, as they sometimes smell too chemically for me, but my boyfriend would be happy to have some in the car.


I received an extra (un-used, totally sealed) gorgeous pot of Bésame's Brightening Vanilla Rose Face Powder - is this something you'd be pleased to receive? https://besamecosmetics.com/blogs/blog/97500486-new-vanilla-rose-brightening-powder?_pos=6&_sid=37efb2159&_ss=r

No, thank you.

Also, I will be in Washington DC in a few days - anything you might like from there? (It doesn't have to be specific to being the Nation's Capital- DC has lots of great and interesting stuff going on!)

I've never been to DC. I can't think of anything in specific, but I always appreciate postcards.


Dearest Pumpkin, I harvested my own delicious Kentucky BlueMint back a few months and made a tincture with it, and it is now ready to pour! It can be used in drinks (like mojitos) and as a nice mint flavoring, but I use it medicinally, for tummy upset, digestion issues and other stuff. Would you like a bottle of your own?

That sounds great!


Do you have a preference for treat order? Smallest to largest, peaks and zeniths, ramping up to a grande finale, etc? Or would you like to randomly pull whichever mystery package calls to your intuition on a given day? Would you like clues, so you can guess what's in each thing before you open it?

No preference! I think that the numbering of packages and little clues can be fun, though!

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