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Solstice and clairsentience

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Yeah, well, hey... I haven't written here in a while. I had to really buckle down to work at my job and something had to go, so meandering around on the internet was one of them. In addition, my winter solstice mood has been coming on, and that's not really a bad thing. When the days get shorter, I start getting quieter and more contemplative. I think it's reasonable behavior for a North American mammal. I see so much really bad behavior this time of the year that reminds me a lot of how animals in captivity act if you jam them into too small a space and don't give them enough food. Seriously -- you can go to a mall and see that sort behavior being acted out all over. I haven't seen anyone chewing on another shopper's ear, literally, but I've seen figurative versions of it in the tiny little forays that I've made out into the retail realm.


So no, I haven't been spending my time at the mall. I just completed some shopping online on Saturday. The internet is quite the blessing for the semi-hibernating North American shopping mammal. Except don't try eBay; you get into online captive behavior there.


Have any of you experienced what could be called clairsentience? It's the perception of energy fields through physical sensations. Scientific-rational types consider it hooey, because it's not a regularly occurring measurable phenomenon, but since our nervous systems send out energetic impulses are measured all the time with machines, I can't really understand why they think the human body isn't able to detect external impulses on its own. Any everyone has this ability, it just depends on how open or closed off to it we happen to be.


I'm just asking because it happens to me, and I think there's a lot of cool stories out there that most people won't talk about, lest they be considered "weird." And what I think is weird that that we can't acknowledge or talk about it without being seen as spooky. I was reading the New York Times yesterday, and being the incurable romantic that I am, I was looking at the weekly Sunday feature about a couple who had just gotten married. The woman in the couple featured yesterday said that during their second or third date, she felt a strong pang in her chest and she knew that something very special was happening between the two of them. How cool! There are so many people who would say she just had indigestion or an anxiety attack, and I get so tired of that "it's only..." blow-off to any mystical or emotional reading of a physical clue.


I do know that there are people who get those responses and then cut and run from whatever made them feel that way, because they find it scary and it makes them feel insecure. There is nothing spooky about it to me, it's a part of being human and having fully-functioning senses. There's a lot of mystery to it, but that's what makes it so remarkable. And because you never know when it's going to happen, you can't sit around and watch for it, which makes it even better.


So if you have stories, tell them... I'm listening!

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I too am burrowing deep into my "hibernation mode". This is the time of year where I am the least social, even though there are always social situations with which to contend (from annual company meals to family get togethers to friendly visitations). All I want to do is make an everlasting pot of lentil soup, fourteen skillets' worth of corn bread, and ensconce myself in a neverending alpaca throw project that just sort of blankets everything and everyone in my house.


Can't say I have any clairsentience anecdotes to share, though I do believe I have an over-developed sense of empathy. My kind of coincidal phenomena has more to do with words and thoughts. (Case and point: The Mister and I corresponded via email before ever meeting. Even though I was fielding emails from several correspondents at the time, his emails always "clicked" with me... as if I could fully visualize him as a person rather than just a grouping of words on my monitor) I'm always trying to finish everyone's sentences (which can be a good thing in my line of work but is very, very annoying socially) and am (in)famous for writing those holiday cards that make people cry. (Hopefully in a good way.)


There are few people I have met over the course of my life with whom I can't find at least some sort of "thought vibe"... and with those few, I am very uncomfortable.


Back to the sleepybearing.

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Can't say I have any clairsentience anecdotes to share, though I do believe I have an over-developed sense of empathy. My kind of coincidal phenomena has more to do with words and thoughts. (Case and point: The Mister and I corresponded via email before ever meeting. Even though I was fielding emails from several correspondents at the time, his emails always "clicked" with me... as if I could fully visualize him as a person rather than just a grouping of words on my monitor) I'm always trying to finish everyone's sentences (which can be a good thing in my line of work but is very, very annoying socially) and am (in)famous for writing those holiday cards that make people cry. (Hopefully in a good way.)


There are few people I have met over the course of my life with whom I can't find at least some sort of "thought vibe"... and with those few, I am very uncomfortable.



I think you articulated your intuitive abilities perfectly -- you work in the thought/words vibe rather than the energy vibe. I love it that you could visualize your Mister by his words, where the others weren't that way. I think that's called "clairaudience," where your skills are more in the form of words and inner thoughts.


I have the thought vibe every now and then, but it's usually when I finally have a realization about something in my life, because I am often amazingly dunderheaded about things that directly affect me. However, with other people, I can be amazingly right on, in all sorts of goofy little ways and sometimes in more significant ways. The number of times I've sent people little extras in BPAL sales or swaps, and then had them ask me if I was psychic, is absurd. I somehow have to figure out a way to make a living as a psychic personal shopper!!! :blush:

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The first time my DH kissed me, when we were dating, lo, these many decades ago, I saw a golden ribbon come down from the sky, unfold, enfold the 2 of us, then fall softly to the ground. Then there came a shower of twinkling lights. I thought I must be losing it, but closing and re-opening my eyes didn't stop it.


It's never happened again, but I took it as a serious sign that this guy must be the one for me!

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The first time my DH kissed me, when we were dating, lo, these many decades ago, I saw a golden ribbon come down from the sky, unfold, enfold the 2 of us, then fall softly to the ground. Then there came a shower of twinkling lights. I thought I must be losing it, but closing and re-opening my eyes didn't stop it.


It's never happened again, but I took it as a serious sign that this guy must be the one for me!


:hug: Wow, that story takes my incurable romanticism and interest in clairsentience and wraps them up into one beautiful package! It didn't need to happen again, because the message came through loud and clear, and you paid attention to it. Thanks so much for sharing that story, I just love it!!!! :blush:

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I've had what I perceived to be this phenomenon occur in the course of my life, but the strongest instance was with the individual in my icon/avatar. The first time we met, and he took his hand in mine, I felt a surge of energy within me, like I didn't have to sleep for a week after touching him. In subsequent encounters I've always said that looking at him is like staring into the sun: I can literally feel the heat, perceive the light, that radiates outward. There are other accompanying sensations, but that is the most distinct impression.

It's always been difficult to articulate the sensation lest people will write it off as a starstruck reaction to natural charisma, but in this context I imagine you'll "get" what I mean. :blush:

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I've had what I perceived to be this phenomenon occur in the course of my life, but the strongest instance was with the individual in my icon/avatar. The first time we met, and he took his hand in mine, I felt a surge of energy within me, like I didn't have to sleep for a week after touching him. In subsequent encounters I've always said that looking at him is like staring into the sun: I can literally feel the heat, perceive the light, that radiates outward. There are other accompanying sensations, but that is the most distinct impression.

It's always been difficult to articulate the sensation lest people will write it off as a starstruck reaction to natural charisma, but in this context I imagine you'll "get" what I mean. :blush:



I love it! I think you're describing a kundalini experience, when his energy and your energy met up, it spiked all the way up your spine and through your nervous system. I know someone like that -- a person who is almost luminescent to me, although I can tell when he's been around people and situations who drain him, because he loses the glow. It's the oddest thing, to watch it come and go. The people who keep theirs burning all the time are really forces of nature and you're correct -- it's not just charisma. There is something much more going on!

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