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It's spring...

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An hedgehog in my garden

Last night, a friend of mine came, we walked around, had an ice cream, and when she was supposed to go home, we stood in the parking area and talked a lot. We noticed an hedgehog wandering in my garden: so cute! It's not really a garden, it's really unkempt and almost wild: but in spring it's covered with violets, and sprinkled with primroses. There are tits feeding on fir cones, and goldfinches on maple seeds, and sometimes a squirrel.




Kennst du das Land wo die Zitronen blühen

... and all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree ... It' s not really a tree, it lives in a pot on a southward balcony, where it's almost too hot even for roses, and in winter it is sheltered indoor because it's too cold. This afternoon the lemon flowers bloomed, and their perfume is wonderful.




Cards swap

I bought the first postcard, it's a landscape and doesn't look touristy - rather it's something peering out among fog ; it's quite similar to a photo I like. As for the second one, I'm looking for a thing I see from home, Bpal related, and with an Italian flag on top if possible. And it's proving quite hard to find




Everything it's budding now

It has been quite a cold spring up to now, so everything it's budding at the same time. I walked in a wood last weekend, paths were so muddy sometimes I had to make my wa trough the shrubs. I saw (and picked as well, even if I don't usually, I feel flowers belong where they are) violets, primroses, windflowers, periwinkles, jonquils (what a wonderful perfume!) and tulips. There were also many peony plants, their buds were still closed but plumpy and some began to show the red parts inside. I hope in a few sunny days they'll bloom as well. Very happy, and not so bruised and mud covered as I expected.   Written a long time ago, and published today, because I forgot to when I posted it..




Mud, scratches (and wild boar den)

Peony tour today. Last week it rained heavily, so it was really muddy, and I was very proud of myself when I reached the spots where peonies grow. I almost felt ready for a survival camp! We took a side trail among peonies, far from the main one, then I saw something - big an brown - not that far away. I couldn't make out what it was exactly. Maybe a deer, but usually they're shy and flee before you realize they're there. I should have known better, the trail was covered with two-fingered paws prints, while normally there are only some of them. Quickly back to the main trail: not that ready for survival camp, after all.. No further incidents, picnic among peonies, the water music of many trickles - never seen that many before. Later on, we heard a noise in a thicket, and I saw a deer springing out of it (but judging from the noises, there were two of them); we were heard before. Perfect day, crowned by the first "balcony tea" (I love having tea outside) of the year     Photos I've shot today



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