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Just for Fun

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Favorites by Category - for fun

Fun! This is going to take some thought...   - - - > Means I don't have a favorite yet, either haven't tried any or none that jumped out and said "love me forever"   Ars Amatoria: Defututa Ars Draconis: --- Ars Moriendi: Twilight Atomic Luau Lounge: --- Bewitching Brews: tie between Mata Hari and Chimera Diabolus: another tie, this time Baobhan Sith and Kumiho Excolo: Mania Illyria: Three Witches Mad Tea Party: Mouse's Long & Sad Tale Marchen: Light of Men's Lives Pharmacopoeia: --- A Picnic In Arkham: Miskatonic University Phoenix Steamworks: Violet Ray Rappaccini's Garden: Hemlock Sin & Salvation: Tzadikim Nistarim Somnium: Baku Wanderlust: Pais de la Canela   Panacea: --- The Salon: Needlework so far, but need to try MOAR Carnival Diabolique: Pickled Imp VILF: Philologus   Boom! Studios: --- The District: --- Gaiman: The Buggre All This Bible Gris Grimly: --- Hellboy: --- The Last Unicorn: Last Unicorn Sachs & Violens: --- Witchblade: --- Dawn: ---   Lunacy: Mourning Moon Lupercalia: Bijoux Y'Ha-Nthlei Halloweenie: Pomegranate II Yule: The Arabian Dance Forum Only: --- Carnival Noir: Bearded Lady Thirteens: August 2010 Anniversaries: Quicksilver Phoenix Retail Exclusives: U (Mutter Museum) Event Exclusives: Bat of Virtue Single Notes: Cinnamon      




Swaps rough draft

Still lots of work before released into the wild/posted to the appropriate threads. To do: Add fill levels, check price caps, add prices.     These are the bottles I am mostly looking for right now: The Ara.bian Da.nce Pa.is de la Can.ela Vio.let Ra.y The C.oil Bat-W.oman Good Judy: J.olt Bat Can.dles Moon   Open to offers of all sorts, I have a huge wish list here on the forum and also on ScentBase (they are slightly different because of my laziness in cross-referencing)   Wish List o' Doom   My ScentBase Profile   And if there's something you think I might like that you have to swap, ask! Still a ton I haven't even read reviews for yet... Always open to good offers! Good & Bad Notes - what works & doesn't for me so far.   $10 minimum, $3.50 shipping if purchasing. 10 mL. Bottle: Les Fleurs du Mal - The scents of the blossoms of darkness, condensed into one perfume. Features a rose base, softened with lilac and wisteria.   5 mL. Bottles: Ostara (2007) - orris root, bergamot, frankincense, daffodil, orange pulp, attar of rose, jonquil, strawberry leaf, benzoin, violet leaf, copal, honey cakes, sweet cream, and the blossoms of springtime. Sunbird – no chapbook Thirteen (13): June 2008 - white chocolate, dark chocolate, apple blossom, honeysuckle, frankincense, allspice, nutmeg, black tea, tonka, and sandalwood. Thirteen (13): March 2009 - Bittersweet dark cocoa is surrounded here by 13 complex aspects, including exotic musks, caraway, allspice, aloes wood, lucky hand, Irish moss, and bamboo. Beneath it all is a glowing core of glistening cherry.   Lab Imps: $2 each or 6 for $10 Blood - A vital, bold scent, throbbing with sensuality. Essence of dragon's blood resin, thickened with myrrh and cherry, with a trickle of clove. Bon Vivant - An effervescent blend of crystalline champagne notes and sweet strawberry. Czernobog - A combination of three musks, with splashes of dark myrrh, vetiver and mullein. Grog - Arrr! Avast ye, matey! This be the scent of pirate rum! Penny Dreadful - Soft perfume evocative of noir heroines over rich red grave loam.     Discontinueds: Île de la Tortue - Damp air trapped in limestone caverns, heady greenery, hothouse orchids, nicotiana blossoms, bois de chandel, elemi, palm wine, garambullo, pega-pega, flame of the forest, and a swirl of Haitian vetiver. Mantis - Crushed herbs and sweet amber resin with a streak of patchouli, neroli and golden musk.     Decants: $4 each or 3 for $10 Autumn and Winter - Bitter currant and dry leaves. Winter wind at dusk. Beaver Moon 2010 - Strawberry and peach cheesecake, heavy on the sticky glaze. Moon of Small Spirits - Snow-blanketed wild grasses, sage, swamp tea, cedar, giniminagawunj, copal, rosehip, juniper, clover, elderberry, sweet flag, butterfly weed, wood sorrel, and pine. Rivet.Goth – sniffie, might be testable $1 - Black leather, tobacco absolute, rust, gritty musk, and machine oil.   Black Phoenix Trading Post (BPTP) Decants $4 each, 3 for $10 Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple - Tart green apples coated in thick gobs of melty granulated white sugar, with butter, bourbon vanilla, and a dash of cinnamon, spattered by candy corn and candy sprinkles. Narkissos - Gently blushing vanilla, haughty opoponax, duosmon, oude, and narcissus.   Wylde Ivy Perfume Samples $1.50 each As American As Apple Pie - A sweet Apple Pie blend that is heavy on the hot golden apple filling and light on the spice and crust. Chocolate Mint Truffle -Enticing and rich blend of gourmet dark chocolate, milk chocolate truffle, with a creamy mint swirl.   ZOMG Smells Regular size $10 Anti-Hydrogen In a Pear Tree – a ripe pear chilled with white mint, snowy ozone, and fizz   Samples $1.50 Up Quark –Sweet basil, sweet moss, sweet musk, a hint of black pepper, and tiny flowers crushed underfoot from dancing in the woods before you ascend into the thick, summery night.




Scent Notes

Work In Progress:   Notes of Yay: Cinnamon Coffee White Tea Ginger Hawaiian Ginger Honeysuckle Pink Pepper Pink Grapefruit Violet ? Almost Always Delicious: Pomegranate Honey Gardenia Citrus Grapefruit Lemon Lime Pepper Amber Ozone Lotus Sweet Pea Tonka Jasmine Lavender Lilac Fig Old Paper/Parchment Candles, Candle Wax, Beeswax Moonflower ? Approach with Caution: Leather - doesn't like me, but mmmmmmm on the husband Pumpkin - one of my favorite scents, but the lab's pumpkin note tends to be too buttery altogether for me Patchouli - better as a supporting character than a main note Rose - some are wonderful, some are meh. Mint Sugar Coconut Licorice/Anise Red Velvet Cake - I love the taste of this, and want to try some, but foody is uncertain on me. Booze - will need more testing to know which ones are yum, and which ones make me go blecch... Musks - need to categorize. So far white musk seems ok, dark musk not so much. Strong Woody Notes Frankincense Opoponax Lemongrass Myrrh Vetiver Beer - I hate the taste of most beers, especially hoppy ones. Haven't smelled it in perfume yet though - who knows? Apple - depends on the blend, but good to be aware of it beforehand Pineapple - in just the right blend, awesome - otherwise blech. Currants - strongly blend-dependent Red Ginger ? Notes of DOOM: Butter & Buttery Yuckiness Milk (only ok on the daughter, but she likes it) Cherries - turns to cough syrup, blech Grape - much like cherry, smells like cough syrup almost always Maple - don't like it. Don't like the smell, the taste, nada. Chocolate - have had some success with the dry cocoa type, but very very suspicious of chocolate in my perfume Juniper Dark Myrrh Pine Sap Skin Musk Aged or Dark Patchouli Rum ? Overall, I tend to enjoy spicy/light floral/citrus/herbal type of perfumes more, less so on the foody/woody/resiny side. Still working on narrowing that down. Aquatics & Orientals tend to be harder for me to categorize, but so far so good.     My ScentBase Profile - as up-to-date as humanly possible, this lists everything I have so far.   Wish List   Goodreads   Source: notes you like, notes you don't like





Most desired:

The Ta-Ta
Violet Ray
Destructive Vagina of the Fox Spirit
Greater Horseshoe Bat
The Arabian Dance
Pais de la Canela
Vampire Bride
Fire Phoenix
The Coil
Bat Woman
Dysopes Tenuis

and testers of:
Half-Elf, Thieves' Tools.

Anything with coffee, or cinnamon, or bat-themed is always worth trying.




Icons of Joy

My apologies for not attributing the source; in most cases, I simply don't know whose lovely work it is.       cfrancesca : october 2010, marshmallow pumpkin, samhain 2010   Stellans: Blood Moon




September 17th in History

From Leilani (long ago): Go to Wikipedia, enter in your birthdate (sans year), post three events, two births and one death. Events: 480 BC – The Battle of Thermopylae, fought between 300 Spartans, led by their king, Leonidas, and the Achaemenid Empire begins. 1787 - The United States Constitution is signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1859 – Joshua A. Norton declares himself "Emperor Norton I" of the United States. 1862 – American Civil War: George B. McClellan halts the northward drive of Robert E. Lee's Confederate army in the single-day Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest day in American history. 1908 – The Wright Flyer flown by Orville Wright, with Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge as passenger, crashes killing Selfridge. He becomes the first airplane fatality. 1916 – World War I: Manfred von Richthofen ("The Red Baron"), a flying ace of the German Luftstreitkräfte, wins his first aerial combat near Cambrai, France. 1976 – The first Space Shuttle, Enterprise, is unveiled by NASA. 1991 – The first version of the Linux kernel (0.01) is released to the Internet. 2010 – The 54 year run of the soap opera As the World Turns ends as its final episode is broadcast. - Way too many fascinating things happened on September 17th to just pick 3.   Births: 1857 – Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Russian rocket scientist (d. 1935) 1928 – Roddy McDowall, English actor (d. 1998) Death: 1179 – Hildegard of Bingen, German abbess and composer (b. 1098)




Daemon Quizzes.

First Quiz:   RAVEN - Your daemon may be a member of the crow family. You are intelligent, observant, and gregarious. Just as a crow or raven picks shiny objects out of the dirt, you pick up tidbits of information or ideas and store them away. You have a good sense of humour, but sometimes lose patience with people who are antipathic to your nature. You are swift to alert others when you find the truth, and you have no tolerance for those who would hide it.   2nd time around: CAT - your daemon may be a cat if you are independent and comfort loving. You follow your heart and do what you want to do - no matter what others think. You have a strong sense of your own worth, and an inner dignity. You may be loving and generous in one moment, and then lash out at someone in the next. You have as many moods as there are colours in a rainbow, and you wear them all brilliantly. You always know what you want right now - although in five minutes you may change your mind and set your sights elsewhere. You like to do things with style and flair. When someone else orders you to do something, do you feel an unholy urge to do exactly the opposite? That just might be your inner daemon talking.   The Golden Compass Daemon Test @ OKCupid:   Your result for The Golden Compass Daemon Test ...     Calm Thoughtful Soul You are a calm and restrained person, and you don't usually let your emotions get the better of you. Your friends and family are very important to you, and you enjoy spending time with them. However, you need to get away from them occasionally, because you need regular time to yourself to unwind a bit.   You are thoughtful and sensitive to the needs of others, especially your loved ones. You make an excellent listener, and your friends rely on you to be their rock in times of trouble. It is rare that you ask them to return the favour, however: you are a private person, and you rarely talk about your feelings. You don't like confrontation, and you don't usually react when someone hurts your feelings. You try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and you don't want to cause a fuss. You pick your battles, and when someone steps over the line, you surprise them with the vehemence of your emotions.   Your daemon's form would represent your poised, confident nature and your calm self restraint. He or she would probably rarely speak in public, but when alone, you and he/she could review the day, and he or she could provide the reassurance and comfort that you deny yourself by keeping your emotions bottled up.   Suggested forms: Cheetah, Crane, Wolf, Raven.       Fascinating.



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